Solar simulator Station
Features I-V to 1 sun. Electroluminescence inspection (Si detector).
Manufacturer and model
Newport - SOL1A
Technical specifications
- SMU Keithley 2601 (max 40 V ou 1A, resolution 1 pA/100nV)
- 150 W xenon lamp
- TEC 2510 (temperature controller)
- Set-up in an enclosed space with microscope and microtips
- Output Beam Size: 50.8 x 50.8 mm
- Beam Uniformity: <5 %
- Beam Divergence, Half Angle: <±6 °
- Typical Output Power: 100mW/cm2 (1 Sun)±20% Adjustable
- Spectral Match:
- 13.8% - 23.0% (400-500nm)
- 14.9% - 24.9% (500-600nm)
- 13.8% - 23.0% (600-700nm)
- 11.2% - 18.6% (700-800nm)
- 9.4% - 15.6% (800-900nm)
- 11.9% - 19.9% (900-1100nm)
Examples of available processes
- Characterization of photovoltaic cells in darkness or light 1 sun
- Visual Inspection of Electroluminescent Devices