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Timothy Dubé

Professeur, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
FMSS Département de médecine de famille


Sujet de recherche

Adult Education and Continuing Education, Professional Practices, Social Contexts

Disciplines de recherche

Family Medicine, Sociology


Qualitative methods, Social accountability in health, Educational transformation, Competency-based medical education

Intérêts de recherche

My research program is focused on educational transformations in health professions education and social accountability in health. I am interested in the application of qualitative methodologies and methods that place participants, contexts and researchers at the heart of the research process in order to facilitate meaningful representations of participants' experiences.

Langues parlées et écrites

Anglais, Français


(2013). Adaptation during a longitudinal integrated clerkship: The lived experiences of third-year medical students at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (Doctorate, Doctor of Philosophy). Laurentian University of Sudbury.

(2007). Contextual challenges and sources of social support in the Ontario Hockey League: The in-depth experiences of athletes in Northern Ontario (Master's Thesis, Masters of Arts). Laurentian University of Sudbury.

(2004). The relationship between the Group Environment Questionnaire and performance success (Bachelor's Honours, Bachelor of Arts). Laurentian University of Sudbury.

Expérience académique

Associate Professor, Health Professions Education. (2024-). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Assistant Professor, Medical Education (non-tenure track). (2014-).

Assistant Professor, Health Professions Education. (2019-2024). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Prix et distinctions

  • Canadian Association of Medical Education Certificate of Merit Award. Canadian Association of Medical Education. (Prize / Award).


  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-applicant. Community-engaged Research in Education, Advocacy, & system Transformation for advancing health Equity (CREATE): The Transformative Potential of Socially Accountable Research Networks Locally and Globally. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Partnership. 2 426 000 $. (2023-2030)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-applicant. Comment nos personnes diplômées de médecine décrivent l’actualisation de leur responsabilité sociale en début de carrière?. Société des médecins de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Fonds de développement pédagogique. 24 065 $. (2023-2025)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. Que connait-on des milieux cliniques inclusifs? : une étude de portée. Société des médecins de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Fonds de développement pédagogique. 24 275 $. (2023-2025)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. Comprendre le soutien communautaire familial en milieu inuit pour soutenir le développement des enfants. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC). Soutien communautaire familial en milieu inuit (action concertée). 317 437 $. (2020-2024)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Mise en oeuvre du site de formation médicale en Montérégie – Quels facteurs influencent les intentions de carrière de la nouvelle cohorte d’é de médecine du site de Montérégie?. Société des médecins de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Fonds de développement pédagogique. 24 606 $. (2022-2024)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. SIRACLE (SImulateur RAisonnement CLiniquE) pour supporter le développement du raisonnement clinique des étudiants à l’externat. Société des médecins de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Fonds de développement pédagogique. 5 000 $. (2023-2024)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Tackling the nuances of social accountability: Exploring the black box of teaching and learning experiences. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Insight. 120 009 $. (2020-2024)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. From synthesis to consensus: characteristics of successful research teams in an interprofessional and interdisciplinary field. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Insight. 99 995 $. (2021-2024)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. Évaluation des apprentissages : Réduire l'écart entre les pratiques de validation recommandées et celles utilisées par les professeurs dans les programmes en sciences de la santé. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Développement Savoir. 52 453 $. (2022-2024)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. La place donnée aux patients dans l’évaluation des apprenants en sciences de la santé : Une perspective 360. Société des médecins de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Fonds de développement pédagogique. 24 750 $. (2021-2023)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. Le développement du raisonnement clinique des étudiants en médecine au pré doctoral: l’apport de méthodes pédagogiques variées et de leur séquence. Société des médecins de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Fonds de développement pédagogique. 23 500 $. (2021-2023)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Où sont les diplômés ? Une étude rétrospective des lieux de pratique des diplômés de programmes de formation en résidence à l’Université de Sherbrooke. Société des médecins de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Fonds de développement pédagogique. 24 800 $. (2021-2023)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Une exploration du processus d’admission d'étudiants de médecine, des politiques et pratiques sous l'angle de la diversité. Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Sherbrooke Inc. (CRCHUS) (Sherbrooke, QC). Fonds de l’Axe Santé - Populations, organisation, pratiques du CRCHUS. 10 000 $. (2022-2023)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Quels sont les éléments du parcours professionnalisant dans le programme d'études médicales prédoctorales à l’UdeS qui soutiennent les étudiants dans leur cheminement les menant à devenir des médecins socialement responsables?. Société des médecins de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Fonds de développement pédagogique. 24 815 $. (2020-2022)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Quels éléments d'un cours de recherche longitudinale et intégrée contribuent au développement de la capacité d'analyse critique chez les étudiants aux études médicales prédoctorales?. Société des médecins de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Fonds de développement pédagogique. 24 880 $. (2020-2022)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Revitalisation urbaine et santé des jeunes adultes: Exploration de l'expérience vécue des résidents du centre-ville de Sherbrooke. Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Sherbrooke Inc. (CRCHUS) (Sherbrooke, QC). Fonds de l’Axe Santé - Populations, organisation, pratiques Centre de Recherche du CHUS. 6 500 $. (2021-2022)
  • Grant. (Completed). Collaborator. Évaluation en contexte de parcours professionnalisant: monitorage de la qualité et des conséquences. Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec (FRSQ). Soutien aux équipes de recherche (équipe émergente). 205 800 $. (2018-2022)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Développement du raisonnement clinique dans un curriculum prédoctoral: Quels sont les marqueurs du développement du raisonnement clinique et quelles activités pédagogiques y contribuent, à quel moment?. Société des médecins de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Fonds de développement pédagogique. 5 000 $. (2020-2021)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Vers un parcours de professionnalisation au programme de 2e cycle en ergothérapie : une opportunité unique pour intégrer les compétences transversales inhérentes au rôle d’agent de changement. Université de Sherbrooke. Fonds d’innovation pédagogique. 20 000 $. (2020-2021)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. How does participation in workshops about basic assessment techniques regarding the musculoskeletal system increase the knowledge and confidence of second-year medical students?. McGill University. Centre for Medical Education Innovation Seed Fund. 10 000 $. (2019-2021)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. The Development of a Roadmap Supporting CBME Implementation in Postgraduate Medical Education: An Evidence-Informed Evaluation Approach. McGill University. Centre for Medical Education. 4 000 $. (2017-2019)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Where are they now? A cross-sectional and cohort study of graduates from residency training programs at McGill University (Canada) between 1995 and 2015. McGill University. Internal Paper Presentation Grant, Office of Sponsored Research. 1 500 $. (2018)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Responding to capacity building needs to implement Competence by Design. Royal College for Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. CBD Residency Implementation Award. 25 000 $. (2017-2018)


Articles de revue

  • Dubé, T. (2024). An imperative for transforming health professions education. Medical Education 58 (1), 8-10. DOI. (Published).
  • Young, M; Dubé, T; Schumacher, D; Lubarsky, S; Ryan, A; O’Brien, B. (2024). Characterizing research teams. Academic Medicine na na. (Accepted).
  • Dubé, T; Cumyn, A; Fourati, M; Chamberland, M; Hatcher, S; Landry, M. (2024). Pathways, journeys and experiences: Integrating curricular activities related to social accountability within an undergraduate medical curriculum. Medical Education 58 (5), 556–565. DOI. (Published).
  • Young, M; Dubé, T. (2024). What if we consider research teams as teams?. Advances in Health Sciences Education 1-6. (Revision Requested).
  • Dubé, T; Beaulieu, MD; Fourati, M; Benaskeur, I. (2023). Canadian Medical Education Journal 14 (6), 114-117. DOI. (Published).
  • Dubé, T; Wagner, M; Zaccagnini, M; Gomez-Garibello, C. (2023). Canadian Medical Education Journal 14 (5), 22-32. DOI. (Published).
  • Lavoie-Trudeau, É; Dubé, T; Beaudoin, M; Carrier, A. (2023). Developing the change agent competencies of occupational therapy university students: Using a scholarship of teaching and learning approach in a Canadian program. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education 7 (3), 1-36. (Published).
  • Chamberland, M; Beaudoin, V; Boulais, I; Bergeron, L; St-Onge, C; Dubé, T. (2023). Exploring medical students’ use of principles of self-explanation and structured reflection during clerkship. Canadian Medical Education Journal 14 (5), 82-87. DOI. (Published).
  • Farand, P; Dubé, T; Zaccagnini, M; Bergeron, L; Benoit-Piau, J; St-Onge, C. (2023). Integrating a longitudinal course on the principles of research in an outcomes-based undergraduate medical education curriculum. Perspectives on Medical Education 1-8. (Submitted).
  • St-Onge C; Ouellet K; Lakhal S; Dubé T; Marceau M. (2022). COVID-19 as the tipping point for integrating e-assessment in higher education practices. British Journal of Educational Technology 53 (2), 349-366. DOI. (Published).
  • Dubé, T; Boucher, MC; Champagne, L; Garand, MÈ; Rinfret, J. (2022). Enseigner en situation de pandémie: la transformation de l’enseignement et de la supervision clinique / Teaching in a pandemic: the transformation of teaching and clinical supervision. Canadian Medical Education Journal 13 (1), 65-74. DOI. (Published).
  • Dubé, T; Sebbani, M; Van Maele, L; Beaulieu, M.-D. (2021). COVID-19 pandemic: New avenues for social accountability in health research. Canadian Family Physician 67 (12), 886-888. DOI. (Published).
  • Boulila, C; Girouard-Chantal, E; Gendron, C; Lassman, M; Dubé, T. (2021). Physiotherapist-led musculoskeletal education: an innovative approach to teach medical students musculoskeletal assessment techniques. Canadian Medical Education Journal 12 (3), 163-165. DOI. (Published).
  • Bilgic, E; Hada, T; Dubé, T; Valanci, S; de Azevedo, B; Feldman, L; Vassiliou, M; Fried, G. (2020). Defining the key skills required to perform advanced laparoscopic procedures: A qualitative study. Surgical Endoscopy 35 (6), 2645-2659. DOI. (Published).
  • Wagner M, Dubé T, Gomez-Garibello C. (2020). It takes a team: Generating evidence to define and foster collective competence in health professions education. Canadian Medical Education Journal Online Online. DOI. (Published).
  • D’Eon M, Ellaway R, Martimianakis M, Dubé T. (2020). Medical education post COVID-19. Canadian Science Policy Centre Online Online. (Published).
  • Dubé T, Schinke R, Strasser R. (2019). It takes a community to train a future physician: Social support experiences of third-year medical students during a community-engaged longitudinal integrated clerkship. Canadian Medical Education Journal 10 (3), e5–e16. (Published).
  • Strasser R, Hogenbirk J, Jacklin K, Maar M, Hudson G, Warry W, Cheu H, Dubé T, Carson D. (2018). Community engagement: A central feature of NOSM’s socially accountable distributed medical education. Canadian Medical Education Journal 9 e33–e43. (Published).
  • Ellaway R, Dubé T, Cooper G, Graves L. (2017). Resetting the compass: Exploring the implicit messages of orientation to a community-engaged medical school. Canadian Medical Education Journal 8 (1), 88-100. (Published).
  • Dubé T, Schinke R, Strasser R, Couper I, Lightfoot N. (2015). Transition processes through a longitudinal integrated clerkship – A qualitative study of third-year medical students’ experiences. Medical Education 49 (10), 1028-1037. (Published).
  • Ellaway R, Cooper G, Al-Idrissi T, Dubé T, Graves L. (2014). Discourses of student orientation to medical education programs. Medical Education Online 19 1-9. (Published).
  • Dubé T, Schinke R, Strasser R, Lightfoot N. (2014). Interviewing in situ: Employing the guided walk as a dynamic form of qualitative inquiry. Medical Education 48 (11), 1092-1100. (Published).
  • Schinke R, Battochio R, Dubé T, Lidor R, Tenenbaum G. (2012). Adaptation processes affecting performances in elite sport. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology 6 180-195. (Published).
  • Dubé, T; Schinke, R; Hancock, D; Dubuc, N. (2007). The social support experiences of major junior ice hockey players in a physically removed region of Canada. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine 6 (4), 393-400. (Published).

Chapitres de livre

  • Dubé, T; Schinke, R. (2006). Perceived challenges in major junior ice hockey: The in-depth experiences of athletes in a remote region. Simmons M, Foster L. Sport and Exercise Psychology Research Advances (135-155). United States of America : Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (Published).

Autres contributions

Cours enseignés

  • Développement et évaluation d'outils de collecte de données. RSS902. (2024-01-11 à 2024-06-05).(4CR).
  • Introduction à la recherche qualitative en sciences de la santé. RSS707. (2024-01-05 à 2024-04-26).(3CR).
  • Développement et évaluation d'outils de collecte de données. RSS902. (2023-01-12 à 2023-05-31).(4CR).
  • Introduction à la recherche qualitative en sciences de la santé. RSS 707. (2023-01-06 à 2023-04-29).(3CR).
  • Développement et évaluation d'outils de collecte de données. RSS902. (2022-01-13 à 2022-06-01).(4CR).
  • Introduction à la recherche qualitative en sciences de la santé. RSS 707. (2022-01-07 à 2022-04-30).(3CR).

Gestion d'évènements

  • Co-Chair. The Bayfield Meeting of Theoretical Researchers. (Conference).


  • Dubé, T; Nimmon, L; Cristancho, S; Young, M. (2024). Exploration of complex research phenomena: Mobilizing multiple approaches to qualitative research. International Congress on Academic Medicine. Vancouver, Canada
  • Dubé, T; Carrier, A; Lavoie-Trudeau, É; Beaudoin, M. (2023). Challenges and opportunities to change agency competencies development: The case of one Canadian occupational therapy program. International Congress on Academic Medicine. Quebec City, Canada
  • Dubé, T. (2023). Communities as contexts for distributed medical education. Invited plenary for the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada Distributed Medical Education Network Research Day at the International Congress on Academic Medicine. Quebec City, Canada
  • St-Onge, C; Dion, V; Ajjawi, R; Cummings, BA; Dubé, T (presenter); Eva, K; Hatala, R; Kulasegaram, K; Lakhal, S; Wood, T. (2023). Electronic information-seeking behavior at the point-of-care: A concept analysis. AMEE 2023 Conference: An International Association for Medical Education. Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • Dubé, T. (2023). If you’ve seen one social accountability, you’ve seen one social accountability. Bayfield Meeting of Theoretical Researchers in Medical Education. Bayfield, Canada
  • Dubé, T. (2023). Integrating curricular activities related to social accountability within health education curricula. Invited plenary for the Congreso Internacional EPPENS Interprofesionalismo. Mexico City, Mexico
  • St-Onge, C; Boulais, I; Dubé, T; Poitras, ME; Marceau, M; Bergeron, L; Le Sieur, I; Schumacher, D; Dion, V. (2023). Intégrer la voix des patients dans l’évaluation des apprenants en médecine: Une analyse de discours. Forum International Francophone de Pédagogie des Sciences de la Santé. Montreal, Canada
  • Oubouchou, R; Fontaine, É; Chakroun, M; Lakhal, S; Dubé, T; St-Onge, C. (2023). Les perspectives de la rétroaction lors des relations de supervision - Étude de portée. International Congress on Academic Medicine. Quebec City, Canada
  • Chamberland, M; Beaudoin, V; Boulais, I; Bergeron, L; Dubé, T; St-Onge, C. (2023). Les étudiants transfèrent-ils à l’externat les stratégies d’auto-explication et de réflexion structurée expérimentées au préclinique pour développer leur raisonnement clinique?. Forum International Francophone de Pédagogie des Sciences de la Santé. Montreal, Canada
  • St-Onge, C; Boulais, I; Dubé, T; Poitras, ME; Marceau, M; Bergeron, L; Le Sieur, I; Schumacher, D; Dion, V. (2023). Patients’ voice in the assessment of medical trainees: A discourse analysis. International Congress on Academic Medicine. Quebec City, Canada
  • Oubouchou, R; Fontaine, É; Chakroun, M; Lakhal, S; Dubé, T; St-Onge, C. (2023). Que sait-on au sujet de la rétroaction et sa place dans les relations de supervision dans les études supérieures? Une étude de portée. Forum International Francophone de Pédagogie des Sciences de la Santé. Montreal, Canada
  • Dubé, T. (2023). Transformer la formation des futurs professionnels de la santé. Invited closing plenary for the colloquium Transformer la formation des futurs professionnels de la santé dans une perspective de justice sociale et environnementale at the 90e Congrès de l'Acfas. Montreal, Canada
  • Dahech, Y; St-Onge, C; Dubé, T. (2023). Une revue narrative de la diversité des étudiants au sein du processus d’admission dans les programmes de doctorat en médecine. Colloque sur la Sélection des candidates et candidats dans les professions de la santé : Enjeux d’équité et de validité au 90e Congrès de l'Acfas. Montreal, Canada
  • Dahech, Y; St-Onge, C; Dubé, T. (2023). Une revue narrative de la littérature sur la diversité des apprenants au sein de processus d’admission au programme de doctorat en médecine. Forum International Francophone de Pédagogie des Sciences de la Santé. Montreal, Canada
  • Dubé, T; Fourati, M; Cumyn, A; Chamberland, M; Hatcher, S; Landry, M. (2023). What are the elements of a competency-based, longitudinal, and integrated MD curriculum that relate to the development of competencies underpinned by social accountability?. International Congress on Academic Medicine. Quebec City, Canada
  • Dubé, T., Strasser, R., Cameron, E., Razack, S., Petit, G., Leblanc, M.-C., Karan, M. (2022). Incorporating social accountability in health professions education: Implications for curriculum development and implementation. Canadian Conference on Medical Education. Calgary, Canada
  • Millette, C.-A., Larouche, C., Cumyn, A., Hatcher, S., Landry, M., Dubé, T., Gagné, È.-R. (2022). L'évolution de la responsabilité sociale dans le programme de doctorat en médecine à la Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé de l'Université de Sherbrooke. 89e Congrès de l'Acfas. Québec, Canada
  • Antao, V., Johnston, A., Graves, L., Walczak, A., Dubé, T., Varughese, J., Wong, E., Eyre, A., Oandasan, I., Bertrand, S. (2022). National Orientation in Family Medicine Leadership Education Program (NOFMLE): Supporting Educational Leadership. Canadian Conference on Medical Education. Calgary, Canada
  • Shareck, M., Paquette-Guay, A., Ekouagou, K., Camirand-Lemyre, F., Dubé, T., Firth, C., Fuller, D., Kestens, Y., Morin, P., Tougas, A.M., & Winters, M. (2022). Who benefits from urban revitalization efforts and who doesn’t? Introducing the Centre-Ville Equitable et en Santé (CentrÉS) study. 24th Conference of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (virtual). Montreal, Canada
  • Dubé, T. (2021). Cultivating roots: Communities as contexts for education. Consortium of Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships (CLIC) 2021 Conference. Stellenbosch, South Africa, Republic of
  • Dubé, T. (2021). La responsabilité sociale en pédagogie des sciences de la santé : aborder les nuances pour favoriser l'équité en santé. Conférence Centre de recherche du CHUS 2.0. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • St-Onge, C, Dubé, T. & Ouellet, K. (2021). Projets d'innovations pédagogiques: Se réconcilier avec le processus éthique!. Centre de pédagogie des sciences de la santé (CPSS) - Midi Pédagogie. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Dubé, T. & Leblanc, M.-C.*. (2021). Quelles activités pédagogiques sont mises en œuvre pour aider les apprenant(e)s à devenir des professionnel(le)s de la santé socialement responsables?. Centre de pédagogie des sciences de la santé (CPSS) - Midi Pédagogie. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Strasser, R. & Dubé, T. (2021). Social Accountability in Practice: The Why, The What, and The How. Workshop at the 20e Rencontre scientifique annuelle du Centre de pédagogie des sciences de la santé. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Dubé, T. & Champagne, L. (2020). Enseigner en situation de pandémie. Centre de pédagogie des sciences de la santé (CPSS) - Midi Pédagogie. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Boulila, C.*, Girouard-Chantal, É*, Gendron, C.*, Lassman, M.*, & Dubé, T. (2020). Evaluating the impact of student-led interprofessional musculoskeletal (MSK) workshops on knowledge and confidence of medical students regarding the MSK assessment. Canadian Conference on Medical Education. Vancouver, Canada
  • Andersen, J, Dubé, T. (2019). A novel approach to fostering the development of scholarly competence: Capacity building in a distributed family medicine residency training program. Association for Medical Education in Europe. Vienna, Austria
  • Guyon, A, Lessard, R, Masse-Jolicoeur, M, Tessier, S, & Dubé, T. (2019). Building the health advocate role: Innovative competency-based strategy for residency training. International Conference on Residency Education. Ottawa, Canada
  • Dubé, T. (2019). Does what you see match what you say? Giving feedback effectively. Resident Simulation Day. Montreal, Canada
  • Dubé, T, Gomez-Garibello, C, Wagner, M, Zaccagnini, M*, Constantin, E, Aalamian, A. (2019). The development of a roadmap for the implementation of competency-based postgraduate medical education: A qualitative study. Association for Medical Education in Europe. Vienna, Austria
  • Binnendyk, J, Dubé, T. (2018). Curriculum Mapping: Just tell me how to do it!. International Conference on Residency Education. Halifax, Canada
  • Binnendyk, J, Venance, S, Dubé, T. (2018). Curriculum Mapping: Just tell me how to do it!. Second World Summit on Competency-Based Education. Basel, Switzerland
  • Dubé, T. (2018). Does what you see match what you say? Giving feedback effectively. Resident Simulation Day. Montreal, Canada
  • Varpio, L, Cristancho, S, Dubé, T, Gormley, G, LaDonna, K, & Paradis, E. (2018). Interviewing with drawing, walking, picture taking, and filming: Exploring methods for enhancing qualitative data collection. Canadian Conference on Medical Education. Halifax, Canada
  • Dubé, T, Aalamian, A, Constantin, E, Gomez-Garibello, C. (2018). Practical strategies to achieving social accountability in postgraduate medical education. Second World Summit on Competency-Based Education. Basel, Switzerland
  • Dubé, T, Constantin, E, Gomez-Garibello, C, Aalamian, A. (2018). Where are they now? A cross-sectional and cohort study of graduates from residency training programs at McGill University (Canada) between 1995 and 2015. 2nd World Summit on Social Accountability. Limerick, Ireland
  • Dubé, T, Gomez-Garibello, C, Constantin, E, Aalamian, A. (2017). Curriculum mapping: Pointing the compass toward competency-based medical education. International Conference on Residency Education. Quebec City, Canada
  • Dubé, T. (2017). L’approche par compétence: Avantages, défis et possibilités. Centre de pédagogie des sciences de la santé (CPSS), Midi-pédagogie. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Dubé, T, Constantin, E, Gomez-Garibello, C, Aalamian, A. (2017). Teaching residents to teach: Developing distributed curricula for family medicine residents. Family Medicine Forum. Montreal, Canada
  • Dubé, T, Constantin, E, Gomez-Garibello, C, Aalamian, A. (2017). Teaching residents to teach: Developing distributed curricula for residency training programs. AMEE - Association for Medical Education in Europe. Helsinki, Finland
  • Dubé T, Constantin E, Aalamian A, Razack S. (2017). Tensions of praxis: Socially accountable postgraduate medical education. World Summit on Social Accountability. Hammamet, Tunisia
  • Dubé T. (2016). Feedback: An effective form of teaching. Improving Resident Teaching Skills through Simulation. Montreal, Canada
  • Dubé, T. (2016). How do physicians experience teaching medicine in Northern Ontario? A qualitative analysis. AMEE - Association for Medical Education in Europe. Barcelona, Spain
  • Dubé T. (2016). How to map your curriculum? The road to competency-based medical education. Program Directors’ Retreat. Montreal, Canada
  • Dubé, T. (2015). How a medical school engages with communities. The Future of Small Villages –Richard Ryan Workshop Series. Umeå, Sweden
  • Dubé, T. (2014). A particular instance of context, community: A program of research that tackles the nuances of this. Bayfield Meeting of Theoretical Researchers in Medical Education. Bayfield, Canada
  • Dubé, T, Dabous, J. (2014). Designing ‘community’ into a distributed community-engaged curriculum. Global Community Engaged Medical Education Muster. Uluru, Australia
  • Dubé, T, Dabous, J. (2014). Instructional designers’ perspective of curriculum development and review. Canadian Conference on Medical Education. Ottawa, Canada
  • Dubé, T. (2014). Interviewing third-year medical students in situ: Employing guided walks during a longitudinal integrated clerkship. Spring Colloquium ‘Research in Distributed Medical Education: What's current, and what could Schulich's agenda be?’. London, Canada
  • Dubé, T. (2014). Interviewing third-year medical students in situ: Employing guided walks during a longitudinal integrated clerkship in rural and northern communities. Global Community Engaged Medical Education Muster. Uluru, Australia
  • Dubé, T, Schinke, R, Strasser, R, Lightfoot, N. (2010). A narrative study of the lived experiences of third‑year medical students at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine. Global Community Engaged Medical Education Muster. Rowland Flat, Australia