Philippe Micheau
Professeur, Faculté de génie
FAC. GÉNIE Mécanique
Sujet de recherche
Mécatronique, Bruit et vibration, Appareil respiratoire, Modélisation et simulation, Asservissement
Disciplines de recherche
Génie électrique et génie électronique, Génie mécanique
commande d'écoulement, controle actif, dispositifif médical, identification param., impédance virtuelle, inspection non destruct., mécatronique, piézo-électricité, respirateur liquidien, Vibration
Intérêts de recherche
Projet Inolivent sur la ventilation liquidienne totale en collaboration avec des cliniciens du CHUS. Projet sur contrôle actif du bruit des avions avec Safran Nacelles. Projet en propulsion avancée en partenariat avec le CTA de Bombardier Produits Récréatifs.
Langues parlées et écrites
Anglais, Français
(1997). (Postdoctorat, Génie mécanique). Université de Sherbrooke.
(1995). (Doctorat, Génie mécanique). Université de Poitiers.
(1991). (Diplôme, Diplome d'Étude Aprofondie (DEA)). Université de Poitiers.
(1990). (Équivalent de la maîtrise, Maitrise en Électrotechnique, Électronique, Automatique). Université de Poitiers.
Expérience académique
Director of the Centre for Research in Acoustics-Signal-Human of Université de Sherbrooke (CRASH-UdeS). (2020-). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
congé de développement. (2019-2019). Université de Poitiers. France.
congé de développement. (2018-2018). Université de Bordeaux I. France.
Prix et distinctions
- (2018) Bourses de chercheur invité de l’Université de Bordeaux, 2018, France. Université de Bordeaux I. (Prix).
- 3rd prize of Poster-video presentation of DPHM501 project at CRIAQ Forum, April 16, 2014 (co-author). CRIAQ, Québec. (Prix).
- Bourses de chercheur invité de l’Université de Bordeaux, 2011. Université de Bordeaux I. (Prix).
- Certificate of Excellence to the CRIAQ Pioneers”, CRIAQ, 2007. CRIAQ, Québec. (Prix).
- Chercheur invité. Région Poitou-Charentes, France. (Prix).
- First Place Award of General Topic Poster Sessions at 2014 ASME IMECE (co-author). ASME IMECE 2014. (Prix).
- First rank au concours Young Entrepeneur Initiative du Consulat de France à Boston. compétition 2007. (Prix).
- Meilleure présentation, Nonlinear session, ACC2001, Washington DC, USA, juillet 2001. American Control Conference, ACC 2001. (Prix).
- Premier prix « projet complété » pour le projet CRIAQ 6.1 (rôle de co-leader), mai 2011. CRIAQ, Québec. (Prix).
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. Centre de Recherche Acoustique Signal Humain de l'Université de Sherbrooke. Université de Sherbrooke. Reconnaissance de centres de recherche. 180 000 $. (2023-2026)
- Contrat. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. Étude d'un système de contrôle acoustique actif basé sur des sources pneumatiques. Safran Nacelles. contract. 60 000 $. (2023-2026)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Cocandidat. Intégration optimale de procédés thermiques en serres agricoles pour la gestion efficace des besoins énergétiques. Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS). Serres St-Élie. contract. 105 000 $. (2022-2025)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. Respirateur liquidien en support pour les extrêmes prématurés sous placenta artificiel. Fonds Nouvelles frontières en recherche. Exploration. 244 456 $. (2022-2025)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. Active control of sounds, vibrations and fluid-structure interactions. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Discovery Grants Program. 160 000 $. (2020-2025)
- Contrat. (Obtenu). Cocandidat. Contrôle actif de la transmission acoustique par une double cloison. Moderco Inc.. contract. 45 000 $. (2022-2024)
- (Obtenu). Cocandidat. Évaluation d’un nouvel algorithme de gestion du débit expiratoire en ventilation liquidienne totale à l’aide de CT scan dynamique. Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Sherbrooke Inc. (CRCHUS) (Sherbrooke, QC). CReME. 20 000 $. (2024-2024)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Cocandidat. Infrastructure de synthèse additive de précision. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Research Tools and Instrument. 136 606 $. (2022-2024)
- Contrat. (Terminé). Candidat principal. Haut-parleur pneumatique pour l'automobile. Peugeot Citroen (GIE PSA) (France). Contract. 30 000 $. (2022-2023)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. International Doctorate Program: « Jointly-supervised thesis in partnership with targeted destinations". Université de Bordeaux. International Doctorate Program. 49 860 $. (2020-2023)
- Contrat. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Haut-parleur pneumatique pour l'automobile, phase II. Peugeot Citroen (GIE PSA) (France). contrat. 40 000 $. (2023-2023)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. Centre de Recherche Acoustique - Signal - Humain de l'Université de Sherbrooke (CRASH-UdeS). Fonds Institutionnel de Recherche de l'Université de Sherbrooke. Reconnaissance des centres de recherche de l’Université de Sherbrooke. 150 000 $. (2020-2023)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. Caractérisation des propriétés mécaniques et acoustiques des matériaux avancés. Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies (FQRNT). Projets de recherche en équipe. 202 575 $. (2020-2023)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. Total liquid ventilation for bronchopulmonary dysplasia prevention in a model of extreme preterm lamb. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). ECI grants in Maternal, Reproductive, Child & Youth Health. 105 000 $. (2020-2022)
- Contrat. (Terminé). Candidat principal. Avenant 1: essais et étude de modifidications d'un dispositif aéroacoustique intégrable à la nacelle pour le contrôle actif des harmoniques du bruit moteur. Safran Nacelles. contract. 60 000 $. (2022-2022)
- Contrat. (Terminé). Candidat principal. HAPS v2 - Essais et étude de modification d'un dispositif aéroacoustique intégrable à la nacelle pour le contrôle actif des harmoniques du bruit moteur.. Safran Nacelles. contrat de recherche. 60 000 $. (2021-2021)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Side ledge formation in aluminum electrolysis cells - influence of the operating conditions and the heat losses distribution of the transient thermal response. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). recherche et développement coopérative (RDCPJ). 284 000 $. (2017-2021)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. GAUS (Groupe d'Acoustique de l'Université de Sherbrooke). Fonds Institutionel de Recherche de l'Université de Sherbrooke. Programme de reconnaissance de Centre. 249 682 $. (2015-2021)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. dXBel : développement et qualification d'un outil d'aide à la conception acoustique: application à la discrétion acoustique de véhicules récréatifs. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Collaborative Research and Development Grant. 1 549 029 $. (2017-2021)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Optimization of the Mechano-Acoustic frequencer (TM) to clear airways. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). CRDPJ. 73 224 $. (2019-2020)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. Fondation des étoiles - concours interne. Fondation des étoiles (La) (Qc). Concours interne. 11 000 $. (2019-2020)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. Analyseur à gaz sanguin et électrolytes. Centre de recherche du CHUS. PÉRC. 9 192 $. (2019-2019)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. La ventilation liquidienne totale chez l'agneau extrêmement prématuré pour la prévention de la dysplasie broncho pulmonaire, un projet pilote. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). Respiratory Health Network - mentoring Young. 20 000 $. (2019-2019)
- Contrat. (Terminé). Candidat principal. RHAPSODI, demonstrator. Safran Nacelles, (Le Havre, France). contract. 300 000 $. (2018-2019)
- Contrat. (Terminé). Candidat principal. RHAPSODI, feasibility study 1D. Safran Nacelles. contract. 36 000 $. (2017-2018)
- Contrat. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Compléter le niveau de TRL-3 de l'intégration à la nacelle de sources harmoniques pneumatiques d'anti-bruit moteur. Safran Nacelle. Contract. 30 000 $. (2017-2017)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Faisabilité de l'inspection ultrasonore des cuves industrielles d'électrolyse de l'aluminium. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Engage. 25 000 $. (2017-2017)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Vers une nouvelle prise en charge de la détresse respiratoire aigue du très grand prématuré. Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Sherbrooke Inc. (CRCHUS) (Sherbrooke, QC). Subvention de fonctionnement. 75 000 $. (2016-2017)
- Contrat. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Contrat de maturation - Projet 273. SATT Ile-de-France Innov. contrat de maturation. 197 950 $. (2016-2017)
Articles de revue
- Uzundurukan, A*; Poncet, S; Boffito, DC*; Micheau, P. (2024). CT-FEM of the human thorax: Frequency response function and 3D harmonic analysis at resonance. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 246 108062. (Article publié).
- Rousseau, R*; Grandjean, P*; Quaegebeur, N; Micheau, P. (2023). Generation of Broadband airborne ultrasound using an harmonic acoustic pneumatic source. Applied Acoustics 0-0. (Article soumis).
- Bernard, S*; Bilodeau, M; Masson, P; Moreau, F; Lepage, JF ; Micheau, P; Quaegebeur, N. (2023). Influence of Plastination on Ultrasound Transmission Through the Human Skull. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 49 (3), 901-907. DOI. (Article publié).
- Morin, C*; Simard, E*; Sage, M*; See, W*; Nadeau, C; Samson, N; Micheau, P; Praud, JP; Fortin-Pellerin, E. (2023). Prise en charge d’agneaux extrêmement prématurés par la ventilation liquidienne totale. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires 40 (2), 154-155. (Article publié).
- Uzundurukan, A *; Poncet, S; Boffito, DC; Philippe Micheau, P. (2023). Realistic 3D CT-FEM for Target-based Multiple Organ Inclusive Studies. Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Biosciences 10 24-35. (Article publié).
- Morin, C*; Simard, E; See, W*; Sage, M*; Roqaya, I; Nadeau, C; Samson, N; Lavoie, P; Chabot, B; Marouan, S; Tremblay, S; Praud, JP; Micheau, P; Fortin-Pellerin, E. (2023). Total liquid ventilation in an ovine modelof extreme prematurity: a randomized study. Pediatric Research 0-0. (Article publié).
- Drant, J*; Micheau, P; Berry, A. (2022). Active noise control of higher modes in a duct using near field compensation and a ring of harmonic acoustic pneumatic sources. Applied Acoustics 188 108583. (Article publié).
- Morin, Christophe*; Stowe, Symon*; Wendy See*, Charles Alain; Sage, Michaël*; Nadeau, Charlène; Samson, Nathalie; Adler, Andy; Micheau, Philippe; Praud, Jean-Paul; Fortin-Pellerin, Étienne. (2022). Conventional vs High-Frequency Ventilation for Weaning from Total Liquid Ventilation in Lambs. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 299 103867. (Article publié).
- Drant, J*; Micheau, P; Berry, A. (2021). Active noise control in duct with a harmonicacoustic pneumatic source. Applied Acoustics 176 107860. (Article publié).
- See, W*; Morin, C*; Sage, M*; Stowe, S; Gohier, C; Nault, S; Micheau, P; Adler, A; Fortin-Pellerin, E. (2021). Air distribution within the lungs after totalliquid ventilation in a neonatal ovine model. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 290 103666. (Article publié).
- Allard,A *; Atalla, A; Micheau, P. (2021). Design and experimental validation of a high level electropneumatic source. Applied Acoustics 182 107968. (Article publié).
- Allard, A*; Attala, N; Micheau, P. (2021). The equivalent fluctuating area for modellingharmonic acoustic pneumatic sources (HAPS). Applied Acoustics 172 107602. (Article publié).
- Kohlhauer, M; et al (21 co-authors) co-last authors : Micheau P, Tissier R. (2020). A new paradigm for Lung conservative liquid ventilation. EBIOMEDICINE 52 (102365), on line. (Article publié).
- Lebreux, M; Désilets, M; Allard, F; Micheau, P; Blais, A. (2020). An on-line estimationtool for predicting the time-varying ledge profile inside aluminum electrolysiscells. Numerical Heat Transfer Applications 2020 (77), 134-161. (Article publié).
- Sage, M*; See, WW*; Nault, S; Morin, C; Michalski, C; Chabot, B; Marouan, S; Lavoie, P M; Micheau, P; Praud, JP; Fortin-Pellerin, É. (2020). Effect of low versus hightidal-volume total liquid ventilation on pulmonary inflammation. Front. Physiol. 11 603. (Article publié).
- Serey, V*; Quaegebeur, N; Micheau, P; Masson, P; Castaings, M; Renier, M. (2020). Selective generationof ultrasonic guided waves for damage detection in rectangular bars. Structural Health Monitoring 20 (3), 1156-1168. (Article publié).
- Boissady, E*; Kohlhauer, M; Lidouren, F; Hocini, H; Lefebvre, C; Chateau‐Jouber, S; Mongardon, N; Deye, N; Cariou, A; Micheau, P; Ghaleh, B; Tissier,R. (2020). Ultra-fast hypothermia selectively mitigates the early humoral response after cardiac arrest. Journal of the American Heart Association 9 (23), e017413. (Article publié).
- Temporelli, R*; Boisvert, M; Micheau, P. (2019). Accurate Clutch Slip Controllers during Vehicle Steady and Acceleration States. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 23 (5), 2078-2089. (Article publié).
- Narimani, E*; Sorin, M; Micheau, P; Nesreddine, H. (2019). Dynamic modeling of an R245fa ejector basedrefrigeration system International Journal of Refrigeration. International Journal of Refrigeration 107 262-274. (Article publié).
- Narimani E*, Nesreddine H, Micheau P, Sorin M. (2019). Numerical and experimental investigation of the influence of generating pressure on the performance of a one-phase ejector installed within an R245fa refrigeration cycle. Applied Thermal Engineering, 157 (113654), 113654. (Article publié).
- Serey, V*; Micheau, P; Renier, M; Masson, P; Castaings, M; Quaegebeur, N. (2019). Selective generation of ultrasonic guided waves fordamage detection in a bi-dimensional waveguide. Structural Health Monitoring 18 (4), 1324-1336. (Article publié).
- Sage M*, Nadeau M, Foran-Choinière M, Mousseau J, Vandamme J, Berger C, Tremblay-Roy JS, Tissier R, Micheau P, Fortin-Pellerin E. (2018). Assessing the impacts of total liquid ventilation on left ventricular diastolic function in a model of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. PLoS ONE 13 (1), e0191885. (Article publié).
- Nadeau, J*; Micheau, P; Boisvert, M. (2018). Collaborative control of a dual electro-hydraulic regenerative brake system for a rear-wheel-drive electric vehicle. Proc. IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 233 (4), 1035-1046. (Article publié).
- Pelletier, A*; Micheau, P; Berry, A. (2018). Harmonic Active Vibration Control Using Piezoelectric Self-Sensing Actuation withComplete Digital Compensation. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 29 (7), 1510-1519. (Article publié).
- Rambaud, J*; Lidouren, F*; Sage, M*; Kohlhauer, M; Nadeau, M*; Fortin-Pellerin, E; Micheau, P; Zilberstein, L; Mongardon, N; Ricard, J-D; Terada, M; Bruneval, P; Berdeaux, A; Ghaleh, A; Walti, H; Tissier, R. (2018). Hypothermic total liquid ventilation after experimental aspiration-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome. Annals of Intensive Care 8 (57), 1-9. (Article publié).
- Demené, C*; Maresca, D; Kohlhauer, M; Lidouren, F; Micheau, P; Ghaleh, B; Pernot, M; Tissier, R; Tanter, M. (2018). Multiparametric functional ultrasound imaging of cerebral blood flow in a cardiac arrest and post-resuscitation model. Scientific Reports 8 (1), 16436. (Article publié).
- Nadeau, M*; Denaclara, JY*; Tissier, R; Walti, H; Micheau, P. (2018). Patient-Specific Optimal Cooling Power Command for Hypothermia Induction by Liquid Ventilation. Control Engineering Practice 77 109-117. (Article publié).
- Sage, M*; Stowe, S*; Adler, A; Forand-Choinière, C*; Nadeau, M*; Berger, C; Marouan, S; Micheau, P; Tissier, R; Praud, J-P; Fortin-Pellerin, E. (2018). Perflubron distribution during transition from gas to total liquid ventilation. Frontiers in Physiology 9 1723. (Article accepté).
- Sage, M*; Stowe, S*; Adler, A; Forand-Choinière, C*; Nadeau, M*; Berger, C; Marouan, S; Micheau, P; Tissier, R; Praud, J-P; Fortin-Pellerin, E. (2018). Perflubron distribution during transition from gas to total liquid ventilation. Frontiers in Physiology 9 1723. (Article accepté).
- Mongardon, N; Kohlhauer, M; Lidouren, F; Barretto, M; Micheau, P; Adam, C; Dhonneur, G; Ghaleh, B; Tissier, R. (2018). Targeted temperature management with total liquid ventilation after ischemic spinal cord injury. Ann Thorac Surg 106 (6), 1797-1803. (Article publié).
- Quaegebeur N, Bouslama N*, Bilodeau M*, Guitel R*, Masson P, Maslouhi A Micheau P. (2017). Guided wave scattering by geometrical change or damage: application to characterization of fatigue crack and machined notch. Ultrasonics 73 187-195. (Article publié).
- Nadeau M*, Sage M*, Kohlhauer M*, Mousseau J, Vandamme J, Fortin-Pellerin E, Praud JP, Tissier R, Walti H, Micheau P. (2017). Optimal Control of Inspired Perfluorocarbon Temperature for Ultrafast Hypothermia Induction by Total Liquid Ventilation in Adult Patient Model. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 64 (12), 2760-2770. (Article publié).
- Temporelli, R*; Micheau, P. (2017). Oscillations control of a transmission belt by Excitation Clipping using Clutch Clamping Control (E4C). Journal of Sound and Vibration 393 1-13. (Article publié).
- Boulandet R*, Michau M*, Micheau P, Berry A. (2016). Aircraft panel with sensorless active sound power reduction capabilities through virtual mechanical impedances. JSV 361 (20), 2-19. (Article publié).
- Boulandet R*, Michau M*, Herzog P, Micheau P, Berry A. (2016). A sensorless method for measuring the mobility of mechanical structures. Journal of Sound and Vibration 378 14-27. (Article publié).
- Lacerte MO*, Pouliot G*, Plante JS, Micheau P. (2016). Design and Experimental Demonstration of a Seamless Automated Manual Transmission using an Eddy Current Torque Bypass Clutch for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles. SAE Int. J. Alt. Power 5 (1), 13-22. (Article publié).
- Sage M*, Nadeau M*, Kohlhauer M*, Praud J-P, Tissier R, Robert R, Walti H, Micheau P. (2016). Effect of ultra-fast mild hypothermia using total liquid ventilation on hemodynamics and respiratory mechanics. Cryobiology 73 (1), 99-101. (Article publié).
- Boisvert M*, Micheau P. (2016). Estimators of wheel slip for electric vehicles using torque and encoder measurements. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 76-77 665-676. (Article publié).
- Kohlhauer M*, Berdeaux A, Kerber RE, Micheau P, Ghaleh B, Tissier R. (2016). Liquid Ventilation for the Induction of Ultrafast Hypothermia in Resuscitation Sciences: A Review. The Hypothermia Temp Manag. 6 (2), 63-70. (Article publié).
- Mongardon N*, Kohlhauer M*, Lidouren F*, Hauet T, Giraud S, Hutin A, Costes B, Barau C, Bruneval P, Micheau P, Cariou A, Dhonneur G, Berdeaux A, Ghaleh B, Tissier R. (2016). Protective effects of ultrafast hypothermia with total liquid ventilation during multi-organ failure induced by aortic cross-clamping. Anesthesia & Analgesia 8 (57), 0-0. (Article accepté).
- Nadeau M*, Sage M*, Kohlhauer M*, Vandamme J*, Mousseau J*, Robert R, Tissier R, Praud JP, Walti H, Micheau P. (2016). Thermal Dynamics in Newborn and Juvenile Models Cooled by Total Liquid Ventilation. IEEE TBME 63 (7), 1483-1491. (Article publié).
- Boulandet R*, Michau M*, Herzog P, Micheau P, Berry A. (2015). A sensorless method for measuring the mobility of mechanical structures. Journal of Sound and Vibration 378 14-27. (Article publié).
- Pouliot G*, Lacerte MO*, Plante JS, Micheau P. (2015). Design of an Eddy Current Torque Bypass Clutch for Seamless Automated Manual Transmissions of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles. SAE International Journal of Alternative Powertrains 4 (2), 388-397. (Article publié).
- Floquet J*, Désilets M, Micheau P, Quaegebeur N. (2015). Development of ultrasonic thickness measurements of solidification front inside metallurgical reactors. Mechanics and Industry 1 (16), 111-116. (Article publié).
- Sage M*, Nadeau M*, Kohlhauer M*, Vandamme J*, Tissier R, Walti H, Praud JP, Micheau P. (2015). Effect of ultra-fast mild hypothermia using tidal liquid ventilation on hemodynamics and respiratory mechanics. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 73 (1), 99-101. (Article publié).
- Kohlhauer M et al. (2015). Hypothermic total liquid ventilation is highly protective through cerebral hemodynamic preservation and sepsis-like mitigation after asphyxial cardiac arrest. Critical Care Med 43 (10), 420-30. (Article publié).
- Michau M*, Berry A, Micheau P, Herzog P. (2015). Optimal virtual mechanical impedances for the vibroacoustic active control of a thin plate. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137 (1), 199-207. (Article publié).
- Boisvert M*, Micheau P, Mammosser D*. (2015). Simulated and experimental comparisons of slip and torque control strategies for regenerative braking in instances of parametric uncertainties. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 27 (3), 235-243. (Article publié).
- Michaud M*, Berry A, Herzog P, Micheau P. (2014). Bending near field compensation in the context of vibroacoustic active control. Mechanics and Industry 15 (6), 551-555. (Article publié).
- Nadeau M*, Micheau P, Robert R, Avoine O*, Tissier R, Germim PS*, Vandamme J*, Praud JP, Walti H. (2014). Core body temperature control by total liquid ventilation using a virtual lung temperature sensor. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 61 (12), 2859-2868. (Article publié).
- Mammosser D*, Boisvert M*, Micheau P. (2014). Designing a set of efficient regenerative braking strategies with a performance index tool. Proc. IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 228 (3), 1505-1515. (Article publié).
- Leleux A*, Micheau P, Castaings M. (2013). Long range detection and defects in composite plates using Lamb waves generated and detected by ultrasonic phased array probes. J. Nondestruct. Eval 32 (2), 200–214. (Article publié).
- Gauthier JP*, Micheau P. (2012). Adaptive control of a Continuously Variable Transmission subject to wear. Cont. Eng. Practice 20 (6), 569-574. (Article publié).
- Quaegebeur N, Masson P, Micheau P, Mrad N. (2012). Broadband generation of ultrasonic guided waves using sub-band decomposition. IEEE Trans. on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 59 (5), 928-938. (Article publié).
- Beaulieu A*, Bossé D*, Micheau P, Avoine O*, Praud JP, Walti H. (2012). Measurement of Fractional Order Model Parameters of Respiratory Mechanical Impedance in Total Liquid Ventilation. IEEE Trans. On Biomedical Engineering 59 (2), 323-31. (Article publié).
- Quaegebeur N, Micheau P, Masson P, Castaings M. (2012). Methodology for optimal configuration in Structural Health Monitoring of composite bonded joints. Smart Materials and structures 21 (10), 0-0. (Article publié).
- Gauthier JP*, Micheau P. (2012). Regularized RLS-? and DHOBE: an adaptive feedforward for a solenoid valve. IEEE Trans. On Control System Technology 20 (5), 1311-1318. (Article publié).
- Beaulieu A*, Foucault E, Braud P, Micheau P, Szeger P. (2011). A flowmeter for unsteady liquid flow measurements. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 22 (2), 131-137. (Article publié).
- Quaegebeur N, Masson P, Langlois-Demers D*, Micheau P. (2011). Dispersion-based imaging for Structural Health Monitoring using sparse and compact arrays. Smart Materials and Structures 21 (2), 0-0. (Article publié).
- Gauthier JP*, Micheau P, Cauet S, Coirault P, Martin P. (2011). Extremal harmonic active control of power for a monocylinder hybrid powertrain. Journal of Sound and Vibration 330 (24), 5785-5790. (Article publié).
- Avoine O*, Bossé D*, Beaudry B*, Beaulieu A*, Albadine R, Praud JP, Robert R, Micheau P, Walti H. (2011). Total Liquid Ventilation efficacy in an Ovine Model of severe meconium aspiration syndrome. Critical Care Medicine 39 (5), (Article publié).
- Robert R*, Micheau P, Avoine O*, Beaudry B*, Beaulieu A*, Walti H. (2010). A Regulator for Pressure Controlled Liquid Ventilation. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng 57 (9), 2267-2276. (Article publié).
- Gauthier JP*, Micheau P. (2010). A model based on experimental data for high speed steel belt CVT. Mechanism and Machine Theory 4 (11), 1733-1744. (Article publié).
- St-Hilaire M, Duvareille C*, Avoine O*, Carreau AM, Samson N, Micheau P, Douiek A, Praud JP. (2010). Effects of postnatal smoke exposure on laryngeal chemoreflexes in newborn lambs. J Appl Physiol. 109 (6), 1820-1826. (Article publié).
- Bossé D*, Walti H, Robert R, Lebon J*, Lesur O*, Praud JP, Micheau P. (2010). Experimental validation of cardiac output measurement using transpulmonary thermodilution technique in neonatal Tidal Liquid Ventilation. ASAIO Journal 56 (6), 557-562. (Article publié).
- Bosse D*, Beaulieu A*, Avoine O*, Micheau P, Praud JP, Walti H. (2010). Neonatal Total Liquid Ventilation: Is Low Frequency Forced Oscillation Technique Suitable for Respiratory Mechanics Assessment?. Journal of Applied Physiology 109 501-510. (Article publié).
- Quaegebeur N, Micheau P, Masson P, Maslouhi A. (2010). Structural Health Monitoring strategy for detection of Interlaminar delamination in composite plates. Smart Materials and Structures 19 (8), (Article publié).
- Duvareille C*, Beaudry B*, St-Hilaire M*, Boheimier M, Brunel C*, Micheau P, Praud JP. (2010). Validation of a new automatic smoking machine to study the effects of cigarette smoke in newborn lambs. Laboratory Animals 44 290-297. (Article publié).
- Costantino ML, Micheau P, Shaffer TH, Tredici S, Wolfson MR. (2009). Clinical Design Functions: Round table discussions on bioengineering of liquid ventilators. American Society for Artificial Internal Organs Journal 55 (3), 206-208. (Article publié).
- Quaegebeur N*, Micheau P, Berry A. (2009). Decentralized harmonic control of sound radiation and transmission by a plate using virtual impedance approach. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125 (5), 2978-2986. (Article publié).
- Couillard M*, Masson P, Micheau P. (2009). Identification of friction parameters for limited relative displacement contacts. Journal of Shock and Vibration 16 (5), 481-493. (Article publié).
- Roy R*, Micheau P, Bourassa P. (2009). Intermittent predictive steering control as an automobile driver model. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control 131 (Article publié).
- Buaka P*, Micheau P, Masson P. (2009). Nonlinear phase shift control of semi-active friction devices for optimal energy dissipation. J. Sound and Vibration 320 (1-2), 16-28. (Article publié).
- Raymond R*, Micheau P, Walti H. (2009). Optimal expiratory volume profile in tidal liquid ventilation under steady state conditions, based on a symmetrical lung model. American Society for Artificial Internal Organs Journal 55 (1), 63-72. (Article publié).
- Francoeur D*, Micheau P, Masson P. (2009). Parametric identification of a transmission line model for in situ damage characterization in lap joints. Smart Materials and Structures 18 (Article publié).
- Buaka P*, Masson P, Micheau P. (2008). Determination of normal force for optimal energy dissipation of harmonic disturbance in a semi-active device. Journal of Sound and Vibration 311 633-651. (Article publié).
- Duvareille C*, Samson N, St-Hilaire M*, Micheau P, Bournival V, Praud JP. (2008). Effects of hypercapnia on non-nutritive swallowing in newborn lambs. Adv Exp Med Biol 605 413-7. (Article publié).
- Gauthier JP*, Micheau P. (2008). Extremal harmonic active control of power for rotating machines,. Journal of Sound and Vibration 318 663-677. (Article publié).
- Couillard M*, Masson P, Micheau P. (2008). Improved clipped periodic optimal control for semiactive harmonic disturbance rejection. J. of Sound and Vibration 318 737-756. (Article publié).
- Robert, R; Micheau, P.; Walti, H. (2007). A Supervisor for Volume-Controlled Tidal Liquid Ventilator Using Independent Piston Pumps. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 2 267-274. (Article publié).
- C. Duvareille, M. Lafrance, N. Samson, M. St-H., P. Pladys, P. Micheau, V. Bournival, C. Langlois, Jean-Paul Praud. (2007). Effect of Hypoxia and hypercapnia on nutritive swallowing in newborn lambs. Journal of Applied Physiology 103 1180-1188. (Article publié).
Chapitres de livre
- P. Micheau, R. Robert, B. Beaudry, A. Beaulieu, M. Nadeau, O. Avoine, M-E Rochon, J-P Praud, H Walti. (2011). Chapter 14: A Liquid ventilator prototype for total liquid ventilation preclinical studies. Progress in Molecular and Environmental Bioengineering - From Analysis and Modeling to Technology Applications (323-344). In Tech Publisher. (Article publié).
- P Micheau, L Tardif, P Grandjean. (2022). RHAPSODI-2021. Safran Nacelles. 25 p.
- J Drant, P Micheau, A Berry. (2019). Tache 6.10 : rapport des essais expérimentaux, projet RHAPSODI. Safran Nacelles. 24 p.
- Drant J*, Berry A, Micheau P. (2018). Rapport de tests, projet Rhapsodi. Safran Nacelles, Le Havre, France. 53 p.
- Moriot J*, Micheau P. (2017). Inspection ultrasonore des cuves industrielles d’électrolyse de l’aluminium. Rio Tinto Alcoa. 32 p.
- Micheau P, Vandamme J*, Mousseau J*, Nadeau M*, Sage M*, Walti H, Praud JP, Fortin-Pellerin E, Gagnon C, Paquet L, Tissier R, Berdeaux A. (2016). Projet de soutien à la valorisation technologique PSVT2B-31679, rapport d'activités. Ministère de l’économie, de la Science et de l’Innovation du Québec. 101 p.
- Robert R, Micheau P. (2016). rapport 2/3, Maturation technologique à TRL-3 de deux dispositifs aéroacoustiques intégrés à la nacelle pour le contrôle actif des harmoniques du bruit moteur. Aircelle Safran, Le Havre, France. 12 p.
- Robert R, Micheau P. (2016). rapport 3/3, maturation technologique à TRL-3 de deux dispositifs aéroacoustiques intégrés à la nacelle pour le contrôle actif des harmoniques du bruit moteur. Aircelle Safran, Le Havre, France. 87 p.
- Robert R, Micheau P. (2015). Intégration du Tremoflow à un respirateur mécanique. Thorasys, Montréal, QC, Canada. 41 p.
- Robert R, Micheau P. (2015). Rapport 1/3, maturation technologique à TRL-3 de deux dispositifs aéroacoustiques intégrés à la nacelle pour le contrôle actif des harmoniques du bruit moteur. Aircelle Safran, Le Havre, France. 83 p.
- R Robert, P. Micheau, N. (2014). Étude de faisabilité d’un dispositif aéroacoustique intégré à la nacelle pour le contrôle actif des harmoniques du bruit moteur. Aircelle Safran. 49 p.
- R. Robert, P. Micheau, N. Quaegebeur. (2013). Étude de faisabilité de 2 actionneurs pour le contrôle actif des pulsations de pression de 2 compresseurs frigorifiques. Centre des études Techniques des Industries Mécaniques. 51 p.
- R Robert, P. Micheau, N. Quaegebeur. (2012). Étude sur les actionneurs disponibles pour le contrôle actif des pulsations de pression dans les circuits frigorifiques. Centre d'Études Techniques des Industries Mécaniques. 41 p.
- Nicolas Quaegebeur, Patrice Masson, Philippe Micheau. (2010). Advanced SHM Technologies-Overview. Defence Research Establishment. 55 p.
- N. Quaegebeur, P. Micheau and P. Masson. (2010). Report DPHM 410-UdeS-Exp-2010-12. Consortium de Recherche des Industries Aéronautiques du Québec (CRIAQ). 63 p.
- N. Quaegebeur, P. Micheau , P. Masson, et A. Mashouli. (2009). Surface Mounted Transducers for Structural Health Monitoring of Bonded Structure Joints. Consortium de Recherche des Industries Aéronautiques du Québec (CRIAQ). 139 p.
- N. Quaegebeur and P. Micheau. (2008). Étude sur des progress récents du contrôle actif acoustique et vibratoire applicables aux machines agricoles. Centre des Études Techniques des Industries mécaniques. 47 p.
- P. Masson, P. Micheau, Y. Pasco, M. Thomas, M. Meunier, Y.A. Peter, D. Mastecu, A. Misra. (2007). Microsystèmes pour la surveillance in situ des structures aéronautiques, rapport confidentiel phase II du projet CRIAQ 6.1 pour Bombardier. Consortium de Recherche des Industries Aéronautiques du Québec. 107 p.
Articles de conférence
- Micheau, P; Grandjean, P*; Lajoie, PO*; Rousseau, R*; Quaegebeur, N. (2023). Analytical Model of Harmonic Acoustic Pneumatic Source (HAPS) Developed for Active Noise Control. ICSV 2023 - 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. (Article publié).
- Jolli, A*; Micheau, P; Poncet,S ; Fortin-Pellerin, E. (2023). A starling resistor model of the trachea to study collapse in total liquid ventilation. CSME / CFD Canada 2023 International Congress. (Article publié).
- Uzundurukan, A*; Poncet, S; Camilla, D B; Micheau, P. (2023). Computed Tomography-Based Finite Element Model of the Human Thorax for High-Frequency Chest Compression Therapy. 10th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Systems. (Article publié).
- Uzundurukan, A*; Poncet, S; Boffito, DC; Micheau, P. (2023). Examination of the Behaviour of the Lungs under High-Frequency Chest Compression Airway Clearance Therapy. CSME / CFDCanada 2023 International Congress. (Article publié).
- Boudaouara, MA*; Micheau, P; Poncet, S; Morin, C*; Fortin-Pellerin, E. (2023). PFC Treatment Unit of the liquid ventilator Inolivent-8 for total liquid ventilation of extreme prematurity ovine models. CSME / CFD Canada 2023 International Congress. (Article publié).
- Grandjean, P*; Lajoie, PO*; Micheau, P. (2023). Producing a High Level Harmonic Acoustic Pressure Field with Harmonic Acoustic Pneumatic Source (HAPS): Experimental Validation of the Harmonic Distortion Reduction. Internoise 2023. (Article publié).
- Morin, C*; Stowe, Symon; Simard, E; See, W*; Sage, M; Nadeau, C; Samson, N; Andy, A; Praud, J-P; Micheau, P; Fortin-Pellerin, E. (2023). Tidal volume distribution and regional ventilation delays during total liquid ventilation in an ovine model of extreme prematurity. PAS 2023 - Pediactric Academic Societies annual meeting. (Article publié).
- Panaitescu, A* ; Morin, C*; Richard, G; Boudaouara, M A*; Taillandier-Pensarini, S-G; Samson, N; Praud, J-P; Micheau, P; Fortin-Pellerin, E. (2023). Tracking Lung Volume During Total Liquid Ventilation in Newborn Piglets. PAS 2023 - Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting. (Article accepté).
- Mojab, E M*; Micheau, P; Boisvert, M. (2023). Transient Vibroacoustic Analysis of a Continuously Variable Transmission with Vold-Kalman filter. 2023 International Conference on Control, Automation and Decision. (Article publié).
- Micheau, P; Drant, J; Berry, A. (2022). ActiveSound Power Attenuation with a Ring of Harmonic Acoustic Pneumatic Sources fOrDestructive Interference (RHAPSODI) and near field in-duct microphones. Internoise 2022. (Article publié).
- Mojab, EM; Micheau, P. (2022). Indirectadaptive speed control for a two stroke Engine-CVT-Dynamometer. 14th IFAC International Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing. Maroc, 1-6. (Article publié).
- Micheau, P; Drant, J*; Berry, A;. (2022). Preliminary results of a MIMO Harmonic Controller to perform active sound power attenuation with a RHAPSODI. 17th International Conference on Automatic and Control Automation, IEEE ICCA. (Article publié).
- Morin, C; Wendy, S; Sage, M; Alain, C; Nadeau, C; Samson, N; Micheau, P; Praud, JP; Fortin-Pelleri,E. (2021). Comparisonof Gas Ventilation Regimen for the Weaning of Total Liquid Ventilation inaNewborn Ovine Model. PAS 2021 - Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting. (Article publié).
- See, W*; Morin, C*; Sage, M*; Nadeau, C ; Samson N ; Praud, J-P ; Micheau, P ; Fortin-Pellerin, É. (2020). Avoiding instability at birth in an extreme preterm lamb model using total liquid ventilation. PAS 2021 - Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting. (Article publié).
- See W*, Sage M*, Gohier C*, Stowe S, Micheau P, Praud JP, Adler A, Fortin-Pellerin E. (2019). Air distribution within the lungs after a trial of total liquid ventilation in a neonatal ovine model. Pediatric Academic Societies. (Article publié).
- Drant J*, Micheau P, Berry, A,. (2019). Experimental demonstration of acoustic plane wavedestructive interference in rectangular duct with a harmonic pneumatic source. Proceedings of ICSV26. (Article publié).
- Micheau P, Serey V*, Castaings M, Renier M, Masson P, Quaegebeur N,. (2019). Experimental study of avelocity field synthesis in an adhesively-bonded joint. Proceedings of ICSV26. (Article publié).
- Sage M*, See W*, Chabot B, Micheau P, Praud JP, Fortin-Pellerin E. (2019). Impact of respiratory rate and tidal volume on lung inflammation during total liquid ventilation. Pediatric Academic Societies. (Article accepté).
- Vandamme, J.*, Nadeau, M.*, Mousseau, J.*, Praud, J.-P., Micheau, P. (2019). Model of the Mouth Pressure Signal During Pauses in Total Liquid Ventilation. 7th International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, IWBBIO 2019. (Article publié).
- Elhameh Narimani, Mikhail Sorin, Philippe Micheau, Hakim Nesreddine,. (2019). Numerical Study of the Influence of the Primary StreamPressure on the Performance of the Ejector Refrigeration System Based on HeatExchanger Modeling. WASET 2019. (Article publié).
- Allard A*, Noureddine, A, Micheau P,. (2019). Theoretical and experimental analysis of a highlevel electropneumatic sound source. Proceedings of ICSV26. (Article publié).
- Drant J*, Micheau O, Berry A. (2018). Contrôle actif harmonique multimodal du bruit rayonné en conduit via l’utilisation d’une loi de rétroaction locale. CFA 2018. (Article publié).
- Serey V*, Quaegebeur N, Micheau P, Masson P, Castaings M, Renier M. (2018). Décomposition modale d’un champ ultrasonore complexe dans un guide bidimensionnel pour la génération sélective de modes guidés. CFA 2018. 1. (Article publié).
- Emilie B., Kohlhauer M., Lidouren F., Rambaud J., Berdeaux A., Mongardon N., Micheau P., Ghaleh B., Tissier R. (2018). Evaluation of the neuroprotective effect of hypothermic total liquid ventilation in a model of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. AHA Resuscitation symposium. (Article publié).
- Sage M, Marouan S, Forand-Choinière C, Berger C, Nadeau M, Micheau P, Praud J-P, Fortin-Pellerin É. (2018). Prevention of Ventilator Induced Lung Injury by Total Liquid Ventilation in an Ovine NeonatalModel of Induced Surfactant Deficienc. American Thoracic Society annual meeting. (Article publié).
- Sage M*, Marouan S, Forand-Choinière C, Berger C, Nadeau M*, Chabot B, Micheau P, Praud JP, Fortin-Pellerin E. (2018). Prevention of Ventilator Induced Lung Injury by Total Liquid Ventilation in an Ovine Neonatal Model of Induced Surfactant Deficiency. ATS 2018. (Article publié).
- Serey V*, Quaegebeur N, Micheau P, Masson P, Castaings M, Renier M. (2018). Selective Guided Waves Generation in a Two-Dimensional Waveguide. EWSHM 2018. (Article accepté).
- Serey V*, Quaegebeur N, Micheau P, Masson P, Castaings M, Renier M. (2018). Selective generation of Guided modes along a bar-like composite structure. APWSHM. (Article publié).
- M. Sage, A Dler, C Forand-Choinière, P Micheau, JP Praud, E Fortin-Pellerin. (2017). Assesment of perflubron pulmonary distribution during the fillings phase of total liquid ventilation. CNPRM 2017. (Article accepté).
- Sage M*, Adler A, Forand-Choinière C, Micheau P, Praud JP, Fortin-Pellerin E. (2017). Assessing the Impact of Total Liquid Ventilation on Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in a Neonatal Lamb Model of Induced Surfactant Deficiency. Conference of the pediatric academic societies. (Article publié).
- P. Micheau, B. Benjamin, R. Raymond, P. Masson,. (2017). Control of Amplitude, frequency and phase of an harmonic pneumatic source. ICSV24. (Article publié).
- R. Temporelli, P. Micheau, M. Boisvert,. (2017). Control of an electromechanical clutch actuator by a parallel Adaptive Feedforward and Bang-Bang controller: Simulation and Experimental results. 20th World congress IFAC. (Article publié).
- P. Micheau, M. Nadeau, R. Tissier, H. Walti,. (2017). Direct Optimal Control of Breathable Liquid Temperature for Human Cooling. 20th World congress IFAC. (Article publié).
- R Temporelli, P Micheau, M. Boisvert,. (2017). Experimental evaluation of fuel consumption reduction of a new electrified clutch transmission virtually connected to a vehicle,. SAE World Congress. (Article publié).
- J Nadeau, P Micheau, M Boisvert. (2017). Ideal regenerative braking torque in collaboration with hydraulic brake system. EVER 17. (Article publié).
- V. Serey, M. Castaings, P. Micheau, M. Renier, P. Masson, N. Quaegebeur,. (2017). Selective guided waves generation in a bi-dimensional waveguide for damage detection. NDT Canada. (Article publié).
- Sage M*, Nadeau M*, Mousseau J*, Gullickson-Larouche E*, Dunfield R*, Robert R, Micheau P, Walti H,. (2016). Complete weaning from ventilatory support after whole therapeutic lung lavage using total liquid ventilation in severe meconium aspiration syndrome. ATS 2016. (Article publié).
- Boulander R*, Pelletier A*, Micheau P, Berry A. (2016). Contrôle actif harmonique avec un piézoélectrique utilisé comme un port Hamiltonien. CFA/VISHNO 2016. (Article publié).
- Adler A, Fortin-Pellerin E, Nadeau M, Vandamme J, Mousseau J, Micheau P, Sage M, Praud JP. (2016). EIT monitoring of the liquid-ventilated lung. ICEBI & EIT,Stockholm, Sweden,. (Article accepté).
- Micheau P, Guitel R*, Quaegebeur N, Masson P. (2016). Génération d’ondes guidées à l’aide de transducteurs co-localisés. CFA/VISHNO 2016. (Article publié).
- Nadeau M*, Sage M*, Tissier R, Praud JP, Walti H, Micheau P. (2016). Optimal control of insipired Perfluorocarbon temperature to induce hypothermia by total liquid ventilation in lamb models. IEEE EMBC’16. (Article accepté).
- Boulander R*, Michau M*, Herzog P, Micheau P, Berry A,. (2016). Utilisation d’un excitateur intertiel électrodynamique en mode capteur/actionneur et ses applications en vibro-acoustique. CFA/VISHNO 2016. (Article publié).
- Micheau P, Boulander R*, Michau M*, Berry A. (2015). Active structural acoustic control of a composite panel with sensori-actuators and complex envelope controllers. ICSV23. (Article publié).
- Robert R, Nadeau M*, Avoine O*, Vandamme J*, Mousseau J*, Sage M*, Kohlhauer M*, Praud JP, Walti H, Tissier R, Micheau P. (2015). An Advanced Liquid Ventilator Prototype for Preclinical Research in Total Liquid Ventilation. ASAIO Conference, Chicago. (Article publié).
- Guitel R*, Quaegebeur N, Ostiguy PC*, Micheau P, Masson P. (2015). Clamped piezoelectric movable transducer for robust and selective guided wave mode generation. Cansmart 2015. (Article publié).
- Nadeau M, Sage M, Kohlhauer M, Robert R, Vandamne J, Mousseau J, Tissier R, Praud JP, Walti H, Micheau P. (2015). Liquid Ventilator for Ultrafast Hypothermia Induction in Juvenile Lambs: Preliminary Results. IEEE EMBC’15. (Article publié).
- Nadeau M*, Sage M*, Kohlhauer M*, Robert R, Vandamne J*, Mousseau J*, Tissier R, Praud JP, Walti H, Micheau P. (2015). Liquid Ventilator for Ultrafast Hypothermia Induction in Juvenile Lambs: Preliminary Results. Proceedings, 1695-1698. (Article publié).
- Nadeau J*, Micheau P, Boisvert M*. (2015). Model-Based Predictive Control Applied to a Dual Regenerative and Hydraulic Brake System. 2015 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 5. (Article publié).
- Temporelli R *, Micheau P. (2015). Prediction of Fuel Consumption Reduction of a Recreational Vehicle by Electrification of Its Clutch Transmission. 2015 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 6. (Article publié).
- Boisvert M*, Micheau P*, Mammosser D*, Nadeau J. (2015). Real time evaluation of the driver ability to recover energy during braking, by observing the slip ratio of the powered wheels, on an electric vehicle. 2015 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 4. (Article publié).
- Boisvert M*, Micheau P,. (2015). Wheel slip controller for the regenerative braking of electric vehicle : experimental results with a three wheels recreational hybrid vehicle. EVER 2015. (Article publié).
- Boisvert M*, Micheau P. (2015). Wheel slip controller for the regenerative braking of electric vehicle: experimental results with a three wheels recreational hybrid vehicle. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 5 pp. (Article publié).
- Mousseau J*, Robert R, Nadeau M*, Vandamme J*, Praud JP, Walti H, Micheau P. (2014). A Mechatronic Lung Simulator to Reproduce Respiratory Mechanics in Total Liquid Ventilation. ASME 2014 Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress. (Article publié).
- Boulandet R*, Pelletier A*, Micheau P, Berry A. (2014). Active Vibration Control using Self-sensing Actuators: An Experimental Comparison of Piezoelectric and Electromagnetic Technologies. ASME 2014 Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress, 10 pages, Montréal, Canada, November 2014. (Article publié).
- Boulandet R*, Michau M, Micheau P, Berry A. (2014). Active reduction of sound transmission in aircraft cabins: a smarter use of vibration exciters. Internoise 2014. (Article publié).
- Avoine O*, Nadeau M*, Germin PS*, Vandamme J*, Mousseau J*, Robert R, Praud JP, Micheau P, Walti H. (2014). Complete weaning after total liquid ventilation in an ovine neonatal model of severe meconium aspiration syndrome. ATS Conference. 1. (Article publié).
- Michau M*, Micheau P, Boulandet R*, Berry A, Herzog P. (2014). Decentralized complex envelope controller for ASAC by virtual mechanical impedances. IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM, 162-167. (Article publié).
- Boisvert M*, Micheau P, Nadeau J. (2014). Gain scheduling LQG slip controller based on an emprirical model for a three wheel hybrid vehicle. IEEE VPPC 2014. (Article publié).
- Nadeau J*, Boisvert M*, Micheau P. (2014). Implementation of a cooperative strategy between a vehicle’s mechanical and regenerative brake system. IEEE VPPC 2014, Coimbra, Portugal. (Article publié).
- Pelletier A*, Micheau P, Berry A. (2014). Implementation of a self-sensing piezoelectric actuator for a vibro-acoustic active control. SPIE Smart Structures NDE, San Diego. (Article publié).
- Nadeau M*, Micheau P, Robert R, Vandamme J*, Mousseau J*, Tissier R, Avoine O*, Gemin PS*, Praud JP, Walti H. (2014). Lumped thermal model of a patient and a liquid ventilator in total liquid ventilation. ASME 2014 Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress. (Article publié).
- Vandamme J*, Germin PS*, Robert R, Nadeau M*, Mousseau J*, Avoine O*, Praud JP, Walti H, Micheau P. (2014). Monitoring of compliance and alveolar pressure to prevent lung overdistension during total liquid ventilation. ASME 2014 Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress. (Article publié).
- Michau M*, Berry A, Micheau P, Herzog P. (2014). Optimal virtual mechanical impedances approach for the vibroacoustic active control of a panel. 21th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV21). V2, 1565-1572. (Article publié).
- Robert R, Nadeau M*, Vandamme J*, Avoine O*, Sage M*, Praud JP, Walti H, Micheau P. (2014). Virtual Airway Pressure and Lung Temperature Sensors in a Total Liquid Ventilation Connector. ASME 2014 Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress. (Article publié).
- Vandamme J*, Robert R, Micheau P, Weil F*, Germin PS*, Avoine O*, Praud JP Praud. (2013). Alveolar pressure estimation in total liquid ventilation during pauses impeded by tube resonance. MeMeA 2013. (Article publié).
- Michau M*, Berry A, Herzog P, Micheau P. (2013). Bending nearfield compensation in the context of vibroacoustic active control. 21ème Congrès Francais de Mécanique. (Article publié).
- Boisvert M*, Micheau P, Mammoser D*, Desrochers A. (2013). Comparison of two strategies for optimal regenerative braking, with theirs sensitivity to variations in mass, slope and road condition. 7th Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control (IFAC-AAC). (Article publié).
- Nadeau M*, Micheau P, Robert R, Avoine O*, Tissier R, Germin PS, and Walti H. (2013). Control of rapid hypothermia induction by total liquid ventilation: Preliminary results. IEEE, 4. (Article publié).
- Mammosser D*, Boisvert M*, Micheau P. (2013). Designing regenerative braking strategies for electric vehicles with an efficiency map. 21ème Congrès Francais de Mécanique. (Article publié).
- Floquet J*, Désilets M, Quagebeur N, Micheau P. (2013). Development of non-destructive thickness measurements of solidification fronts in metallurgical reactors using ultrasonic waves. CIRI2013. (Article publié).
- Micheau P, Leleux A*, Castaings M. (2013). Generation and detection of guided waves d’une sonde multi-éléments à ultrasons. CIRI 2013. (Article accepté).
- Kohlhauer M*, Darbera L*, Lidouren F*, Adam C*, Chenoune M*, Bruneval P, Ghaleh B, Ricard J-D, Micheau P, Carli P, Vivien B, Nadeau M*, Robert R, Walti H, Berdeaux A, Tissier R. (2013). Hypothermic Total Liquid Ventilation Offers Neuroprotection After Non-Shockable Cardiac Arrest. Conference of American Heart Association, Resuscitation Symposium. 1. (Article publié).
- Castaings M, Leleux A*, Micheau P. (2013). Inspection of composite components by pure guided wave based ultrasonic imaging with one phased array probe. ICCM19. (Article publié).
- Avoine O*, Germin PS*, Robert R, Nadeau M*,Rochon ME, Praud JP, Micheau P, Walti H. (2012). Complete weaning after total liquid ventilation in an ovine neonatal model of severe meconium aspiration syndrome: preliminary results. 7th Symp on medical applications of perfluorocarbons and liquid ventilation. (Article publié).
- Micheau P, Gauthier JP*. (2012). Extremal harmonic active control of torque oscillation applied to a monocylinder hybrid powertrain. RITF 2012. (Article publié).
- Gauthier JP*, Micheau P. (2012). Feedforward and feedback adaptive controls for continuously variable transmissions. IFAC SYSID 2012. (Article publié).
- Leleux A, Micheau P, Castaings M. (2012). NDT process using Lamb waves generated/detected by ultrasonic phased array probes for the defect detection in metallic and composite plates. AIP Conf. Proc. 1511. (Article publié).
- Micheau P, et al. (2012). Recent advances with the Innolivent device. 7th Symp on medical applications of perfluorocarbons and liquid ventilation. (Article publié).
- Quaegebeur N, Micheau P, Masson P, Castaings M. (2012). SHM system using rectangular versus circular piezoceramic for the inspection within the bond of a composite bonded joint. SPIE 2012 Health Monitoring of structural and biological systems. (Article publié).
- Mammosser D*, Micheau P, Boisvert M*, Denis N*. (2012). Simulation of optimal rear wheel regenerative braking strategies on slippery roads for a 3-wheel hybrid vehicle. European Electric Vehicle Congress, EEVC2012. (Article publié).
- Micheau P, Quaegebeur N, Masson P, Belanger H, Pinsonnault J. (2012). Surface Mounted Transducers for Structural Health Monitoring of Bonded Structure Joints. RITF 2012. (Article publié).
- Nadeau M*, Beaudry M*, Robert R, Avoine O*, Praud JP, Walti H, Micheau P. (2012). Validation of an integrated PFC treatment unit for liquid ventilator. 7th Symp on medical applications of perfluorocarbons and liquid ventilation. (Article publié).
- Robert R, Micheau P, Nadeau M*, Avoine O*, Rochon ME, Praud JP, Walti H. (2012). Validation of pressure-controlled ventilation modes used on a liquid ventilator. 7th Symp on medical applications of perfluorocarbons and liquid ventilation. (Article publié).
- Quaegebeur N, Micheau P, Masson P. (2012). Within the bond strategy for in-situ inspection of composite bonded joints using piezoceramics. 6th EWSHM. (Article publié).
- Beaulieu A*, Foucault E, Braud P, Micheau P, Szeger P, Robert R, Walti H. (2011). A flowmeter for unsteady liquid flow measurements in Total Liquid Ventilation. International Symposium on Medical Measurement and Applications. 4. (Article publié).
- Beaulieu A*, Foucault E, Braud P, Micheau P, Szeger P, Robert R, Walti H. (2011). A flowmeter for unsteady liquid flow measurements in Total Liquid Ventilation. IEEE International Workshop of Medical Measurement and Applications (MeMeA). (Article publié).
- Quaegebeur N, Masson P, Micheau P, Maslouhi A. (2011). SHM strategy for detection of inerlaminar delamination. SPIE 2011 Smart Structures and Materials & NE and HM. (Article publié).
- Gauthier JP*, Micheau P. (2010). A controller for a steel belt CVT using a high speed variator model for feedback linearization and disturbance rejection. CVT2010. 5. (Article publié).
- Masson P, Dominique L*, Demers L*, Quaegebeur N* and Micheau P. (2010). Chirplet-based imaging using compact piezoelectric array. Proc. SPIE. (Article accepté).
- Robert R, Micheau P, Beaulieu A*, Avoine O*, Rochon ME*, Praud JP, Walti H. (2010). Control of pressure ventilation modes in total liquid ventilation. ICABB 2010, Special Session on Liquid Ventilators. 7. (Article publié).
- Avoine O*, Bossé D*, Beaudry B*, Beaulieu A*, Albadine R, Praud JP, Micheau P, Walti H. (2010). Efficacy and Safety of Total Liquid Ventilation in a Severe Meconium Aspiration Syndrome Ovine Experimental Model. Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting. (Article accepté).
- Beaudry B*, Micheau P, Avoine O*, Beaulieu A*, Praud JP, and Walti H. (2010). Evaluation of gas oxygen exchange in total liquid ventilation with a bubble gas exchanger. ASAIO conference. (Article accepté).
- Beaulieu A*, Micheau P, Robert R, Bosse D*, Avoine O*, Rochon ME*, Praud JP and Walti H. (2010). Mechanical impedance of the respiratory system during total liquid ventilation. ICABB 2010. (Article accepté).
- Robert R, Micheau M, Avoine O*, Nadeau M*, Praud JP, and Walti H. (2010). Preliminary experimental validation of a pressure-regulated, volume-controlled liquid ventilation mode. ASAIO conference. (Article accepté).
- Bossé D*, Beaulieu A*, Avoine O*, Micheau P, Praud JP, Walti H. (2010). Total Liquid Ventilation : Is Low-Frequency Forced Oscillation Technique Suitable for Respiratory Mechanics Assessment. Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting. (Article accepté).
- Walti H, Avoine O*, Bosse D*, Beaudry B*, Beaulieu A*, Albadine R, Praud JP, Robert R, and Micheau P. (2010). Use of a new experimental total liquid ventilation device for lavaging airway in an ovine model of severe meconium aspiration syncrome. ICABB 20. (Article accepté).
- Masson P, Micheau P. (2009). Compact piezoelectric arrays for imaging strategies in damage detection. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, IWSHM 2009, 1256-1263. (Article publié).
- Francoeur D*, Masson P, Micheau P. (2009). Parametrice uncertainty identification for the damage assessment in a simplified lap joint. IRF’09. (Article accepté).
- Francoeur D*, Masson P, Micheau P. (2009). Sensitivity analysis of a transmission line model for damage characterization in complex structures. SPIE 09. (Article accepté).
- Robert R*, Micheau P, Beaulieu A*, Avoine O*, Walti H. (2009). Two Distinct Controllers for The Pressure Regulation in Total Liquid Ventilation. MCBMS'09. (Article accepté).
Propriétés intellectuelles
- M. Nadeau*, P. Micheau, R. Robert, H. Walti, O. Avoine*, JP Praud. (2020). Indirect measurement in a total liquid ventilation system. 61/838,896. États-Unis d'Amérique. (Délivré).
- (2018). Method and apparatus for providing a structural condition of a structure. US 61310996. Canada. (Délivré).
- (2012). Vehicule clutch control method. US 61/426,846. États-Unis d'Amérique. (En instance).
- JP Rami, H Hurlin, JB Goulard, M Varsaevel, P. Micheau, J. Drant*, A. Allard*, A. Berry, R Robert. Active device for attenuating acoustic emissions for a turbojet comprising controlled turbines. WO 2019/17000 A1. France. (En instance).
- P Micheau, R Tissier, M Nadeau*, M Kohlhauer, J Vandamme*, J Mousseau*. Liquid ventilator and method to induce tidal liquid ventilation and/or hyperthermia. L80011814WO. Canada. (En instance).
- F. Paublant, M. Nadeau, J Marinet, A. Bajolet, P Micheau. Total liquid ventilation system and method. EP 21305533.8. France. (En instance).
- JS Plante, MO Lacerte*, G. Pouliot*, P. Micheau, D. Rancourt,. Transmission Manuelle Automatisée sans interruption de couple, avec embrayage de transfert à courants de Foucault, pour véhicules hybrides et électriques. Canada. (En instance).
Autres contributions
Activités de collaboration internationale
- Leader de RHAPSODI avec Safran, LAUM. France. Recherche contractuelle en collaboration étroite avec la compagnie Safran Nacelles (Le Havre). L'activité de recherche a abouti à un dépôt de brevet sur une technique novatrice de contrôle actif des turboréacteurs d'avions. 1 étudiant au doctorat (complété en 2020) La recherche collaborative se poursuit jusqu'en 2025 en collaboration avec le prof. Gabard (titulaire de la chaire Safran Group) et le Laboratoire d'Acoustique du Maine (LAUM) basé au Mans (France). Une cotutelle de thèse sera financée de 2022 à 2025.
- co-supervision, PhD, U. de Bordeaux. France. Recherche en collaboration dans le domaine des ultrasons (ondes guidées, structural health monitoring, algorithmes, réponse non-linéaire) congé de développement, 2010, 2016 Co-tutelle de thèse en co-financement DGA (France) et FQRNT (Québec) encadrée par un accord, 2016-2018. Co-tutelle de thèse en financement par l'Université de Bordeaux, 2016-2018.
- Coordinateur recherche avec ENVA-INSERM. France. J'ai dirigé le consortium de recherche avec l'Ecole Nationale Veterinaire (ENVA) associée à l'INSERM-U955 (Créteil, France) dans le domaine de la ventilation liquidienne totale. L'accord de collaboration a été initié lors de l'octroi d'un support par le "Ministère du Développement Economique, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation" (Québec) et s'est poursuivi en support IDF Innov (france). En 2018, j'agis comme collaborateur dans le cadre d'une subvention ANR (France). 3 brevets de l'UdeS ont été transférés pour la création de la compagnie Orixha en France.
- P Micheau. (2013). La ventilation liquide. JIVA2013 2e journée international en ventilation artificielle. Montreal, Canada
- P Micheau. (2013). Recent advances with the Innolivent device. 7th Symp on medical applications of perfluorocarbons and liquid ventilation, Paris. Paris, France