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Anita Burgun

Professeure associée, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
FMSS Administration


Sujet de recherche

Bioinformatique, Dépistage génétique des maladies

Disciplines de recherche

Génétique, Médecine préventive et communautaire


Décision clinique, Dossiers cliniques informatisés, Intelligence artificielle, Langage naturel, Maladies rares, Médecine de précision, Ontologies, Phénotypage, Systèmes de santé apprenants

Intérêts de recherche

Actuellement, mes intérêts de recherche sont: - le diagnostic des maladies rares en collaboration étroite avec l'Institut Imagine à Paris (dirigé par S. Lyonnet) pour le diagnostic des maladies pléiotropiques (multiplicité des génies et des présentations cliniques), par exemple les ciliopathies; - la décision thérapeutique en oncologie de précision dans le cadre de l'Institut du cancer CARPEM (Cancer Research for Personalized Medicine), dirigé par P. Laurent-Puig.

Recherche clinique


Langues parlées et écrites

Anglais, Français


(2000). (Habilitation, Habilitation à diriger des recherches). Université de Rennes I.

(1994). Représentation conceptuelle du langage médical appliquée aux nomenclatures internationales (Doctorat, Informatique médicale). Université de Rennes I.

(1990). (Maîtrise avec mémoire, Informatique). Université de Rennes I.

(1987). (Doctorat, Etat de docteur en médecine). Université de Rennes I.

Expérience académique

Professeure d'informatique médicale. (2012-).

Professeure des Universités-Praticien Hospitalier (PU-PH). (2012-).

Professeure des Universités-Praticien Hospitalier (PU-PH). (2006-2012).


  • (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Peer-led interactive and participatory online community as a tool to promote sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and young adults – SEXPAIRS. Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) (France). Santé publique, santé et societé. 100 000 $. (2021-2024)
  • Chaire de recherche. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Chaire de l'Institut Interdisciplinaire d'Intelligence Artificielle (3IA), PaRis Artificial Intelligence Research InstitutE (PRAIRIE). Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) (France). PIA3. 483 000 $. (2019-2024)
  • (Obtenu). Cochercheur. ATRACtion - Autoimmunity/inflammation Through Rnaseq Analysis at the single Cell level for Therapeutic Innovation. Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) (France). Recherches Hospitalo-universitaires en santé (RHU). 120 000 $. (2019-2023)
  • (Obtenu). Cochercheur. C’IL-LICO – Next generation medicine for renal ciliopathies. Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) (France). Hospital-University Research in Health (RHU). 2 000 000 $. (2018-2023)
  • (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Projet européen EraPerMed PeCAN Personalized Cancer Treatment. ERA. PerMed. 220 000 $. (2020-2023)
  • (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Geocancer: Integration of spatial and environmental data. Cancéropôle Ile-de-France. 200 000 $. (2019-2022)
  • (Obtenu). Cochercheur. SIRIC CARPEM - Cancer Research for Personalized Medicine (2e période). Institut national du cancer (INCa) (France). SIRIC-CARPEM. 1 000 000 $. (2019-2022)
  • (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Projet européen Flag-ERA ITfoC: Information Technology: the Future of Cancer treatment. FLAG-ERA. ITfoC. 180 000 $. (2016-2021)
  • (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Projet PREPS PACHA : Développement et validation d’indicateurs automatisés de pertinence de la prescription des anticoagulants oraux en médecine adulte à partir du système d’information hospitalier. Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé. Programme de recherche sur la performance du système des soins (PREPS). 100 000 $. (2017-2021)
  • (Terminé). Cochercheur. Partage de données en cancérologie. Cancéropôle Ile-de-France. Émergence. 150 000 $. (2018-2018)
  • (Terminé). Collaborateur. SIRIC CARPEM - Cancer Research for Personalized Medicine Création de la plateforme de données (1ère période). Institut national du cancer (INCa) (France). SIRIC-CARPEM. 2 000 000 $. (2012-2017)
  • (Terminé). Collaborateur. ADR-PRISM: Données des réseaux sociaux pour la détection du signal en pharmaco-vigilance, Projet Adverse Drug Reactions from Patients Reports in Social Media. Fond Unique Interministériel (FUI). Appel à projet: FUI 16. 120 000 $. (2013-2017)
  • (En cours d’évaluation). Cochercheur. Axe Artificial Intelligence for Oncology Projet de l'Institut du Cancer CARPEM. Institut du Cancer CARPEM. Appel à projets.
  • Chaire de recherche. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Chaire du numérique en santé. Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation (MEI) et Université de Sherbrooke.
  • Subvention. (En cours d’évaluation). European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases Network. French National Research Agency. Joint Transnational Call 222.
  • Parameterisation of large scale cancer models for personalised therapy of triple negative breast cancer (PeCaN). European Research Area (ERA). 2nd Joint Transnational Call for Proposals 2019.
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Projet Structurant CRCHUS - Le système de santé apprenant au service des malformations cardiaques congénitales : mise en oeuvre d'une collaboration interdisciplinaire transatlantique. Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Sherbrooke Inc. (CRCHUS) (Sherbrooke, QC). Programme projets structurants 2021 – CRCHUS. 50 000 $.


Articles de revue

  • Hoertel, N ; Sánchez-Rico, M ; Vernet, R ; Beeker, N ; Jannot, AS ; Neuraz, A ; Salamanca, E ; Paris, N ; Daniel, C ; Gramfort, A ; Lemaitre, G ; Bernaux, M ; Bellamine, A ; Lemogne, C ; Airagnes, G ; Burgun, A ; Limosin, F ; AP-HP / Universities / INSERM COVID-19 Research Collaboration and AP-HP COVID CDR Initiative. (2021). Association between antidepressant use and reduced risk of intubation or death in hospitalized patients with COVID-19: results from an observational study. Molecular psychiatry (Feb 4.), (Article publié).
  • Chouchana, L ; Beeker, N ; Garcelon, N ; Rance, B ; Paris, N ; Salamanca, E ; Polard, E ; Burgun, A ; Treluyer, JM ; Neuraz, A ; AP-HP/Universities/Inserm COVID-19 research collaboration, AP-HP Covid CDR Initiative, and “Entrepôt de Données de Santé” AP-HP Consortium”. (2021). Association of Antihypertensive Agents with the Risk of In-Hospital Death in Patients with Covid-19. Cardiovascular drugs and therapy (Feb 17), 1-6. (Article publié).
  • Digan, W ; Névéol, A ; Neuraz, A ; Wack, M ; Baudoin, D ; Burgun, A ; Rance, B. (2021). Can reproducibility be improved in clinical natural language processing? A study of 7 clinical NLP suites. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 28 (3), 504-515. (Article publié).
  • Schuck, S; Foulquie, P; Mebarki, A; Faviez, C; Kadhar, M; Texier, N; Katsahian, S; Burgun, A; Chen, X. (2021). Concerns discussed on Chinese and French social media during the COVID-19 lockdown: comparative infodemiology study based on topic modeling. JMIR Formative Research (Article sous presse).
  • Jacquier E, Laurent-Puig P, Badoual C, Burgun A, Mamzer MF. (2021). Facing new challenges to informed consent processes in the context of translational research: the case in CARPEM consortium. BMC medical ethics 22 (1), 21. (Article publié).
  • Faviez, C; Foulquie, P; Chen, X; Mebarki, A; Quenelle, S; Texier, N; Katsahian, S; Schuck, S; Burgun, A. (2021). Fuzzy matching for symptom detection in tweets: application to Covid-19 during the first wave of the pandemic in France. Stud Health Technol Inform (Article sous presse).
  • Jouffroy, J ; Feldman, SF ; Lerner, I ; Rance, B ; Burgun, A ; Neuraz, A. (2021). Hybrid Deep Learning for Medication-Related Information Extraction From Clinical Texts in French: MedExt Algorithm Development Study. JMIR medical informatics 9 (3), e17934. (Article publié).
  • Chen, X; Faviez, C; Vincent, M ; Garcelon, N ; Saunier, S; Burgun, A. (2021). Identification of similar patients through medical concept embedding from electronic health records: a feasibility study for rare disease diagnosis. Stud Health Technol Inform. (Article sous presse).
  • Hoertel, N ; Sánchez-Rico, M ; Vernet, R ; Jannot, AS ; Neuraz, A ; Blanco, C ; Lemogne, C ; Airagnes, G ; Paris, N ; Daniel, C ; Gramfort, A ; Lemaitre, G ; Bernaux, M ; Bellamine, A ; Beeker, N ; Limosin, F ; AP-HP/Universities/INSERM COVID-19 Research Collaboration and AP-HP COVID CDR Initiative. (2021). Observational Study of Chlorpromazine in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19. Clinical drug investigation 41 (3), 221-233. (Article publié).
  • Looten, V ; Neuraz, A ; Garcelon, N ; Burgun, A ; Chatellier, G ; Rance, B. (2021). The Epidemiology of Patients' Email Addresses in a French University Hospital: Case-Control Study. Journal of medical Internet research 23 (2), e13992. (Article publié).
  • Digan, W ; Névéol, A ; Neuraz, A ; Wack, M ; Baudoin, D ; Burgun, A & al. (2020). Can reproducibility be improved in clinical natural language processing? A study of 7 clinical NLP suites. J Am Med Inform Assoc (Article publié).
  • Faviez, C ; Chen, X ; Garcelon, N ; Neuraz, A ; Knebelmann, B ; Salomon, R & al. (2020). Diagnosis support systems for rare diseases: a scoping review. Orphanet J Rare Dis 15 94. (Article publié).
  • Garcelon, N ; Burgun, A ; Salomon, R ; Neuraz, A. (2020). Electronic health records for the diagnosis of rare diseases. Kidney Int 97 676-686. (Article publié).
  • Yang, DD ; Baujat, G ; Neuraz, A ; Garcelon, N ; Messiaen, C ; Sandrin, A & al. (2020). Healthcare trajectory of children with rare bone disease attending pediatric emergency departments. Orphanet J Rare Dis 15 (2), (Article publié).
  • Boulet, S ; Ursino, M ; Thall, P ; Landi, B ; Lepère, C ; Pernot, S & al. (2020). Integration of elicited expert information via a power prior in Bayesian variable selection: Application to colon cancer data. Stat Methods Med Res 29 541-567. (Article publié).
  • Brat, GA ; Weber, GM ; Gehlenborg, N ; Avillach, P ; Palmer, NP ; Chiovato, L & al. (2020). International electronic health record-derived COVID 19 clinical course profiles: the 4CE consortium. NPJ Digit Med 3 109. (Article publié).
  • Giraud, P; Giraud, P; Nicolas, E; Boisselier, P; Alfonsi, M; Rives, M & al. (2020). Interpretable Machine Learning Model for Locoregional Relapse Prediction in Oropharyngeal Cancers. Cancers (Basel) 13 (Article publié).
  • Giraud, P ; Giraud, P ; Nicolas, E ; Boisselier, P ; Alfonsi, M ; Rives, M ; Bardet, E ; Calugaru, V ; Noel, G ; Chajon, E ; Pommier, P ; Morelle, M ; Perrier, L ; Liem, X ; Burgun, A ; Bibault, JE. (2020). Interpretable Machine Learning Model for Locoregional Relapse Prediction in Oropharyngeal Cancers. Cancers 13 (1), (Article publié).
  • Neuraz, A ; Lerner, I ; Digan, W ; Paris, N ; Tsopra, R ; Rogier, A & al. (2020). Natural Language Processing for Rapid Response to Emergent Diseases: Case Study of Calcium Channel Blockers and Hypertension in the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Med Internet Res 22 e20773. (Article publié).
  • Czernichow, S ; Beeker, N ; Rives-Lange, C ; Guerot, E ; Diehl, JL ; Katsahian, S & al. (2020). Obesity Doubles Mortality in Patients Hospitalized for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 in Paris Hospitals, France: A Cohort Study on 5,795 Patients. Obesity (Silver Spring) 28 2282-2289. (Article publié).
  • Abdoul, C ; Cros, P ; Coutier, L ; Hadchouel, A ; Neuraz, A ; Burgun, A & al. (2020). Parents' views on artificial intelligence for the daily management of childhood asthma: a survey. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract (Article publié).
  • Bibault, JE ; Xing, L ; Giraud, P ; El Ayachy, R ; Giraud, N ; Decazes, P ; Burgun, A ; Giraud, P. (2020). Radiomics: A primer for the radiation oncologist. Cancer radiotherapie : journal de la Societe francaise de radiotherapie oncologique 24 (5), 403-410. (Article publié).
  • Neuraz, A ; Rance, B ; Garcelon, N ; Llanos, LC ; Burgun, A ; Rosset, S. (2020). The Impact of Specialized Corpora for Word Embeddings in Natural Langage Understanding. Stud Health Technol Inform 270 432-436. (Article publié).
  • Cohen, S ; Jannot, AS ; Iserin, L ; Bonnet, D ; Burgun, A ; Escudié JB. (2019). Accuracy of claim data in the identification and classification of adults with congenital heart diseases in electronic medical records. Archives of cardiovascular diseases 112 (1), 31-43. (Article publié).
  • Bussy, S ; Veil, R ; Looten, V ; Burgun, A ; Gaïffas, S ; Guilloux, A ; Ranque, B ; Jannot, AS. (2019). Comparison of methods for early-readmission prediction in a high-dimensional heterogeneous covariates and time-to-event outcome framework. BMC medical research methodology 19 (1), 50. (Article publié).
  • Neuraz, A ; Looten, V ; Rance, B ; Daniel, N ; Garcelon, N ; Llanos, LC ; Burgun, A ; Rosset, S. (2019). Do You Need Embeddings Trained on a Massive Specialized Corpus for Your Clinical Natural Language Processing Task?. Studies in health technology and informatics 264 1558-1559. (Article publié).
  • Digan, W ; Wack, M ; Looten, V ; Neuraz, A ; Burgun, A ; Rance, B. (2019). Evaluating the Impact of Text Duplications on a Corpus of More than 600,000 Clinical Narratives in a French Hospital. Studies in health technology and informatics 264 103-107. (Article publié).
  • Chen, X ; Garcelon, N ; Neuraz, A ; Billot, K ; Lelarge, M ; Bonald, T ; Garcia, H ; Martin, Y ; Benoit, V ; Vincent, M ; Faour, H ; Douillet, M ; Lyonnet, S ; Saunier, S ; Burgun, A. (2019). Phenotypic similarity for rare disease: Ciliopathy diagnoses and subtyping. Journal of biomedical informatics 100 103308. (Article publié).
  • Giraud, P ; Giraud, P ; Gasnier, A ; El Ayachy, R ; Kreps, S ; Foy, JP ; Durdux, C ; Huguet, F ; Burgun, A ; Bibault, JE. (2019). Radiomics and Machine Learning for Radiotherapy in Head and Neck Cancers. Frontiers in oncology 9 174. (Article publié).
  • Arnoux-Guenegou, A ; Girardeau, Y ; Chen, X ; Deldossi, M ; Aboukhamis, R ; Faviez, C ; Dahamna, B ; Karapetiantz, P ; Guillemin-Lanne, S ; Lillo-Le Louët, A ; Texier, N ; Burgun, A ; Katsahian, S. (2019). The Adverse Drug Reactions From Patient Reports in Social Media Project: Protocol for an Evaluation Against a Gold Standard. JMIR research protocols 8 (5), e11448. (Article publié).
  • Looten, V ; Kong Win Chang, L ; Neuraz, A ; Landau-Loriot, MA ; Vedie, B ; Paul, JL ; Mauge, L ; Rivet, N ; Bonifati, A ; Chatellier, G ; Burgun, A ; Rance, B. (2019). What can millions of laboratory test results tell us about the temporal aspect of data quality? Study of data spanning 17 years in a clinical data warehouse. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 181 104825. (Article publié).
  • Burgun, A. (2019). [Basis and perspectives of artificial intelligence in radiation therapy]. Cancer radiotherapie : journal de la Societe francaise de radiotherapie oncologique 23 (8), 913-916. (Article publié).
  • Djian, J ; Lellouch, AG ; Botter, C ; Levy, J ; Burgun, A ; Hivelin, M ; Lantieri, L. (2019). [Clinical photography by smartphone in plastic surgery and protection of personal data: Development of a secured platform and application on 979 patients]. Annales de chirurgie plastique et esthetique 64 (1), 33-43. (Article publié).
  • Garcelon, N ; Neuraz, A ; Salomon, R ; Faour, H ; Benoit, V ; Delapalme, A ; Munnich, A ; Burgun, A , Rance, B. (2018). A clinician friendly data warehouse oriented toward narrative reports: Dr. Warehouse. Journal of biomedical informatics 80 52-63. (Article publié).
  • Cohen, S ; Gilutz, H ; Marelli, AJ ; Iserin, L ; Benis, A ; Bonnet, D ; Burgun, A. (2018). Administrative health databases for addressing emerging issues in adults with CHD: a systematic review. Cardiology in the young 28 (6), 844-853. (Article publié).
  • Bibault, JE ; Giraud, P ; Housset, M ; Durdux, C ; Taieb, J ; Berger, A ; Coriat, R ; Chaussade, S ; Dousset, B ; Nordlinger, B ; Burgun, A. (2018). Author Correction: Deep Learning and Radiomics predict complete response after neo-adjuvant chemoradiation for locally advanced rectal cancer. Scientific reports 8 (1), 16914. (Article publié).
  • Bibault, JE ; Giraud, P ; Housset, M ; Durdux, C ; Taieb, J ; Berger, A ; Coriat, R ; Chaussade, S ; Dousset, B ; Nordlinger, B ; Burgun, A. (2018). Deep Learning and Radiomics predict complete response after neo-adjuvant chemoradiation for locally advanced rectal cancer. Scientific reports 8 (1), 12611. (Article publié).
  • Karapetiantz, P ; Bellet, F ; Audeh, B ; Lardon, J ; Leprovost, D ; Aboukhamis, R ; Morlane-Hondère, F ; Grouin, C ; Burgun, A ; Katsahian, S ; Jaulent, MC ; Beyens, MN ; Lillo-Le Louët, A ; Bousquet, C. (2018). Descriptions of Adverse Drug Reactions Are Less Informative in Forums Than in the French Pharmacovigilance Database but Provide More Unexpected Reactions. Frontiers in pharmacology 9 439. (Article publié).
  • Abdellaoui, R ; Foulquié, P ; Texier, N ; Faviez, C ; Burgun, A; Schück, S. (2018). Detection of Cases of Noncompliance to Drug Treatment in Patient Forum Posts: Topic Model Approach. Journal of medical Internet research 20 (3), e85. (Article publié).
  • Zapletal, E ; Bibault, JE ; Giraud, P ; Burgun, A. (2018). Integrating Multimodal Radiation Therapy Data into i2b2. Applied clinical informatics 9 (2), 377-390. (Article publié).
  • Bibault, JE ; Zapletal, E ; Rance, B ; Giraud, P ; Burgun, A. (2018). Labeling for Big Data in radiation oncology: The Radiation Oncology Structures ontology. PloS one 13 (1), e0191263. (Article publié).
  • Chen, X ; Faviez, C ; Schuck, S ; Lillo-Le-Louët, A ; Texier, N ; Dahamna, B ; Huot, C ; Foulquié, P ; Pereira, S ; Leroux, V ; Karapetiantz, P ; Guenegou-Arnoux, A ; Katsahian, S ; Bousquet, C ; Burgun, A. (2018). Mining Patients' Narratives in Social Media for Pharmacovigilance: Adverse Effects and Misuse of Methylphenidate. Frontiers in pharmacology 9 541. (Article publié).
  • Garcelon, N ; Neuraz, A ; Salomon, R ; Bahi-Buisson, N ; Amiel, J ; Picard, C ; Mahlaoui, N ; Benoit, V ; Burgun, A ; Rance, B. (2018). Next generation phenotyping using narrative reports in a rare disease clinical data warehouse. Orphanet journal of rare diseases 13 (1), 85. (Article publié).
  • Deborde, T ; Amar, L ; Bobrie, G ; Postel-Vinay, N ; Battaglia, C ; Tache, A ; Chedid, A ; Dhib, MM ; Chatellier, G ; Plouin, PF ; Burgun, A ; Azizi, M ; Jannot, AS. (2018). Sex differences in antihypertensive treatment in France among 17 856 patients in a tertiary hypertension unit. Journal of hypertension 36 (4), 939-946. (Article publié).
  • Jantzen, R ; Rance, B ; Katsahian, S ; Burgun, A ; Looten, V. (2018). The Need of an Open Data Quality Policy: The Case of the "Transparency - Health" Database in the Prevention of Conflict of Interest. Studies in health technology and informatics 247 611-615. (Article publié).
  • Ethier, JF ; McGilchrist, M ; Barton, A ; Cloutier, AM ; Curcin, V ; Delaney, BC ; Burgun, A. (2018). The TRANSFoRm project: Experience and lessons learned regarding functional and interoperability requirements to support primary care. Learning health systems 2 (2), e10037. (Article publié).
  • Gruson, D ; Petrelluzzi, J ; Mehl, J ; Burgun, A ; Garcelon, N. (2018). [Ethical, legal and operational issues of artificial intelligence]. La Revue du praticien 68 (10), 1145-1148. (Article publié).
  • Digan, W ; Countouris, H ; Barritault, M ; Baudoin, D ; Laurent-Puig, P ; Blons, H ; Burgun, A ; Rance, B. (2017). An architecture for genomics analysis in a clinical setting using Galaxy and Docker. GigaScience 6 (11), 1-9. (Article publié).
  • Barton, A ; Ethier, JF ; Duvauferrier, R ; Burgun, A. (2017). An ontological analysis of medical Bayesian indicators of performance. Journal of biomedical semantics 8 (1), 1. (Article publié).
  • Escudié, JB ; Rance, B ; Malamut, G ; Khater, S ; Burgun, A ; Cellier, C ; Jannot, AS. (2017). A novel data-driven workflow combining literature and electronic health records to estimate comorbidities burden for a specific disease: a case study on autoimmune comorbidities in patients with celiac disease. BMC medical informatics and decision making 17 (1), 140. (Article publié).
  • Mamzer, MF ; Duchange, N ; Darquy, S ; Marvanne, P ; Rambaud, C ; Marsico, G ; Cerisey, C ; Scotté, F ; Burgun, A ; Badoual, C ; Laurent-Puig, P ; Hervé, C. (2017). Erratum to: Partnering with patients in translational oncology research: ethical approach. Journal of translational medicine 15 (1), 80. (Article publié).
  • Dunn, W ; Burgun, A ; Krebs, MO ; Rance, B. (2017). Exploring and visualizing multidimensional data in translational research platforms. Briefings in bioinformatics 18 (6), 1044-1056. (Article publié).
  • Abdellaoui, R ; Schück, S ; Texier, N ; Burgun, A. (2017). Filtering Entities to Optimize Identification of Adverse Drug Reaction From Social Media: How Can the Number of Words Between Entities in the Messages Help?. JMIR public health and surveillance 3 (2), e36. (Article publié).
  • Garcelon, N ; Neuraz, A ; Benoit, V ; Salomon, R ; Kracker, S ; Suarez, F ; Bahi-Buisson, N ; Hadj-Rabia, S ; Fischer, A ; Munnich, A ; Burgun, A. (2017). Finding patients using similarity measures in a rare diseases-oriented clinical data warehouse: Dr. Warehouse and the needle in the needle stack. Journal of biomedical informatics 73 51-61. (Article publié).
  • Burgun, A ; Bernal-Delgado, E ; Kuchinke, W ; van Staa, T ; Cunningham, J ; Lettieri, E ; Mazzali, C ; Oksen, D ; Estupiñan, F ; Barone, A ; Chène, G. (2017). Health Data for Public Health: Towards New Ways of Combining Data Sources to Support Research Efforts in Europe. Yearbook of medical informatics 26 (1), 235-240. (Article publié).
  • Garcelon, N ; Neuraz, A ; Benoit, V ; Salomon, R ; Burgun, A. (2017). Improving a full-text search engine: the importance of negation detection and family history context to identify cases in a biomedical data warehouse. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 24 (3), 607-613. (Article publié).
  • Girardeau, Y ; Doods, J ; Zapletal, E ; Chatellier, G ; Daniel, C ; Burgun, A ; Dugas, M ; Rance, B. (2017). Leveraging the EHR4CR platform to support patient inclusion in academic studies: challenges and lessons learned. BMC medical research methodology 17 (1), 36. (Article publié).
  • Chen, X ; Deldossi, M ; Aboukhamis, R ; Faviez, C ; Dahamna, B ; Karapetiantz, P ; Guenegou-Arnoux, A ; Girardeau, Y ; Guillemin-Lanne, S ; Lillo-Le-Louët, A ; Texier, N ; Burgun, A ; Katsahian, S. (2017). Mining Adverse Drug Reactions in Social Media with Named Entity Recognition and Semantic Methods. Studies in health technology and informatics 245 322-326. (Article publié).
  • Mamzer, MF ; Duchange, N ; Darquy, S ; Marvanne, P ; Rambaud, C ; Marsico, G ; Cerisey, C ; Scotté, F ; Burgun, A ; Badoual, C ; Laurent-Puig, P ; Hervé, C. (2017). Partnering with patients in translational oncology research: ethical approach. Journal of translational medicine 15 (1), 74. (Article publié).
  • Jannot, AS ; Burgun, A ; Thervet, E ; Pallet, N. (2017). The Diagnosis-Wide Landscape of Hospital-Acquired AKI. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN 12 (6), 874-884. (Article publié).
  • Jannot, AS ; Zapletal, E ; Avillach, P ; Mamzer, MF ; Burgun, A ; Degoulet, P. (2017). The Georges Pompidou University Hospital Clinical Data Warehouse: A 8-years follow-up experience. International journal of medical informatics 102 21-28. (Article publié).
  • Bibault, JE ; Burgun, A ; Giraud, P. (2017). [Artificial intelligence applied to radiation oncology]. Cancer radiotherapie : journal de la Societe francaise de radiotherapie oncologique 21 (3), 239-243. (Article publié).
  • Ethier, JF ; Curcin, V ; McGilchrist, MM ; Choi Keung, SNL ; Zhao, L ; Andreasson, A ; Bródka, P ; Michalski, R ; Arvanitis, TN ; Mastellos, N ; Burgun, A ; Delaney, BC. (2017). eSource for clinical trials: Implementation and evaluation of a standards-based approach in a real world trial. International journal of medical informatics 106 17-24. (Article publié).
  • Bibault, JE ; Giraud, P ; Burgun, A. (2016). Big Data and machine learning in radiation oncology: State of the art and future prospects. Cancer letters 382 (1), 110-117. (Article publié).
  • Rance, B ; Canuel, V ; Countouris, H ; Laurent-Puig, P ; Burgun, A. (2016). Integrating Heterogeneous Biomedical Data for Cancer Research: the CARPEM infrastructure. Applied clinical informatics 7 (2), 260-74. (Article publié).
  • Rosier, A ; Mabo, P ; Temal, L ; Van Hille, P ; Dameron, O ; Deléger, L ; Grouin, C ; Zweigenbaum, P ; Jacques, J ; Chazard, E ; Laporte, L ; Henry, C ; Burgun, A. (2016). Personalized and automated remote monitoring of atrial fibrillation. Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of 18 (3), 347-52. (Article publié).
  • Rosier, A ; Mabo, P ; Temal, L ; Van Hille, P ; Dameron, O ; Deleger, L ; Grouin, C ; Zweigenbaum, P ; Jacques, J ; Chazard, E ; Laporte, L ; Henry, C ; Burgun. A. (2016). Remote Monitoring of Cardiac Implantable Devices: Ontology Driven Classification of the Alerts. Studies in health technology and informatics 221 59-63. (Article publié).
  • Hristovski, D ; Kastrin, A ; Dinevski, D ; Burgun, A ; Žiberna, L ; Rindflesch, TC. (2016). Using Literature-Based Discovery to Explain Adverse Drug Effects. Journal of medical systems 40 (8), 185. (Article publié).


  • Venot, A; Burgun, A; Quantin, C. (2013). Medical Informatics, e-Health: Fundamentals and Applications. Springer.

Autres contributions


  • (2019). Adapting IA to rare diseases. Immunogenomics of Disease: Accelerating to Patient Benefit. Hinxton, Royaume-Uni
  • (2019). Artificial intelligence for cancer. Value of Data in Oncology. Bucarest, Roumanie
  • (2019). Intelligence artificielle et radiothérapie. 30e congrès de la Société Française de Radiothérapie Oncologique. Paris, France
  • (2018). Adapting AI to precision medicine. AI Singapore – France AI Workshop. Singapour
  • (2018). Adapting AI to rare diseases: toward a Learning Health System. DALI 2-18 - Data, Learning and Inference. Lanrazote, Espagne
  • (2018). Médecine de précision, maladies rares et IA: quel Système Apprenant?. Symposium sur l'accès aux données de santé. Montréal, Canada
  • (2016). Addressing heterogeneity in cancer: needs for data integration. USPC-USP Meeting. Paris, France
  • (2016). IT supporting genotype phenotype association studies. Malte
  • (2016). Linking Health and Administrative Data for Maternal, Child and Young Adult Health. 9th European Public Health Conference. Vienne, Autriche
  • (2016). Public Health Research Infrastructure for Sharing of health and Medical Administrative data. BridgeHealth and EuroPeristat joint seminar.