
Equipment for Research, Industry or Student Projects
To conduct its research work, the members of CRASH-UdeS have at their disposal rooms dedicated to measurements and tests, as well as measurement equipment such as sensors or precision actuators.
Some of these equipements and facilities are available for rent, in order to meet the needs of UdeS researchers and students on the one hand, and to meet the needs of other universities or external companies on the other.
The mechanical instrumentation plateforme of l'Université de Sherbrooke (or PIMUS for the french Plateforme d'Instrumentation Mécanique de l'Université de Sherbrooke) also offers technical services such as the fabrication of mechanical parts or the assembly of experimental test benches.
Consult the chart of rental rates
More information about PIMUS :
- For members of the UdeS university community : Acces to PIMUS MSTeams plateform
- PIMUS email contact : pimus@USherbrooke.ca