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Helen-Maria Vasiliadis

Professeure, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
FMSS Dép. sciences de la santé communautaire


Sujet de recherche

Déterminants sociaux de la santé, Pharmaco-économie, Politiques de santé, Santé communautaire / santé publique, Services de santé

Disciplines de recherche

Épidémiologie et biostatistique


Psychiatric epidemiology, Mental health services research, Mental health economics

Centre de recherche


Recherche clinique


Langues parlées et écrites

Anglais, Français, Grec moderne (après 1453)


(2007). (Postdoctorat, Postdoctorat). McGill University.

(2006). (Postdoctorat, Postdoctorat). Harvard School of Public Health.

(2005). (Postdoctorat, Postdoctorat). Université de Montréal.

(2004). (Doctorat, Ph.D). McGill University.

(1998). (Maîtrise avec mémoire, M.Sc - Maîtrise). Université de Montréal.

(1996). (Certificat, Certificat en toxicomanie et réadaptation). Université de Montréal.

(1995). (Baccalauréat, B.Sc). Université de Montréal.

Expérience académique

Full Professor/Prof Titulaire. (2017-). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Chercheuse régulière. (2015-).

Prix et distinctions

  • (2020) Initiative of Excellence of the University of Bordeaux. Université de Bordeaux I. (Prix).
  • (2019) Research Scholar/Chercheur Boursier - Senior. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Prix).
  • (2015) Research Scholar/Chercheur Boursier -Junior 2. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Prix).
  • (2011) Schizophrenia (Prix). Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada. (Prix).
  • (2011) Research Scholar/Chercheur Boursier - Junior 1. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Prix).
  • (2010) Établissement de jeunes chercheurs Research award. FRSQ. (Prix).
  • (2008) Bourse Postdoctorale. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Prix).
  • (2008) Post-doctorate Fellowship Award(CIHR and FRQS). Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada. (Prix).
  • (2007) Bourse Postdoctorale. AnEIS. (Prix).
  • (2007) Bourse de recherche et voyage. International Center of Mental Health Policy. (Prix).
  • (2005) Bourse Postdoctorale. CIHR-Strategic training program. (Prix).
  • (2004) Bourse Doctorale. CIHR-Strategic training program. (Prix).
  • 2008 World Psychiatric Association. Epidemiology & public health section meeting. (Prix).
  • Institute of Health Services and Policy Research- Article of the Year Award. Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada. (Prix).
  • Journée Gabriel Plaa-prix d'excellence. Université de Montréal. (Prix).


  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Entre tension et harmonie : conversations autour de la consommation de cannabis chez les femmes enceintes au Québec. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC). Actions concertées - Programme de recherche sur le cannabis/ Projet de recherche. 198 959 $. (2022-2025)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. A pragmatic randomized controlled trial of a group self-management support program for anxiety disorders. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). concours de subventions Projet de l'automne 2019. 604 350 $. (2020-2025)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Transdiagnostic internet cognitive-behavior therapy for mixed anxiety and depressive symptoms in postnatal women: A randomized controlled trial. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Project Grants. 478 126 $. (2021-2024)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Inappropriate opioid prescription: Prescriptions inappropriées d’opioïdes chez les aînés vivant à domicile : associations avec la douleur chronique, la multimorbidité, la qualité de vie et les coûts liés à l’utilisation des services de santé. Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (Québec). Programme sur l'usage et les dépendances aux substances. 334 020 $. (2020-2024)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Grands utilisateurs de l'urgence en santé mentale et recommandations pour l'amélioration des services. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). concours de subventions Projet de l'automne 2019. 371 024 $. (2020-2023)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Les troubles mentaux et les troubles d’utilisation des substances comme déterminants des décès par opioïdes au Québec. Santé Canada. PUDS. 76 982 $. (2020-2023)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Predicting perceived and unmet mental health needs in the populations. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). COVID-19 priorities. 255 000 $. (2021-2023)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Transformer l’Accompagnement-citoyen personnalisé d’intégration communautaire (APIC) pour favoriser le vieillissement actif, la participation sociale et les interactions intergénérationnelles de Québécois âgés: une recherche-action pour mieux outille. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC). Action concertée | Programme de recherche-action pour un vieillissement actif de la population du Qc. 222 250 $. (2021-2023)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Optimizing regionally centralized services in musculoskeletal health for patient, professional and system outcomes. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Catalyst Grant: Quadruple Aim and Equity. 99 962 $. (2022-2023)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Evidence-based interventions to address social anxiety disorder during COVID-19. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Emerging COVID-19 Research Gaps & Priorities. 675 516 $. (2021-2022)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Projet d'évaluation d'innovations en optimisation des trajectoires en santé musculosquelettique. Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (Québec). NA. 170 800 $. (2021-2022)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Mental Health Interventions in Francophone Countries: What are the lessons learned on the delivery of mental health services during a pandemic?. Réseau de recherche en santé des populations (RRSPQ). Nouvelles stratégies de recherche/les pratiques de soins en santé mondial covid-19. 8 700 $. (2021-2022)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Development and Evaluation of Culturally Adapted CBT to Improve Community Mental Health Services for Canadians of South Asian Origin. Health Canada. Policy Contribution Program (HCPCP). 1 027 233 $. (2019-2022)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. ADHD medications and mortality risk by suicide: a real-world population study. Réseau québécois sur le suicide, les troubles de l’humeur et les troubles associés. 10 000 $. (2021-2022)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Innovative community intervention promoting social participation and health in older adults. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). sans objet. 1 011 131 $. (2016-2022)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Soutien à l’implantation de l’accès adapté interdisciplinaire dans les groupes de médecine de famille et groupes de médecine de famille universitaire. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). La recherche axée sur le patient en appui aux transformations. 636 760 $. (2019-2022)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Les soins qui suivent le patient: Le déploiement d'un portail patient pour la gestion de la douleur chronique axée sur les meilleures pratiques.. Ministère de l'économie, de la science et de l'innovation. Programme d'intégration des innovations en santé. 30 000 $. (2020-2022)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Mental health planning in the era of a pandemic: appropriately matching mental health needs with resources across Canada through a rapid assessment of COVID-19's impact on adults and older adults. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Op. Grant: COVID-19 MS & Substance Use - Matching Access to Service with Needs / Subv fonct: SM/Toxi. 200 000 $. (2020-2021)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Transdiagnostic internet cognitive-behavior therapy for mixed anxiety and depressive disorders in primary care: A dissemination and implementation study. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Operating grant - COVID-019 priorities. 200 000 $. (2020-2021)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Définition et validation d’algorithmes de détection des cas de dépression et d’anxiété à l’aide des banques de données médico-administratives (MED-ECHO et RAMQ) du Québec pour les personnes âgées de 65 ans et plus. RQRV. Projets pilotes. 24 000 $. (2020-2021)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Gouvernance collaborative du Réseau de cancérologie du Québec: une évaluation réaliste des mécanismes d’institutionnalisation, de la gouvernance multipaliers et de la création de valeur par le biais d’une étude de cas multiples longitudinale. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé. Oncopole EMC2. 910 851 $. (2018-2021)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Anxio-depressive symptom and treatment adherence trajectories associated with clinical outcomes and quality of life in a community sample of older adults with chronic disorders. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). catalyst grant. 200 000 $. (2017-2021)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Describing regional differences in the operation and use of Quebec’s centralized access points via primary health care settings to improve patient access to specialized mental health services. Réseau en recherche en santé des populations du Québec. Concours initiatives structurantes 2019-2020 de l’axe stratégique Santé mentale des populations. 15 000 $. (2020-2021)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Détresse psychologique et adhésion à la distance sociale pendant COVID-19; Directives d'auto-isolement approuvées par le gouvernement pour les personnes âgées. Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement. Soutien à la réalisation de projets de recherche dans le cadre de la pandémie COVID-19. 30 000 $. (2020-2021)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Towards understanding the factors associated with late-life psychosis in two community-dwelling older adult cohorts: secondary data analysis of the HELIAD and ESA-Services studies. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). Pilot project: Quebec network research aging. 25 000 $. (2019-2020)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cocandidat. Désordres post-traumatiques chez les policiers et les préposés du 9-1-1 : Une comparaison de l'efficacité et des coûts entre l'intervention habituelle et une intervention novatrice. IRSST. operating grant. 457 009 $. (2016-2020)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Assessing the costs and benefits of insuring psychological services as part of Medicare in Canada. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Institute Community Support Award. 12 000 $. (2018-2020)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Thérapie cognitive-comportementale transdiagnostique sur le Web pour les troubles anxieux et dépressifs en première ligne : une étude de faisabilité d’un essai pragmatique randomisé. Medtech Associés. FISSS. 160 889 $. (2018-2020)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Effets d’une intervention brève ciblant l’environnement de sommeil chez les aînés non institutionnalisés. Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement. Projet Pilotes. 25 000 $. (2018-2019)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. A pragmatic randomized controlled trial of group transdiagnostic cognitive behaviour therapy for anxiety disorders in primary care. (2015-2019)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Exploration des besoins et préférences d’usagers ayant des troubles anxieux pour une psychothérapie de groupe : une étude pré-implantation de la TCC transdiagnostique en première ligne. Centre de recherche du CHUS. Octroi de fonds de développement pour des projets structurants à l’Axe SPOP. 5 000 $. (2018-2019)
  • Bourse d’études. (Obtenu). Cocandidat. La multimorbidité physique et psychiatrique chez les personnes âgées: l'impact sur le système de soins et les individus. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Canada F. Banting et C Best & M Smith awards. 111 000 $. (2016-2019)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Towards monitoring of driving while impaired by cannabis and/or other drugs. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Population Health Intervention Research on Legalization of Cannabis. 100 000 $. (2018-2019)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. En temps et lieux : Prendre la mesure des inégalités sociales en santé mentale pour les personnes réfugiés au Québec. Réseau de recherche en santé des populations. Regroupement stratégique santé mentale. 10 000 $. (2017-2018)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. The complex scenario of rehabilitation post-acute exacerbation of COPD: how do we tackle it?. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Planning and Dissemination Grants - ICS. 15 000 $. (2017-2018)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Maximising the effects of self-management interventions on chronic disease outcomes: implementation of a chronic disease patient health portal in primary care. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Spring 2016 Competition. 100 000 $. (2016-2017)
  • Bourse d’études. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Vers un système de soins de services en santé mentale équilibré.. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). Santé et Société - Chercheur Boursier. 256 943 $. (2011-2015)
  • Bourse d’études. (Terminé). Candidat principal. Vers un système de soins de services en santé mentale équilibré.. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). Santé et Société - Chercheur Boursier. 206 203 $. (2007-2011)


Articles de revue

  • Roberge, P; Houle, J; Provost, JR; Coulombe, S; Beaudin, A; Bower, P; Camirand Lemyre, F; Drapeau, M; Drouin, JS; Hudon, C; Provencher, MD; Vasiliadis, HM. (2022). A pragmatic randomized controlled trial of a group self-management support program versus treatment-as-usual for anxiety disorders:study protocol. BMC Psychiatry 22 135. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Pitrou, P; Vasiliadis, HM; Hudon, C. (2022). Body mass index and cognitive decline among community-living older adults: the modifying effect of physical activity. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity 19 (1), 1-13. DOI. (Article publié).
  • **Bakouni H, Ouimet MC, Forget H, Desjardins S, Vasiliadis HM. (2022). Childhood abuse/neglect and temporal patterns inlate-life anxiety. Aging and Mental Health 1-10. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *D'Aiuto, C; Lunghi, C; Guénette, L; Berbiche, D; Pitrou, I; Bertrand, K; Vasiliadis, HM. (2022). Factors associated with potentially inappropriate opioid use in community-living older adults consulting in primary care. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 37 (8), (Article publié).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche, C; Berbiche, D; Vasiliadis, H-M. (2022). Health care system and patient costs associated with receipt of minimally adequate treatment for depression and anxiety disorders in older adults. BMC Psychiatry 22 175. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis, H-M; *Lamoureux-Lamarche, C; Grenier, S; Roberge, P. (2022). Minimally adequate treatment for depression and anxiety associated with mortality in primary care older adults. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 67 (9), 669-678. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Diallo, FB; Pelletier, É; Vasiliadis, HM; Rochette, L; Vincent, A; Palardy, S; Lunghi, C; Gignac, M; Lesage, A. (2022). Morbidities and mortality of diagnosed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) over the youth lifespan: A population-based retrospective cohort study. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 31 (1), e1903. (Article publié).
  • **Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Berbiche D, Vasiliadis HM. (2022). Perceived need for mental health care and associated factors and outcomes in older adults consulting in primary care. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 67 (7), 553-564. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *Spagnolo, J; Beauséjour, M; Fleury, M-F; Clément, J-F; Gamache, C; Sauvé, C; Couture, L; Fleet, R; Knight, S; Gilbert, C; Vasiliadis, HM. (2022). Perceptions on barriers, facilitators, and recommendations related to mental healthservice delivery during the COVID-19 pandemicin Quebec, Canada: a qualitative descriptivestudy. BMC Psychiatry 23 32. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Gentil, L; Grenier, G; Vasiliadis, HM; Fleury, MJ. (2022). Predictors of length of hospitalization andimpact of early readmission for mental disorders. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (22), 15127. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis, HM; Léon, C; du Roscoät, E; Husky, MM. (2022). Predisposing, enabling and need factors associated with past-year health service use for mental health reasons in adults with suicidal ideation in France. Journal of Affective Disorders 319 62-69. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis, HM; Léon, C; du Roscoät, E; Husky MM. (2022). Predisposing, enabling and need factors associated with past-year health service use for mental health reasons in adults with suicidal ideation in France. Journal of Affective Disorders 319 62-69. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis, HM; Pitrou, I; Grenier, S; Berbiche, D; Hudon, C. (2022). Psychological Distress, Cognition, and Functional Disability Trajectory Profiles of Aging in Primary Care Older Adults. Clinical Gerontologist 1-13. DOI. (Article publié).
  • **D’Aituo C, Gamm S, Grenier S, Vasiliadis HM. (2022). The association between chronic pain conditions and subclinical and clinical anxiety among community-dwelling older adults consulting in primary care. Pain Medecine 23 (6), 1118-1126. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Pitrou I, Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Grenier S, Nguyen PV, Hudon C. (2021). Factors associated with late-life psychosis in primary care older adults without adiagnosis of dementia. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology July 19. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *Ahmed T, Vasiliadis HM. (2021). Global cognition modifies the relationship between anemia and depression in old age: Alongitudinal analysis of the IMIAS Study. Archives of Gerontology Geriatrics 94 104342. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Gaboury I, Breton M, Perreault K, Bordeleau F, Descôteaux S, Maillet L, Hudon C, Couturier Y, Duhoux A, Vachon B, Cossette B, Rodrigues I, Poitras ME, Loignon C, Vasiliadis H-M. (2021). Interprofessional advanced access - a quality improvement protocol for expanding access to primary care services. BMC Health Services Research 21 (1), 812. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, *D’Aiuto C, *Lamoureux-Lamarche, Pitrou I, *Gontijo Guerra S, Berbiche D. (2021). Pain, Functional Disability and Mental Disorders as Potential Mediators of the Association between Chronic Physical Conditions and Suicidal ideation in Community Living Older Adults. Aging and Mental Health 23 1-12. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Gentil L, Grenier G, Vasiliadis H-M, Huỳnh C, Fleury M-J. (2021). Predictors of recurrent high emergency department use among patients with mental disorders. International Journal Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (9), 4559. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Naeem F, Tuck A, Baldev M, Kaur Dhillon P, Thandi G, Kassam A, Farah N, Ashraf A, Husain I, Omair Husain M, Vasiliadis H-M, Sanches M, Munshi T, Abbott M, Watters N, Kidd SA, Ayub M, McKenzie K. (2021). Protocol for a multi phase, mixed methods study to development and Evaluate Culturally Adapted CBT to Improve Community Mental Health Services for Canadians of South Asian Origin. Trials 22 (1), 600. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, *Spagnolo J, Lesage A. (2021). Public Funding of Evidence-Based Psychotherapy for Common Mental Disorders: Increasing Calls for Action in Canadian Provinces. Healthcare Policy 16 (3), 16-25. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *Chapdelaine A, *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Poder T, Vasiliadis HM. (2021). Sociodemographic factors and beliefs about medicines in the uptake of pharmacogenomic testing inolder adults. Pharmacogenomics 22 (3), 125-135. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, *Gontijo Guerra S, Berbiche D, Pitrou I. (2021). The factors associated with 3-year mortality stratified by physical and mental multimorbidity and areaof residence deprivation in primary care community-livingolder adults. Journal of Aging and Health 33 (7-8), 545-556. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Gournellis R, Efstathiou V, Stefanis N, Kosmidis MH, Yannakoulia M, Dardiotis E, Hadjigeorgiou G, Sakka P, Ntanasi E, Pachi I, Stefanis L, Scarmeas N. (2021). The factors associated with the presence of psychotic symptoms in the HELIAD Greekcommunity study of older adults. Aging and Mental Health X 1-10. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Bisson Desrochers A, Rouleau I, Angehrn A, Vasiliadis H-M, Saumier D, Brunet A. (2021). Trauma on duty: Cognitive functioning in police officers with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). European Journal of Psychotraumatology 12 (1:1959117), 1-13. DOI. (Article publié).
  • **Léonard MJ, Vasiliadis HM, Leclerc S, Brunet A. (2021). Traumatic stress in Canadian lawyers: A longitudinal study. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy XX 1-12. DOI. (Article publié).
  • **Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Berbiche D, Vasiliadis HM. (2021). Treatment adequacy and remission of depression and anxiety disorders and quality of life in primary care older adults. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 19 (1), 218. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Janaudis-Ferreira T, Harrison SL, Ahmed S, Bourbeau J, Vasiliadis H-M, Tracey L, Camp P, Campbell F, Dechman G, Goldstein R, Levitz S, Gregory M, Sedeno MF, Spahija J, Stickland M, Wald J. (2020). Canadian Consensus Recommendations for a Research Agenda in Pulmonary Rehabilitation Post-Acute Exacerbation of COPD: A Meeting Report. Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine N/A N/A. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *Gontijo Guerra S, Berbiche D, Vasiliadis HM. (2020). Changes in instrumental activities of daily living functional status associated with concurrent physical and psychiatric morbidity in older adults. Disability and Rehabilitation 43 (25), 3663-3671. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Desjardins S, Lapierre S, Vasiliadis HM, Hudon C. (2020). Evaluation of the Effects of an Intervention Intended to Optimize the Sleep Environmen tAmong the Elderly: An Exploratory Study. Clinical Interventions in Aging 15 2117-2127. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *Farhat SMM, Berbiche D, Vasiliadis HM. (2020). Family Violence Associated with Self-Rated Health, Satisfaction With Life, and Health Service Use in Primary Care Older Adults. Journal of Interpersonal Violence N/A (en ligne), 1-23. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Roberge P, Provencher MD, Gosselin P, Gaboury I, Vasiliadis HM, Benoît A, Carrier N, Antony MM, Chaillet N, Houle J, Hudon C, Norton PJ. (2020). Group transdiagnostic cognitive-behaviour therapy for anxiety disorders: A Pragmatic Randomized Clinical Trial. Psychological medecine 1-11. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Pitrou I, Berbiche D, Vasiliadis H-M. (2020). Mental health and satisfaction with primary care services: a study from the patient perspective on four dimensions of care. Family Practice 37 (4), 459-464. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Abbass, A; Tasca, GA; Vasiliadis, H-M; Spagnolo, J; Kealy, K; Hewitt, PL; Hébert, C; Drapeau, M; Doidge N. (2020). Psychodynamic Therapy in Canada in the Era of Evidence-based Practice. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 34 (2), 78-99. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Allary A, Proulx-Tremblay V, Bélanger C, Hudon C, Marchand A, O’Connor K, Pérodeau G, Roberge P, Tannenbaum C, Vasiliadis HM, Desrosiers C, Cruz-Santiago D, Grenier S. (2020). Psychological predictors of benzodiazepine discontinuation among older adults: Results from the PASSE-60+. Journal Addictive Behaviors 102 (106195), 1-7. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, Desjardins F, Roberge P, Grenier P. (2020). Sex differences in anxiety disorders in older adults. Current Psychiatry Reports. 22 (12), 1-9. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Pitrou I, Berbiche D. (2020). Sex differences in type of lifetime trauma and suicidal ideation mediated bypost-traumatic stress and anxio-depressive disorders in older adults. International Psychogeriatrics 32 (4), 473-483. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *Bakouni H, Ouimet MC, Forget H, Vasiliadis H-M. (2020). Temporal patterns of anxiety disorders and cortisol activity in older adults. Journal of Affective Disorders 277 235-243. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *Milan R, Vasiliadis H-M. (2020). The association between side effects and adherence to antidepressants among primary care community-dwelling older adults. Aging and Mental Health 24 (8), 1229-1236. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *Spagnolo J, Vasiliadis H-M, Berbiche D, Champagne F, Leduc N, Melki W, Saeed K, Charfi F. (2020). The influence of primary care physicians' mental health knowledge, attitudes and self-efficacy on referrals to specialised services: findings from a longitudinal pilot trial. BJPsych Open 6 (6), e130. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Tremblay D, Poder T, Vasiliadis HM, Touati N, Fortin B, Lévesque L, Longo C. (2020). Translation and cultural adaptation of the Patient Self-Administered Financial Effects (P-SAFE) questionnaire to assess the financial burden of cancer in French-speaking patients. Healthcare (Basel) 8 (4), E366. (Article publié).
  • Fleury MJ, Fortin M, Rochette L, Huynh C, Pelletier E, Vasiliadis H-M. (2019). Assessing the quality of hospital emergency room services among patients with mental illnesses. BMC Emergency Medicine 19 (8), N/A. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *Bakouni H, *Gentil L, Vasiliadis H-M. (2019). Cognition and drug adherence to oral hypoglycemic and antihypertensive agents in older adults. Patient Preference and Adherence 13 (N/A), 891-899. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Payette MC, Grenier S, Hudon C, Berbiche D. (2019). Cognitive decline and alcohol consumption adjusting for functional status over a 3-year period in French speaking community living older adults. Journal of Public Health 41 (2), e177-e184. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Tremblay D, Touati N, Poder T, Vasiliadis H-M, Bilodeau K, Berbiche D, Denis J-L, Pomey M-P, et al. (2019). Collaborative governance in the Quebec Cancer Network: A realist evaluation of emerging mechanisms of institutionalization, multi-level governance, and value creation using a longitudinal multiple case study design. BMC Health Services Research 19 1-14. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Fleury MJ, Fortin M, Grenier G, Huynh C, Lesage A, Pelletier E, Rochette L, Vasiliadis HM. (2019). Emergency Department Use in Quebec for Patients with Mental Disorders, including Substance use Disorders [Utilisation de l’urgence au Québec chez les patients avec des troubles mentaux incluant les troubles liés aux substances psychoactives]. Santé Mentale Québec 43 (2), 127–152. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Fleury MJ, Rochette L, Grenier G, Huynh C, Vasiliadis H-M, Pelletier É, Lesage A. (2019). Factors associated with emergency department use for mental health reasons by low, moderate and high users with mental illness or substance use disorders. Journal General Hospital Psychiatry 60 111-119. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *Gontijo Guerra S, Berbiche D,Vasiliadis H-M. (2019). Measuring multimorbidity in older adults: a comparison of different data sources from a unique population. BMC Geriatrics 19 (166), N/A. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *Bakouni H, Vasiliadis H-M. (2019). Off-label use of antipsychotics and health related quality of life in community living older adults. Applied Research in Quality of Life 1-13. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Bradley S, Roberge, Service J, Vasiliadis HM, Drapeau M. (2019). Psychotherapy in the Private Sector: A Survey of Licensed Psychologists and Psychotherapists in Quebec. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy 53 (1), N/A. (Article publié).
  • Levasseur M, Dubois M-F, Filiatrault J, Vasiliadis H-M, Lacasse-Bédard J, Tourigny A, Levert M-J, Gabaude C, Lefebvre H, Berger, V. Eymard C. (2018). BMJ Open 8 (3), 1-11. (Article publié).
  • Roberge P, Provencher MD, Gosselin P, Vasiliadis H-M, Gaboury I, Benoit A, Antony MM, Chaillet N, Houle J, Hudon C, Norton PJ. (2018). A pragmatic randomized controlled trial of group transdiagnostic cognitive-behaviour therapy for anxiety disorders in primary care: study protocol. BMC Psychiatry 18 (1), 320. (Article publié).
  • Diallo FB, Pelletier É, Vasiliadis HM, Rochette L, Lin É, Smith M, Langille D, Thompspon A, Noiseux M, Vanasse A, St-Laurent D, Kisely S, Fombonne É, Lesage A. (2018). Estimating the Prevalence and Incidence Rate of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Interprovincial Comparisons [Estimation de la prévalence et du taux d’incidence du trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA). Comparaison interprovinciale]. Santé mentale au Québec 43 (2), 65-81. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Rochette L, Lévesque P, Pelletier E, Lesage A. (2018). L'utilisation des services de santé dans les deux années précédant le suicide auprès des Québécois diagnostiqués avec et sans troubles mentaux et troubles avec l’utilisation des substances. Santé mentale au Québec 43 (2), 153-173. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, *Milan R, *Gontijo Guerra S, Fleury MJ. (2018). Patient and health system factors associated with hospital readmission in older adults without cognitive impairment. General Hospital Psychiatry 53 44-51. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Binta Diallo F, Fombonne É, Kisely S, Rochette L, Vasiliadis HM, Vanasse A, Noiseux M, Pelletier É, Renaud J, St-Laurent D, Lesage A. (2018). Prevalence and Correlates of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Quebec: Prévalence et corrélats destroubles du spectre de l'autisme au Québec. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 63 (4), 231-239. (Article publié).
  • Grenier S, *Desjardins F, Raymond B, *Payette M-C, *Rioux M-È, Landreville P, Gosselin P, *Richer M-J, *Gunther B, Fournel M, Vasiliadis H-M. (2018). Six-month prevalence and correlates of generalized anxiety disorder among primary care patients aged 70 years and over: Results from the ESA-services study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 34 (2), 315-323. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, Bélanger M. (2018). The prospective and concurrent effect of exercise on health related quality of life in older adults over a 3 year period. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 16 (1), 1-8. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Lesage A, Bland R, Jonsson E, Musgrave I, Kirby M, Vasiliadis HM. (2017). A case for a federal mental health transition fund. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 62 (1), 4-7. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, *Dezetter A, Latimer E, Drapeau M, Lesage A. (2017). Assessing the costs and benefits of insuring psychological services as part of Medicare for depression in Canada. Psychiatric Services 68 (9), 899-906. (Article publié).
  • *Massamba V, Vasiliadis HM, Préville M. (2017). Determinants of follow-up care associated with incident antidepressant use in older adults. BMC Research Notes 10 1-9. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, *Gontijo Guerra S. (2017). Gender and age group differences in suicide risk associated with co-morbid physical and psychiatric disorders in older adults. International Psychogeriatrics 29 (2), 249-257. (Article publié).
  • *Gentil L, Vasiliadis HM, Préville M, Berbiche D. (2017). Impact of mental disorders on the association between adherence to antihypertensive agents and all-cause healthcare costs. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension 19 (1), 75-81. (Article publié).
  • Chiasson M, Lapierre S, Balbinotti MAA, Desjardins S, Peixoto EM, Castillo RA, Vasiliadis HM, Berbiche D. (2017). L'Impact of Event Scale-Revised : premières démonstrations de la validité et de la fidélité de la version francophone avec une population de personnes âgées. Journal international de victimologie 34 80-96. (Article publié).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Vasiliadis HM. (2017). Lifetime traumatic events, health-related quality of life and satisfaction with life in older adults. Quality of Life Research 26 2683–2692. (Article publié).
  • *Bakouni H, Berbiche D, Vasiliadis H-M. (2017). Off-label use of antipsychotics and associated factors in community living older adults. Aging and Mental Health 1-9. (Article publié).
  • *Bakouni H, Vasiliadis HM, *Gontijo Guerra S, Chudzinski V, Berbiche D. (2017). One year prospective study on the presence of chronic diseases and subsequent cognitive decline in older adults. Journal of Public Health 39 (4), e170-e178. (Article publié).
  • *Milan R, Vasiliadis HM, *Gontijo Guerra S, Berbiche D. (2017). Out-of-pocket costs and adherence to antihypertensive agents among older adults covered by the public drug insurance plan in Quebec. Patient Preference and Adherence 2017 (11), 1513-1522. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Diallo FB, Smith M, Langille D, Lin E, Kisely S, Fombonne E, Thompson A, Renaud J, Lesage A. (2017). Temporal trends in the prevalence and incidence of diagnosed ADHD in children and young adults between 1999 and 2012 in Canada: A data linkage study. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 62 (12), 818-826. (Article publié).
  • Chiasson M, Lapierre S, Balbinottia MAA, Desjardins S, Vasiliadis HM. (2017). Validation de contenu de la version francophone du questionnaire Impact of Event Scale-Revised selon les critères du DSM-5. Pratiques psychologiques 2 1-14. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Préville M. (2016). Benzodiazepine use associated with co-morbid posttraumatic stress syndrome and depression in older adults seeking services in general medical settings. International Psychogeriatrics 28 (6), 913-20. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *Gontijo Guerra S, Vasiliadis HM. (2016). Gender Differences in Youth Suicide and Healthcare Service Use. Crisis 37 (4), 290-298. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, *Gontijo Guerra S, Chudzinski V, Préville M. (2016). Healthcare costs in chronically ill community living older adults are dependent on mental disorders. Journal of Public Health (Oxf) 38 (4), e563-e570. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Vasiliadis HM, Préville M, Berbiche D. (2016). Health care use and costs associated with post-traumatic stress syndrome in a community sample of older adults: Results from the ESA-Services study. International Psychogeriatrics 28 (6), 903-11. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *Gentil L, Vasiliadis HM, Berbiche D, Préville M. (2016). Impact of depression and anxiety disorders on adherence to oral hypoglycemics in older adults with diabetes mellitus in Canada. European Journal of Aging 1-7. (Article publié).
  • Stergiopoulos V, Gozdzik A, Nisenbaum R, Vasiliadis HM, Chambers C, McKenzie K, Misir V. (2016). Racial-Ethnic Differences in Health Service Use in a Large Sample of Hlemless Adults with Mental Illness from Five Canadian Cities. Psychiatric Services 67 (9), 1004-11. (Article publié).
  • *Gentil L, Vasiliadis HM, Préville M, Berbiche D. (2015). Adherence to Oral Antihyperglycemic Agents Among Older Adults With Mental Disorders and Its Effect on Health Care Costs, Quebec, Canada, 2005-2008. Prev Chronic Dis 12 E230. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Préville M, Tahiri S, Vasiliadis HM, Quesnel L, *Gontijo Guerra S, *Lamoureux-Lamarche C. (2015). Association between perceived social stigma against mental disorders and use of health services for psychological distress symptoms in the older adult population: Validity of the STIG Scale. Aging and Mental Health 19 (5), 464-474. (Article publié).
  • Stergiopoulos V, Hwang SW, Gozdzik A, Nisenbaum R, Latimer E, Rabouin D, Adair CE, Bourque J, Connelly J, Frankish J, Katz LY, Mason K, Misir V, O'Brien K, Sareen J, Schütz CG, Singer A, Streiner DL, Vasiliadis HM, Goering PN; At Home/Chez Soi Investigators. (2015). Effect of scattered-site housing using rent supplements and intensive case management on housing stability among homeless adults with mental illness: a randomized trial. JAMA. 313 (9), 905-15. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Ngamini Nui A, Lesage A. (2015). Factors associated with suicide death in the month following last contact with different types of health services among all suicides in Quebec between 2000 and 2007. Psychiatric Services 66 (2), 121-126. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Lesage A, Latimer E, Seguin M. (2015). Implementing Suicide Prevention Programs: Costs and potential life years saved in Canada. The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. 18 (3), 147-55. (Article publié).
  • Ngamini Ngui A, Vasiliadis HM, Préville M. (2015). Individual and area-level factors correlated with death by suicide in older adults. Preventive Medicine 75 44-48. (Article publié).
  • Levine, D; Sheehan, M; Upshall, P; Hayes, M; Cohen, K; Briffault, X; Vanneste, P; Lesage, A; Drapeau, M; Vasiliadis, H-M; Dezetter, A. (2015). Les conclusions de la table ronde. Santé Mentale au Québec 40 (4), 229-241.
  • Roy É, *Nolin MA, Traoré I, Leclerc P, Vasiliadis HM. (2015). Nonmedical use of prescription medication among adolescents using drugs in Québec. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 60 (12), 556-63. (Article publié).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Vasiliadis HM, Préville M, Berbiche D. (2015). Post-traumatic stress syndrome in a large sample of older adults: determinants and quality of life. Aging and Mental Health 24 1-6. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, *Dezetter A. (2015). Publicly funded programs of psychotherapy in Australia and England. Santé Mentale au Québec 40 (4), 101-118. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Chudzinski V,*Gontijo Guerra S, Preville M. (2015). Screening Instruments for a Population of Older Adults: The 10-item Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) and the 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7). Psychiatry Research 228 (1), 89-94. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Tannenbaum C, Diaby V, Singh D, Luc M, Perreault S, Vasiliadis HM. (2015). Sedative-hypnotic medicines and falls in community-dwelling older adults: A cost-effectiveness (decision-tree) analysis from a US Medicare perspective. Drugs and Aging 32 (4), 305-314. (Article publié).
  • Rousseau C, Beauregard C, Daignault K, Petrakos H, Thombs BD, Steele R, Vasiliadis HM, Hechtman L. (2014). A cluster randomized-controlled trial of a classroom-based drama workshop program to improve mental health outcomes among immigrant and refugee youth in special classes. Plos One 9 (8), e104704. (Article publié).
  • *Gontijo-Guerra S, Préville M, Vasiliadis HM, Berbiche D. (2014). Association between skin conditions and depressive disorders in community- dwelling older adults. Journal of Cutaneous Medicine & Surgery 18 (4), 256-64. (Article publié).
  • Préville M, Mechakra-Tahiri SD, Vasiliadis H-M, Mathieu V, Quesnel L, *Gontijo Guerra S, *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Berbiche D. (2014). Family violence among older adult patients consulting in primary care clinics: validity of the family violence scale. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 59 (8), 426-33. (Article publié).
  • *Gagné S, Vasiliadis HM, Préville M. (2014). Gender differences in general and specialty outpatient mental health service use for depression. BMC Psychiatry 14 (1), 135. (Article publié).
  • *Gontijo Guerra S, Vasiliadis HM, Préville M, Berbiche D. (2014). Skin conditions in community-living older adults: prevalence and characteristics of medical care service use. Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery 18 (3), 186-94. (Article publié).
  • Ngamini Ngui A, Apparicio P, Moltchanova E, Vasiliadis HM. (2014). Spatial analysis of suicide mortality in Québec: spatial clustering and area factor correlates. Psychiatry Research 220 20-30. (Article publié).
  • Préville M, *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Vasiliadis HM, Grenier S, Potvin O, Quesnel L, *Gontijo Guerra S, Mechakra-Tahiri SD, Berbiche D. (2014). The 6-month prevalence of posttraumatic stress syndrome (PTSS) among older adults: validity and reliability of the PTSS scale. Can J Psychiatry 59 (10), 548-55. (Article publié).
  • Préville M, *Gontijo Guerra S, Mechakra Tahiri S, Vasiliadis HM, *Lamoureux-Lamarche C. (2014). The effect of age, gender and socioeconomic status on the use of services for psychological distress symptoms in the general medical sector : Results from the ESA research program on mental health and aging. Santé Mentale au Québec 39 (1), 243-72. (Article publié).
  • Pirkis J, Vasiliadis HM. (2013). Améliorer l'accès à la psychothérapie dans les services depremières lignes : l'expérience australienne. Quintessence 5 (9), N/A. (Article publié).
  • *Jozwiak N, Preville M, Vasiliadis HM. (2013). Bereavement-related depression in the older adult population: A distinct disorder?. Journal of Affective Disorders 151 (3), 1083-9. (Article publié).
  • *Dionne PA, Vasiliadis HM, Latimer E, Berbiche D, Preville M. (2013). Economic Impact of Inappropriate Benzodiazepine Prescribing and Related Drug Interactions Among Elderly Persons. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.) 64 (4), 331-8. (Article publié).
  • Ngamini Ngui A, Vasiliadis HM, Tempier R. (2013). Factors associated with adherence over time to antipsychotic drug treatment. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health doi:10.1016/j.cegh.2013.11.001 3 (1), 3-9. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, *Gagné S, *Jozwiak N, Préville M. (2013). Gender differences in health service use for mental health reasons in community dwelling older adults with suicidal ideation. International Psychogeriatrics 25 (3), 374-81. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Forget H, Préville M. (2013). The association between self-reported daily hassles and cortisol levels in depression and anxiety in community living older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 28 (10), 991-7. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Latimer E, *Dionne PA, Préville M. (2013). The costs associated with antidepressant use in depression and anxiety in community-living older adults. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 58 (4), 201-9. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, *Dionne PA, Préville M, *Gentil L, Berbiche D, Latimer E. (2013). The excess healthcare costs associated with depression and anxiety in elderly living in the community. The American journal of geriatric psychiatry 21 (6), 536-48. (Article publié).
  • *Gentil L, Vasiliadis HM, Préville M, *Bossé C, Berbiche D. (2012). Association between depressive and anxiety disorders and adherence to antihypertensive medication in community-living elderly adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 60 (12), 2297-301. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Lepnurm M, Tempier R, Kovess-Masfety V. (2012). Comparing the rates of mental disorders among different linguistic groups in a representative Canadian population. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 47 (2), 195-202. (Article publié).
  • Préville M, *Bossé C, Vasiliadis HM, Voyer P, Laurier C, Berbiche D, Pérodeau G, Grenier S, Béland SG, *Dionne PA, *Gentil L, Moride Y. (2012). Correlates of Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions of Benzodiazepines among Older Adults: Results from the ESA Study. Canadian journal on Aging 31 (3), 313-22. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, *Gagné S, Préville M. (2012). Gender differences in determinants of suicidal ideation in French-speaking community living elderly in Canada. International Psychogeriatrics 24 (12), 2019-26. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M. (2012). The depressing cost of mental illness. Healthcare, 19 53-55. (Article publié).
  • Lesage A, Turecki G, Renaud J, Séguin M, Kirmayer LJ, Vasiliadis H-M. (2011). National strategy for suicide prevention and Quebec's 25% decrease in suicide rates?. Canadian Medical Association Journal 183 1987-1990. (Article publié).
  • Préville M, Vasiliadis HM, *Bossé C, *Dionne PA, Voyer P, Brassard J. (2011). Pattern of psychotropic drug use among older adults having a depression or an anxiety disorder: results from the longitudinal ESA study. Canadian journal of psychiatry. 56 (6), 348-57. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Tempier R. (2011). Reporting on the prevalence of drug and alternative health product use for mental health reasons: results from a national population survey. Journal of population therapeutics and clinical pharmacology 18 (1), e33-43. (Article publié).
  • *Bosse C, Préville M, Vasiliadis H-M, Béland SG, Lapierre S. (2011). Suicidal ideations, death thoughts, and use of benzodiazepines in the elderly population. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health 30 (1), 1-13. (Article publié).
  • Tempier R, Vasiliadis HM, Gilbert F, Demyttenaere K, Bruffaerts R, Bonnewyn A, Lépine JP, Gasquet I, Mosier K, Lesage A, Puchala C, Lepnurm M, Kovess-Masféty V. (2010). Comparing mental health of francophone populations in Canada, France, and Belgium: 12-month prevalence rates of common mental disorders (part 1). Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 55 (5), 295-304. (Article publié).
  • Tempier R, Vasiliadis HM, Gilbert F, Demyttenaere K, Bruffaerts R, Lépine JP , Gasquet I, Lepnurm M, Lesage A, Puchala C, Mosier K, Kovess-Masféty V. (2010). Comparing mental health of francophones in Canada, France, and Belgium: 12-month and lifetime rates of mental health service use (part 2). Canadian journal of psychiatry. 55 (5), 295-304. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Buka SL, Martin LT, Gilman SE. (2010). Fetal growth and the lifetime risk of generalized anxiety disorder. Depression and Anxiety 27 (11), 1066-72. (Article publié).
  • Préville M, Boyer R, Vasiliadis HM, Grenier S, Voyer P, Hudon C, Streiner DL, Cairney J, Brassard J. (2010). One-year incidence of psychiatric disorders in Quebec's older adult population. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 55 (7), 449-57. (Article publié).
  • Préville M, Boyer R, Vasiliadis HM, Grenier S, Streiner D, Cairney J, Brassard J. (2010). Persistence and remission of psychiatric disorders in the quebec older adult population. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 55 (8), 514-22. (Article publié).
  • Mosier KE, Vasiliadis HM, Lepnurm M, Puchala C, Pekrul C, Tempier R. (2010). Prevalence of mental disorders and service utilization in seniors: results from the Canadian community health survey cycle 1.2. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 25 (10), 960-7. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Tempier R, Lesage A, Kates N. (2009). General practice and mental health care: determinants of outpatient service use. Canadian journal of psychiatry. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie 54 (7), 468-76. (Article publié).
  • Tempier R, Meadows GN, Vasiliadis HM, Mosier KE, Lesage A, Stiller A, Graham A, Lepnurm M. (2009). Mental disorders and mental health care in Canada and Australia: comparative epidemiological findings. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 44 (1), 62-72. (Article publié).
  • Kisely S, Lin E, Lesage A, Gilbert C, Smith M, Campbell LA, Vasiliadis HM. (2009). Use of administrative data for the surveillance of mental disorders in 5 provinces. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie 54 (8), 571-5. (Article publié).
  • Kisely S, Lin E, Gilbert C, Smith M, Campbell LA, Vasiliadis HM. (2009). Use of administrative data for the surveillance of mood and anxiety disorders. The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry 43 (12), 1118-25. (Article publié).
  • Préville M, Vasiliadis HM, Boyer R, Goldfarb M, Demers K, Brassard J, Béland SG. (2009). Use of health services for psychological distress symptoms among community-dwelling older adults. Canadian Journal on Aging = La revue canadienne du vieillissement 28 (1), 51-61. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Gilman SE, Buka SL. (2008). Fetal growth restriction and the development of major depression. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica 117 (4), 306-12. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Lesage A, Adair C, Wang PS, Kessler RC. (2007). Do Canada and the United States differ in prevalence of depression and utilization of services?. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.) 58 (1), 63-71. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Collet JP, Poirier C. (2006). Health-related quality-of-life determinants in lung transplantation. The Journal of heart and lung transplantation : the official publication of the International Society for Heart Transplantation 25 (2), 226-233. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Briand C, Lesage A, Reinharz D, Stip E, Nicole L, Lalonde P. (2006). Health care resource use associated with integrated psychological treatment. The journal of mental health policy and economics 9 (4), 201-7. (Article publié).
  • Briand C, Vasiliadis HM, Lesage A, Lalonde P, Stip E, Nicole L, Reinharz D, Prouteau A, Hamel V, Villeneuve K. (2006). Including integrated psychological treatment as part of standard medical therapy for patients with schizophrenia: clinical outcomes. The Journal of nervous and mental disease 194 (7), 463-70. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Collet JP, Penrod JR, Ferraro P, Poirier C. (2005). A cost-effectiveness and cost-utility study of lung transplantation. The Journal of heart and lung transplantation : the official publication of the International Society for Heart Transplantation 24 (9), 1275-83. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Lesage A, Adair C, Boyer R. (2005). Service use for mental health reasons: cross-provincial differences in rates, determinants, and equity of access. Canadian journal of psychiatry. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie 50 (10), 614-19. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Collet JP, Shapiro S, Venturini A, Trojan DA. (2002). Predictive factors and correlates for pain in postpoliomyelitis syndrome patients. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 83 (8), 1109-15. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H, Elie R, Dewar KM. (1999). Interaction between dopamine and glutamate receptors following treatment with NMDA receptor antagonists. European Journal of Pharmacology 386 (2-3), 155-163. (Article publié).


  • H-M Vasiliadis, M Préville, C Hudon, O Potvin, H Forget, Y Chagnon, G Forest, D Lorrain, S Grenier, MC Payette, C Lamoureux-Lamarche, S Gontijo Guerra, P-A Dionne. (2019). Épidémiologie psychiatrique et services de santé mentale en médecine générale. Étude sur les personnes âgées. (Presses Université de Montréal). Canada : Helen-Maria Vasiliadis. (Article publié).

Chapitres de livre

  • Helen-Maria Vasiliadis, Michel Préville. (2019). Chapitre 1 : Introduction à la recherche en épidémiologie psychiatrique gérontologique : devis et méthodes. Vasiliadis HM. Épidémiologie psychiatrique et services en santé Étude sur les personnes âgées en médecine générale (19-48). Canada : Presses de l'Université de Montréal. (Article publié).
  • Préville M, *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Vasiliadis HM. (2019). Chapitre 7 : La réponse psychologique : la détresse psychologique et les troubles de l’humeur. Vasiliadis HM. Épidémiologie psychiatrique et services en santé Étude sur les personnes âgées en médecine générale (117-140). Canada : Presses de l'Université de Montréal. (Article publié).
  • Préville M, Vasiliadis H-M. (2019). Chapitre 14 : L’évaluation de la performance des services de médecine générale en santé mentale et vieillissement. Vasiliadis H-M.. Épidémiologie psychiatrique et services en santé Étude sur les personnes âgées en médecine générale (231-259). Canada : Presses de l'Université de Montréal. (Article publié).
  • Helen-Maria Vasiliadis, Pierre-Alexandre Dionne. (2019). Chapitre 15 : Évaluation de l’efficience des services de médecine générale : Introduction à l’analyse économique et applications en psychiatrie. Vasiliadis, H-M. Épidémiologie psychiatrique et services en santé Étude sur les personnes âgées en médecine générale (261-275). Canada : Presses de l'Université de Montréal. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M. (2019). Conclusion - Perspective générale et pistes de réflexion. Vasiliadis HM. Épidémiologie psychiatrique et services en santé Étude sur les personnes âgées en médecine générale (277-278). Canada : Presses de l'Université de Montréal. (Article publié).
  • P-A Dionne et H-M Vasiliadis. (2014). Introduction à l’économie de la santé et applications dans le domaine de la santé mentale. Corbière M, Larivière N.. Méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives appliqués au domaine de la santé mentale, 2014, 720 pages, D4011, ISBN 978-2-7605-4011-8. Canada : University Press. (Article publié).

Articles de journaux

  • Vasiliadis, HM. (2018). Dépression : la psychothérapie offerte dans le cadre de l'assurance-maladie serait rentable selon une étude primée (Canada). Psychomédia.


  • Vasiliadis, HM; **D’Aiuto, C; Guénette, L; Lunghi, C; Berbiche, D; Bertrand, K. (2021). Portrait de l’utilisation potentiellement inappropriée des opioïdes chez les personnes âgées vivant à domicile et recrutées en soins primaires. Institut universitaire sur les dépendances.
  • Diallo FB, Rochette L,Pelletier E, Vasiliadis HM, Lesage A, Vincent A, Palardy S, Lunghi C, Gignac M, Fansi A. (2021). Surveillance de l’usage des médicaments chez les enfants et jeunes adultes ayant reçu un diagnostic du trouble du déficit de l'attention avec ou sans hyperactivité (TDAH) au Québec. Institut national de santé publique du Québec. 38 p.
  • Wang J,Lesage A, Jacobs P, Hopkin G, Poder T, Dezetter A, Vasiliadis H-M. (2019). IHE Mental Health In Your Pocket :A Handbook of Mental Health Economic Statistics. Institute of Health Economics. 93 p.
  • Fleury M-J, Rochette L, Fortin M, Vasiliadis H-M, Huỳnh C, Grenier G, Pelletier É, Lesage A. (2019). Surveillance de l’utilisation des urgences au Québec par les patients ayant des troubles mentaux: surveillance des maladies chroniques. Institut national de santé publique du Québec. 20 p.
  • Fleury, M-J, Rochette, L., Fortin, M., Lesage, A., Vasiliadis, H-M., Huynh, C., Grenier, G., Pelletier, E. (2019). Surveillance de l’utilisation des urgences au Québec par les patients ayant des troubles mentaux: visites à l’urgence, hospitalisations et indicateurs d’accès, de continuité et d’adéquation des soins. Institut national de santé publique du Québec. 18 p.
  • FB Diallo, L Rochette, É Pelletier, A Lesage,A Vincent, H-M Vasiliadis; S Palardy. (2019). Surveillance du trouble du déficit de l'attention avec ou sans hyperactivité (TDAH) au Québec. Bureau d’information et d’études en santé des population. Institut national de santé publique du Québec. 37 p.
  • Auteurs: Gheorghiu IL, Lesage A, Collaborateurs: Ben Amor L, J. Conrod P, Geoffroy MC, Kaczorowski J, Renaud J, Vasiliadis HM, Hidalgo J, Medina K, Moga C, N’Diaye Mombo N. (2017). Meilleures pratiques en matière de dépistage de prévention et de traitement de cinq troubles mentaux courants chez les jeunes. CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’île-de-Montréal. 60 p.
  • PHAC, and CCDSS Mental Illness Working Group. (2016). Report from the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System: Mood and Anxiety Disorders in Canada, 2016. Public health agency of canada. 44 p.
  • PHAC, CCDSS Mental Illness Working Group. (2015). Report from the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System: Mental Illness in Canada, 2015. Public health agency of canada. 40 p.
  • Alain Lesage, Katherine J. Aitchison, Rupert Arcand, André Delorme, David Goldbloom, Kaj Korvela, Gloria Laird, John J. McSorley, Fay Orr, Tom Shand, Michel Simard, Sharon G. Sutherland, Helen-Maria Vasiliadis,. (2014). Consensus statement on Improving Mental Health Transitions, 2014. Government of Alberta. 18 p.
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2013). Améliorer l'accès à la psychothérapie dans les services de premières lignes : l'expérience australienne.
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2012). Évaluation de l'accessibilité accrue aux soins psychologiques au Royaume-Uni et en Australie : les programmes IAPT et Better Access.
  • Groupe de travail-working team member. (2011). Report from the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System: Mental Disorders in Canada. Agence de la santé publique du Canada. 40 p.
  • Working group: Risk Analytica on behalf of the Mental Health Comission of Canada. (2011). The Life and Economic Impact of Major Mental Illnesses in Canada. Isnititute of Health Economics. 125 p.
  • Public Health Agency of Canada, working committee. (2010). Report from the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System: Mental Disorders in Canada, 2010. PHAC. 56 p.
  • Jacobs P, Dewa C, Lesage A, Vasiliadis H-M, Escober C, Yim R. (2010). The Cost Of Mental Health And Substance Abuse in Canada. Institute of Health Economics. 44 p.
  • Lyons, JSW, Bornstein S, Navarro P, Ken r, Rowe B, Vasiliadis H-M. (2010). Youth Residential Treatment Options in Newfoundland and Labrador. Newfoundland & Labrador Centre for Applied Health Research, Memorial University. 56 p.
  • Tempier, R., Lesage, A., Goldner, E., Meadwos, G., Kovess-Masfety, V., Vasiliadis, H-M., Mosier, K. E., Rohr, B., Duncan, C. R. (2009). Data Dictionary A Comparison of Variables from National Mental Health Surveys: Canadian Community Health Survey Cycle 1.2 (CCHS 1.2) Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing of Adults (NSMHWB) & European Study of the Epidemiology. University of Saskatchewan.
  • Lesage A, Rhéaume J et Vasiliadis H-M. (2009). Utilisation de services et consommation de médicaments liés aux problèmes de santé mentale chez les adultes québécois. Enquête sur la santé dans les collectivités canadiennes. Institut de la statistique du Québec. 54 p.
  • TEMPIER, R., MEADOWS, G., LESAGE, A., VASILIADIS, H-M., MOSIER, K. E., PEKRUL, C. (2008). Data Dictionary: A Comparison of Variables from two National Mental Health Surveys: the Canadian Community Health Survey Cycle 1.2 (CCHS 1.2) and the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing of Adults (NSMHWB 2007). University of Saskatchewan.
  • Vasiliadis HM, Lesage A, Benigeri M. (2007). The use of provincial administrative data for the surveillance of mental health service utilisation for mood and anxiety disorders: Quebec. Public Health Agency of Canada.
  • Lesage A, Vasiliadis H-M, Gagné M-A, Dudgeon, S., Kasman, N., Hay, C. (2006). Prevalence of Mental Illnesses and Related Service Utilization in Canada: An Analysis of the Canadian Community Health Survey. Mental Health Comission of Canada.

Articles de conférence

  • Spagnolo, J; Beauséjour, M; Fleury, M-J; Clément, J-F; Gamache, C; Sauvé, C; Couture, L; Fleet, R; Knight, S; Gilbert, C; Vasiliadis, H-M. (2022). Better understanding the functioning and use of centralized referral mechanisms for access to mental health services via primary care in Quebec, Canada. 23rd Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Care Conference. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis, HM; Spagnolo, J; Fleury, MJ; Gouin, JP; Roberge, P; Grenier, S; Noisel, N; Bartram, M; Vena, J; Wang, JL. (2022). Changes in depression and anxiety before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in adults and older adults across Canada. 51st Annual Scientific and Educational Conference of the Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG). (Article publié).
  • Lunghi, C; Vasiliadis, H-M; Rahme, E; Rochette, L; Gignac, M; Massamba, V; Binta Diallo, F; Cortese, S; Lesage, A. (2022). Exposure to ADHD medications and the risk of trauma, suicide attempts and mortality: a retrospective cohort study among children, adolescents and young adults in Quebec. CADDRA 2022 ADHD Research Day. (Article accepté).
  • Spagnolo, J; Vasiliadis, H-M; Fleury, M-J; Gouin, J-P; Roberge, P; Grenier, S; Noisel, N; Bartram, M; Vena, JE; Wang, JL. (2022). Factors associated with mental health service use during the COVID-19 pandemic in individuals reporting symptoms of anxiety and depression across Canada. Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology (CAPE). (Article publié).
  • Spagnolo, J; Vasiliadis, H-M; Fleury, M-J; Gouin, J-P; Roberge, P; Grenier, S; Noisel, N; Bartram, M; Vena, JE; Wang, JL. (2022). Factors associated with patterns of moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety and depression before and during the first COVID-19 pandemic wave in Canada. Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology (CAPE). (Article publié).
  • D'Aiuto, C; Lunghi, C; Guénette, L; Berbiche, D; Bertrand, K; Pitrou, I; Vasiliadis HM. (2022). Factors associated with potentially inappropriate opioid use in non-cancer community-dwelling older adults consulting in primary care. CAG 2022. (Article publié).
  • D'Aiuto, C; Lunghi, C; Guénette, L; Berbiche, D; Bertrand, K; Pitrou, I; Vasiliadis HM. (2022). Factors associated with potentially inappropriate opioid use in older adults consulting in primary care. CAPE 2022 Annual Scientific Symposium. (Article publié).
  • Levasseur, M; Filiatrault, J; Maisonneuve, C; Martel, M; Aubin, G; Gagnon, C; Vasialiadis, HM; Levert, MJ. (2022). L’Accompagnement-citoyen personnalisé d’intégration communautaire (APIC) en pandémie : une recherche-action pour favoriser la santé durable et la participation sociale des aîné·es. 4e congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation. (Article publié).
  • D’Aiuto, C; Goyer, ME; Archambault, L; Vasiliadis, HM; Lunghi, C; Guénette, L; Berbiche, D; Bertrand, K; Pitrou, I. (2022). L’utilisation potentiellement inappropriée des opioïdes chez les personnes âgées vivant à domicile. Sommet sur les dépendances 2022. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis, HM; Spagnolo, J; Fleury, MJ; Gouin, JP; Roberge, P; Grenier, S; Noisel, N; Bartram, M; Vena, J; Wang JL. (2022). Mental health service use and associated factors during the COVID-19 pandemic in adults and older adults across eight Canadian provinces. 51st Annual Scientific and Educational Conference of the Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG). (Article publié).
  • D'Aiuto, C; Lunghi, C; Guénette, L; Berbiche, D; Bertrand, K; Vasiliadis, HM. (2022). Patient and Health System Factors Associated with Potentially Inappropriate Opioid Use in Non-Cancer Community-Dwelling Older Adults. ICPE 2022. (Article publié).
  • Pitrou, I; Vasiliadis, HM; Grenier, S; Gouin, JP. (2022). Portrait de la vaccination contre la COVID-19 chez les aînés au Québec. Congrès International d'Épidémiologie 2022. (Article accepté).
  • Pitrou, I; D'Aiuto, C; Tessier, L; Bertrand, K; Berbiche, D; Lunghi, C; Guénette, L; Vasiliadis, HM. (2022). Potentially inappropriate opioid use and change in self-rated mental and physical health and satisfaction in primary care older adults. CAPE 2022 Annual Scientific Symposium. (Article publié).
  • Pitrou, I; D'Aiuto, C; Tessier, L; Berbiche, D; Lunghi, C; Guénette. L; Bertrand, K; Vasiliadis, HM. (2022). Potentially inappropriate opioid use and perceived quality of life: a 3-year longitudinal study in primary care older adults. 51st Annual Scientific and Educational Conference of the Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG). (Article publié).
  • *Gong, K; Garneau, J; Dialahy, IZ; Vasiliadis, HM; Grenier, S; Thanh Dang-Vu, T; Gouin, JP. (2022). Sociodemographic, psychological, and behavioural predictors of sleep changes in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study. World Sleep Conference. (Article publié).
  • *Durand, C; Provencher, MD; Vasiliadis, HM; Roberge, P. (2022). Thérapie Cognitive et Comportementale Digitale pour l'Anxiété et la Dépression Postnatale auprès deMères en Situation de Vulnérabilité Socioéconomique : Protocole d'une Étude Mixte. CPA’s 83rd Annual National Convention. (Article accepté).
  • *Matovic, S; Grenier, S; Jauvin, F; Grave, C; Vasiliadis, HM; Vasil, N; Belleville, S; Rainville, P; Dang-Vu, T; Aubertin-Leheudre, M; Knauper, B; Dialahy, I; Gouin, JP. (2022). Trajectories of Psychological Distress during the COVID-19 pandemic among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Quebec: A Longitudinal Study. Society of Behavioural Medicine 43rd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions. (Article publié).
  • *Matovic, S; Grenier, S; Jauvin, F; Gravel, C; Vasiliadis, HM; Vasil, N; Belleville, S; Rainville, P; Dang-Vu, T; Aubertin-Leheudre, M; Knauper, B; Dialahy, I; Gouin, JP. (2022). Trajectories of Psychological Distress during the COVID-19 pandemic among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Quebec: A Longitudinal Study. American Psychosomatic Society 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting. (Article publié).
  • *Spagnolo J, Beauséjour M, Fleury M-J, Clément JF, Gamache C, Sauvé C, Fleet R, Couture L, Gilbert C, Knight S & Vasiliadis HM. (2021). Accessing mental health services in the COVID-19 pandemic context: Preliminary findings from Quebec, Canada. Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR). (Article publié).
  • *Michaud, M-È; Bélanger, M; Vasiliadis, HM. (2021). Association longitudinale entre le niveau d'activité physique pratiqué et la qualité de l'alimentation chez les adolescents. 88e congrès de l'ACFAS. (Article publié).
  • Matovic S, Jauvin F, Grenier S, Vasiliadis HM, Gouin JP. (2021). Correlates of psychological distress in older adults during COVID-19:A longitudinal study of older adults in Quebec. Canadian Stress Research Summit (CSRS). (Article publié).
  • Matovic S, Jauvin F, Grenier S, Vasiliadis HM, Gouin JP. (2021). Correlates of psychological distress in older adults during COVID-19:A longitudinal study of older adults in Quebec. Canadian Stress Research Summit (CSRS). (Article publié).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Berbiche D, Vasiliadis HM. (2021). Does receipt of adequate care for common mental disorders influence costs over a 3-year period from a societal perspective. Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR). (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Grenier S, Jauvin F, Gouin JP. (2021). Gender specific factors associated with the utility of physical distancing, health related quality of life and change in psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic in older adults in the province of Quebec. Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR). (Article publié).
  • *Spagnolo J, Beauséjour M, Fleury M-J, Clément JF, Gamache C, Sauvé C, Fleet R, Couture L, Gilbert C, Knight S & Vasiliadis HM. (2021). Qui, quand, pourquoi, et comment? Données préliminaires sur l’accès aux services de santé mentale lors de la pandémie COVID-19 au Québec. Colloque Acfas, Santé publique et COVID-19 (conférence virtuelle). (Article publié).
  • Gong K, Vasiliadis H-S, Grenier S, Dang-Vu T.T, Gouin J-P. (2021). Self-reported changes in sleep and psychologicaldistress among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. CSS Conference. (Article publié).
  • *D'Aiuto C, Lunghi C, Guénette L, Bertrand K, Berbiche D, Vasiliadis HM. (2021). Sex differences in potentially inappropriate opioid use incommunity-dwelling older adults. Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR). (Article publié).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Vasiliadis H-M. (2020). Adequacy of care for common mental disorders in older adults consulting in primary care in Quebec. 2020 CAHSPR. (Article publié).
  • *D'Aiuto C, Vasiliadis HM. (2020). Association Between Prescription Opioid Use and Mortality in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. The Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
  • Michaud M-È, Bélanger M, Vasiliadis H-M. (2020). Association longitudinale entre le niveau d'activité physique pratiqué et la qualité de l'alimentation chez les adolescents. 88e congrès de l'ACFAS. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, *Gontijo Guerra S, E. Pitrou I. (2020). Determinants of Mortality Among Older Adults by Area-Level Material and Social Deprivation. The Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting. (Article publié).
  • **Pitrou I, Berbiche D, Vasiliadis, HM. (2020). Determinants of Satisfaction With Health Services by Dimensions of Care: an Age-StratifiedAnalysis. The Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting. (Article publié).
  • *Bakouni H, Ouimet MC, Vasiliadis H-M. (2020). Expériences adverses durant l'enfance et patron temporal de l'anxiété chez les aînés. 88e congrès de l'ACFAS. (Article publié).
  • *D'Aiuto C, Vasiliadis HM. (2020). Factors Associated with Prescription Opioid Use Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults. The Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
  • *Ahmed T, Vasiliadis HM. (2020). Global cognition modified the relationship between Anemia and Depression in old age:longitudinal analysis from The IMIAS Study. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2020 (AAIC). (Article publié).
  • *Ahmed T, Vasiliadis HM. (2020). Global cognition modified the relationship between anemia and depression in old age: longitudinal analysis fromThe IMIAS Study. 2020 IPA Virtual Congress. (Article publié).
  • *Ahmed T, Vasiliadis HM. (2020). Global cognition modified the relationship between anemia and depression in old age: longitudinal analysis from the IMIAS Study. The Gerontological Society of America Annual Virtual Scientific Meeting. (Article publié).
  • *D'Aiuto C, Vasiliadis H-M. (2020). Intégration des soins et services pour les personnes avec des maladies chroniques, destroubles de santé mentale ou une précarité socio-économique: faire mieuxensemble!. 88e congrès de l'ACFAS. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Ouimet MC, *Bakouni H. (2020). L'association entre les expériences adverses durant l'enfance et l'anxiété chez les aînés est médiée par la résilience. 88e congrès de l'ACFAS. (Article publié).
  • *D’Aiuto C, Vasiliadis HM. (2020). Les facteurs associés à la prescription d’opioïdes chez les personnes âgées vivant à domicile. Regards contemporains sur la santé au Québec et dans le monde (RISUQ-RRSPQ) (conférence virtuelle). (Article publié).
  • E Pitrou I, Berbiche D, Vasiliadis HM. (2020). Mental Health in Older Adults and Low Satisfaction With Primary Care Services. The Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting. (Article publié).
  • Pitrou I, Vasiliadis H-M. (2020). Mental health in older adults and low satisfaction with primary care services: a study from the patient perspective on four dimensions of care. 2020 CAHSPR. (Article publié).
  • Diallo FB, Pelletier E, Vasiliadis HM, Rochette L,Vincent A, Palardy S, Lunghi C, Gignac M, Lesage A. (2020). Morbidities and mortality of ADHD over the youth lifespan: a longitudinal study. CADDRA ADHD Virtual Conference 16th Annual. (Article publié).
  • *D'Aiuto C, Vasiliadis HM. (2020). Physical and psychiatric multimorbidity associated with prescription opioid use in community-dwelling older adults. 2020 IPA Virtual Congress. (Article publié).
  • *D'Aiuto C, Vasiliadis HM. (2020). Sociodemographic, Psychosocial, and Clinical Factors Associated with Prescription Opioid Use Among Older AdultsConsulting in Primary Care. CAGP-CCSMH Annual Scientific. (Article publié).
  • *D'Aiuto C, Vasiliadis H-M. (2020). Sociodemographic, Psychosocial, and Clinical Factors Associated with Prescription Opioid Use Among Older Adults Consulting in Primary Care. CAGP-CCSMH Annual Scientific Virtual Meeting. (Article publié).
  • *D'Aiuto C, Vasiliadis H-M. (2020). The Role of Physical and Psychiatric Multimorbidity in the Relationship Between Prescription Opioid Use and Mortality Among Older Adults. CAGP-CCSMH Annual Scientific Virtual Meeting. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, et al. (2020). The factors associated with the presence of psychotic symptoms inthe HELIAD Greek community study of older adults. International Psychogeriatric Virtual Congress. (Article publié).
  • *Chapdelaine A, Vasiliadis HM, Provencher MD, Norton PJ, Benoit A, Roberge P. (2020). Transdiagnostic Cognitive-BehaviourTherapy for Anxiety Disorders in Community-Based Care. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Annual Convention. (Article publié).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Berbiche D, Vasiliadis HM. (2020). Treatment adequacy for depression and anxiety disorders affects quality oflife in older adults consulting in primary care. 2020 IPA Virtual Congress. (Article publié).
  • Roberge P, Provencher MD, Gosselin P, Antony MM, Vasiliadis, H-M, Hudon C, Gaboury I, *Chapdelaine A, Benoit A, Norton PJ. (2019). An innovative pragmatictrial of group transdiagnostic cognitive-behaviour therapy for anxietydisorders. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Conference. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, *Milan R. (2019). Antidepressant non-response and associated factors in older adults with anxiety and depression. 13th European Network for Mental Health Service Evaluation (ENMESH). (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2019). Association between chronic disorders, lifetime trauma and posttraumaticstress syndrome in primary care older adults. 48th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the CAG. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, *Gontijo Guerra S, Berbiche D. (2019). Chronic disorders, post-traumatic stress syndrome and suicidality. 17th International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2019). Cognition and drug adherenceto oral hypoglycemic and antihypertensive agents in older adults. 48th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the CAG. (Article publié).
  • *Bakouni H, Vasiliadis H-M. (2019). Cognitive functioning and drug adherence to oral hypoglycemic and antihypertensive agents in community-living older adults. 5e journée scientifique du RS Santé mentale des populations. (Article publié).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Forget H, Chagnon Y, Vasiliadis HM. (2019). Cognitive status and cortisol reactivity to stressamong olderadults: Does the association varied according to sex?. The 2019 International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) International Congress. (Article publié).
  • *Chapdelaine A, Norton P, Roberge P, Benoit A, Vasiliadis HM. (2019). Cost effectiveness of grouptransdiagnostic cognitive behavioural therapy in adults with anxietydisorder in primary care. NorthAmerican Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG). (Article publié).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Vasiliadis H-M. (2019). Determinants of satisfaction with primary care service use among older adults in Québec. 48th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the CAG. (Article accepté).
  • Breton M, Gosselin S, Berbiche D, *Gontijo Guerra S, Vasiliadis HM, Faubert-Laurin J, Marchand, J-S. (2019). Emergency Departments Performance and Length of Stays Stagnation: A 24/7 Public Service Working fromNine-to-Five?. 2019 CAHSPR Conference. (Article publié).
  • *Farhat S, Vasiliadis H-M. (2019). Family violence and health service use on self-rated quality of life among primary care older adults. 13th ENMESH International Conference. (Article publié).
  • *Saidi Mohamed F, Vasiliadis H-M. (2019). Family violence and health service use on self-rated quality of life among primary care older adults. 5e journée scientifique du RS Santé mentale des populations. (Article publié).
  • *Saidi Mohamed Farhat, Vasiliadis HM. (2019). Family violence and quality of life among primary care older adults. 5e journée scientifique du RS Santé mentale des populations. (Article publié).
  • Maisonneuve C, Dubois M.-F, Filiatrault J, Vasiliadis H-M, Gobeil J, Levasseur M. (2019). Forces et défis d’essais contrôlés à répartition aléatoire (ECR) pragmatiques : l’exemple de l’Accompagnement personnalisé (APIC). Journées PIVOT : Mieux Vieillir du Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement. (Article soumis).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, Forget H, Chagnon Y-C. (2019). Genetic and autoantibody biomarkers of the brain derived neuropeptide factor (BDNF) gene are associated with anxiety in elders. BDNF is associated with anxiety in community living older adults. 32nd ECNP Congress. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2019). Influencing mental health policies. The role of economic modelisation of access topsychotherapy for common mental disorders in Canada inspired by UK and France modelisation. European Network for Mental Health Service Evaluation (ENMESH). (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2019). Lifetime trauma, depression, posttraumatic stress syndrome and suicidalbehaviour in older adults: a path analysis. 48th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the CAG. (Article publié).
  • *Gontijo Guerra S, *Lamoureux-Lamarche L, Pitrou I, Berbiche D, Vasiliadis HM,. (2019). PATHS - Propelling through Ache, Trauma and Health Status to Suicidality. 48th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the CAG. (Article accepté).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Berbiche D, Vasiliadis H-M. (2019). Perceived mental health need for care and persistence of common mental health disorders in older adults consulting in primary care. The 2019 International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) International Congress. (Article accepté).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Vasiliadis HM, Berbiche D. (2019). Perceived need for mental health care and health-related quality of life in older adults consulting in primary care in Quebec. 2019 IPA/SEPG Joint International Congress. (Article publié).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche, C., Berbiche, D., Vasiliadis, H-M. (2019). Perceived need for mental health care and health-related quality of life in older adults consulting in primary care in Quebec. Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR). (Article publié).
  • *Chapdelaine A, Vasiliadis H-M. (2019). Portrait de l'utilisation des services de santé mentale pour les troubles anxieux. 5e journée scientifique du RS Santé mentale des populations. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Chagnon Y, Forget H. (2019). Salivary cortisol levels and perceived antidepressant nonresponse for anxiety and depression in older adults. 2019 IPA/SEPG Joint International Congress. (Article publié).
  • *Gontijo Guerra S, Vasiliadis HM, Berbiche D. (2019). Sex differences in alcohol consumption, functional status and cognitive decline during three years follow-up. 48th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the CAG. (Article accepté).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, *Milan R. (2019). The correlates of perceived antidepressant benefits for anxiety and depression in older adults. 17th International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, *Chapdelaine A. (2019). The factors associated with willingness to provide saliva samples and pay for pharmacogenomics testing for antidepressant response in older adults. 2019 IPA/SEPG Joint International Congress. (Article publié).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche, C., Vasiliadis, H-M. (2019). Unit costs for healthcare service use for MH problems and other conditions in Quebec: the healthcare system perspective. Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR). (Article accepté).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, Lamoureux-Lamarche C. (2018). A prospective study of the effect of physical disorders on suicidal ideation. WPA Epidemiology & Public Health Meeting 2018. (Article accepté).
  • *Gontijo-Guerra S, Vasiliadis HM, Berbiche D. (2018). Bien dans sa peau?. 11e Congrès international francophone de gérontologie et de gériatrie. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M. (2018). Factors associated with perceived poor antidepressant response in older adults. 2nd Congress on Evidence Based Mental Health: From research to clinical practice. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M et Bélanger M. (2018). L'activité physique et la qualité de vie liée à la santé chez les aînés vivant à domicile. 11e Congrès international francophone de gérontologie et de gériatrie. (Article publié).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Vasiliadis HM, Berbiche D. (2018). La concordance entre les troubles de santé mentale courants auto-rapportés et diagnostiqués par le médecin chez les personnes âgées. 11e Congrès international francophone de gérontologie et de gériatrie. (Article accepté).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, Payette M-C, Grenier S, Berbiche D, Hudon C. (2018). La consommation d'alcool et le fonctionnement cognitif sur une période de trois ans chez les aînés vivant dans la communauté et participant dans l'étude ESA-SERVICES. 11e Congrès international francophone de gérontologie et de gériatrie. (Article publié).
  • *Léonard M-J, Maltezos S, Vasiliadis H-M, Brunet A. (2018). Les impacts économiques du stress post-traumatique chez les avocats canadiens. The 86th ACFAS Congress. (Article accepté).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Vasiliadis HM. (2018). Les maladies chroniques et le syndrome de stress post-traumatique chez les personnes âgées: est-ce que les associations varient en fonction du sexe?. 11e Congrès international francophone de gérontologie et de gériatrie. (Article accepté).
  • Filion, Landreville P, Beaunoyer E, Vasiliadis H-M, Carmichael P-H. (2018). Qualités psychométriques du Questionnaire des connaissances des troubles anxieux. 40e Congrès annuel de la Société québécoise de recherche en psychologie (SQRP) . (Article accepté).
  • *Milan R, Vasiliadis HM. (2018). Self-reported side effects and their tolerability are associated withadherence to antidepressants in older adults. 2nd Congress on Evidence Based Mental Health: From research to clinical practice. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Diallo FB, RochetteL, Smith M, Langille D, Lin E, Kisely S, Fombonne E, Thompson A, Renaud J, Lesage A. (2018). Temporal trends in the prevalence and incidence of diagnosed ADHD in children and young adults between 1999 and 2012 in Canada: A data linkage study. WPA Epidemiology & Public Health Meeting 2018. (Article accepté).
  • *Léonard M-J, Vasiliadis H-M, Brunet A. (2018). The Costs of Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms in Canadian Attorneys. The Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology (CAPE) 2018 Annual Scientific Symposium. (Article publié).
  • *Léonard M-J, Maltezos S, Leclerc MÈ, Vasiliadis H-M, Brunet A. (2018). The Economic Costs Associated to the Severity of Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms Among Canadian Attorneys. The 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP). (Article accepté).
  • *Léonard M-J, Vasiliadis HM, Brunet, A. (2018). The Economic Impact of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Canadian Attorneys. Panelist at the Annual Integrative Psychiatry Conference. (Article publié).
  • *Léonard M-J, Leclerc M-È, Vasiliadis H-M, Brunet A. (2018). The Hidden Economic Burden of an Attorney Suffering from Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms. the 34th International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Meeting (ISTSS). (Article publié).
  • *Milan R, Vasiliadis HM. (2018). The Influence of Side Effects on Adherence to Antidepressants Among Older Adults. Canadian Geriatrics Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting. (Article publié).
  • Roberge P, Provencher MD, Antony MM, Chaillet N, Gaboury I, Gosselin P, Houle J, Hudon C, Norton PJ, Vasiliadis HM, Carrier JD, *Chapdelaine A, Huyng AT. (2017). A pragmatic randomized controlled trial of group transdiagnostic cognitive-behaviour therapy for anxiety disorders in primary care: Research Protocol. NAPCRG 2017. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Fleury M-J. (2017). Factors associated with hospital admission and readmission in older adults with psychiatric and physical comorbidity. European Network for Mental Health Service Evaluation (ENMESH). (Article accepté).
  • Gontijo Guerra S*, Bakouni H*, Berbiche D, Chudzinski V*, Vasiliadis H-M. (2017). Gender differences in chronic diseases and cognitive decline. Annual International Conference of the Association of Psychology and Psychiatry for Adults and Children. (Article publié).
  • *Léonard M-J, Vasiliadis HM, Brunet A. (2017). Les impacts économiques du stress post-traumatique chez les avocats canadiens – une introduction. Presentation at the Douglas Institute’s Research Blitz. (Article publié).
  • Bakouni H*, Vasiliadis HM. (2017). Off-label use of antipsychotics and health related quality of life in community living older adults: A 3 years prospective study. Canadian Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting. (Article publié).
  • *Nolin M-A, Vasiliadis H-M, Blanchette C, et al. (2017). Prescription opioid injection and hepatitis C virus infection among people who inject drugs in the SurvUDI network. 25th Harm Reduction International Conference (HR17), which will be held from 14-17 May 2017 in Montréal, Canada. (Article publié).
  • H-M Vasiliadis. (2017). The Impact of SES on the Association Between Physical Activity and HRQOL Over a 3-Year Period. 21st IAGG world congress of gerontology and geriatrics. (Article accepté).
  • Lamoureux-Lamarche C*, Vasiliadis H-M. (2017). The effect of the perceived severity of daily hassles on the health-related quality of life of older adults consulting in primary care. 2017 NAPCRG Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2017). The impact of SES onthe association between physical activity and HRQOL over a 3-year period. IAGG World Congress. (Article publié).
  • Benyebdri F, Proulx-Tremblay V, Duhaime B, Léveillé V, Alary A, Pérodeau G, Marchand A, O'Connor K, Tannenbaum C, Roberge P, Vasiliadis HM, Hudon C, Grenier S. (2016). A novel psychosocial intervention "Programme d'aide au succès du sevrage" (PASSE-65*) designed to help older benzodiazepine users to gradually wean their medication: an overview of the protocol. International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) Congress. (Article publié).
  • Benyebdri F, Proulx-Tremblay V, Duhaime B, Léveillé V, Alary A, Pérodeau G, Marchand A, O'Connor K, Tannenbaum C, Roberge P, Vasiliadis HM, Hudon C, Grenier S. (2016). A novel psychosocial intervention designed to help other benzodiazepine users to gradually wean their medication: preliminary evidence for its effectiveness. International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) Congress. (Article publié).
  • Catherine Lamoureux Lamarche, Helen-Maria Vasiliadis. (2016). Association between benzodiazepine use and post-traumatic stress syndrome among older adults. 2016 IPA International Congress. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2016). Cost-Utility of Increasing Access to Psychological Services for Depression in Canada: Discreteevent simulation modelling within GP gatekeeper system. 15th Annual International Conference on Health Economics. (Article publié).
  • *Milan R, Vasiliadis HM. (2016). Economic barriers regarding adherence to pharmacological treatments for chronic diseases in the elderly covered under a public drug insurance in Quebec. 45th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting (CAG). (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2016). Gender differences in co-morbid physical and mental disorders as predictors of suicide in older adults. IPA International Congress. (Article publié).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Vasiliadis H-M. (2016). Gender differences in the effect of lifetime traumatic events on PTSD and quality of life. 45th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting (CAG), Montréal, Canada, October 2016. (Article publié).
  • *Gontijo Guerra S, Vasiliadis H-M, Chudzinski V. (2016). Healthcare costs among chronically ill older adults: does mental health status matters?. 2016 IPA International Congress. (Article publié).
  • Gential L, Vasiliadis HM, Préville M, Berbiche D. (2016). Impact of mental disorders on the association between adherence to antihypertensive agents. Société des sciences vasculaires du Québec. (Article publié).
  • *Gontijo-Guerra S, Vasiliadis HM, *Chudzinski V, Préville M. (2016). La dépression précoce et tardive :diffèrent-elles l’une de l’autre. 45th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting (CAG). (Article publié).
  • *Bakouni H, Vasiliadis HM. (2016). Off-label use of antipsychotics in elderly populations in Quebec: a trans-sectional study. 45th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting (CAG). (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, *Gontijo Guerra S, *Lamoureux-Lamarche C. (2016). Suicide risk andcomorbid physical and psychiatric disorders in older adults. 45th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting (CAG). (Article publié).
  • *Massamba V, Vasiliadis HM, Préville M. (2015). Adequacy of Antidepressants Pharmacotherapy in Older Adults Attendees in General MedicalSettings. IFPE. (Article publié).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Vasiliadis HM, Préville M, Berbiche D. (2015). Determinants and quality of life associated with post-traumatic stress syndrome in older adults. The Gerontological Society of America's 68th Annual Scientific Meeting. (Article publié).
  • Ngamini Ngui A, Vasiliadis H-M, Préville M. (2015). Individual and area-level factors correlated with death by suicide in older adults. 28th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention. (Article publié).
  • *Gontijo Guerra S, *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Vasiliadis HM, Préville M. (2015). L'utilisation des services de santé par les victimes de violence familiale. 10e Congrès international francophone de gérontologie et gériatrie (CIFGG). (Article publié).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Vasiliadis HM, *Gontijo Guerra S, Préville M. (2015). La qualité de vie reliée à la santé et la qualité de vie associée au syndrome de stress post-traumatique chez les personnes âgées. 10e Congrès international francophone de gérontologie et gériatrie. (Article publié).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Préville M, Vasiliadis HM, Grenier S, Potvin O, Quesnel L, *Gontijo Guerra S, Mechakra Tahiri S, Berbiche D. (2015). Le syndrome de stress post-traumatique chez les personnes âgées : validité de la mesure (S-SPT). 10e Congrès international francophone de gérontologie et gériatrie. (Article publié).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Vasiliadis HM, Préville M, Berbiche D. (2015). Quality of life and healthcare costs associated with post-traumatic stress syndrome in older adults. 2015 IPA International Congress. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Préville M, *Gontijo Guerra S, Chudzinski V. (2015). Screening instruments for a population of older adults: The 10-itemKessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) and the 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7). 15th International Congress of the IFPE 2015. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Latimer E, Drapeau M, Lesage A. (2015). System level costs and benefits of improving access to psychologicalservices for depression in Canada. 11th ENMESH International Conference. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM, Latimer E, Lesage A, Drapeau M. (2015). System level costs and benefits of improving access to psychological services for depression in Canada. 11th ENMESH International Conference. (Article publié).
  • *Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Préville M, Vasiliadis HM, Grenier S, Potvin O Quesnel L, *Gontijo Guerra S, Mechakra Tahiri S, Berbiche D. (2015). The six-month prevalence of the post-traumatic stress syndrome among older adults: Results from the ESA-services study on mental health and aginig. 36e Congrès de la Société québécoise pour la recherche en psychologie. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, *Lamoureux-Lachance C, * Gontijo-Guerra S, Préville M. (2014). Antidepressant adherence in older adults and different quality of life outcome measures. ISPOR 19th Annual International Meeting, May 31 - June 4, 2014. (Article publié).
  • *Dezetter A, Vasiliadis HM. (2014). Costs and benefits of improving access to psychotherapy for common mental disorders in Canada: introducing an economical model. WPA Section on Epidemiology and Public Health Meeting. (Article publié).
  • *Gagné S, Vasiliadis h-M, Préville M. (2014). Gender differences in outpatient mental health service use for depression. The International Society for Affective Disorders. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, *Lamoureux-Lachance C, *Gontijo-Guerra S, Préville M. (2014). La qualité de vie associée à l'adhérence aux antidépresseurs dans la population. 10e Congrès International de la Francophonie en Gérontologie et Gériatrie. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2014). The treatment of depression: a cost-effective population strategy to reduce suicide, in Canada. 13th Annual International Conference on Health Economics, Management & Policy. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-Maria., Lesage A., Latimer E., Seguin M. (2013). Societal costs and effects associated with population suicide prevention programs. 10th European Network on Mental Health Services Evaluation (ENMESH), Verona Italy. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M., Lesage A., Latimer E., Seguin M. (2013). The costs and benefits associated with population suicide prevention programs in Quebec. International Association of Suicide Research. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2013). Treatment of depression:a potential population-based suicide prevention strategy (Le traitement de la dépression comme stratégie populationnelle de prévention du suicide). International Association of Suicide Research. (Article publié).
  • D. Singh, H-M. Vasiliadis, C. Tannenbaum. (2012). An example of irrational decision-making in the elderly: why are pharmacologic therapies preferentially reimbursed over non-pharmacologic therapies for insomnia?. CAHSPR, Montreal, May 2012. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, Latimer E, *Dionne P-A, Préville M. (2012). Costs associated with antidepressant use in community living older adults. ISPOR 17th Annual International Meeting, Washington, DC, June 2-6, 2012. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, *Gagné S, Préville M. (2012). Gender differences in determinants of suicidal ideation in French speaking community living elderly in Canada. Joint WPA-INA-HSRPS International Psychiatric Congress. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2012). Gender differences in suicidal ideation andmental health service use in community living elderly. WPA Section on Epidemiology and Public HealthMeeting. WPA Section on Epidemiology and Public Health Meeting. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, Latimer E, *Dionne P-A, Préville M. (2012). Health Service use and costs associated with antidepressant use in depression and anxiety in community living older adults'. Joint WPA-INA-HSRPS International Psychiatric Congress, Athens-Greece, from November 29 to December 2, 2012. (Article publié).
  • Catherine Briand, Nicole Leduc, Helen-Maria Vasiliadis, Jean-Louis Denis et Hélène Racine. (2012). Réadaptation et troubles mentaux graves: enjeux et pistes d’action. Congrès national de l’Association canadienne des ergothérapeutes. (Article publié).
  • *Gentil L, Vasiliadis H-M, Préville M, *Bossé C, Berbiche D. (2012). The Effect Of Mental Disorders On Adherence to Antihypertensive Medication In Community Living Elderly. WPA Section on Epidemiology and Public Health Meeting: Sao Paulo 14-17th March 2012. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, Forget H, Préville M. (2012). The association between self-reported daily hassles and cortisol levels in depression and anxiety in community living older adults. Joint WPA-INA-HSRPS International Psychiatric Congress, from November 29 to December 2, 2012,. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2012). The economic impact associated with antidepressant use in depression and anxiety in community living older adults. CAHSPR. (Article publié).
  • *Joswiak N, Préville M. Vasiliadis H-M. (2011). Complicated Grief : A distinct disorder [Le deuil pathologique: un désordre distinct]. 30e Journées Annuelles de la Société Française de Gériatrie et Gérontologie. (Article publié).
  • *Gagné S, Vasiliadis H-M, Préville M. (2011). Gender differences in depression symptomatology in older adults using Item Response Theroy. 30e Journées annuelles de la Société française de gériatrie et gérontologie. (Article publié).
  • Gagné S, Vasiliadis H-M, Préville M, Brassard J. (2011). Gender differences in determinants of suicidal ideation and mental health treatment in older adults. 1st International Scientific meeting of the Quebec Suicide Research Network and the International Academy for Suicide Research. (Article publié).
  • *Dionne PA, Vasiliadis H-M, Préville M,. (2011). The Economic impact attributable to the inappropriate prescription of benzodiazepines in the elderly livin in the community. 16th Annual ISPOR International Meeting. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2011). The excess healthcare costs associated with depression and anxiety in elderly living in the community. 10th Annual International Conference on Health Economics, Management & Policy. (Article publié).
  • *Gentil L, Vasiliadis H-M, Préville M, Berbiche D, *Bossé C. (2011). The impact of mental illness on adherence to oral hypoglycaemics in elderly patients with diabetes mellitus. 2011 CDA/CSEM Professional Conference and Annual Meetings. (Article publié).
  • *Gentil L,Vasiliadis H-M, Beriche D, Préville M. (2010). Determinants of therapeutic compliance in the elderly. 9e Congrès International Francophone et les 30e Journées Annuelles de la Société Française de Gériatrie et Gérontologie. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, Gilman SE, Martin LT, Buka SL. (2010). Fetal Growth and the Lifetime Risk of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Conference. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, Lepnurm M, Tempier R, Kovess-Masféty V. (2010). How Language Could Affect Mental Health Reports: The Canadian Community Health Survey, a Unique Opportunity to Test French and English Differences. Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Conference. (Article publié).
  • *Dionne, P-A., Vasiliadis, H-M., Préville, M., Berbiche, D. (2010). L’impact clinique et économique attribuable aux prescriptions inappropriées de benzodiazépines dans la population âgée vivant dans la communauté. 9e Congrès international francophone et 30e Journées annuelles de la Société française de gériatrie et gérontologie (CIFGG). (Article publié).
  • Forget H, *Makouche N, Vasiliadis H-M, Berbiche D, Préville M. (2010). Reference values for salivary cortisol in elderly, community-dwelling subjects. Annual meeting of the Society for Behavioural Neuroendocrinology. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis, H-M., Préville, M., *Makouche N., Brassard J. (2010). The association between cortisol levels and the presence of a mental disorder in the elderly. L'association entre les taux cortisolémiques diurne et la présence de trouble de santé mental chez les aînés. 9e Congrès international francophone et 30e Journées annuelles de la Société française de gériatrie et gérontologie (CIFGG). (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis, H-M., *Dionne, P-A., Préville, M. (2010). The economic impact of psychiatric problems in the elderly. 9e Congrès international francophone et 30e Journées annuelles de la Société française de gériatrie et gérontologie (CIFGG). (Article publié).
  • *Bossé C., Préville, M., Vasiliadis, H.M., Berbiche, D. (2010). The evaluation of different criteria and models regarding compliance to antidepressant use in the elderly. Élaboration de modèles d'évaluation de l'observance aux antidépresseurs chez les personnes âgées du Québec. 9e Congrès International Francophone et les 30e Journées Annuelles de la Société Française de Gériatrie et Gérontologie. (Article publié).
  • Trottier-Hébert V MD, Gagné P W, MD, Côté M-C, MD & Vasiliadis H-M, PhD. (2009). Adolescent suicide in Quebec, 1999-2006: correlations with SSRI prescriptions and cultural significances. American Psychiatric Association. (Article publié).
  • Meadows GN, Tempier R, Graham A, Mosier KE, Vasiliadis H-M., Lesage A, Lepnum M. (2009). Distress, Service Use and Common Mental Disorders: Australians and Canadians. Congress of the International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology (IFPE). (Article publié).
  • Mosier KE, Tempier R, Lepnum R, Puchala C, Vasiliadis H-M. (2009). Prevalence of Mental Disorders and Service Utilization Among Canadian Seniors. Congress of the International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology (IFPE). (Article publié).
  • *C Bossé, M Préville, H-M Vasiliadis, S-G Béland, S Lapierre. (2009). Suicidal ideation, death thoughts, and use of benzodiazepines in the elderly population. International Psychogeriatric Association Meeting. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, Gilman, Buka S. (2008). Foetal growth restriction and the development of major depression. CPA. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, Tempier R, Lesage A, Kates N. (2008). General practice and mental health care: determinants of outpatient service use. CPA. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, Briand C, Lesage A, Reinharz D, Stip E, Nicole L, Lalonde P. (2007). Health care resource use and cost associated with Integrated Psychological Treatment. The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 2007, 10 (S1): S43. 33. Eighth Workshop on Costs and Assessments in Psychiatry ‘Investing in Mental Health Policy and Economics Research: Venice, Italy, March, 2007. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, Lesage A, Rhéaume Jacques. (2007). L’application Québécoise du modèle Européen de cartographie des services de santé mentale pour les personnes sourffrant de troubles mentaux graves. Journées Bi-Annuelles de Santé Mentale (MSSS), Montrea. (Article accepté).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, Gilman SE, Buka SL. (2006). Birth weight and the lifetime risk of adult depression. 96th Annual American Psychopathological Association meeting, New York, NY, March 2006. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, et al. (2005). “Depression and utilization of services - Do Canada and the US differ?". Annual American Psychopathological Association meeting, New York, NY, March 2005. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, et al. (2004). A cost-effectiveness and cost-utility study of lung transplantation. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 2004; 23(2):S132. 24th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation, San Francisco. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, et al. (2004). Implementation in various Quebec sites of Integrated Psychological Treatment (IPT) for schizophrenia: an estimate of the cost per patient. Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Montreal, Qc, May 2004.
  • Vasiliadis H-M, et al. (2004). Utilization of services for mental health reasons-cross provincial differences in rates, determinants and equity of access. Canadian Association of Psychiatric Epidemiology, Annual Scientific Symposium, Montreal, Qc, October 20. (Article publié).
  • Vasiliadis H-M, Dea K, Elie R. (1998). Interaction between dopamine and glutamate receptors following treatment with NMDA receptor antagonists. 21st Annual Meeting of the Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Montreal, Qc, June 1998. (Article accepté).

Autres contributions

Cours enseignés

  • Épidémiologie de la santé mentale. RSS 752. (2016-04-01).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
  • Épidémiologie. RSS 740. (2016-01-05 à 2016-04-19).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada. (3CR).
  • Concepts méthdologiques en sciences de la sant. RSS 702. (2014-08-27).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada. (3CR).
  • Concepts méthodologiques en sciences de la santé. SCL 722. (2012-08-29 à 2013-08-28).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada. (3CR).
  • Épidémiologie de la santé mentale. SCL 752. (2012-03-23 à 2014-03-28).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada. (3CR).
  • Épidémiologie. SCL 717. (2010-03-15 à 2014-01-14).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada. (3CR).


  • Vasiliadis, HM. (2022). Findings from the ESA-Services longitudinal study on mental health and health service use. Midi-causerie St-Mary’s Research Center (virtuel). Canada
  • D’Aiuto, C; Lunghi, C; Guénette, L; Berbiche, D; Pitrou, I; Bertrand, K; Vasiliadis HM. (2022). L'utilisation potentiellement inappropriée d'opioïdes chez les personnes âgées vivant à domicile : les facteurs associés, la mortalité et les coûts reliés à l'utilisation des services de santé. Colloque 2022 du CR-CLM. Canada
  • D’Aiuto, C; Lunghi, C; Guénette, L; Berbiche, D; Pitrou, I; Bertrand, K; Vasiliadis, HM. (2022). L'utilisation potentiellement inappropriée des opioïdes chez les personnes âgées vivant à domicile. Journée scientifique annuelle de la FMSS de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Canada
  • Vasiliadis, HM. (2022). Épidémiologie de la santé mentale et l’utilisation des services de santé : Concepts et résultats de recherche. Université de Bordeaux. Bordeaux, France
  • D’Aiuto, C; Lunghi, C; Guénette, L; Bertrand, K; Berbiche, D; Vasiliadis, HM. (2021). Les facteurs associés à l'utilisation potentiellement inappropriée des opioïdes chez les personnes âgées vivant à domicile. Journée de Recherche du Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement (RQRV). Canada
  • D’Aiuto, C; Lunghi, C; Guénette, L; Bertrand, K; Vasiliadis, HM. (2021). Usage potentiellement inapproprié des opioides chez les aînés. Colloque étudiants du CR-CSIS : Partage ta recherche sur les réseaux sociaux. Canada
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2020). Bridging the gap between mental health needs and evidence-informed mental health intervention. CIHR-INMHA advisory board. Canada
  • Vasiliadis H-M. (2019). Gender differences in alcohol consumption and cognitive decline. World Congress on Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Berlin, Allemagne
  • Vasiliadis H-M. (2019). Gender differences in traumatic events and suicidal behavior mediated by PTSD and anxio-depressive disorders. The 2019 International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) International Congress. Santiago de Compotela, Espagne
  • Vasiliadis H-M. (2019). Santé mentale des aînés. Vieillissement en santé mentale. Présâges. Fondation Berthiaume-Tremblay. Québec, Canada
  • Vasiliadis H-M. (2018). Healthcare costs in chronically ill community-living older adults are dependent on mental disorders. 5th World Congress on Nursing & Healthcare. Las Vegas, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • (2018). Informing on the Performance of the Health System to Meet the Needs of Older Adults, One Step at a Time. Symposium, The importance of Health Economics in Aging Research, Sherbrooke, April, 2018. Canada
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2018). La prestation de services de psychologie dans le cadre du régime d’assurance-maladie est rentable pour la dépression au Canada. Journée S-POP, universtié de Sherbrooke. Bromont, Canada
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2018). Lifestyle habits and cognitive decline. World Congress on Neurology and Mental Disorders. Rome, Italie
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2018). Lifestyle habits and cognitive decline. World Conference on Alzheimer's and Parkinson Diseases. Tokyo, Japon
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2018). Novel Approaches in Dementia Treatment and Care (Dementia Care 2018). 9th International Conference on Dementia and Dementia Care” in collaboration with Remind Me Care, ISET, New York Academy of Sciences. London, Royaume-Uni
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2018). Séance de dialogue avec les intervenants – Montréal et Ottawa (panel d'experts). Programme canadien de recherche et d’application des connaissances sur le suicide. Ottawa, Canada
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2018). The cost and effectiveness of insuring psychological services as part of Medicare in Canada. Improving Access to Psychotherapy and Psychological Services in Canada: Aligning our Efforts- Mental Health Commission. Ottawa, Canada
  • Vasiliadis H-M. (2018). The prospective and concurrent effect of exercise on health related quality of life in older adults over a 3 year period. Geriatrics Gerontology & Palliative Nursing. Barcelone, Espagne
  • Vasiliadis HM, Lesage A, Jonsson E, Musgrave I, Kovess-Masfety V, *Dezetter A. (2017). Influencing mental health policies - the story of access to psychotherapy for common mental disorders in Canada and France, inspired by the UK and Australia models. European Network for Mental Health Service Evaluation (ENMESH). Groningen, Pays-Bas
  • Fortin M, Rochette L, Hyunh C, LesageA, Vasiliadis HM, Fleury MJ. (2017). Utilisation des urgences chez les patients avec troubles mentaux et dépendance : résultats de l'exploitation des données du SISMACQ. 3e Journée scientifique du Regroupement stratégique Santé mentale du Réseau de recherche en santé des populations du Québec. Longueuil, Canada
  • Fortin M, Rochette L, Hyunh C, Lesage A, Vasiliadis HM, Fleury MJ. (2017). Utilisation des urgences chez les patients avec troubles mentaux et dépendance : résultats de l'exploitation des données du SISMACQ. 85e Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS). Montréal, Canada
  • (2016). Age group differences in co-morbid physical and mental disorders as predictors of suicide in older adults. Canadian Association on Gerontology. Canada
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2016). Le suicide et l’utilisation des services de santé. CRISE-UQUAM. Montréal, Canada
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2016). Mental Health Nursing: Shaping the Future. International Conference on Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing. London, Royaume-Uni
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2015). Indicateurs populationnels de coût-efficacité en santé mentale. Journée du Regroupement stratégique en santé mentale du RRSPQ. Canada
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2015). La santé mentale : combien ça coûte ?. Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal. Montréal, Canada
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2015). Les coûts et avantages associés aux stratégies populationnelles de prévention du suicide. Santé: populations, organisation, pratiques; Université de Sherbrooke. Canada
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2015). The 10-Item Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10)1 and the 7-Item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7) Screening Instruments for a Population of Older Adults. 15th International Congress of the IFPE 2015, Bergen. Norvège
  • Vasiliadis HM, *Gontijo Guerra S. (2015). The association between skin conditions and depressive disorders in community-dwelling older adults. 23rd World Congress of Dermatology. Vancouver, Canada
  • *Dezetter A, Vasiliadis HM. (2014). Costs and benefits of improving access to psychotherapy for common mental disorders in Canada: introducing an economical model. "Améliorer l'accès aux psychothérapies au Québec et au Canada: réflexions et expériences de pays francophones". Canada
  • Vasiliadis HM, *Dezetter A. (2014). Introducing a model of costs and benefits of improving access to psychotherapies for adults suffering from mental disorders in Canada. 13th Annual International Conference on Health Economics. Athènes, Grèce
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2013). La prévalence des troubles de santé mentale et l'utilisation des services chez les ainés au Québec. Journées Bi-Annuelles de Santé Mentale. Montreal, Canada
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2012). Fetal growth restriction and the development of major depression. Stream: Maternal Health Following Complicated Pregnancies. The 1st International Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrics(ICGO-2012). (Conférencière invitée.). Guangzhou, Chine
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2011). Analyse critique de la littérature. Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de la Montérégie. (Conférencière invitée). Montérégie, Canada
  • Vasiliadis HM. (2011). Fetal growth restriction and the development of major depression. EPS Xinjiang International Forum on Clinical Medicine Development. (Conférencière invitée). Kashi, Chine
  • (2009). Comparing mental health of Francophone populations in Canada, France, Belgium: Prevalence and service use rates for common mental disorders. World Federation for Mental Health. Athènes, Grèce
  • (2009). General practice and mental health care: determinants of outpatient service use. World Federation for Mental Health. Athènes, Grèce
  • (2009). L’épidémiologie de l’utilisation des services en santé mentale. Université de Montréal. (Conférencière invitée). Montréal, Canada
  • (2009). Soutenir l’implantation d’une approche de réadaptation efficace: le cas de l’IPT au Québec, Évaluation des coûts. Hôpital L-H Lafontaine, Formation continue. (Conférencière invitée). Montréal, Canada
  • (2008). Determinants of outpatient service use. World Psychiatric Association. Saskatoon, Canada
  • (2008). Health Care Resource Use Associated with Integrated Psychological Treatment. Symposium on health economics at the CPA’s annual meeting. (Invited Presentation). Vancouver, Canada
  • (2008). Health care resource use and cost associated with Integrated Psychological Treatment. Canadian Psychiatric Association. Vancouver, Canada
  • (2008). The lifetime risk of generalized anxiety disorder associated with impaired fetal growth in the face of childhood adversities and cognitive disability. Fondation MGEN pour la sante publique, University of Paris Descartes. (Conférencière invitée). France