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René Côté

Professeur associé, Faculté des sciences


Sujet de recherche

Nanomatériaux, Phénomènes quantiques, Semiconducteurs, Surfaces, interfaces et couches minces

Disciplines de recherche



condensation de Bose-Einstein, cristal de Wigner, effets Hall quantiques, excitations topologiques, ferro-aimant de Hall, gaz d'électrons bidimensionnel, graphène, modes collectifs, problème à N corps, propriétés de transport

Intérêts de recherche

Étude du gaz d'électrons bidimensionnel dans les microstructures quantiques ainsi que dans le graphène, les multicouches de graphène et d'autres sytèmes bidimensionnels: 1) Propriétés de transport (effets Hall) 2) Propriétés optique 3) Structure de bande 4) Excitations collectives 5) Excitations topologiques (solitons, skyrmions, mérons, bimérons, vortex) 6) Diagramme de phase 7) Phases non uniformes (cristal de Wigner, cristal de Skyrme, phases hélicoïdales) Condensation de Bose-Einstein des excitons dans les semiconducteurs

Langues parlées et écrites

Anglais, Français


(1998). (Post-doctorat, Post-doctorat). Université de Sherbrooke.

(1991). (Post-doctorat, Postdoctorat). Indiana University.

(1989). (Post-doctorat, Postdoctorat).

(1988). Excitonic collective modes in a Bose-condensed electron-hole gas (Doctorat, Ph. D.). University of Toronto.

(1984). Ondes solitaires magnéto-élastiques dans un ferroaimant d'Heisenberg à plan d'aimantation facile (Maîtrise avec mémoire, M. Sc.). Université de Sherbrooke.

(1981). (Baccalauréat, B. Sc.). Université de Sherbrooke.

Titres de compétence

(2018) Certification professionnelle phys. de l'association canadienne des physiciens.

Prix et distinctions

  • (1997) Prix d'excellence pour la qualité de l'enseignement. (Distinction).
  • (1995) Prix d'excellence pour la qualité de l'enseignement. (Distinction).
  • (1994) Prix d'excellence pour la qualité de l'enseignemen. (Distinction).


Articles de revue

  • Côté R, Barrette M(*), Bouffard É(*). (2015). Electromagnetic absorption and Kerr effect in quantum Hall ferromagnetic states of bilayer graphene. Physical Review B 92 125426. (Article publié).
  • Luo W(*), Côté R. (2014). Transport gap and hysteretic behavior of the Ising quantum Hall ferromagnets in | N | > 0 Landau levels of bilayer graphene. Physical Review B 90 245410. (Article publié).
  • Luo W(*), Côté R, Bédard-Vallée A(*). (2014). Ising quantum Hall ferromagnetism in Landau levels |N|≥1 of bilayer graphene. Physical Review B 90 075425. (Article publié).
  • Côté R,Barrette M(*). (2013). Validity of the two-component model of bilayer and trilayer graphene in a magnetic field. Physical Review B 88 245445. (Article publié).
  • Luo W(*),Côté R. (2013). Zeeman coupling and screening corrections to skyrmion excitations in graphene. Physical Review B 88 115417. (Article publié).
  • Lambert J(*), Côté R. (2013). Quantum Hall ferromagnetic phases in the Landau level N = 0 of a graphene bilayer. Physical Review B 87 115415.
  • Côté R, Rondeau M(*), Gagnon A.-M.(*), Barlas Y. (2012). Phase diagram of insulating crystal and quantum Hall states in ABC-stacked trilayer graphene. Physical Review B 86 125422. (Article publié).
  • Barlas Y,Côté R,Rondeau M. (2012). Quantum Hall to Charge-Density-Wave Phase Transitions in ABC-Trilayer Graphene. Physical Review Letters 109 126804.
  • Côté R, Fouquet J(*), Luo, W(*). (2011). Biased bilayer graphene as a helical quantum Hall ferromagnet. Physical Review B 84 235301. (Article publié).
  • Côté R,Luo W(*), Petrov B(*),Barlas Y, MacDonald A.H. (2010). Orbital and interlayer skyrmion crystals in bilayer graphene. Physical Review B 82 245307. (Article publié).
  • Côté R, Lambert J(*),Barlas Y,MacDonald, A.H. (2010). Orbital order in bilayer graphene at filling factor nu=−1. Physical Review B 82 035445. (Article publié).
  • Barlas, Y,Côté R,Lambert J,MacDonald A.H. (2010). Anomalous Exciton Condensation in Graphene Bilayers. Physical Review Letters 104 096802.
  • Barlas, Yafis and C\^ot\'e, R. and Nomura, K. and MacDonald, a. (2008). Intra-Landau-Level Cyclotron Resonance in Bilayer Graphene. Physical Review Letters 101 (9), 1--4.
  • Côté, R,Jobidon J.-F.,Fertig H. (2008). Skyrme and Wigner crystals in graphene. Physical Review B 78 085309. (Article publié).
  • Côté R,Lemonde M-A(*),Doiron C(*),Ettouhami A. (2008). Dynamical matrix of two-dimensional electron crystals. Physical Review B 77 115303. (Article publié).
  • Ettouhami, a. and Doiron, C. and C\^ot\'e, R. (2007). Fluctuations and topological transitions of quantum Hall stripes: Nematics as anisotropic hexatics. Physical Review B 76 (16), 1--4.
  • Côté R,Boisvert D(*),Bourassa J(*),Boissonneault M(*),Fertig, H.A. (2007). Collective modes of CP3 skyrmion crystals in quantum Hall ferromagnets. Physical Review B 76 125320. (Article publié).
  • Bourassa J(*),Roostaei B,Côté R, Fertig H.A.,Mullen K. (2006). Pseudospin vortex-antivortex states with interwoven spin textures in double-layer quantum Hall systems. Physical Review B 74 195320. (Article publié).
  • Faribault, A. and Cote, R. and Fertig, H. A. (2006). Effective pseudospin wave model for the coherent stripe phase in a bilayer system. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 34 (1-2), 183--186.
  • Doiron, C and Cote, R and Fertig, H. (2006). Pseudospin solitons in the coherent stripe phase of a bilayer quantum Hall system. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 34 (1-2), 85--88.
  • Ettouhami, a. and Doiron, C. and Klironomos, F. and C\^ot\'e, R. and Dorsey, Alan. (2006). Anisotropic States of Two-Dimensional Electrons in High Magnetic Fields. Physical Review Letters 96 (19), 1--4.
  • C\^ot\'e, R. and Li, Mei-Rong and Faribault, a. and Fertig, H. (2005). Replica study of pinned bubble crystals. Physical Review B 72 (11), 1--13.
  • Doiron, C. and C\^ot\'e, R. and Fertig, H. (2005). Solitonic excitations in linearly coherent channels of bilayer quantum Hall stripes. Physical Review B 72 (11), 1--14.
  • Li, Mei-Rong and Fertig, H. and C\^ot\'e, R. and Yi, Hangmo. (2005). Dynamical conductivity of disordered quantum Hall stripes. Physical Review B 71 (15), 1--20.
  • Li, M.-R. and Fertig, H. and C\^ot\'e, R. and Yi, Hangmo. (2004). Quantum Depinning Transition of Quantum Hall Stripes. Physical Review Letters 92 (18), 1--4.
  • C\^ot\'e, R. and Li, Meirong and Fertig, Herbert A. and Faribault, Alexandre and Yi, Hangmo. (2004). Pinning and sliding of quantum Hall stripes and bubbles. International Journal of Modern Physics B 18 (27), 3527--3532.
  • C\^ot\'e, R. and Doiron, C. and Bourassa, J. and Fertig, H. (2003). Dynamics of electrons in quantum Hall bubble phases. Physical Review B 68 (15),
  • C\^ot\'e, R. and Fertig, H. and Bourassa, J. and Bouchiha, D. (2002). Commensurate-incommensurate transitions of quantum Hall stripe states in double quantum well systems. Physical Review B 66 (20), 1--17.
  • C\^ot\'e, R. and Fertig, H.a. (2002). Dynamics of quantum Hall stripes in double-quantum-well systems. Physical Review B 65 (8), 1--13.
  • Côté R, Fertig HA. (2002). Dynamics of quantum Hall stripes in double-quantum-well systems. Physical Review B 65 null-13. (Article publié).
  • C\^ot\'e, R. (2001). Optical absorption in the soliton lattice state of a double quantum well system. Physical Review B 64 (20), 1--9.
  • Yi, Hangmo and Fertig, H a and C\^ot\'e, R. (2000). Stability of the smectic quantum hall state: a quantitative study. Physical review letters 85 (19), 4156--9.
  • C\^ot\'e, R. and Fertig, H. A. (2000). Collective modes of quantum Hall stripes. Physical Review B 62 (3), 1993--2007.
  • Perret, Nathalie and Morris, Denis and Franchomme-Foss\'e, Loic and C\^ot\'e, Ren\'e and Fafard, Simon and Aimez, Vincent and Beauvais, Jacques. (2000). Origin of the inhomogenous broadening and alloy intermixing in InAs\~OGaAs self-assembled quantum dots. Physical Review B 62 (8), 5092--5099.
  • Charlebois, S and Beerens, J and C\^ot\'e, R. (2000). Temperature dependence of the resistance resonance in weakly coupled quantum wells. Physica E 6 645--649.
  • Fertig, H A and Cote, R. (1999). Quantum fluctuations and unlocking of quantum Hall stripes. Journal De Physique IV France 9 227.
  • C\^ot\'e, R and Macdonald, A H and Brey, Luis and Fertig, H A and Girvin, S M and Stoof, H T C. (1997). Collective Excitations , NMR , and Phase Transitions in Skyrme Crystals. Physical Review Letters 4825--4828.
  • Fertig, HA and Brey, Luis and C\^ot\'e, R. and MacDonald, AH and Karlhede, A. and Sondhi, S.L. (1997). Hartree-Fock theory of Skyrmions in quantum Hall ferromagnets. Physical Review B 55 (16), 671--680.
  • Brey, L., Fertig H. A., C\^ot\'e, R., and MacDonald, A. H. (1997). Skyrmions in the quantum Hall effect. Proceedings of the El Escorial Summer School on strongly correlated magnetic and superconducting systems 275.
  • Fertig, Ha and Brey, L and C\^ot\'e, R and MacDonald, Ah. (1996). Internal Excitations and Dissipative Damping of Quantum Hall Skyrmions. Physical review letters 77 (8), 1572--1575.
  • C\^ot\'e, R and MacDonald, Ah. (1996). Spin-ordering and magnon collective modes for two-dimensional electron lattices in strong magnetic fields. Physical review. B, Condensed matter 53 (15), 10019--10029.
  • Brey, L and Fertig, H A and C\^ot\'e, R. and Macdonald, A H. (1996). Charged pseudospin textures in double-layer quantum Hall systems: Bimerons and meron crystals. Physical Review B 54 (23), 888--902.
  • Brey, L. and Fertig, H.A. and C\^ot\'e, R. and MacDonald, A. H. (1996). Skyrme and Meron Crystals in Quantum Hall Ferromagnets. Physica Scripta1 T66 154--157.
  • Brey, L., Fertig H. A., C\^ot\'e, R., and MacDonald, A. H. (1996). The 2D electron gas near nu=1 as a Skyrme crystal. Physica Scripta T66 154.
  • C\^ot\'e, R., Brey, L., Fertig H. and MacDonald, A. H. (1995). Collective modes of soliton-lattice states in double-quantum-well systems. Physical Review B 51 (19), 13475.
  • Brey, L. and Fertig, H. A. and C\^ot\'e, R. and MacDonald, A. H. (1995). Skyrme crystal in a two-dimensional electron gas. Physical Review Letters 75 (13), 2562.
  • Brey L, Fertig HA, Côté R, Macdonald AH. (1995). Skyrme crystal in a two-dimensional electron gas. Physical Review Letters 75 2562-2565. (Article publié).
  • C\^ot\'e, R. and S., Tremblay A.-M. (1995). Spiral Magnets as Gapless Mott Insulators . Europhysics letters 29 (January), 37--42.
  • Fertig, H.A., Brey, L.,C\^ot\'e, R. and MacDonald, A. H. (1994). Charge spin-texture excitations and the Hartree-Fock approximation in the quantum Hall effect. Physical Review B 50 (15), 11018.
  • C\^ot\'e, R. and Griffin, A. (1993). Cooper-pair-condensate fluctuations and plasmons in layered superconductors. Physical Review B 48 (14), 10404.
  • C\^ot\'e, R. and Fertig. (1993). Edge melting and collective edge excitations of the two-dimensional Wigner crystal in a strong magnetic field. Physical Review B 48 (15), 10955.
  • Fertig, H. A. and C\^ot\'e, R. (1993). Soft edges, reconstructions, and collective edge modes of the two-dimensional Wigner crystal. Physical Review B 48 (4), 2391.
  • C\^ot\'e, R., Brey, L.,MacDonald, A. H. (1992). Broken-symmetry ground states for the two-dimensional electron gas in a double-quantum-well system. Physical Review B 46 (16), 10239.
  • Fertig, H. A. and C\^ot\'e, R. and MacDonald, A. H. and Das Sarma, S. (1992). Edge reconstruction and edge melting of the two-dimensional Wigner crystal in a Strong magnetic field. Physical Review B 69 (5), 816.
  • C\^ot\'e, R. and MacDonald, A. H. (1992). Frequency-dependent conductivity of a pinned Wigner crystal. Surface Science 263 187.
  • Côté R, MacDonald AH. (1991). Collective modes of the two-dimensional Wigner crystal in a strong magnetic field. Physical Review B 44 8759-8773. (Article publié).
  • C\^ot\'e, R. and MacDonald, A. H. (1991). Collective modes of the two-dimensional Wigner crystal in a strong magnetic field. Physical Review B 44 (16), 8759.
  • C\^ot\'e, R. and Banyai, L. and Haug, H. (1990). Coulomb effects in an optically excited electron-hole plasma of a disordered semiconductor. Z. Phys. B - Condensed Matter 81 199--208.
  • C\^ot\'e, Ren\'e and MacDonald, A. H. (1990). Phonons as collective modes: the case of the two-dimensional Wigner crystal in a strong magnetic field. Physical Review Letters 65 (21), 2662.
  • Haug, R. C\^ot\'e and H. (1989). Effect of virtual screening on the absorption spectrum of a coherently pumped semiconductor. Physical Review B 40 (6), 3802.
  • Griffin, R. C\^ot\'e and A. (1988). Excitonic modes in a Bose-condensed electron-hole gas in the pairing approximation. Physical Review B 37 (9), 4539.
  • C\^ot\'e, R. and Griffin, A. (1987). Many body theory of the formation and dynamics of exciton in an electron-hole gas at low temperatures. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 26 685.
  • C\^ot\'e, R. and Griffin, A. (1986). Theory of the dynamical spin response function near the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. Physical Review B 34 (9), 6240.
  • C\^ot\'e, R. and Caill\'e, A. (1983). Solitary wave in a magnetoelastic easy-plane Heisenberg ferromagnet. Solid State Communications 48 697.

Autres contributions

Cours enseignés

  • Mécanique quantique 1. PHQ 330. (2015-08-25).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
  • Électromagnétisme avancé. PHQ 421. (2015-04-27).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
  • Physique de la matière condensée avancée. PHY 730. (2015-01-06).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
  • Mécanique quantique 1. PHQ 330. (2014-08-26).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
  • Électromagnétisme avancé. PHQ 421. (2014-04-29).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
  • Physique de la matière condensée avancée. PHY 730. (2014-01-07).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Gestion d'évènements

  • directeur. Directeur du département de physique. (Association).
  • Responsable. Séminaire du département de physique. (Séminaire).
  • Responsable. Études supérieures. (Cours).
  • Président. Évaluation de programme. (Cours).


  • (2015). Optical properties of Wigner crystal and helical state in bilayer graphene. Graphene Canada 2015. Montréal
  • (2015). Ising quantum Hall ferromagnetic states in bilayer graphene. March Meeting of the APS. San Antonio
  • (2015). Quantum Hall ferromagnetism in bilayer graphen. Conférence donnée au laboratoire LPS de l'Université Paris-sud (Orsay). Orsay
  • (2014). Spin and valley skyrmions in Landau levels |N|>1 of graphene and bilayer graphene. March Meeting of the APS. Denver
  • (2013). Quantum Hall ferromagnetic ground states in multilayer graphene. Canadian semiconductor science and technology conference (CSSTC-2013). Thunderbay
  • (2013). Quantum Hall ferromagnetic states in bilayer and trilayer graphene. Congrès de l'ACP. Montréal
  • (2012). Bilayer graphene as an helical quantum Hall ferromagnet. March Meeting of the APS. Boston
  • (2011). Multiferroic-like behavior in the quantum Hall ferromagnetic states of a graphene bilayer. March Meeting of the APS. Dallas
  • (2010). Novel broken-symmetry ground states in bilayer graphene. 11th International Conference on the Science and application of Nanotubes, Graphene Satellite Symposium 2010. Montréal