Geoffrey Hinton, docteur d'honneur institutionnel : Deep neural networks and their applications
- Date :
- Cet événement est passé.
- Type :
- Conférences et séminaires
- Lieu :
- Foyer Orford du Centre culturel de l'UdeS
Description :
La remise du doctorat honorifique à Geoffrey Hinton sera immédiatement suivie de sa conférence.
Sujet de la conférence :
Deep neural networks are now widely used in many important practical applications. I will start by describing, for non-experts, how deep neural networks work and how they are trained. I will then describe how they are currently used for speech recognition and object recognition. I will conclude with some speculations about ways to improve the current technology.
Conférence prononcée en anglais avec service de traduction simultanée.
Sujet de la conférence :
Deep neural networks are now widely used in many important practical applications. I will start by describing, for non-experts, how deep neural networks work and how they are trained. I will then describe how they are currently used for speech recognition and object recognition. I will conclude with some speculations about ways to improve the current technology.
Conférence prononcée en anglais avec service de traduction simultanée.