Doing business with the Université de Sherbrooke
The Purchasing Sector has the mandate to obtain goods and services on behalf of the Université de Sherbrooke (with the exception of certain items acquired by specific administrative units).
The Purchasing Sector must provide all of the Université's administrative units with the professionnal services and the administrative support needed to acquire goods and services.
To carry out its mandate, the Purchasing Sector participates in centralized purchasing, considers the policies of the public market, and favours local purchases and standardization when they benefit the Université.
For the sake of economy, efficiency, transparency and fairness towards suppliers, the Université conducts its purchasing activities on a competitive basis. The Purchasing Sector proceeds by way of public calls for tender, and by invitations to tender (ITT).
Only those tenders received before the closing date and time will be considered. Late submissions will be returned to their senders unopened. The Université is not bound to accept the lowest or any of the proposed tenders.
The Purchasing Sector maintains a current, non-restrictive list of suppliers who are capable of winning a contract to sell, rent, or provide goods and services to the Université.
In general, in order to be included on the list, suppliers must meet the following requirements :
- learned and applied the rules concerning how the suppliers should manage business with Université de Sherbrooke in respect of the Responsible Procurement Policy;
- be aware of and comply Supplier code of conduct for Quebec Universities;
- have a commercial establishment with permanent installations;
- employ skilled workers capable of performing the required work and ensuring after-sales service;
- be financially stable;
- have a good reputation in the business community;
- provide satisfactory guarantees of the value and durability of their products or of the quality of the services offered, including appropriate after-sales service;
- complete the registration form and submit it to the Purchasing Sector (Secteur approvisionnement) of the Université de Sherbrooke.