Regular Researchers
Regular members of the CIBC Research Chair devote a major part of their research to the CIBC Research Chair. Through their expertise, they mirror the various basic dimensions of any prevention strategy against financial crime : governance, finance, law, and procedural.
Governance Thrust
This research thrust aims at analyzing governance culture evolution, particulary in Canadian businesses, within the context of the new regulations applicable in each Canadian province.
It will make it possible to study the influence of institutional changes on the governance culture and financial performance of these companies. This involves understanding how governance, as it is practiced or should be practiced by businesses, can help create long-term wealth for all stakeholders, insofar as it targets inculcating a culture of financial integrity within the business culture.
Researchers in this thrust will study the potential connections between business characteristics, in particular their governance structures, and the occurence of financial crime within these businesses.
Research Team

Financial Crim Thrust
The financial crim thrust aims at describing current practices and trends pertaining to financial crime. Given the potential impact on investors and savers, the Chair will focus its efforts on understanding fraudulent stratagems within organizational culture and governance structures that characterize organizations subject to financial crime.
Research Team