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Graduate Diploma in College Teaching

Admission and registration

Summer 2025 session

  • Admission until March 15, 2025
  • Registration from March 1st  to April 28, 2025

Important: Courses can fill up quickly, register as soon as you can! It will be first come, first served.

Foundations of College Pedagogy

The 30 credit Graduate Diploma in College Teaching offered in English was developed in response to the need of Anglophone colleges for college teacher training in their language.

Like the Graduate Certificate in College Teaching (GCCT), the Diploma is based on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) principles.

« In short, SoTL is defined as the process of scholarly inquiry into student learning to improve teaching practice by making the research or inquiry public. » [translation] 1

All programs, from the Diploma to the Masters’ degree, adhere to the philosophy of this movement. The exit profile of the microprogram is to develop a reflective practitioner. Its pedagogical activities and administration are consistent with and integrated into the Performa pedagogical and institutional model.

The Graduate Diploma in College Teaching is a 30 credit program. It is comprised of three pedagogical activity units for a total of 30 credits including 5 optional credits. The 15 first credits can be earned in the GCCT.  The Diploma offers the basic reference frameworks based on a professionalization of teaching approach.

Once completed, the student obtains a diploma attesting to the following competencies and objectives :

  • to commit to the teaching profession and to building a professional practice;
  • to design and implement educational activities based on explicit pedagogical principles in accordance with program objectives, and to continuously adapt them to changing circumstances;
  • update disciplinary expertise according to the context of the discipline taught and college program involved;
  • effectively integrate information and communication technology into professional practice.

1 Rege Colet, N., McAlpine, L., Fanghanel, J. et Weston, C. (2011). The concept of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. La recherche sur l’enseignement supérieur et la formalisation des pratiques enseignantes. Recherche et formation, (67), 91-104.