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Mathieu Quesnel-Vallières

Professeur, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
FMSS Dép. d'immunologie et de biologie cellulaire


Sujet de recherche

Cancer Diagnosis and Detection, Developmental Genetics, Gene Regulation and Expression, Hematology, Molecular Genetics

Disciplines de recherche

Cell Biology, Genetics


Cancer, Immunotherapy, RNA splicing, Transcriptomics

Intérêts de recherche

Transcriptomics, hematopoietic system, cancer

Langues parlées et écrites

Anglais, Français


(2017). Investigating the functions of a neural-specific splicing regulator in the developing and adult mammalian nervous system (Doctorate, Ph.D.). University of Toronto.

(2010). Développement de lignées de poissons zébrés transgéniques pour l'étude du rôle de la protéine F dans la pathogenèse de l'hépatite C (Master's Thesis, M.Sc.). Université de Montréal.

(2007). Influence du traitement à l’interféron alpha sur l’évolution des quasiespèces du virus de l’hépatite C chez l’enfant co-infecté avec les virus du VHC et du VIH-1 (Bachelor's Honours, B.Sc.). Université de Montréal.

Expérience académique

Assistant Professor. (2023-). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Postdoctoral Researcher, Yoseph Barash and Kristen Lynch labs. (2018-2023). University of Pennsylvania. United States of America.

Teaching assistant - MCB1979 General Microbiology. (2010-2010). Université de Montréal. Canada.

Teaching Assistant - MCB2956 Microbiology for Nutritional Sciences. (2009-2009). Université de Montréal. Canada.

Teaching Assistant - MMD1010 Microbiology and Virology. (2009-2009). Université de Montréal. Canada.

Teaching assistant - MCB1979 General Microbiology. (2007-2007). Université de Montréal. Canada.

Prix et distinctions

  • (2025) Startup from Université de Sherbrooke and Centre de recherche du CHUS. Université de Sherbrooke. (Prize / Award).
  • (2025) Next Generation of Scientists Award. Cancer Research Society. (Prize / Award).
  • (2022) 1st Prize Postdoc Poster in Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics Retreat. University of Pennsylvania. (Prize / Award).
  • (2018) 1st Prize Postdoc Poster, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics Retreat. University of Pennsylvania. (Prize / Award).
  • (2016) Ontario Graduate Scholarship. Ontario Graduate Scholarship. (Prize / Award).
  • (2016) Poster prize at Gordon Research Conference on Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology, Hong Kong. Gordon Research Conference. (Prize / Award).
  • (2016) Dorrington Award. Donnelly Centre of the University of Toronto. (Prize / Award).
  • (2015) Margaret & Howard Gamble Research Grant. University of Toronto. (Prize / Award).
  • (2015) Mary Gertrude l’Anson Scholarship. University of Toronto. (Prize / Award).
  • (2015) Conference grant for the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory meeting on Eukaryotic mRNA Processing. University of Toronto. (Prize / Award).
  • (2015) Ontario Graduate Scholarship. Ontario Graduate Scholarship. (Prize / Award).
  • (2015) Travel grant for the Gordon Research Conference on Excitatory Synapses and Brain Function. Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute of Mount Sinai Hospital. (Prize / Award).
  • (2014) 2nd prize Poster presentation, Department of Molecular Genetics. University of Toronto. (Prize / Award).
  • (2014) Hannah Farkas-Himsley and Alexander Himsley Memorial Prize. University of Toronto. (Prize / Award).
  • (2014) Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. (Prize / Award).
  • (2010) Master’s training scholarship. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Prize / Award).
  • (2009) Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. (Prize / Award).


  • Grant. (Under Review). Co-investigator. PancreAccess: Achieving survival for patients with pancreatic cancer. Government of Canada. New Frontiers in Research Fund. 19 200 000 $. (2025-2031)
  • Grant. (Under Review). Principal Investigator. Regulation of RNA splicing in the hematopoietic system. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Discovery Grants. 459 700 $. (2024-2029)
  • Grant. (Under Review). Principal Investigator. Mechanisms of alternative splicing regulation in the hematopoietic system and in blood cancer. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). Junior 1. 353 876 $. (2024-2028)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Decoding cancer through transcriptomics. Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Sherbrooke Inc. (CRCHUS) (Sherbrooke, QC). Startup. 160 000 $. (2023-2025)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Discovery of novel immunotherapy targets from tumor-specific splice junctions. Cancer Research Society (The). Next Generation of Scientists Award. 170 000 $. (2022-2025)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Engineering of a transcriptomics-informed vaccine for pancreatic cancer. Génome Québec. Concours Relève en génomique - santé humaine. 25 000 $. (2024-2024)
  • Grant. (Under Review). Principal Investigator. Identification of tumor antigens from transcriptomic profiling of bladder cancer organoids. Centre de recherche du CHUS. PAFI. 25 000 $. (2024-2024)


Articles de revue

  • Torres-Diz M, Reglero C, Falkenstein C, Castro A, Hayer K, Radens C, Quesnel-Vallières M, Ang Z, Sehgal P, Li M, Barash Y, Tasian S, Ferrando A, Thomas-Tikhonenko A. (2024). A Novel Aberrantly Spliced Gain-of-Function NT5C2 Isoform Contributes to Thiopurine Resistance in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Blood Cancer Discovery NA NA. (Submitted).
  • Quesnel-Vallières M, Jewell S, Lynch KW, Thomas-Tikhonenko A, Barash Y. (2024). MAJIQlopedia: an encyclopedia of RNA splicing variations in human tissues and cancer. Nucleic Acids Research 52 D213-D221. (Published).
  • Liu X, Devadiga SA, Stanley RF, Morrow R, Janssen K, Quesnel-Vallières M, Pomp O, Moverley AA, Li C, Skuli N, Carroll MP, Huang J, Wallace DC, Lynch KW, Abdel-Wahab O, Klein PS. (2024). Targeting mitophagy in SRSF2 mutant hematologic malignancies. Journal of Clinical Investigation NA NA. (Submitted).
  • Quesnel-Vallières M, Schultz DC, Orlenko A, Lo Y, Moore J, Ritchie M, Roth D, Carroll M, Barash Y, Lynch KW, Cherry S. (2024). Trametinib sensitivity is defined by a myeloid differentiation profile in acute myeloid leukemia. Cancer Research Communications NA NA. (Submitted).
  • Wang D, Quesnel-Vallières M, Jewell P, Elzubeir M, Lynch KW, Thomas-Tikhonenko A, Barash Y. (2023). A Bayesian model for unsupervised detection of RNA splicing based subtypes in cancers. Nature Communications 14 (1), 63. (Published).
  • Liu X, Jones WD, Quesnel-Vallières M, Devadiga SA, Lorent K, Valvezan AJ, Myers RL, Li N, Lengner CJ, Barash Y, Pack M, Klein PS. (2023). The Tumor Suppressor Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (apc) Is Required for Neural Crest-Dependent Craniofacial Development in Zebrafish. Journal of Developmental Biology 11 29. (Published).
  • Cortés-López M, Schulz L, Enculescu M, Paret C, Spiekermann B, Busch A, Orekhova A, Kielisch F, Quesnel-Vallières M, Torres-Diz M, Faber J, Barash Y, Thomas- Tikhonenko A, Zarnack K, Legewie S, König J. (2022). High-throughput mutagenesis identifies mutations and RNA-binding proteins controlling CD19 splicing and CART-19 therapy resistance. Nature Communications 13 (1), 5570. (Published).
  • Wakabayashi A, Kihiu M, Sharma M, Thrasher AJ, Saari MS, Quesnel-Vallières M, Abdulmalik O, Chou ST, Peslak SA, Khandros E, Keller CA, Giardine BM, Hardison RC, Shi J, Blobel GA. (2022). Identification and characterization of RBM12 as a novel regulator of fetal hemoglobin expression. Blood Advances 6 (23), 5956--5968. (Published).
  • Jha A*, Quesnel-Vallières M*, Thomas-Tikhonenko A, Lynch KW, Barash Y. (2022). Identifying common transcriptome signatures of cancer by interpreting deep learning models. Genome Biology 23 (1), 117. (Published).
  • Zheng S, Gillespie E, Naqvi A, Hayer K, Ang Z, Torres-Diz M, Quesnel-Vallières M, Hottman D, Bagashev A, Chukinas J, Asnani M, Shraim R, Schmidt C, Taylor DM, Rheingold S.R, O’Brien MM, Singh N, Lynch K.W, Ruella M, Barash Y, Tasian SK, Thomas-Tikhonenko A. (2022). Modulation of CD22 Protein Expression in Childhood Leukemia by Pervasive Splicing Aberrations: Implications for CD22-Directed ImmunotherapiesAberrant Splicing of CD22 Affects Responses to Immunotherapy. Blood Cancer Discovery 3 103-115. (Published).
  • Peart NJ, Johnson TA, Lee S, Sears MJ, Yang F, Quesnel-Vallières M, Feng H, Recinos Y, Barash Y, Zhang C, Hermann BP, Wang PJ, Geyer CB, Carstens RP. (2022). The germ cell-specific RNA binding protein RBM46 is essential for spermatogonial differentiation in mice. PLoS Genetics 18 (9), e1010416. (Published).
  • Peart NJ, Hwang JY, Quesnel-Vallières M, Sears MJ, Yang Y, Stoilov P, Barash Y, Park JW, Carstens RP. (2022). The global Protein-RNA interaction map of ESRP1 defines a post-transcriptional program that is essential for epithelial cell function. iScience 25 (10), 105205. (Published).
  • Rivera OD, Mallory MJ, Quesnel-Vallières M, Schultz DC, Carroll M, Barash Y, Cherry S, Lynch KW. (2021). Alternative splicing redefines landscape of commonly mutated genes in acute myeloid leukemia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (15), e2014967118. (Published).
  • Gonatopoulos-Pournatzis T, Niibori R, Salter EW, Weatheritt RJ, Tsang B, Farhangmehr S, Liang X, Braunschweig U, Roth J, Zhang S, Henderson T, Sharma E, Quesnel-Vallières M, Permanyer J, Maier S, Georgiou J, Irimia M, Sonenberg N, Forman-Kay JD, Gingras AC, Collingridge GL, Woodin MA, Cordes SP, Blencowe BJ. (2020). Autism-misregulated eIF4G microexons control synaptic translation and higher order cognitive functions. Molecular cell 77 (6), 1176--1192. (Published).
  • Barbieri E, Hill C, Quesnel-Vallières M, Zucco AJ, Barash Y, Gardini A. (2020). Rapid and scalable profiling of nascent RNA with fastGRO. Cell reports 33 (6), 108373. (Published).
  • Quesnel-Vallières M, Weatheritt RJ, Cordes SP, and Blencowe BJ. (2019). Autism spectrum disorder: insights into convergent mechanisms from transcriptomics. Nature Reviews Genetics 20 (1), 51--63. (Published).
  • Fiordaliso SK, Iwata-Otsubo A, Ritter AL, Quesnel-Vallières M, Fujiki K, Nishi E, Hancarova M, Miyake N, Morton JEV, Lee S, Hackmann K, Bando M, Masuda K, Nakato R, Arakawa M, Bhoj E, Li D, Hakonarson H, Takeda R, Harr M, Keena B, Zackai EH, Okamoto N, Mizuno S, Ko JM, Valachova A, Prchalova D, Vlckova M, Pippucci T, Seiler C, Choi M, Matsumoto N, Di Donato N, Barash Y, Sedlacek Z, Shirahige K, Izumi K. (2019). Missense mutations in NKAP cause a disorder of transcriptional regulation characterized by Marfanoid habitus and cognitive impairment. The American Journal of Human Genetics 105 (5), 987--995. (Published).
  • Tapial J, Ha KCH, Sterne-Weiler T, Gohr A, Braunschweig U, Hermoso-Pulido A, Quesnel-Vallières M, Permanyer J, Sodaei R, Marquez Y, Cozzuto L, Wang X, Gómez-Velázquez M, Rayon T, Manzanares M, Ponomarenko J, Blencowe BJ, and Irimia M. (2017). An atlas of alternative splicing profiles and functional associations reveals new regulatory programs and genes that simultaneously express multiple major isoforms. Genome Research 27 (10), 1759-1768. (Published).
  • Quesnel-Vallières M, Dargaei Z, Irimia M, Gonatopoulos-Pournatzis T, Ip JY, Wu M, Sterne-Weiler T, Nakagawa S, Woodin MA, Blencowe BJ, Cordes SP. (2016). Misregulation of an Activity-Dependent Splicing Network as a Common Mechanism Underlying Autism Spectrum Disorders. Molecular Cell 64 1023-1034. (Published).
  • Quesnel-Vallières M, Irimia M, Cordes SP, and Blencowe BJ. (2015). Essential roles for the splicing regulator nSR100/SRRM4 during nervous system development. Genes & Development 29 746-759. (Published).
  • Irimia M, Weatheritt RJ, Ellis J, Parikshak NN, Gonatopoulos-Pournatzis T, Babor M, Quesnel-Vallières M, Tapial J, Raj B, O’Hanlon D, Barrios-Rodiles M, Sternberg MJ, Cordes SP, Roth FP, Wrana JL, Geschwind DH, and Blencowe BJ. (2014). A highly conserved program of neuronal microexons is misregulated in autistic brains. Cell 159 1511-1523. (Published).
  • Larouche A, Gaëtan G, El-Bilali N, Quesnel-Vallières M, Martin SR, Alvarez F, Shoukry NH, and Soudeyns H. (2012). Seronegative Hepatitis C Virus infection in a child infected via mother-to-child transmission. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 50 2515-2519. (Published).
  • Quesnel-Vallières M, Kouzayha I, Tran E, Barry I, Lasgi C, Mérindol N, Monteil V, Ransy DG, Boucher M, Lapointe N, and Soudeyns H. (2011). Novel HIV-1 recombinant forms in antenatal cohort, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Emerging Infectious Diseases 43 271-274. (Published).
  • Quesnel-Vallières M, Lemay M, Lapointe N, Martin SR, and Soudeyns H. (2008). HCV quasispecies evolution during treatment with interferon alfa-2b and ribavirin in two children coinfected with HCV and HIV-1. Journal of Clinical Virology 43 236-240. (Published).

Articles de conférence

  • Quesnel-Vallières M, Radens C, Davis J, Hayer K, Lynch K, Thomas-Tikhonenko A, Barash Y. (2023). Discovery of new immunotherapy targets in cancer from transcriptomic data. Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology Meeting. (Published).
  • Quesnel-Vallières M, Jha A, Wang D, Thomas-Tikhonenko A, Lynch K, Barash Y. (2022). Common RNA signatures of cancer. RNA Society Meeting. (Published).
  • Quesnel-Vallières M, Barash Y. Big RNA splicing data: challenges and advancements. RiboClub Meeting.
  • Quesnel-Vallières M, Lynch KW, Thomas-Tikhonenko A, Barash Y. Discovery of cancer immunotherapy targets from splicing variations. RiboClub Meeting.
  • Quesnel-Vallières M, Jha A, Thomas-Tikhonenko A, Lynch KW, Barash Y. Identifying universal cancer transcriptome signatures by interpreting deep learning models. Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology Meeting.
  • Quesnel-Vallières M, Dargaei Z, Irimia M, Gonatopoulos-Pournatzis T, Ip J, Sterne-Weiler T, Nakagawa S, Woodin MA, Blencowe BJ, and Cordes SP. Linking an alternative splicing regulatory network to autism spectrum disorder. Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology.
  • Quesnel-Vallières M, Vaquero-Garcia J, Slaff B, Norton S, Wang D, Lynch KW, Barash Y. Methods for RNA splicing analysis using large heterogeneous datasets. RNA Society Meeting.
  • Quesnel-Vallières M, Jewell S, Radens C, Davis J, Ang Z, Hayer K, Lynch KW, Thomas-Tikhonenko A, Barash Y. Transcriptomic approaches for the discovery of newimmunotherapy targets. The RNA Processing in Cancer Conferences (FASEB).

Propriétés intellectuelles


  • (2020). Modulation and detection of a neuronal alternative splicing regulatory network for treatment and diagnosis of neurological disorders. 10772928. United States of America. (Granted/Issued).

Autres contributions


  • (2023). Discovery of new immunotherapy targets in cancer from transcriptomic data. Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology Meeting. Lyon, France
  • (2023). Transcriptomic approaches for the discovery of new immunotherapy targets. FASEB The RNA Processing in Cancer Conference: From Bench to Bedside. Houston, United States of America
  • (2022). Discovery of cancer immunotherapy targets from splicing variations. RiboClub Meeting. Orford, Canada
  • (2021). Identifying universal cancer transcriptome signatures by interpreting deep learning models. Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology Meeting. Virtual, United States of America
  • (2019). Methods for RNA splicing analysis using large heterogeneous datasets. RNA Society Meeting. Krakow, Poland
  • (2018). Big RNA splicing data – challenges and advancements. RiboClub Meeting. Orford, Canada