Crygenic optical microspectroscopy setups - Optical table

Model | Horiba HR320 Spectrometer, Horiba Symphony CCD Camera, PicoQuant Multiharp TCSPC System, APD Photon Device, Taiko 530.8 nm Laser, Janis ST-500 Continuous Flow Helium Cryostat. XYZ Attocube ESP Series positioner | |
Manufacturer | Horiba - PicoQuant - Photon Device - Janis - Attocube | |
Usage name | Optical table | |
Localisation | D9-0010 | |
Technical ressource(s) | Gabriel Laliberté | |
Type of analysis | Micro-photoluminescence, photoluminescence lifetime measurements, single-photon detection by time-correlation measurement, photoconductivity, photoemission, various optical characterizations. | |
Quantitative, semi-quantitative, qualitative | Quantitative | |
Sample size (mm) | Min | 0.5 mm² |
Max | 25 mm x 25 mm | |
Temperature (K) | Min | 3.8 K |
Max | 300 K | |
Magnetic field (T) | Min | |
Max | ||
DC or microwave measurements? | DC and microwaves excitations | |
Time required to cool down sample | 30 minutes | |
Caractéristiques spécifiques | Equipment functional at cryogenic (using liquid helium) and non-cryogenic temperatures. Several laser excitation sources available: from 266 nm to 1055 nm. Various detectors covering the visible and near-infrared range: Ge and InSb cryo detectors Photomultiplier tube Avalanche diodes | |
What makes it unique? | Photoluminescence mapping system with Attocube positioner. |