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MIDI-MAP | Spatial Agro-Hydrology : Satellite Geodesy and its applications

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Conférences et séminaires
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En ligne (sur Teams)

Mehdi Eshagh Photo : fournie
Description : Geodesy is the science and techniques of determining the shape and size of the Earth and its gravity field and artificial satellites are used for such a purpose, it is called Satellite Geodesy. Based on what is going to be determined and how, different techniques, measurements and theories have been developed. Geometric and gravimetric satellite Geodesy are two know subjects each one has been developed tremendously during last decades. The former deals with position and navigation and all which is related to the geometric shape of the Earth and the latter about the physical shape of the Earth, or geoid, and gravity field of the Earth.

In this scientific presentation, Mehdi Eshagh describes his journey in Satellite Geodesy and its applications as well as his visions for the future. He will talk about GNSS, satellite gravimetric missions of CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE, geophysical applications like Moho and density contrast, elastic thickness, mantle plume and stress modelling, post-glacial rebound, and groundwater monitoring, optimisation of deformation monitoring networks and localisation of signal interferences.

Conférencier : Mehdi Eshag est professeur de géodésie à l’Université West (Suède) depuis 2013. Cumulant plus de 20 ans d’expérience d’enseignement, il est également le fondateur et éditeur en chef du « Journal of Geodetic Science », auteur et co-auteur de 126 articles et de trois livres.

Conférence offerte dans le cadre des Midis-MAP du Centre d'applications et de recherches en télédétection (CARTEL)

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