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Appel à contributions

Pour un dossier spécial de la revue Australian Humanities Review

Un appel à contributions a été lancé pour le dossier spécial de la revue Australian Humanities Review, qui s'intitulera : « Convention and Regulation in Book Culture ». Les articles complets, qui ne doivent pas dépasser les 7000 mots, sont attendus pour le 31 mai 2019.

Pour plus de renseignements, vous pouvez consulter le texte complet de l'appel (en anglais seulement), que vous trouverez ci-dessous.


Call for Papers

Australian Humanities Review

Special Section: Convention and Regulation in Book Culture

The production, reception and consumption of books are shaped by complex systems of laws, conventions and traditions. These range from formally consecrated legislation and official industry and organisational codes of conduct, through to those conventions that govern literary merit, genres, questions of ‘taste’, and the value placed on the book as a cultural object.

This special section of the Australian Humanities Review will explore the ways—both tacit and explicit—in which book culture is regulated, with a particular focus on contemporary Australian book publishing. The editors seek essays which engage with the laws of book culture: that identify these formal and informal rules, and explore how they influence the workings of the field.

Possible topics might include:

  • Political economy approaches to the publishing industry
  • Censorship and discourse control
  • Copyright, rights management and royalties
  • Privacy
  • Parallel importation
  • Cultural policy and publishing
  • Funding and sponsoring publishing activities
  • Bookish value/s
  • Conventions of genre and form
  • Conventions, shaping and influence of taste
  • Conventions, shaping and influence of literary merit

Essays of no more than 7000 words are due Friday 31 May 2019.

Submissions and enquiries should be directed to:

Millicent Weber

cc Alexandra Dane

All essays will be blind refereed by two academic reviewers, and final decision for publication lies with AHR’s general editor. For a style guide and further information about AHR visit: