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Charfi I, Abdallah K, Gendron L, Pineyro G.
Delta opioid receptors recycle to the membrane after sorting to the degradation path.
Cell Mol Life Sci. 2017 Dec 29.

Wilkinson DJ, Desilets A, Lin H, Charlton S, Del Carmen Arques M, Falconer A, Bullock C, Hsu YC, Birchall K, Hawkins A, Thompson P, Ferrell WR, Lockhart J, Plevin R, Zhang Y, Blain E, Lin SW, Leduc R, Milner JM, Rowan AD.
The serine proteinase hepsin is an activator of pro-matrix metalloproteinases: molecular mechanisms and implications for extracellular matrix turnover.
Sci Rep. 2017 Dec 1;7(1):16693.

Girling KD, Demers MJ, Laine J, Zhang S, Wang YT, Graham RK.
Activation of caspase-6 and cleavage of caspase-6 substrates is an early event in NMDA receptor-mediated excitotoxicity.
J Neurosci Res. 2017 Nov 29.

Li X, Létourneau D, Holleran B, Leduc R, Lavigne P, Lavoie C.
Gαs protein binds ubiquitin to regulate epidermal growth factor receptor endosomal sorting.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Nov 30.

Danner SM, Shevtsova NA, Frigon A, Rybak IA.
Computational modeling of spinal circuits controlling limb coordination and gaits in quadrupeds.
Elife. 2017 Nov 22;6.

Van der Poorten O, Van Den Hauwe R, Eiselt E, Betti C, Guillemyn K, Chung NN, Hallé F, Bihel F, Schiller PW, Tourwé D, Sarret P, Gendron L, Ballet S.
χ-Space Screening of Dermorphin-Based Tetrapeptides through Use of Constrained Arylazepinone and Quinolinone Scaffolds.
ACS Med Chem Lett. 2017 Oct 4;8(11):1177-1182.

Paquette M, Vilera-Perez LG, Beaudoin S, Ekindi-Ndongo N, Boudreaut PL, Bonin MA, Battista MC, Bentourkia M, Lopez AF, Lecomte R, Marsault E , Guérin B, Sabbagh R, Leyton JV.
Targeting IL-5Rα with antibody-conjugates reveals a strategy for imaging and therapy for invasive bladder cancer.
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Astruc J, Nagalakshmaiah M, Laroche G, Grandbois M , Elkoun S, Robert M.
Isolation of cellulose-II nanospheres from flax stems and their physical and morphological properties.
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Klarskov K , Gagnon H, Boudreault PL, Normandin C, Plancq B, Marsault E , Gleich GJ, Naylor S.
Structure determination of disease associated peak AAA from l-Tryptophan implicated in the eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome.
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Söllradl T, Banville FA, Fröhlich U, Canva M, Charette PG, Grandbois M .
Label-free visualization and quantification of single cell signaling activity using metal-clad waveguide (MCWG)-based microscopy.
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Ryczko D , Grätsch S, Schläger L, Keuyalian A, Boukhatem Z, Garcia C, Auclair F, Büschges A, Dubuc R.
Nigral Glutamatergic Neurons Control the Speed of Locomotion.
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Ferland CE, Parent AJ, Saran N, Ingelmo PM, Lacasse A, Marchand S, Sarret P , Ouellet JA.
Preoperative Norepinephrine Levels in Cerebrospinal Fluid and Plasma Correlate With Pain Intensity After Pediatric Spine Surgery.
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Martini C, Bédard M, Lavigne P, Denault JB .
Characterization of Hsp90 Co-Chaperone p23 Cleavage by Caspase-7 Uncovers a Peptidase-Substrate Interaction Involving Intrinsically Disordered Regions.
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Enkephalins: Endogenous Analgesics with an Emerging Role in Stress Resilience.
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Coquerel D, Chagnon F, Sainsily X, Dumont L, Murza A, Côté J, Dumaine R , Sarret P , Marsault É , Salvail D, Auger-Messier M, Lesur O.
ELABELA Improves Cardio-Renal Outcome in Fatal Experimental Septic Shock.
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Neuropeptide Y and its receptors in ventricular endocardial endothelial cells.
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Role of endothelin-1 and its receptors, ETA and ETB, in the survival of human vascular endothelial cells.
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Carrier É, Houde M, Grandbois M , Bkaily G, Warner TD, D'Orléans-Juste P .
Inhibition of platelet aggregation ex vivo is repressed in apolipoprotein E deficient mice.
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Ryczko D , Dubuc R.
Dopamine and the Brainstem Locomotor Networks: From Lamprey to Human.
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Constanzo J, Masson-Côté L, Tremblay L, Fouquet JP, Sarret P , Geha S, Whittingstall K, Paquette B, Lepage M.
Understanding the continuum of radionecrosis and vascular disorders in the brain following gamma knife irradiation: An MRI study.
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Chagnon F, Coquerel D, Salvail D, Marsault E , Dumaine R , Auger-Messier M, Sarret P , Lesur O.
Apelin Compared With Dobutamine Exerts Cardioprotection and Extends Survival in a Rat Model of Endotoxin-Induced Myocardial Dysfunction.
Crit Care Med. 2017 Apr;45(4):e391-e398.

Frigon A, Desrochers É, Thibaudier Y, Hurteau MF, Dambreville C.
Left-right coordination from simple to extreme conditions during split-belt locomotion in the chronic spinal adult cat.
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Lanchec E, Désilets A, Béliveau F, Flamier A, Mahmoud S, Bernier G, Gris D,Leduc R, Lavoie C.
The type II transmembrane serine protease matriptase cleaves the amyloid precursor protein and reduces its processing to β amyloid.
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Lahey KA, Ronaghan NJ, Shang J, Dion SP, Désilets A, Leduc R, MacNaughton WK.
Signaling pathways induced by serine proteases to increase intestinal epithelial barrier function.
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Kuczynski V, Telonio A, Thibaudier Y, Hurteau MF, Dambreville C, Desrochers E, Doelman A, Ross T, Frigon A.
Lack of adaptation during prolonged split-belt locomotion in the intact and spinal cat.
J Physiol. 2017 Jun 23.

Duclos C, Lavoie C, Denault JB.
Caspases rule the intracellular trafficking cartel.
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In-utero exposure to nicotine alters the development of the rabbit cardiac conduction system and provides a potential mechanism for sudden infant death syndrome.
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Besserer-Offroy É, Brouillette RL, Lavenus S, Froehlich U, Brumwell A, Murza A, Longpré JM, Marsault É, Grandbois M, Sarret P, Leduc R.
The signaling signature of the neurotensin type 1 receptor with endogenous ligands.
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Vigier S, Gagnon H, Bourgade K, Klarskov K, Fülöp T, Vermette P.
Composition and organization of the pancreatic extracellular matrix by combined methods of immunohistochemistry, proteomics and scanning electron microscopy.
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Abdallah K, Gendron L.
The Delta Opioid Receptor in Pain Control.
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The neural control of interlimb coordination during mammalian locomotion.
J Neurophysiol. 2017 Jun 1;117(6):2224-2241.

Wilkinson DJ, Habgood A, Lamb HK, Thompson P, Hawkins AR, Désilets A, Leduc R, Steinmetzer T, Hammami M, Lee MS, Craik CS, Watson S, Lin H, Milner JM, Rowan AD.
Matriptase Induction of Metalloproteinase-Dependent Aggrecanolysis In Vitro and In Vivo: Promotion of Osteoarthritic Cartilage Damage by Multiple Mechanisms.
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Fanelli R, Floquet N, Besserer-Offroy É, Delort B, Vivancos M, Longpré JM, Renault P, Martinez J, Sarret P, Cavelier F.
Use of Molecular Modeling to Design Selective NTS2 Neurotensin Analogues.
J Med Chem. 2017 Apr 27;60(8):3303-3313.

Regoli D, Gobeil F.
Kallikrein-kinin system as the dominant mechanism to counteract hyperactive renin-angiotensin system.
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Hurteau MF, Thibaudier Y, Dambreville C, Chraibi A, Desrochers E, Telonio A, Frigon A.
Non-linear modulation of cutaneous reflexes with increasing speed of locomotion in spinal cats.
J Neurosci. 2017 Apr 5;37(14):3896-3912.

Boyapelly K, Bonin MA, Traboulsi H, Cloutier A, Phaneuf SC, Fortin D, Cantin AM, Richter MV, Marsault E.
Synthesis and Characterization of a Phosphate Prodrug of Isoliquiritigenin.
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Duclos CM, Champagne A, Carrier JC, Saucier C, Lavoie CL, Denault JB.
Caspases play in traffic.
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Johnson MD, Frigon A, Hurteau MF, Cain C, Heckman CJ.
Reflex wind-up in early chronic spinal injury: plasticity of motor outputs.
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Serrano D, Ghobadi F, Boulay G, Ilangumaran S, Lavoie C, Ramanathan S.
GTPase of the Immune-Associated Nucleotide Protein 5 Regulates the Lysosomal Calcium Compartment in T Lymphocytes.
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Pirisedigh A, Blais V, Ait-Mohand S, Abdallah K, Holleran BJ, Leduc R, Dory YL, Gendron L, Guérin B.
Synthesis and Evaluation of a (64)Cu-Conjugate, a Selective δ-Opioid Receptor Positron Emission Tomography Imaging Agent.
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St-Georges C, Désilets A, Béliveau F, Ghinet M, Dion SP, Colombo É, Boudreault PL, Najmanovich RJ, Leduc R, Marsault É.
Modulating the selectivity of matriptase-2 inhibitors with unnatural amino acids.
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Duclos CM, Champagne A, Carrier JC, Saucier C, Lavoie CL, Denault JB.
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St-Louis É, Degrandmaison J, Grastilleur S, Génier S, Blais V, Lavoie C, Parent JL, Gendron L.
Involvement of the coatomer protein complex I in the intracellular traffic of the delta opioid receptor.
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Murza A, Sainsily X, Côté J, Bruneau-Cossette L, Besserer-Offroy É, Longpré JM, Leduc R, Dumaine R, Lesur O, Auger-Messier M, Sarret P,Marsault É.
Structure-activity relationship of novel macrocyclic biased apelin receptor agonists.
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Nadon JF, Rochon K, Grastilleur S, Langlois G, Dao TT, Blais V, Guérin B, Gendron L, Dory YL.
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Perreault S, de Denus S, White M, White-Guay B, Bouvier M, Dorais M, Dubé MP, Rouleau JL, Tardif JC, Jenna S, Haibe-Kains B, Leduc R, Deblois D.
Older adults with heart failure treated with carvedilol, bisoprolol, or metoprolol tartrate: risk of mortality.
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Lacraz G, Rouleau AJ, Couture V, Söllradl T, Drouin G, Veillette N, Grandbois M, Grenier G.
Correction: Increased Stiffness in Aged Skeletal Muscle Impairs Muscle Progenitor Cell Proliferative Activity.
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Trensz F, Lucien F, Couture V, Söllradl T, Drouin G, Rouleau AJ, Grandbois M, Lacraz G, Grenier G.
Erratum to: Increased microenvironment stiffness in damaged myofibers promotes myogenic progenitor cell proliferation.
Skelet Muscle. 2016 Oct 31;6:37.

Mona CE, Besserer-Offroy É, Cabana J, Leduc R, Lavigne P, Heveker N, Marsault É, Escher E.
Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of CXCR4 ligands.
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Shi M, Paquette B, Thippayamontri T, Gendron L, Guérin B, Sanche L.
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Lessard-Beaudoin M, Laroche M, Loudghi A, Demers MJ, Denault JB, Grenier G, Riechers SP, Wanker EE, Graham RK.
Organ-specific alteration in caspase expression and STK3 proteolysis during the aging process.
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Zehr EP, Barss TS, Dragert K, Frigon A, Vasudevan EV, Haridas C, Hundza S, Kaupp C, Klarner T, Klimstra M, Komiyama T, Loadman PM, Mezzarane RA, Nakajima T, Pearcey GE, Sun Y.
Neuromechanical interactions between the limbs during human locomotion: an evolutionary perspective with translation to rehabilitation.
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Desbiens L, Lapointe C, Gharagozloo M, Mahmoud S, Pejler G, Gris D, D'Orléans-Juste P.
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Chagnon F, Coquerel D, Salvail D, Marsault E, Dumaine R, Auger-Messier M, Sarret P, Lesur O.
Apelin Compared With Dobutamine Exerts Cardioprotection and Extends Survival in a Rat Model of Endotoxin-Induced Myocardial Dysfunction.
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Lessard-Beaudoin M, Laroche M, Demers MJ, Duclos C, Denault JB, Grenier G, Riechers SP, Wanker EE, Graham RK.
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Mona CE, Besserer-Offroy É, Cabana J, Lefrançois M, Boulais PE, Lefebvre MR, Leduc R, Lavigne P, Heveker N, Marsault E, Escher E.
Structure Activity Relationship and Signaling of New Chimeric CXCR4 Agonists.
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Paul Zehr E, Barss TS, Dragert K, Frigon A, Vasudevan EV, Haridas C, Hundza S, Kaupp C, Klarner T, Klimstra M, Komiyama T, Loadman PM, Mezzarane RA, Nakajima T, Pearcey GE, Sun Y.
Neuromechanical interactions between the limbs during human locomotion: an evolutionary perspective with translation to rehabilitation.
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Thomas JB, Vivancos M, Giddings AM, Wiethe RW, Warner KR, Murza A, Besserer-Offroy É, Longpré JM, Runyon SP, Decker AM, Gilmour BP, Sarret P.
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Dambreville C, Charest J, Thibaudier Y, Hurteau MF, Kuczynski V, Grenier G, Frigon A.
Adaptive muscle plasticity of a remaining agonist following denervation of its close synergists in a model of complete spinal cord injury.
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Gendron L, Cahill CM, von Zastrow M, Schiller PW, Pineyro G.
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Thibaudier Y, Hurteau MF, Dambreville C, Chraibi A, Goetz L, Frigon A.
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Murza A, Sainsily X, Coquerel D, Côté J, Marx P, Besserer-Offroy É, Longpré JM, Lainé J, Reversade B, Salvail D, Leduc R, Dumaine R, Lesur O, Auger-Messier M, Sarret P, Marsault É.
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Houde M, Desbiens L, Schwertani A, Pejler G, Iglarz M, D'Orléans-Juste P.
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Riechers SP, Butland S, Deng Y, Skotte N, Ehrnhoefer DE, Russ J, Laine J, Laroche M, Pouladi MA, Wanker EE, Hayden MR, Graham RK.
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Maltais JS, Simard E, Froehlich U, Denault JB, Gendron L, Grandbois M.
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Parent AJ, Tétreault P, Roux M, Belleville K, Longpré JM, Beaudet N, Goffaux P, Sarret P.
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Perreault S, de Denus S, White M, White-Guay B, Bouvier M, Dorais M, Dubé M, Rouleau J, Tardif J, Jenna S, Haibe-Kains B, Leduc R, Deblois D.
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Trensz F, Lucien F, Couture V, Söllrald T, Drouin G, Rouleau AJ, Dubois CM, Grandbois M, Lacraz G, Grenier G.
Erratum to: Increased microenvironment stiffness in damaged myofibers promotes myogenic progenitor cell proliferation.
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Fanelli R, Besserer-Offroy É, René A, Côté J, Tétreault P, Collerette-Tremblay J, Longpré JM, Leduc R, Martinez J, Sarret P, Cavelier F.
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Lacraz G, Rouleau AJ, Couture V, Söllrald T, Drouin G, Veillette N, Grandbois M, Grenier G.
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Traboulsi H, Cloutier A, Boyapelly K, Bonin MA, Marsault É, Cantin AM, RichterMV.
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Simard E, Söllradl T, Maltais JS, Boucher J,D'Orléans-JusteP, Grandbois M.
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Chagnon F, Bourgouin A, Lebel R, Bonin MA, Marsault E, Lepage M, Lesur O.
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Dambreville C, Labarre A, Thibaudier Y, Hurteau MF, Frigon A.
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Biet M, Morin N, Lessard-Beaudoin M, Graham RK, Duss S, Gagné J, Sanon NT, Carmant L, Dumaine R.
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Cabana J, Holleran B, Leduc R, Escher E, Guillemette G, Lavigne P.
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