
The Institut quantique actively shares knowledge in quantum science with those who are fascinated by it and those who will benefit from it in the very near future. Through awareness programs, the IQ aims to stimulate curiosity about information, materials and quantum engineering for all age groups. We offer awareness activities for young people currently in high school and cegep, as well as for teachers and the general public

For Youth in high school and cegep

Every year, students from the Institut quantique visit high schools and cegeps in the region. Moreover, on a few occasions, the Institut quantique hosts classes for guided tours of research laboratories. The primary goal of these awareness-raising activities is to demystify and introduce young people to the world of quantum physics.

For Teachers and the general public

For those who wish to learn more about information, material or quantum engineering, information sessions are occasionally given in the region by professors from IQ.

To learn more, to get a presentation from IQ in your school or to visit our laboratories, please write to communication-iq@usherbrooke.ca.

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