2022 - Advanced School of the IRL - Quantum Frontiers

Centre de Villégiature Jouvence - Québec - CANADA
The Advanced School of the IRL - Quantum Frontiers is open to PhD students and young researchers; this English language school, at the interface between quantum circuits and quantum materials, aims at enriching both communities by offering an educational perspective on these two worlds.
A privileged place for reflection and learning, the school is organized around plenary courses, research seminars, as well as a day reserved for the students, who will be able to present their research work among themselves.
The high availability of the speakers promote exchanges in small groups throughout the stay and thus gives the opportunity to expand networks of research collaboration.
If needed, financial support is available. Contact us : ecole.physique@USherbrooke.ca
At spring 2022, come explore the boundaries between Circuits and Quantum Materials!
* IRL - Quantum Frontiers : CNRS and Université de Sherbrooke
- Deadline for Admission and Reservation for lodging and meals (Steps 1 & 2) : April 15, 2022
- Deadline to send your itinerary or arrival time (Step 3) : April 15, 2022
- Deadline to send your poster title : April 15, 2022
- Marco Aprili, LPS - CNRS, Orsay
- Bertrand Reulet, Université de Sherbrooke