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Résultats du concours de subventions à la découverte du CRSNG

Félicitations aux récipiendaires!

Pr Beaulieu, Jean-François:
Cell-matrisome interactions as a key component of the intestinal stem cell niche
40 000$/an 5 ans

Pr Bkaily, Ghassan:
Regulation of nuclear calcium and ROS by Angiotensin II in heart cells
28 000$/an 5 ans

Pr Boudreau, François:
Defining the molecular mechanisms driving intestinal epithelial cell specification
50 000$/an 5 ans

Pr Jacques, Danielle:
Modulation of cytosolic and nuclear calcium in endocardial endothelium by endothelin-1
25 000$/an 5 ans

Pr Saucier, Caroline:
MET and p66SHC interactomes and functions
26 000$/an 5 ans