Past events

As the Institut quantique is a dynamic and collaborative research environment, several events are organized each year so that students, professors and professionals can meet and exchange ideas under different themes. Whether among Iq members or on a larger scale, these events are always a source of learning and new relationships.


July 17-20, 2018

Carried by the principles of inclusion, this conference aims to be a place of gathering for all players involved in the promotion of diversity in physics.

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June 20-22, 2018

For the very first edition of this student conference, the objectives were to forge links between quantum communities in Canada, promote scientific collaboration and networking. This conference was jointly organized by the three Canadian Quantum Apogees: Institut quantique (IQ), Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute (SBQMI) and Quantum Transformative Technologies (TQT).

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New trends in quantum error correction

April 3-20, 2018

A workshop titled New trends in quantum error correction was held in Sherbrooke from April 3rd to 20th 2018. This workshop brought together international experts and IQ researchers interested in problems in the area of quantum error correction. In parallel to this workshop, a series of pedagogical lectures was presented on advanced topics in theoretical quantum information. The partial list of speakers and topics is:

  • Michael Beverland (Microsoft) — Quantum color codes
  • Benjamin Brown (Sydney) — Self-correcting quantum memories
  • Guillaume Dauphinais (Madrid) — Decoding topological codes
  • Steve Flammia (Sydney) — Statistical physics of quantum error correction
  • Tomas Jochym-O’Connor (Caltech) — Sparse quantum codes
  • Aleksander Kubica (Perimeter Institute) — Stability of topological order
  • Fernando Pastawski (Berlin)— Holographic quantum codes
  • Theodore Yoder (IBM) — Approximate quantum error correction

These lectures were scheduled between April 3rd and 20th at the rate of 2 hours a day, and were part of the class PHY 732.

Solving the Enigma of the Superconducting Cuprates Workshop

May 24-28,2017

This 3-day workshop brings together 35 of the world’s top specialists in the field of superconducting cuprates. The aim is to unravel the mystery of these materials, or to elucidate the basic mechanisms responsible for high temperature superconductivity and the enigmatic “pseudogap” phase.

Organizers: Louis Taillefer and André-Marie Tremblay

Quantum Cavities Workshop

June 12-15,2017

This workshop is a biannual event that brings together a community of researchers with extremely diverse interests in the field of quantum cavity electrodynamics. The subjects covered include the traditional physics of condensed matter as well as quantum optics, but also the disciplines of engineering, control theory, etc.

Organizers: Alexandre Blais, Aashish Clerk and David DiVincenzo

Quantum Information Science for College Teachers

June 2016

Outreach Workshop

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