
Nicolas Abatzoglou
P. Eng. Ph. D.
Full professor
Director of Group of research on technologies and processes
Research and expertise domains
Organic matter thermochemical convertion reactors. Particle systems. Environment.

Inès Esma Achouri
P. Eng. Ph. D.
Adjunct professor
Thermocatalytic sector
Research and expertise domains
Intensification of chemical and pharmaceutical processes. Energetic efficiency. Heterogeneous catalyst. Cold plasma assisted process. Catalytic conversion.

Federico Galli
CPI. Ph. D.
Adjunct professor
Industrial chemistry and chemical processes
Research and expertise domains
Thermal and catalytic pyrolysis, catalytic hydrogenolysis, plastic depolymerisation, process simulation and LCA.

François Gitzhofer
P. Eng. Ph. D.
Associate professor
Plasma sector
Research and expertise domains
Combinatory synthesis of material by plasma. Suspension deposition by plasma. Materials characterization.

Ryan Gosselin
P. Eng. Ph. D.
Adjunct professor
Pharmaceutical sector
Research and expertise domains
Multivariate statistical analysis. Modelization and regression methods. Chimiometry. Imagery (colour and spectral). Optimization of industrial processes.