Robert Dumaine
Professeur associé, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
FMSS Département de pharmacologie-physiologie
Sujet de recherche
Arythmies, Génétique du développement, Génétique moléculaire, Maladies cardiovasculaires, Maladies génétiques
Disciplines de recherche
Biologie moléculaire, Cardiologie
arythmies, canaux ioniques, canaux potassiques, canaux sodiques, Cardiologie, Electrophysiologie, HERG
Intérêts de recherche
Arythmies cardiaques liées aux canaux sodiques neuronaux présents dans le coeur et menant à la mort subite chez le nouveau-né et durant l'épilepsie.
Centre de recherche
Centre de recherche du CHUS
Langues parlées et écrites
Anglais, Français
(1996). (Post-doctorat, Post Doctoral). Baylor College of Medicine.
(1993). (Doctorat, Doctorat en Physiologie/Biophysique). Université de Sherbrooke.
(1989). (Maîtrise avec mémoire, Maitrise en Biophysique - Maîtrise). Université de Sherbrooke.
Prix et distinctions
- (2010) Prix Jean de Marjorie (Best publication). Université de Sherbrooke. (Distinction).
Articles de revue
- Murza, A; Sainsily, X; Coquerel, D; Côté, J; Marx, P; Besserer-Offroy, É; Longpré, JM; Lainé, J; Reversade, B; Salvail, D; Leduc, R; Dumaine, R; Auger-Messier, M; Lesur, O; Sarret, P; Marsault, E. (2015). Discovery and Structure-Activity Relationship of a Bioactive Fragment of ELABELA that Modulates Vascular and Cardiac Functions". Journal: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Manuscript ID: jm-20 1. (Révisions requises).
- Biet M., Morin N., Lessard-Beaudoin M., Graham RK, Duss S, Gagné J, Sanon NT., Carmant L, Dumaine R. (2015). Prolongation of action potential duration and QT interval during epilepsy linked to increased contribution of neuronal sodium channels to cardiac late Na+ current: A potential mechanism for sudden death in epilepsy. Circulation Arrhythmias/electrophys. 4 912-20. (Article publié).
- Boon Yew Tan, Rita Yu Yin Yong, Hector Barajas Martinez, Robert Dumaine, Ying Xia Chew, Pavandip Singh Wasan, Chi Keong Ching, Kah Leng Ho, Linda Seo Hwee Gan, Nathalie Morin,Alicia Poh Leng Chong, Shiao Hui Yap, Jia Ling Neo, Eric Peng Huat Yap, Shabbir Moochhala, Chong Thuan Tee Daniel, Weien Chow, Swee Chong Seow MBBSƟ, Dan Hu, Mahesh Uttamchandani, Wee Siong Teo. (2015). A Brugada Syndrome Proband with Compound HeterozygoteSCN5A Mutations identified from a Chinese Family in Singapore. Europace Mar 1. (Article publié).
- Murza, A., Besserer-Offroy, E., Côté, J., Bérubé, P., Longpré, JM., Dumaine,R., Lesur, O., Auger-Messier, M., Leduc, R., Sarret , P., Marsault, E. (2015). C-terminal Modifications of apelin-13 significantly change ligand binding, receptor signaling and hypotensive action. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 58(5) 2431-40. (Article publié).
- Ton, AT ,Biet M, Delabre JF, Morin N, Dumaine R. (2014). Prenatal exposure to nicotine alters development of the cardiac conduction system in rabbit neonate. Cardiovasc. Res. (Révisions requises).
- M. Belkouch, MA. Dansereau, P. Tétreault,M.Biet,N.Beaudet,R.Dumaine, A.Chraibi, S.Melik-Parsadaniantz, P.Sarret. (2014). Functional Up-regulation of Nav1.8 Sodium Channel in A-Beta Afferent Fibers Subjected to Chronic Peripheral Inflammation. J Neuroinflammation 7 11:45. (Article publié).
- Biet M , Morin N , Benrezzak O , Naimi F , Bellanger S , Bailllargeon JP , Chouinard L , Gallo-Payet N , Carpentier AC , Dumaine R. (2014). Lasting alterations of the cardiac sodium current by short term hyperlipidemia as a mechanism for initiation of cardiac remodeling. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 306(2) (H291-H297), (Article publié).
- Nguyen N, Biet M, Simard E, Béliveau,E, Guillemette G, Dumaine R, Grandbois M, Boulay G,. (2013). STIM1 participates in the contractile rhythmicity of HL-1 cardiomyocytes by moderating T-type Ca2+ channel activity. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1833 (6), 1294-303. (Article publié).
- Michael B, Hector BM, Anh-Tuan T, Jean-Francois D, Nathalie M, Robert D. (2012). About half of the late sodium current in cardiac myocytes from dog ventricle is due to non-cardiac-type Na(+) channels. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 53 (5), 593-8. (Article publié).
- Chamberland C, Barajas-Martinez H, Haufe V, Fecteau MH, Delabre JF, Burashnikov A, Antzelevitch C, Lesur O, Chraibi A, Sarret P, Dumaine R. (2010). Modulation of canine cardiac sodium current by Apelin. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 48 (4), 694-701. (Article publié).
- Lesur O, Roussy JF, Chagnon F, Gallo-Payet N, Dumaine R, Sarret P, Chraibi A, Chouinard L, Hogue B. (2010). Proven infection-related sepsis induces a differential stress response early after ICU admission. Crit Care. 14 (4), R131. (Article publié).
Chapitres de livre
- R Dumaine, M Biet, D Coquerel, and O Lesur. (2014). Apelin (APLN) as a potential novel promising molecule in the treatment of sepsis-induced myocardial dysfunction and related vascular disorders. Sepsis diagnosis, management, and health outcomes”. (1, 00-012). Nova Science Publishers. (Article sous presse).
Autres contributions
Cours enseignés
- - Advanced electrophysiology. Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
- - Recepteur Transducteurs. Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
- Biomedical Sciences (undergrad medecine). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
- (2015). Overexpression of neuronal sodium channels in the heart as a mechanism for sudden death in epilepsy. PCS World congress cardiothoracic-renal diseases 2015. Warsaw, Poland
- (2014). Role of late sodium current in arrhythmias and contractile dysfunction. Canadian Heart Rhythm Society. MonteBello
- (2012). Cardiac arrhythmias. Invited speaker 1st International Congress of Cardiology (ICC-2009), China. Shangai
- (2010). Effects of testosterone of the distribution of the cardiac sodium current. 2010 Invited speaker and Chaiman, session arrhythmias. 2nd International Congress of Cardiology (ICC-2010), China. Beijing