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Appel à contributions

Revue « Studies into the History of the Book and Book Collections » (U. de Varsovie)

Le comité de la revue « Studies into the History of the Book and Book Collections », publiée par l'Université de Varsovie, invite des chercheurs et collègues à lui envoyer leurs articles. Pour plus de détails sur cet appel, voir ci-dessous.


Dear Madam / Dear Sir,

I would like to kindly invite you to publish your articles in the “Studies into the History of the Book and Book Collections” – the scholarly journal published by the University of Warsaw, which has been recently recognised by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland, and received the grant for development for the years 2019-2020.

The journal publishes works over the whole spectre of culture and art of the book, as well as culture of writing, from the ancient times until nowadays. The following topics are welcomed: history of manuscripts, history of printing, history of publishing and bookselling, history of libraries, private collections, and reading patterns. Digital humanities in regard of history of the book and libraries is also considered. We would like to emphasise that the “Studies into the History of the Book and Book Collections” journal has been strongly influencing book studies in Poland as a discipline, its theory and methodology.

We have been working hard on increasing scholar prestige of the journal, as well as its visibility in an international perspective. Therefore we will be delighted to publish your texts (in English) in our journal.


On behalf of Jacek Puchalski, Ph.D., Chief Editor of the “Studies into the History of the Book and Book Collections" and my own 
Yours sincerely
Mikołaj Ochmański Ph. D.