MDP - Contactless electrical semiconductor characterization
Caractérisation sans contact et non-destructive des propriétés électriques des matériaux.
Manufacturer & model
Freiberg Instruments GmbH MDPspot
Technical specifications
- Laser pulses: 20 ns - 20 ms
- Materials: silicon n and p, from 0.1 Ωcm to 1000 Ωcm
- Thickness: from 100μm to 156mm
- Geometry of the samples: 5mm x 5mm pieces, waffles, bricks.
Examples of available processes
- The system can perform spot measurements but it is possible to manually map with limited accuracy
- Evaluation of the homogeneity of passivation
- Detection of defects / impurities in materials
- Measurement of photoconductivity
- Measuring the lifetime of minority carriers using the microwave-detected photoconductivity (MDP) method or the decay of microwaved photoconductivity (μPCD)