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Ergys Pahija

Ph. D.
Professeur adjoint

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  • B. Sc. en Génie chimique, Politecnico di Milano, Italie (2011)
  • M. Sc. en Génie chimique, Politecnico di Milano, Italie (2012)
  • Ph. D. en Génie chimique et biomoléculaire. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR, Chine (2018)

Domaines d'expertises et de recherche

Modélisation et optimisation des bioproductions, monitorage de systèmes biologiques, procèdes catalytiques pour la production de e-carburant, analyses technico-économiques.

Activités de recherche

  • Modélisation et optimisation de systèmes biologiques
  • Conception des procédés durables
  • Technologies de captage et l’utilisation de carbone
  • Analyses technico-économiques des bioprocédés et des procédés chimiques

Communications scientifiques

  1. Rutherford, B., Panaritis, C., Pahija, E., Couillard, M., Patarachao, B., Shadbahr, J., ... & Boffito, D. C. (2023). Ni nanoparticles on Co3O4 catalyze the reverse water–gas shift with 95% CO selectivity at 300° C. Fuel, 348, 128523.
  2. Pahija, E., Panaritis, C., Rutherford, B., Couillard, M., Patarachao, B., Shadbahr, J., ... & Boffito, D. C. (2022). FeOx nanoparticle doping on Cu/Al2O3 catalysts for the reverse water gas shift. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 64, 102155.
  3. Pahija, E., Panaritis, C., Gusarov, S., Shadbahr, J., Bensebaa, F., Patience, G., & Boffito, D. C. (2022). Experimental and Computational Synergistic Design of Cu and Fe Catalysts for the Reverse Water–Gas Shift: A Review. ACS Catalysis, 12, 6887-6905.
  4. Pahija, E., Golshan, S., Blais, B., & Boffito, D. C. (2022). Perspectives on the process intensification of CO2 capture and utilization. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, 176, 108958.
  5. Pahija, E., Lee, P. Y., Hui, C. W., & Sin, G. (2022). Modelling of Harvesting Techniques for the Evaluation of the Density of Microalgae. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1-15.
  6. Pahija, E., & Hui, C. W. (2021). A practical approach for modelling the growth of microalgae with population balance equation. New Biotechnology, 62, 40-48.
  7. Ma, Z., Legrand, U., Pahija, E., Tavares, J. R., & Boffito, D. C. (2020). From CO2 to formic acid fuel cells. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 60(2), 803-815.
  8. Pahija, E., Spann, R., & Sin, G. (2020). Robust Monitoring of Lactic Acid Bacteria with Sequential Monte Carlo. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Vol. 48, pp. 1615-1620). Elsevier.
  9. Pahija, E., Hui, C. W., Woodley, J. M., & Sin, G. (2020). Effect of Selective Size Extraction of Microalgae from a Photobioreactor. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Vol. 48, pp. 331-336). Elsevier.
  10. Pahija, E., & Hui, C. W. (2019). A systematic study on the effects of dynamic environments on microalgae concentration. Algal Research, 42, 101599.
  11. Pahija, E., Lee, P. Y., & Hui, C. W. (2019). A revision of population balance equation applied to microalgae with birth, growth, and death. Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability, 3(1), 125-141.
  12. Lee, P. Y., Pahija, E., Liang, Y. Z., Yeoh, K. P., & Hui, C. W. (2018). Population balance equation applied to microalgae harvesting. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Vol. 43, pp. 1299-1304). Elsevier.