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InfoCritique, programme d’auto-formation d'apprentissage de la lecture critique des publications scientifiques

McCormack, J. How to Critically Appraise an RCT in 10 Minutes.

Greenhalg T. How to read a paper. BMJ Books, 2010.

Evans I, Thornton H, Chalmers I, Glasziou P. Testing Treatments. Pinter & Martin,2011

Straus SE, Richardson WS, Glasziou P Haynes RB. Evidence-Based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM by, 5th ed, Philadelphia, Pa, Churchill Livingstone, 2019. 

Altman D, Chatfield C, Zidek J. Practical statistics for medical research, Chapman et Hall, 2010.

Ancelle T. Statistique Epidémiologie, Maloine, 2011.

Weaver A, Goldberg S. Clinical Biostatistics made ridiculously simple, MedMaster, 2011.

Woloshin S, Schwartz LM, Welch HG. Understanding Health Statistics, University of California Press, 2008 

McAlister FA, the number needed to treat, (CMAJ, 9 septembre 2008).

Sur le Web

Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (University of Oxford) 

Ressources for Evidence-Based Practice (McMaster University Health Sciences) 

Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice (tutoriel) (Duke University Medical Center Library and the Health Sciences Librairy at the University of North Carolina) 

Evidence-based Practice (Duke University - Medical Center Library & Archives) 

Série Basic statistics for clinicians du Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ 1995; 152 (1,2,3,4).

Guyatt G, Jaeschke R, Heddle N, Cook D, Shannon H, Walter S. Basic statistics for clinicians: 1. Hypothesis testing. CMAJ 1995;152:27–32. 

Barratt A, Wyer PC, Hatala R, McGinn T, Dans AL, Keitz S, et al. Tips for learners of evidence-based medicine: 2. Relative risk reduction, absolute risk reduction and number needed to treat. CMAJ 2004;171(4):353-8. 

Montori VM, Kleinbart J, Newman TB, Keitz S, Wyer PC, Moyer V, et al. Tips for learners of evidence-based medicine: 3. Measures of precision (confidence intervals). CMAJ 2004;171(6):611-5. 

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