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Conférence de Sarah Werner, organisée par Book History & Print Culture (BHPC)

Sarah Werner, autrice de l'ouvrage Studying Early Printed Books 1450‑1800: A Practical Guide (Wiley 2019), donnera une conférence dans le cadre des activités de Book History & Print Culture (BHPC) en collaboration avec Toronto Public Libraries Special Collections. L'événement aura lieu au Beeton Hall à la Bibliothèque publique de Toronto le 6 avril 2020.

Pour plus de détails :

Vous trouverez également ci-dessous une description détaillée (en anglais seulement) de l'événement.


Dear members of the BHPC community,

I am delighted to share details about BHPC’s first public lecture in partnership with Toronto Public Libraries Special Collections. This initiative is part of BHPC’s new approach to events planning, and we hope this will be the first of an annual series of BHPC-TPL lectures that highlight the value of book history scholarship and TPL’s special collections for the general public.

Our inaugural speaker will be Sarah Werner, author of Studying Early Printed Books 1450‑1800: A Practical Guide (Wiley 2019) and the companion site She has also written numerous articles on book history, digital tools, and library outreach, including “Book History and Digital Scholarship” (with Matthew Kirschenbaum) in Book History and “Working Towards a Feminist Printing History” (forthcoming from Print History). Dr Werner’s earlier scholarship focused on Shakespeare and modern performance, and her book Shakespeare and Feminist Performance: Ideology on Stage (Routledge 2001) is still taught and cited by scholars. She worked at the Folger Shakespeare Library for nearly a decade as Undergraduate Program Director and as Digital Media Strategist, and is now a consultant working with special collections libraries to encourage teaching and collaboration with students and faculty using rare materials. She can be found on the Web at and on Twitter at @wynkenhimself.

Her talk will take place in Beeton Hall on the main floor of the Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge Street, at 6:15 on Monday, April 6. She will also hold a seminar for students the following morning. We’ll follow up with details about the seminar as well as the title and abstract for her talk. Details for other upcoming BHPC events, including the December Librorum, may be found here:

We hope you can join us in April at the Toronto Reference Library—not only for an exciting talk by a leading book history scholar, but also to help launch a new initiative for the BHPC program in partnership with our friends at TPL.

All the best,

Alan Galey

for the BHPC Events Committee

Alan Galey
Director, Book History & Print Culture Collaborative Specialization
Associate Professor, Faculty of Information and Department of English
University of Toronto