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PhD Students

Dalia Allouss

Dalia Allouss

Thermochemical sector

N. Abatzoglou (Director)
I. E. Achouri (Co-director)

M.S. in chemometrics and chemical analysis (2016) at the University of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah (Fès, Morocco); Ph.D. in chemistry of materials and chemometrics (2022) at the university of Hassan II (Casablanca, Morocco). Currently, a Ph.D. student at GRTP, working on energetic and chemical valorization of pyrolysis products of contaminated biomasses for the production of clean biofuel (Gold-H2020 project).

Vaibhavi Bele

Vaibhavi Bele

Biotechnology sector

I. E. Achouri (Director)

Ms Bele completed her master's degree (2022) at Concordia University in Montreal and worked as a research intern at Agriculture and Agri-food Canada for two years. She joined the UdeS for a doctorate in 2023 and her research focuses on biogas, biomass, and the circular economy.

Farbod Farzi

Farbod Farzi

Thermochemical sector

I. E. Achouri (Director)

Farbod joined the team in 2021 to pursue his Ph.D. program in Chemical Engineering focusing on catalytic CO2 hydrogenation. He received his MSc in “Advanced Chemical Engineering” with Merit from The University of Manchester, U.K. and has been working in Oil & Energy industry for 12 years.

Doaa Mohamed Ahmed Hassan

Doaa Mohamed Ahmed Hassan

Thermochemical sector

N. Abatzoglou (Director)

Hanna Hassini

Hanna Hassini

Thermochemical sector

I. E. Achouri (Director)

Synthesis and characterization of multifunctional catalysts for the dry reforming of methane.

This project aims to synthesize different catalysts to test their performance in the dry reforming reaction. This reaction allows the reduction of greenhouse effect gases (Methane and carbon dioxide) and produce syngas which has a large industrial application. A good resistance of carbon and a good conversion of the reageant are the important points to take into consideration in this project. 

Ahmed Mohamed Ramadan Ibrahim

Ahmed Mohamed Ramadan Ibrahim

Pharmaceutical sector

N. Abatzoglou (Director)

Sabrina Bahia Karakache

Sabrina Bahia Karakache

Thermochemical sector

I. E. Achouri (Director)
N. Abatzoglou (Co-director)

Valorization of pyrolysis gases of a contaminated biomass, as a feedstock for  Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, in order to produce biofuels with low ILUC-risk.

Reem Mahmoud

Reem Mahmoud

Plasma sector

F. Gitzhofer (Director)
N. Abatzoglou (Co-director)

B.Sc. (2012) and M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from Cairo University, Egypt. Assistant lecturer in the British University in Egypt (BUE). From September 2019, Ph.D. in the Department of Chemical and Biotechnology Engineering, University of Sherbrooke (UdeS). Research subject: synthesis of Nanocarbon by plasma technology (PLASYNOC). This project aims to reduce greenhouse gases by using an environmentally friendly thermal plasma technology for hydrocarbon gases decomposition (ex: Methane) to produce high-quality carbon nanomaterials. In addition, hydrogen gas is produced as a by-product which can be used in the industrial processes’ electrification.

Khadija Olivia Ogoula Igouwe

Khadija Olivia Ogoula Igouwe

Thermochemical sector

N. Abatzoglou (Director)
I. E. Achouri (Co-director)

Engineering degree in chemical engineering (2019) at the Polytechnic School of Dakar (Senegal), Master's degree in process engineering and sustainable development (2021) at the Sorbonne Paris Nord University. Currently a PhD at the GRTP since February 2022, working on the optimization of the operating parameters of pyrolysis of biomasses contaminated with heavy metals from phytoremediation sites.

Muhammad Irfan Malik

Muhammad Irfan Malik

Thermochemical sector

I. E. Achouri (Director)
N. Abatzoglou (Co-director)

Muhammad Irfan Malik is a PhD candidate at the University of Sherbrooke. He obtained his master's degree from KFUPM, before joining University of Sherbrooke, he was a lecturer at the University of Hafar Al Batin. He is working on dry reforming.

Mathieu Pominville-Racette

Mathieu Pominville-Racette

Thermochemical sector

I. E. Achouri (Director)