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Appel à communications

Colloque « Publishing and the Environnement »

Dans le cadre de l’édition 2021 de l’Independant Publishing Conference, sous le thème un appel à communications est lancé. L’événement, intitulé « Publishing and the Environnement », aura lieu du 25 au 27 novembre 2021 à Melbourne. La date limite pour faire une proposition est le 25 juin 2021.

Plus de détails ci-dessous. L'appel complet se trouve aussi en pièce jointe.


Call for Papers: Publishing and the Environment

Book publishing is a cultural sector with a significant environmental footprint. The production and circulation of books, both in physical and electronic form, present a number of challenges to publishers who are conscious of the toll that their cultural output takes on the planet. Research into the ecological impact of the US publishing industry reveals a decline in ‘green practices’ integrated into publishing activities, despite an ever-worsening climate catastrophe. Scholarly investigations into the relationship between the Australian publishing industry and the environment are almost nonexistent, despite the debates that continue around the use of recycled paper, printing and distribution methods, print versus e-books as an environmentally conscious choice, and the environmental costs associated with touring authors. We seek papers that engage with the theme of publishing and the environment, from the relationship between the industry and the planet, as well as the environments—both material and virtual—within which books are produced, circulated and received.

Although our preference is for papers that focus on independent publishing, presentations on all aspects of publishing are welcome. We are also interested in papers from related disciplines, such as literary studies, creative writing, and media and communication studies. Graduate students and early career researchers are encouraged to submit. We also strongly encourage papers that engage playfully or creatively with the conference theme.

Possible topics might include:
• What innovations are being made by publishers to contribute to efforts to tackle climate
• How do contemporary publishing ecologies shape the relationship between publishing and
the environment?
• How have our understanding of book promotion and the environment evolved in light of the
COVID-19 pandemic?
• What impact do technology companies and conglomerate publishers have on the
environment at a production and policy level?
• What misconceptions are there about the environmental impact of various publishing
processes and technologies?
• How has the contemporary ecological crisis inspired new forms of fiction and non-fiction
writing, for example, climate fiction and climate change denialism?
• What does the contemporary publishing workplace environment look like and how might it
change in a post-pandemic context?

The 2021 Independent Publishing Conference will run from 25-27 November, 2021 at the Wheeler Centre, Melbourne. Academic panels will be held on Thursday 25 November.
We invite proposals by Friday 25 June 2021. Proposals should contain an abstract of 200-300 words.
Please include your paper title, institutional affiliation, bio-note, contact details, and any social media handles in the abstract.
Submissions and enquiries should be sent to Alexandra Dane (