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Collaborating with research

Meet your innovation challenges

Do you have a project to realize? The Business Partnership Group helps you find the ideal researcher, obtain the necessary funding and meet your innovation challenges.  

Whether you are a private company, a non-profit organization, a foundation, an institution or a government authority, the partnership with the Université de Sherbrooke will allow you to propel your projects.

Our goal is to implement research collaborations that will lead to success for all partners.

Our mission: professional guidance

Our mission is to facilitate collaborative research partnerships. We want to encourage exchanges and follow-ups in order to maximize the benefits of partnerships.

Our approach : a winning combination

Using the services of the Business Partnership Group means having a complete accompaniment throughout the project in order to ensure a follow-up from the first point of contact to the complete completion of the project.

We guide you to help you discover opportunities that will allow you to innovate, acquire new knowledge or find solutions to the various issues facing your organization.

Your University : your resources to innovate

Concretely, our team is responsible for identifying the needs of the partners and matching them with available university resources. Whether you are looking for specific expertise, services or access to specialized equipment, the university research environment is a strategic and effective solution.

Find out more about research at the Université de Sherbrooke.  

Your project : tell us about it

We will find the way to go further together!