About the Institut quantique
The major investment of the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF) led to the creation of the Institut quantique in 2016, a research institute at the Université de Sherbrooke that focuses mainly on quantum science and technologies. We bring together experts in quantum materials, quantum information and quantum engineering to conduct high-quality fundamental research and develop the quantum technologies of the future. Our institute has an experimental research and numerical computing infrastructure managed by a team of qualified technicians and research professionals. We offer a dynamic research environment including summer schools that attract students from around the world as well as weekly seminars and annual workshops on quantum materials, quantum information, mesoscopic physics or digital methods. Research at the Institut quantique is carried out in a spirit of collaboration reinforced by many solid collaboration with researchers from other countries.
Our strength
The Institut quantique is one of the few interdisciplinary research institutes in quantum science. This provides students and researchers with an opportunity to easily collaborate with each other to create links between each research axis. The IQ therefore stands out internationally for its interdisciplinarity, which allows for very high-quality research work.
Who are we?
Our Vision
Quantum sciences will produce technologies that will transform our society. The Institut quantique from the Université de Sherbrooke is at the center of a dynamic ecosystem that is accelerating this quantum revolution.
Our Mission
Place students at the center of research in an open and collaborative environment to accelerate the transition from science to quantum technologies. We train leaders who have the skills and critical thinking essential to creating knowledge relevant to a changing society.
Our strategic objectives
- Develop projects at the interface of our research areas
- Train highly qualified personnel who will drive tomorrow’s economy
- Accelerate the development of quantum technologies, entrepreneurship and the marketing of these technologies
- Engage key players in the development of quantum technologies
- Foster social awareness in technological challenges emerging from quantum science