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Benoît Paquette

Professeur, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
FMSS Dép. sciences imagerie médicale et radiations


Sujet de recherche

Cancer du sein, Tumeurs cérébrales, Carcinogenèse, Thérapie cellulaire du cancer, Radiothérapie, Cancer de l'appareil digestif, Cellules souches et organogénèse

Disciplines de recherche

Oncologie, Biologie moléculaire


Brain cancer, Breast cancer, Cancer cell invasion, cancer cérébral, Cancer colorectal, Cancer du cerveau, Cancer du sein, Chimio-radiotherapy, Colo-rectal cancer, Free radicals, Hydroxyestrogens, Mesenchymal stem cells, Métastase, Metastasis, oncologie, oncology, Oxydatif stress, Radiation therapy, Radiosensitizers, radiothérapie, Radiotherapy, radiotherapy optimisation

Intérêts de recherche

Radiation therapy, breast cancer, brain cancer, cell migration, inflammatory cytokines, oncology, radiothérapie, cancer du sein, cancer du cerveau, oncologie, inflammation

Centre de recherche

Centre de recherche du CHUS

Recherche clinique

Langues parlées et écrites

Anglais, Français


(1991). (Doctorat, ). Université de Sherbrooke.

(1987). (Maîtrise avec mémoire, ). Université de Sherbrooke.

(1985). (Baccalauréat, ). Université de Sherbrooke.

Titres de compétence

(2017) Directeur, Département de médecine nucléaire et radiobiologie. Université de Sherbrooke.

(2012) Directeur, axe de recherche en imagerie médicale et radiothérapie.

(2012) Directeur.

Prix et distinctions

  • (2016) Scientific committee. 30th Annual meeting of Canadian Association of Radiation Oncologist. (Distinction).
  • (2016) International expert in the committee that guides research in protontherapie in France. Scientific Advisor Board - France Hadron. (Distinction).
  • (2015) Vice-president. Société internationale de radiobiologie de langue française. (Distinction).
  • (2013) Scientific committee. 11ème Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée (CIRFA). (Distinction).
  • (2013) Scientific committee. CARO-COMP 2013 Joint Scientific Meeting. (Distinction).
  • (2011) Scientific committee. 10e Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée. (Distinction).
  • (2010) Scientific committee. 24th Canadian Association of Radiation Oncologist Scientific meeting. (Distinction).
  • (2010) Scientific committee. 2e Congrès International - Radiations Médicales: Recherche et Applications. (Distinction).
  • Publication of the year, Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Cancer. CIHR. (Distinction).
  • Scientific committee. 12ème Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliqué. (Distinction).


  • Subvention. (En cours d’évaluation). Candidat principal. New Therapeutic Procedure To Eliminate Cancer Cells Infiltrated In Brain. Société Canadienne du Cancer. Breakthrough Team Grants. 4 000 000 $. (2023-2028)
  • Subvention. (En cours d’évaluation). Candidat principal. Accélérer le traitement et le suivi des patientes atteintes pour un cancer du sein triple-négatif. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). ACCES-Onco. 200 000 $. (2023-2025)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. The small GTPase Rab4 as a target for breast cancer metastasis. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Project. 822 376 $. (2019-2024)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Développement d’un nouvel hydrogel microstructuré pour des modèles cellulaire 3D. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). Équipe. 201 500 $. (2021-2024)
  • Subvention. IncuScope IS250 Incubator Microscope. Institut de recherche sur le cancer de l’Université de Sherbrooke. (2022-2023)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Candidat principal. Dynamic culture system to assess the efficacy of a trap targeting cancer cells infiltrated in the brain. New Frontiers in Research Fund. Exploration. 250 000 $. (2019-2022)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. Investigations of low energy electron damage to DNA: application to Chemoradiation therapy.. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Project grant. 1 061 460 $. (2015-2020)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Cibler les cellules du glioblastome infiltrées dans le parenchyme cérébral. Centre de recherche du CHUS. Projet PAFI. 25 000 $. (2018-2020)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Développement d’un hydrogel libérant des vésicules enrichies de TRAIL qui s’accumuleront dans les cellules cancéreuses du cerveau pour augmenter l’apoptose induite par les radiations. Centre de recherche du CHUS. Projets Structurants. 75 000 $. (2018-2019)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Role of radiation in cancer cell invasion and metastasis development. Université de Sherbrooke. Internal fund. 434 000 $. (2010-2017)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). A novel platform of magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents for non-invasive monitoring of enzyme activity in tumours. National Cancer Institute. 334 641 $. (2005-2008)
  • (Terminé). Réseau de recherche Québec. Valorisation Recherche Québec. 1 390 000 $. (2002-2006)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Novel technology applications in health research. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). 584 154 $. (2004-2006)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Plateforme integer d’imagerie moléculaire multi-modale en modèle animal. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). 625 010 $. (2001-2006)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Enhancement of metastatic potential by hydroxyestrogens. Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance. 42 090 $. (2005-2006)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Enhancement of metastatic potential by hydroxyestrogens. Canadian Breast Cancer Initiaitive. 297 490 $. (2002-2005)
  • Contrat. (Terminé). Kemestrie. Kemestrie Inc. (Sherbrooke, QC). 12 950 $. (2003-2004)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Déterminer la capacité de l'acide linoléique conjugué d'augmenter l'efficacité des traitements de radiothérapie contre le cancer du sein. Producteurs Laitiers du Canada (Les). 40 000 $. (2003-2004)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Vitamin C toxicity for cancer cells. Société de recherche sur le cancer. 120 000 $. (2002-2004)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Fonction anticancérigène du lait. FCAR-NOVALAIT-MAPAQ. 100 000 $. (2001-2003)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Phthalocyanines as radiosensitizers to treat breast cancer cells. National Cancer Institute. IDEA. 50 000 $. (2002-2003)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Acide linoléique conjugué: un agent anticancérigène. Producteurs Laitiers du Canada (Les). 90 000 $. (2000-2002)
  • (Terminé). Stimulation par les estrogènes d’une résistance au méthotréxate : Étude des mécanismes d’action - Subvention pour stagiaire de recherche. Conseil de Recherches Médicales du Canada. 61 180 $. (1997-2001)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Enhancment of metastatic potential by hydroxyestrogens. National Cancer Institute. CBCRI. 45 500 $. (2000-2001)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Développement de la radiothérapie. Fonds pour la Formation de chercheurs et à l'aide financière. 204 000 $. (1997-2000)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Stimulation par les estrogènes d’une résistance au méthotréxate : Étude des mécanismes d’action. Conseil de Recherches Médicales du Canada. 169 725 $. (1997-2000)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Role des hydroxyestrogènes dans le développement de la LAM. Lam Foundation (The). 21 228 $. (1998-1999)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Instabilité génomique et progression du cancer. 42 000 $. (1996-1999)
  • (Terminé). Subvention pour achat d'appareils. 4 797 $. (1997-1998)


Articles de revue

  • Sahar Naasri, Angela Giraldo Solano, Hélène Therriault, Nathalie Faucheux, Marc-Antoine Lauzon, Nick Virgilio and Benoit Paquette. (2023). Hydrogel matrix pore diameter that optimizesaccumulation and distribution of glioblastoma cells. Acta Biomaterialia (Article soumis).
  • Hélène Therriault, Angela Giraldo Solano, Sawyna Provencher, Isabelle Gauthier, Jean-Luc Parent, and Benoit Paquette. (2023). Metastasisformation in mice induced by plasma collected during radiotherapy in patientswith triple-negative breast cancer is blocked by a COX-2 inhibitor. Britsh Journal of Cancer (Article soumis).
  • Jean-Luc Parent, Isabelle Gauthier, Sawyna Provencher, Hélène Therriault, Benoit Paquette. (2023). Role of Rab4 in the development of metastases in mouseby plasma collected during radiotherapy in triple-negative breast cancerpatients. International Journal of Cancer (Article soumis).
  • Anaïs Chauvin*, Danny Bergeron, Dominique Lévesque, Benoit Paquette, Michelle S. Scott and François-Michel Boisvert (* = cosupervised by BP). (2022). Downregulation of KRAB zinc finger proteins in5-fluorouracil resistant colorectal cancer cells. BMC Cancer . (.), . (Article soumis).
  • Wiam El Kheir*, Nick Virgilio, Benoit Paquette, Nathalie Faucheux and Marc-Antoine Lauzon (* = cosupervised by BP). (2022). Drugs delivery systems in the development of novelstrategies for glioblastoma treatment. Pharmaceutics 14 (6), . (Article publié).
  • Caroline Safi*, Angela Giraldo Solano*, Benoit Liberelle, Hélène Therriault, Lisa Delattre, Melek Abdelkhalek, Changsheng Wang, Simon Bergeron-Fortier, Vaiana Moreau, Gregory DeCrescenzo, Nathalie Faucheux, Marc-Antoine Lauzon, Benoit Paquette** and Nick Virgilio**. (* = cosupervised by BP; ** = co-corresponding authors). (2022). Effect of chitosan on alginate-based macroporous hydrogels for the capture of glioblastoma cancer cells. ACS Applied Bio Materials . . (Article accepté).
  • Thititip Tippayamontri*, Esteban Betancourt-Santander*, Brigitte Guérin, Roger Lecomte, Benoit Paquette and Léon Sanche (* = supervised by BP). (2022). Estimation of the internal dose imparted by18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose to tissues by using Fricke dosimetry in a phantom andpositron emission tomography. Frontiers in Nuclear Medicine . (.), . (Article accepté).
  • Rutihinda, C., Haroun, R., Saidi, N. E., Ordonez, J. P., Naasri, S., Levesque, D., Boisvert, F. M., Fortier, P. H., Belzile, M., Fradet, L., Hubert-Tremblay, V., Turgeon, G. A., Wang, C. S., Delage, P., Rousseau, E., Paquette, B. and Oweida, A. J. (2022). Inhibition of the CCR6-CCL20 axis prevents regulatoryT cell recruitment and sensitizes head and neck squamous cell carcinoma toradiation therapy. Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy 1-33. DOI.
  • Meysam Khosravifarsani*, Samia Ait-Mohand, Benoit Paquette, Léon Sanche and Brigitte Guérin (* = cosupervised by BP). (2022). In vivo behavior of [64Cu]NOTA-terpyridineplatinum, a novel radio-theranostic agent for imaging and therapy of colorectalcancer. Frontier in Medicine . . (Article accepté).
  • Angela Giraldo Solano*, Joan Dupuy, Hélène Therriault, Benoit Liberelle, Nathalie Faucheux, Marc-Antoine Lauzon, Nick Virgilio** and Benoit Paquette** (* = cosupervised by BP; ** = co-corresponding authors.). (2021). An alginate-based macroporous hydrogel matrix to trapcancer cells. Carbohydrate Polymers 266 (.), 118115. (Article publié).
  • Rosalie Lemay*, Benoit Paquette**, Claude Pépin, Mélanie Archambault, Luc Tremblay, and Martin Lepage** (* = cosupervised by BP; ** = co-corresponding authors). (2021). Assessment by magnetic resonance imaging of angiogenesis in a Matrigel plus implanted in Balb/c mice. Microcirculation . (.), . (Révision demandée).
  • Meysam Khosravifarsani*, Samia Ait-mohand, Benoit Paquette, Léon Sanche, Brigitte Guérin (* = cosupervised by BP). (2021). Design, synthesis and cytotoxicity assessment of [64Cu]Cu-NOTA-terpyridine platinum conjugate: a novel chemoradiotherapeuticagent with flexible linker. Nanomaterials 11 (9), . (Article publié).
  • Meysam Khosravifarsani*, Samia Ait-mohand, Benoit Paquette, Léon Sanche and Brigitte Guérin (* = cosupervised by BP). (2021). High Cytotoxic Effect by Combining Copper-64 with a NOTA-Terpyridine PlatinumConjugate. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 64 (10), 6765-6776. (Article publié).
  • Ayman Oweida, Benoit Paquette. (2021). Reconciling two opposing effects of radiation therapy: stimulation of cancer cell invasion andactivation of anti-cancer immunity. International Journal of Radiation Biology . (.), 1-13. (Article publié).
  • Julie Constanzo*, Élora Midavaine, Jérémie Fouquet, Martin Lepage, Maxime Descoteaux, Karyn Kirby, Luc Tremblay, Laurence Masson-Côté, Sameh Geha, Jean-Michel Longpré, Benoit Paquette**, Philippe Sarret** (* = cosupervised by BP; ** = co-corresponding authors). (2020). Brain irradiation leads to persistentneuroinflammation and long-term neurocognitive dysfunction in a region-specificmanner. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 102 109954. (Article publié).
  • Dina Sikpa, Lisa Whittingstall, Jérémie P. Fouquet, Adrianna Radulska, Luc Tremblay, Benoit Paquette, Réjean Lebel, Martin Lepage. (2020). Cerebrovascular inflammation promotes the formation of brain metastases. International Journal of Cancer 147 (1), 244-255. (Article publié).
  • Suzanne Gascon, Angéla Giraldo Solano*, Wiam El Kheir, Hélène Therriault, Pierre Berthelin, Bettina Cattier, Nick Virgilio, Benoit Paquette, Nathalie Faucheux & Marc-Antoine Lauzon (* = supervised by BP). (2020). Characterization and mathematical modeling of alginate/chitosan-based nanoparticles releasing the chemokine CXCL12 to attract glioblastoma cells. Pharmaceutics 12 (4), . (Article publié).
  • Thititip Tippayamontri*, Brigitte Guérin, René Ouellet, Otman Sarrhini, Jacques Rousseau, Roger Lecomte, Benoit Paquette and Léon Sanche (* = supervised by BP). (2019). Intratumoral 18F-FLT infusion in metabolic targeted radiotherapy. EJNMMI Research 9 (1), 33. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Julie Constanzo*, Matthieu Dumont, Luc Tremblay, Kevin Whittingstall, Laurence Masson-Côté, Sameh Geha, Martin Lepage, Philippe Sarret, Benoit Paquette**, Maxime Descoteaux** (* = cosupervised by BP; ** = co-corresponding authors). (2018). Diffusion MRI monitoring of microstructure in the irradiated rat brain. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 80 1614-25. (Article publié).
  • Minghan Shi*, Malathi Anantha, Mohamed Wehbe, Marcel B. Bally, David Fortin, Laurent-Olivier Roy, Gabriel Charest, Maxime Richer, Benoit Paquette**, Léon Sanche** (* = supervised by BP; ** = co-corresponding authors). (2018). Liposomal formulation of carboplatin injected by convection-enhanced delivery significantly increased median survival of F98 glioma bearing rats. Journal of Nanobiotechnology 16 (1), 77-88. (Article publié).
  • Thititip Thippayamontri*, Minghan Shi*, Benoit Paquette, Andrew Bass and Léon Sanche (* = supervised by BP). (2018). Radiosensitization Induced by Ultra-stable PVA-coated Gold Nanoparticles: A Study with Fricke Dosimeter, Plasmid DNA and F98 Glioma Cells. Current Nanomedicine 8 (2), 121-134. (Article publié).
  • Gina Bouchard*, Hélène Therriault*, Rachel Bujold, Caroline Saucier and Benoit Paquette**. (* = cosupervised by BP; ** = co-corresponding authors). (2017). Induction of interleukin-1B by mouse mammary tumor irradiation promotes triple negativebreast cancer cells invasion and metastasis development. International Journal Radiation Biology 93 (5), 507-516. (Article publié).
  • Gina Bouchard*, Hélène Therriault*, Sameh Geha, Rachel Bujold, Caroline Saucier and Benoit Paquette** (* = cosupervised by BP; ** = co-corresponding authors). (2017). Radiation-induced lung metastasis development is MT1-MMP-dependent in a triple negative breast cancer mouse model. British Journal of Cancer 116 (2), 479-488. (Article publié).
  • Lemay R *, Lepage M , Tremblay L , Therriault H*, Charest G*, Paquette B** (* = supervised by BP; ** = co-corresponding authors). (2017). Tumor Cell Invasion Induced by Radiation in Balb/C Mouse is Prevented by the COX-2 Inhibitor NS-398. Radiation research 188 (6), 605-614. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Julie Constanzo*, Laurence Masson-Côté, Luc Tremblay, Philippe Sarret, Kevin Whittingstall, Jérémie Fouquet, Sameh Geha, Benoit Paquette** and Martin Lepage** (* = cosupervised by BP; ** = co-corresponding authors). (2017). Understanding the Continuum of Radionecrosis and Vascular Disorders in Brain Following Gamma Knife Irradiation. Magnetic Resonance in Médicine 78 (4), 1420-1431. (Article publié).
  • Minghan Shi*, David Fortin, Benoit Paquette** and Léon Sanche (* = supervised by BP; ** = corresponding authors). (2016). Convection-enhancement delivery of liposomal formulation of oxaliplatin shows less toxicity than oxaliplatin yet maintains a similar median survival time in F98 glioma-bearing rat model. Investigational New Drugs 34 (3), 269-276. (Article publié).
  • Minghan Shi*, Thititip Thippayamontri*, Louis Gendron, Brigitte Guérin, Benoit Paquette** and Léon Sanche. (* = supervised by BP; ** = corresponding author). (2016). Increased radio-sensitivity of colorectal tumor with intra-tumoral injection of low dose of gold nanoparticles. International Journal of Nanomedicine 11 5323-5333. (Article publié).
  • Guillaume Desmarais*, Gabriel Charest*, Hélène Therriault*, Minghan Shi*, David Fortin, Rachel Bujold, David Mathieu and Benoit Paquette** (* = supervised by BP; ** = corresponding author). (2016). Infiltration of F98 glioma cells in Fischer rat brain is temporary stimulated by radiation. International Journal of Radiation Biology 92 (8), 444-450. (Article publié).
  • Gina Bouchard*, Hélène Therriault*, Sameh Geha, Yves Bérubé-Lauzière, Rachel Bujold, Caroline Saucier and Benoit Paquette** (* = cosupervised by BP; ** = co-corresponding authors). (2016). Stimulation of triple negative breast cancer cell migration and metastases formation is prevented by chloroquine in a pre-irradiated mouse model. BMC Cancer 16 361-374. (Article publié).
  • Minghan Shi*, David Fortin, Léon Sanche and Benoit Paquette** (* = supervised by BP; ** = corresponding author). (2015). Convection-enhancement delivery of platinum-based drugs and LipoplatinTM to optimize the concomitant effect with radiotherapy in F98 glioma rat model. Investigational New Drugs 33 555-563. (Article publié).
  • Guillaume Desmarais*, Gabriel Charest*, David Fortin, Rachel Bujold, David mathieu and Benoit Paquette** (* = supervised by BP; ** = corresponding author). (2015). Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor prevents radiation-enhanced infiltration of F98 glioma cells in brain of Fisher rat. International Journal of Radiation Biology 91 (8), 624-638. (Article publié).
  • Julie Constanzo*, Benoit Paquette, Gabriel Charest*, Laurence Masson-Côté, Mathieu Guillot** (* = cosupervised by BP; ** = corresponding author). (2015). Method to irradiate small areas in rat brain with a Gamma Knife based on dosimetric controls. Medical Physic 42 (5), 2311-2316. (Article publié).
  • Benoit Paquette. (2015). Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Encyclopedia of Cancer On line . (Article publié).
  • T. Tippayamontri*, R. Kotb, L. Sanche, B. Paquette** (* = HQP in my laboratory, ** = Corresponding author). (2014). New therapeutic possibilities of combined treatment of radiotherapy with oxaliplatin and its liposomal formulations Lipoxal™ in rectal cancer using nude mouse xenograft. Anticancer Research 34 (10), 5303-5312. (Article publié).
  • Tippayamontri T* , Kotb R , Paquette B**, Sanche L (* = HQP in my laboratory, ** = Corresponding author). (2013). Efficacy of cisplatin and lipoplatin™ in combined treatment with radiation of a colorectal tumor in nude mouse. Anticancer Research 33 (8), 3005-3014. (Article publié).
  • Charest G* , Sanche L , Fortin D , Mathieu D , Paquette B** (* = HQP in my laboratory, ** = Corresponding author). (2013). Optimization of the route of platinum drugs administration to optimize the concomitant treatment with radiotherapy for glioblastoma implanted in the Fischer rat brain. Journal of Neuro-Oncology 115 (3), 365-373. (Article publié).
  • Bouchard G*, Bouvette G, Therriault H*, Bujold R, Saucier C, Paquette B** (* = HQP in my laboratory, ** = Corresponding author). (2013). Pre-irradiation of mouse mammary gland stimulates cancer cell migration and development of lung metastases. British Journal of Cancer 109 (7), 1829-1838. (Article publié).
  • Paquette B* *, Therriault H , Wagner JR (** = Corresponding author). (2013). Role of Interleukin-1B in radiation-enhancement of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell invasion. Radiation Research 180 (3), 292-298. (Article publié).
  • Meesat R, Belmouaddine H, Allard JF, Tanguay-Renaud C*, Lemay R*, Brastaviceanu T, Tremblay L, Paquette B, Wagner JR, Jay-Gerin JP, Lepage M, Huels MA, Houde D** (* = HQP in my laboratory, ** = Corresponding author). (2012). Cancer radiotherapy based on femtosecond IR laser-beam filamentation yielding ultra-high dose rates and zero entrance dose. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 (38), E 2508- E 2513. (Article publié).
  • Charest G*, Sanche L, Fortin D, Mathieu D, Paquette B** (* = HQP in my laboratory, ** = Corresponding author). (2012). Glioblastoma treatment: bypassing the toxicity of platinum compounds by using liposomal formulation and increasing treatment efficiency with concomitant radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 84 (1), 244-249. (Article publié).
  • Desmarais G*, Fortin D, Bujold R, Wagner R, Mathieu D, Paquette B** (* = HQP in my laboratory, ** = Corresponding author). (2012). Infiltration of glioma cells in brain parenchyma stimulated by radiation in the F98/Fischer rat model. International Journal of Radiation Biology 88 (8), 565-574. (Article publié).
  • Tippayamontri T*, Kotb R, Paquette B**, Sanche L (* = HQP in my laboratory, ** = Corresponding author). (2012). Synergism in concomitant chemoradiotherapy of cisplatin and oxaliplatin and their liposomal formulation in the human colorectal cancer HCT116 model. Anticancer Research 32 (10), 4395-4404. (Article publié).
  • Tippayamontri T*, Kotb R, Paquette B**, Sanche L (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire, ** = Corresponding author). (2011). Cellular uptake and cytoplasm / DNA distribution of cisplatin and oxaliplatin and their liposomal formulation in human colorectal cancer cell HCT116. Investigational New Drugs 29 (6), 1321-1327. (Article publié).
  • Lemay R*, Archambault M, Tremblay L, Bujold R, Lepage M, Paquette B** (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire, ** = Corresponding author). (2011). Irradiation of normal mouse tissue increases the invasiveness of mammary cancer cells. International Journal of Radiation Biology 87 (5), 472-482. (Article publié).
  • Paquette B**, Therriault H*, Desmarais G*, Wagner R, Royer R*, Bujold R (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire, ** = Corresponding author). (2011). Radiation-enhancement of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell invasion prevented by a cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor. British Journal of Cancer 105 (4), 534-541. (Article publié).
  • Rosalie Lemay*, Luc Tremblay, Melanie Archambault, M'hamed Bentourkia, Benoit Paquette et Martin Lepage**. (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire, ** = Corresponding author). (2010). Cancer invasion monitored by a cluster analysis of T2-wighted and T1-weighted images in tumor-bearing irradiated mice. ISMRM . (.), . (Article publié).
  • Charest G*, Paquette B**, Fortin D, Mathieu D, Sanche L (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire, ** = Corresponding author). (2010). Concomitant treatment of F98 glioma cells with new liposomal platinum compounds and ionizing radiation. Journal of Neuro-Oncology 97 (2), 187-193. (Article publié).
  • Picard N, Ali H, van Lier JE, Klarskov K, Paquette B*. (2009). Bromines on N-allyl position of cationic porphyrins affect both radio- and photosensitizing properties. Photochemistry Photobiology Science 8 (2), 224-32. (Article publié).
  • Jastrzebska B, Lebel R, McIntyre OJ, Paquette B, Neugebauer W, Escher E, Lepage M. (2009). Monitoring of MMPs activity in vivo, non-invasively, using solubility switchable MRI contrast agent. Advances in experimental medicine and biology 611 453-4. (Article publié).
  • Jastrzebska B, Lebel R, Therriault H, McIntyre JO, Escher E, Guérin B, Paquette B, Neugebauer WA, Lepage M*. (2009). New enzyme-activated solubility-switchable contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging: from synthesis to in vivo imaging. Journal of medicinal chemistry 52 (6), 1576-81. (Article publié).
  • Charest G, Mathieu D, Lepage M, Fortin D, Paquette B*, Sanche L. (2009). Polymer gel in rat skull to assess the accuracy of a new rat stereotactic device for use with the Gamma Knife. Acta neurochirurgica 151 (6), 677-83. (Article publié).
  • Lebel R, Jastrzebska B, Therriault H, Cournoyer MM, McIntyre JO, Escher E, Neugebauer W, Paquette B, Lepage M. (2008). Novel solubility-switchable MRI agent allows the noninvasive detection of matrix metalloproteinase-2 activity in vivo in a mouse model. Magnetic resonance in medicine : official journal of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine / Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 60 (5), 1056-65. (Article publié).
  • Mir Y, van Lier JE, Paquette B, Houde D*. (2008). Oxygen dependence of two-photon activation of zinc and copper phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate in Jurkat cells. Photochemistry and photobiology 84 (5), 1182-6. (Article publié).
  • Paquette, B.*, Lemay, R., Pépin, C., Tremblay, L. and Lepage, M. (2008). The invasiveness of breast cancer cell is enhanced by radiation. Radiotherapy & Oncology 88 S3. (Article publié).
  • Rosalie Lemay, Claude Pépin, Luc Tremblay, Benoit Paquette and Martin Lepage*. (2007). Follow-up study of in vivo breast cancer cell invasion by MRI. Proc. Int. Soc. Mag. Res. Med 15 2904.
  • Paquette B*, Baptiste C , Therriault H , Arguin G , Plouffe B , Lemay R. (2007). In vitro irradiation of basement membrane enhances the invasiveness of breast cancer cells. British journal of cancer 97 (11), 1505-1512. (Article publié).
  • Jastrzebska B, Lebel R, McIntyre JO, Paquette B, Escher E, and Lepage M. (2007). Monitoring of MMPs activity in vivo, non-invasively, using solubility switchable MRI contrast agent. Biopolymers 88 600-601. (Article publié).
  • Rosalie Lemay, Claude Pépin, Luc Tremblay, Benoit Paquette and Martin Lepage*. (2007). Non-invasive in vivo MRI angiogenesis assays. Proc. Int. Soc. Mag. Res. Med 1613.
  • Rosalie Lemay, Jean-Philipe Tremblay-Morin, Hasrat Ali, Darel Hunting, Johan E. Van Lier and Benoit Paquette*. (2007). Synthesis and radiosensitizing properties of brominated tetrapyridine porphyrins. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 11 (8), 549-555. (Article publié).
  • Pellerin, M., Tremblay, L., Paquette, B., Lepage, M.*. (2006). Monitoring micro-vasculature damage induced by radiotherapy on mouse breast carcinomas using DCE-MRI. Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 14 2910.
  • Cantin, A.M., Martel, M., Drouin, G. and Paquette, B*. (2005). Inhibition of gelatinase B/MMP-9 by dihydrolipoic acid. Canadian Journal Physiology and Pharmacology 83 301-318.
  • Paquette, B.*, Bisson, M., Baptiste, C., Therriault, H., Lemay, R. and Cantin, A. M. (2005). Invasiveness of breast cancer cells MDA-MB-231 through extracellular matrix is increased by the estradiol metabolite 4-hydroxyestradiol. International Journal of Cancer 113 706-711.
  • Lauzon, K., Zhao, X., Bouetard, A., Delbecchi, L., Paquette, B. and Lacasse, P*. (2005). Neutrophil-induced mammary tissue damage : Antioxidants to Prevent Bovine Neutrophil-induced Mammary Epithelial Cell Damage. Journal of Dairy Science 88 4295-4303,.
  • Sané A. T., Cantin A.M., Paquette B. and Wagner, R.J. (2004). Ascorbate modulation of H2O2 and camptothecin-induced cell death in Jurkat cells. Cancer Chemotherarapy Pharmacology 54 315-321.
  • Drouin, G., Douillette, A., Bisson, M., Lacasse, P. and Paquette, B.*. (2004). Radiosensitizing effect of conjugated linoleic acid on tumor cells MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231. Canadian Journal Physiology Pharmacology 82 94-102.
  • Paquette, B.*, Bisson, M., Therriault, H., Lemay, R., Paré, M., Banville, P. and Cantin, A.M. (2003). Activation of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and –9 by 2- and 4-hydroxyestradiol. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 87 65-73.
  • Thibodeau, P.A. and Paquette, B.*. (2003). DNA strand breaks induced by the redox cycling of catecholestrogens in the presence of copper and modulation by reducing agents. Proc. Biennal Meeting Soc. Free Radical Res. Inter. . 463-469.
  • Ali, H., Rousseau, J., Paquette, B., Dubé, C., Marko, B. and van Lier, J.E.*. (2003). E/ZSynthesis and target tissue uptake of the 7a-cyano derivatives of (17a,20)-[125I]iodovinyl- and 16a-[125I]iodo-estradiols. Steroids. Steroids 68 1189-1200.
  • Thibodeau, P.A., Lemay, R. et Paquette, B.*. (2002). Estrogènes : bénéfiques ou délétères ? Sur la piste des radicaux libres. Cahiers de radiobiologie 13 12-26,.
  • Thibodeau, P.A., Kachadourian, R., Lemay, R., Bisson, M., Day, B.J. and Paquette, B.*. (2002). In vitro pro- and antioxidant properties of estrogens. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 81 (3), 227.
  • Paquette, B.*, Cantin, A., Kocsis Bédard, S., Barry, S., Lemay, R. and Jay-Gerin, J.P. (2001). In vitro generation of peroxynitrite by 2- and 4-hydroxyestrogens in the presence of nitric oxide. Chemical Research in Toxicology 14 547-554.
  • Thibodeau P.A., Kocsis Bédard, S., Courteau, J., Niyonsenga, T. and Paquette, B.*. (2001). Thiols can either enhance or suppress DNA damage induction by 4-hydroxyestradiol. Free Radical Biology Medicine 30 62-73.
  • Cantin, A.M., Paquette, B., Richter, M. and Larivée P. (2000). Albumin-mediated regulation of cellular glutathione and nuclear factor KappaB activation. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 162 1539-1546.
  • Paquette, B., Fortier, P.K., Héroux, J., Thibodeau, P., Wagner, R., Liu, J. and Cantin, A. (2000). OOestrogen metabolism in lymphangioleiomyomatosis: catechol--methyltransferase is not involved. Thorax 55 574-578.
  • Thibodeau, P.A. and Paquette, B.*. (1999). DNA damage induced by catecholestrogens in the presence of copper (II): Generation of reactive oxygen species and enhancement by NADH. Free Radial Biology Medicine 27 1367-1377.
  • Thibodeau, P.A., Bissonnette, N., Kocsis Bédard, S., Hunting, D. and Paquette, B.*. (1998). Induction by estrogens of methotrexate resistance in the MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Carcinogenesis 19 1545-1552.
  • Paquette, B.*. (1996). Enhancement of genomic instability by 17-estradiol in minisatellite sequences of X-ray-transformed mouse 10T½ cells. Carcinogenesis 17 1221-1225.
  • Paquette, B.*, Wagner, R. and Little, J.B. (1996). In vitro reversion of transformed phenotype in mouse C3H/10T½ cells: Modification in genomic 5-methylcytosine content. International Journal of Oncology 8 727-734.
  • Paquette, B. and Little, J.B.*. (1994). In vivo enhancement of genomic instability in minisatellite sequences of mouse C3H/10T½ cells transformed by X-rays. Cancer Research 54 3173-3178.
  • Paquette, B. and Little, J.B.*. (1992). Genomic rearrangements in mouse C3H/10T½ cells transformed by X-rays, UV-C and 3-methylcholanthrene by a DNA fingerprint assay. Cancer Research 52 5788-5793.
  • Boyle, W.R., Paquette, B. and van Lier, J.E. (1992). in vivoBiological activities of phthalocyanines - XIV. Effect of hydrophobic phthalimidomethyl groups on the phototoxicity and mechanism of photodynamic action of sulphonated aluminium phthalocyanines. British Journal of Cancer 65 813-817.
  • Paquette, B., Ali, H. and van Lier, J.E.*. (1991). Phtalocyanines pour la thérapie photodynamique du cancer: Effet de substituants tertio-butyles sur l'accumulation cellulaire et l'activité photodynamique de gallium sulfonate phtalocyanines. Journal de Chimie Physique 88 1113-1123. (Article publié).
  • Paquette, B., Rousseau, J., Ouellet, R. and van Lier, J.E.*. (1991). Radiolabeled red blood cells for direct measurement of the blood flow kinetics in experimental tumors after photodynamic therapy. Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng . 1426.
  • Paquette, B., Boyle, R.W., Ali, H., MacLennan, A.H., Truscott, T.G. and van Lier, J.E.*. (1991). in vitroSulfonated phthalimidomethyl aluminum phthalocyanine: the effect of hydrophobic substituents on the phototoxicity of phthalocyanines. Photochemistry and Photobiology 53 323-327.
  • Paquette, B., Ali, H., Langlois, R. and van Lier, J.E.*. (1990). Biological activities of phthalocyanines - XI. Phototoxicity of sulfonated aluminum naphthalocyanines towards V-79 Chinese hamster cells. Photochemistry and Photobiology 51 313-317.
  • Paquette, B., Ouellet, R., Langlois, R. and van Lier, J.E.*. (1990). Effect of axial ligands and macroring substituents on the photosensitizing properties of phthalo- and naph­thalocyanines. Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 1203 246-253.
  • van Lier, J.E., Rousseau, J., Paquette, B., Brasseur, N., Langlois, R. and Ali, H. (1989). Tumor uptake and photodynamic activity of sulfonated metallo phthalocyanines. Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng 1065 138-145. (Article publié).
  • Paquette, B., Ali, H., Langlois, R. and van Lier, J.E.*. (1988). Biological activities of phthalocyanines - VIII. Cellular distribution in V-79 Chinese hamster cells and phototoxicity of selectively sulfonated aluminum phthalocyanines. Photochemistry and Photobiology 47 215-220.
  • Ali, H., Langlois, R., Wagner, J.R., Brasseur, N., Paquette, B. and van Lier, J.E. (1988). Biological activities of phthalocyanines - X. Syntheses and analyses of sulfonated phthalocyanines. Photochemistry and Photobiological 47 713-717.

Chapitres de livre

  • Cantin, A.M. and Paquette, B. (2011). Oxidants and antioxidants in lung injury: potential links with LAM. J. Moss. LAM and Other Diseases Characterized by Smooth Muscle Proliferation (517-531). États-Unis d'Amérique : Marcel Dekker. (Article publié).
  • Gabriel Charest, Benoit Paquette, David Mathieu. (2011). Preclinical applications of gamma knife radiosurgery using small animal models. David Mathieu. Gamma Knife Radiosurgery (157-180). Croatie : Intech Open Access Publisher. (Article publié).
  • Paquette, B. and van Lier, J.E. (1991). Phthalocyanines and related compounds: Structure-activity relationships. T.J. Douherty and B.W. Henderson. Photodynamic Therapy: Basic Principles and Clinical Aspects (145-146). États-Unis d'Amérique : Marcel Dekker. (Article publié).
  • van Lier, J.E., Brasseur, N., Paquette, B., Wagner, J.R., Ali, H., Langlois, R. and Rousseau, J. (1988). Phthalocyanines as sensitizers for photodynamic therapy of cancer. G. Moreno et al.. Photosensitization (NATO ASI Series, H 15, 435-444). États-Unis d'Amérique : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. (Article publié).

Autres contributions

Activités de collaboration internationale

  • Chercheur. France. Collaboration with the team of Pr Sabine François, Institut de Recherche Biomédicales des Armées (IRBA), on the utilisation of mesenchymal stem cell to increase the tolerance of brain to radiation.


  • Angela Giraldo Solano, Caroline Safi, Hélène Therriault, Benoît Liberelle, Nathalie Faucheux, Marc-Antoine Lauzon, Nick Virgilio et Benoit Paquette. (2022). Attirer et éliminer les cellules cancéreuses infiltrées dans le cerveau avec une trappe macroporeuse. Congrès de la Société Française de Biologie des Radiations. Agay-Saint Raphaël, France
  • Meysam Khosravifarsani, Samia Ait-mohand, Benoit Paquette, Léon Sanche, Brigitte Guérin. (2022). Development of low energy electron sources as novel chemo-radio therapeutic (CRT) agents: in-vitro study of 64Cu/NOTA-terpyridine platinum in colorectal cancer cell. The Miller Online Workshop on Radiation Chemistry.
  • Angela Giraldo Solano, Joan Dupuy, Hélène Therriault, Benoît Liberelle, Nathalie Faucheux, Marc-Antoine Lauzon, Nick Virgilio and Benoit Paquette. (2021). An alginate-based porous hydrogel matrix to trap cancer cells. Chemical Engineering Research Day. Montréal, Canada
  • Angela Giraldo, Benoît Paquette, Hélène Therriault, Nathalie Faucheux, Marc-Antoine, and Nick Virgilio. (2021). Development of a cancer cell trap to attract and eliminate glioblastoma cells infiltrated into the brain. 88e Congrès de l'Acfas. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Angela Giraldo, Lisa Delattre, Melek Abdelkhalek, Caroline Safi, Nathalie Faucheux, Marc-Antoine Lauzon, Nick Virgilio, Benoit Paquette. (2021). Irradiation of Glioblastoma Cancer Cells in a Cancer Cell Trap: Impact on F98 and U87 glioblastoma cells survival. CCEC 2021 - 71st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference. Montréal, Canada
  • (2021). Réconciliation entre les effets pro-tumoraux et pro-immunitaires de la radiothérapie. Société Française de Biologie des Radiations. France
  • Meysam Khosravifarsani, Samia Ait-mohand, Benoit Paquette, Léon Sanche, Brigitte Guérin. (2021). The cytotoxic effect of 64Cu/NOTA-terpyridine platinum conjugate, as a novel chemoradiotherapy agent. The 1st International Electronic Conference on Cancers: Exploiting Cancer Vulnerability by Targeting the DNA Damage Response. Canada
  • Angéla Giraldo Solano*, Suzanne Gascon, Hélène Therriault, Nick Virgilio, Nathalie Faucheux, Marc-Antoine Lauzon and Benoit Paquette (*=supervised by BP). (2020). Development of a trap to attract and eliminate cancer cells infiltrated into the brain. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology. Canada
  • Angéla Giraldo Solano, Suzanne Gascon, Hélène Therriault, Nick Virgilio, Nathalie Faucheux, Marc-Antoine Lauzon and Benoit Paquette. (2020). Development of a trap to attract and eliminate cancer cells infiltrated into the brain. 5rd symposium of radiobiology. France
  • Suzanne Gascon, Pierre Berthelin, Bettina Cartier, Nick Virgilio, Bernard Marcos, Marc-Antoine Lauzon, Nathalie Faucheux, Benoît Paquette. (2019). Development of a delivery system based on nanoparticles containing a chemoattractant for glioblastoma cells. 35th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Biomaterials Society. Québec, Canada
  • Dina Sikpa, Lisa Whittingstall, Jérémie Fouquet, Luc Tremblay, Réjean Lebel, Benoit Paquette, Martin Lepage. (2019). L’imagerie par résonance magnétique moléculaire révèle l’impact de l’inflammation neurovasculaire sur la formation de métastases cérébrales. Journée scientifique annuelle de l’Axe cancer. Sherbroooke, Canada
  • Guillaume Desmarais, Benoit Paquette. (2019). Radiation-stimulation of tumor cell infiltration in brain parenchyma is blocked by the COX-2 inhibitor meloxicam. 65th Annual Meetong the Radiation Research Society. San diego, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • (2019). Radiation stimulates the invasiveness and lung metastasis development in a mouse model of triple-negative breast cancer. The Canadian Cancer Research Conference. Ottawa, Canada
  • Benoit Paquette, Gina Bouchard*, Hélène Therriault (*=supervised by BP). (2019). Radiation stimulates the invasiveness and lung metastasis development in a mouse model of triple-negative breast cancer. 5th World Congress on Controversies in Breast Cancer (CoBrCa). San Francisco, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Benoit Paquette. (2018). Radiation-induced inflammation can modify the invasion capacity of cancer. 4th Radiobiology symposium of the International Military Radiation & Innovation Symposium. Paris, France
  • Benoit Paquette. (2018). Radiation stimulates the invasion of cancer cells and lung metastasis development in a mouse model of triple-negative breast cancer. Annual meeting of the Canadian Radiation Protection Association. Québec, Canada
  • Julie Constanzo*, Elora Midavaine, Martin Lepage, Maxime Descoteaux, Karyn Kirby, Jérémie Fouquet, Luc Tremblay, Laurence Masson-Côté, Sameh Geha, Jean-Michel Longpré, Jean-Pierre Pouget, Kevin Whitti. (2018). Rat brain region-specific sensitivity following localized irradiation. 64nd annual international meeting, Radiation Research Society. Chicago, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Benoit Paquette, Gina Bouchard*, Hélène Therriault (*=supervised by BP). (2018). TNBC tumor irradiation promotes metastasis development in a mouse model: Role of the inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1?. 64nd annual international meeting, Radiation Research Society. Chicago, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Benoit Paquette. (2017). Chimioradiothérapie métabolique ciblée: Administration intra-tumorale d'un émetteur de positron 18F-FLT et du 5-fluorouracile dans un modèle de cancer colorectal chez la souris. 13e Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée. Lyon, France
  • Thititip Tippayamontri*, Brigitte Guérin, Roger Lecomte, et Léon Sanche. (2017). Chimioradiothérapie métabolique ciblée: Administration intra-tumorale d’un émetteur de positron 18F-FLT et du 5-fluorouracile dans un modèle de cancer colorectal chez la souris. 13ème Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée. Lyon, France
  • Benoît Paquette, Gina Bouchard*, Hélène Therriault*, Sameh Geha, Caroline Saucier, and Rachel Bujold. (2017). Radiation-stimulation of cancer cell invasion and lung metastasis development in a mouse model of Triple-negative breast cancer. CARO Annual Scientific Meeting, Brachytherapy and Biology. Toronto, Canada
  • J. Constanzo*, L. Masson-Côté, M. Descoteaux, M. Lepage, L. Tremblay, M. Dumont, J.M. Longpré, K. Kirby, S. Geha, P. Sarret. (2017). Rat brain region-specific sensitivity following localized irradiation. EACR-AACR-SIC. Florence, Italie
  • Benoit Paquette. (2017). Risque de la radiation ionisante à faibles doses. Suivi des doses de radiation d'origine médicale chez le patient : quelles stratégies et quels outils pour le Québec?. . Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Thititip Tippayamontri*, Brigitte Guérin, Rene Ouellet, Roger Lecomte, Benoit Paquette and Léon Sanche. (2017). Targeted metabolic chemoradiation therapy: Intratumoral administration of 5FU and 18F-FLT positron source in a colorectal cancer mouse model. 63nd annual international meeting, Radiation Research Society. Cancun, Mexique
  • Gina Bouchard*, Hélène Therriault*, Rachel Bujold, Caroline Saucier, Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2016). Effet of the irradiated microenvironment on Triple-negative breast cancer cell invasion. 62nd annual international meeting, Radiation Research Society. Hawaii, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Benoit Paquette, Gina Bouchard*, Hélène Therriault*, Sameh Geha, Caroline Saucier, Rachel Bujold. (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2016). Lung metastasis formation stimulated after irradiating a triple-negative breast tumor implanted in mouse mammary gland. International Summit on Biomarkers and Therapeutic Advances in Radiation Oncology. Montréal, Canada
  • Julie Constanzo*, Mathieu Dumont, Luc Tremblay, Philippe Sarret, Jean-Michel Longpré, Katheleen Kirby, Sameh Geha, Laurence Masson-Côté, Benoit Paquette (* = supervised by BP). (2016). Neuroplasticity changes in rat brain following targeted irradiation assessed by diffusion MRI tractography validated by histology and behavioral tests. 24th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Singapour, Singapour
  • G. Bouchard*, R. Bujold, C. Saucier, Y. Bérubé-Lauzière and B. Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2016). Radiation-induced migration and invasion of TNBC cells. Stanford University. Stanford, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Benoit Paquette, Gina Bouchard*, Hélène Therriault*, Sameh Geha, Caroline Saucier, and Rachel Bujold (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2016). Radiation can stimulate the invasiveness and lung metastasis development in a mouse model of triple negative breast cancer. 3rd International Symposium of radiobiology. Paris, France
  • Julie Constanzo*, Laurence Masson-Côté, Maxime Descoteaux, Martin Lepage, Luc Tremblay, Mathieu Dumont, J-M. Longpré, K. Kirby, S. Geha, K. Whittingstall, P. Sarret, Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon. (2016). Rat brain region-specific sensitivity following localized irradiation. 62nd annual international meeting, Radiation Research Society. Hawaii, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Jérémie P Fouquet, Julie Constanzo*, Laurence Masson-Côté, Luc Tremblay, Philippe Sarret, Sameh Geha, Kevin Whittingstall, Martin Lepage, Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2016). T2*-weighted imaging and DCE-MRI as complementary tools to characterize the continuous process of radionecrosis and neovascularization. 24th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Singapour, Singapour
  • Thititip Tippayamontri*, Esteban Betancourt-Santander*, Brigitte Guérin*, Roger Lecomte, Benoit Paquette, Léon Sanche. (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2016). Utilization of the Ferrous Sulfate (Fricke) dosimeter for evaluating the radiation absorbed dose of 18F-FDG PET radiotracer. 13th Argentina Meeting of Medical Physics and 7th Latinoamerican Meeting of Medical Physics. Cordoba, Argentine
  • Gina Bouchard*, Hélène Therriault*, Rachel Bujold, Caroline Saucier et Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2015). Développement des métastases chez les cancers du sein triple-négatif induit par les radiations : Rôle de la protéine de surface MT1-MMP. 12e Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée. Obernai, France
  • Julie Constanzo*, Martin Lepage, Luc Tremblay, Maxime Descoteaux, Philippe Sarret, Laurence Masson-Côté, Karyn Kirby, Sameh Geha and Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2015). Estimations des changements vasculaires et neuronaux dans le cerveau du rat après une irradiation ciblée par Gamma Knife. 12e Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée. Obernai, France
  • J. Constanzo*, B. Paquette, G. Charest, L. Masson-Cote, and M. Guillot. (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2015). Etude pré-clinique d'irradiation ciblée du cerveau chez le petit animal et imagerie des effets radio-induits. Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert CURIEN (IPHC). Strasbourg, France
  • Minghan Shi*, Thititip Thippayamontri*, LouisGendron, Brigitte Guérin, Léon Sanche, Benoit Paquette. (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2015). Intra-tumoral injection of gold nanoparticles to increase the radio-sensitivity of colorectal tumor in nude mice. 61th annual meeting of the Radiation Research Society. Weston, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • J. Constanzo*, B. Paquette, G. Charest*, L. Masson-Cote, and M. Guillot. (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2015). Irradiation ciblée du cerveau du rat par Gamma Knife et imagerie des changements vasculaires et neuronaux. Centre d'études nucléaires de Bordeaux (CENBG). Gradignan, France
  • Gina Bouchard*, Hélène Therriault*, Rachel Bujold, Caroline Saucier, Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2015). Metastasis development stimulated by a pre-irradiation of mammary gland in an animal model of triple negative breast cancer is associated with the cell membrane protease MT1-MMP. 61th annual meeting of the Radiation Research Society. Weston, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Julie Constanzo*, Benoit Paquette, Gabriel Charest*, Laurence Masson-Côté, Mathieu Guillot. (2015). Method for targeting small volume in rat brain irradiation by Gamma Knife and dosimetric control: towards a standardization. International Conference on Medical Physic, Radiation Protection and Radiobiology. Zurich, Suisse
  • Julie Constanzo*, Martin Lepage, Luc Tremblay, Maxime Descoteaux, Karyn Kirby, Laurence Masson-Côté, Mathieu Guillot, Philippe Sarret, Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2015). Neurovascular coupling assessment in rat brain following targeted Gamma Knife irradiation. 61th annual meeting of the Radiation Research Society. Weston, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Thititip Tippayamontri*, Rami Kotb, Benoit Paquette, Léon Sanche (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2015). Optimal timing in concomitant chemoradiation therapy of colorectal tumors in nude mouse treated with Cisplatin and Lipoplatin TM. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. Toronto, Canada
  • Thititip Tippayamontri*, Rami Kotb, Benoit Paquette, Léon Sanche (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2015). Therapeutic efficiency of intratumoral administration of 5FU chemotherapeutic drug and F-FDG positron therapy for colorectal cancer. Integrating Radiobiology with Medical Physics (IBPRO). Detroit, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Thititip Tippayamontri*, Esteban Betancourt-Santander*, Brigitte Guérin, Roger Lecomte, Benoit Paquette, Léon Sanche (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2015). Tumor response induced by intratumoral injection of 5-FU chemotherapy dryg and 18F-radiolabelled compounds in a colorectal cancer mouse model. 61th annual meeting of the Radiation Research Society. Weston, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Julie Constanzo*, Martin Lepage, Luc Tremblay, Maxime Descoteaux, Karyn Kirby, Laurence Masson-Côté, Mathieu Guillot, Philippe Sarret, Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2015). Vascular disorders induced by stereotactic radiosurgery in rat brain measured by magnetic resonance imaging. CARO Annual Scientific Meeting, Brachytherapy and Biology. Kelowna, Canada
  • Julie Constanzo*, Laurence Masson-Côté, Mathieu Guillot, Luc Tremblay, Martin Lepage, Benoit Paquette. (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2015). Vascular disorders measurements in the rat brain following targeted SRS using novel precise Gamma Knife irradiation method. 12th International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society Congress. Yokohama, Japon
  • Mighan Shi*, David Fortin, Benoit Paquette, Léon Sanche (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2014). Convection-enhanced delivery of platinum-based drugs: chemotherapy plus time-optimized radiotherapy in F98 glioma-bearing Fischer rats. 60th annual meeting of the Radiation Reasearch Society. Las Vegas, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Gina Bouchard*, Geneviève Bouvette*, Hélène Therriault*, Rachel Bujold, Caroline Saucier, Benoit Paquette. (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2014). Irradiation of mouse mammary gland stimulates the migration of triple negative breast cancer cells and development of lung metastases. Canadian Cancer Research Conference. Toronto, Canada
  • Benoit Paquette, Gina Bouchard*, Geneviève Bouvette*, Hélène Therriault*, Rachel Bujold, Caroline Saucier. (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2014). Irradiation of mouse mammary gland stimulates the migration of triple negative breast cancer cells and development of lung metastases. 4th World Congress on Cancer Science & Therapy. Chicago, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Julie Constanzo*, Benoit Paquette, Gina Charest, Laurence Masson-Côté, Mathieu Guillot. (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2014). Méthode standardisée d'irradiation ciblée au cerveau du rat par Gamma Knife basé sur des contrôles dosimétriques. AQPMC Workshop. Montréal, Canada
  • Gina Bouchard*, Hélène Therriault*, Rachel Bujold, Caroline Saucier, Benoit Paquette. (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2014). Stimulation of triple negative breast cancer cells migration in pre-irradiated mammary gland. 60th annual meeting of the Radiation Research Society. Las Vegas, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Benoit Paquette, Guillaume Desmarais*, Rachel Bujold, David Fortin, David Mathieu (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2013). Brain irradiation of Fisher rat promotes the infiltration of F98 glioma cells and decreases the survival time of implanted animals. MISAM 2013: Primary and Metastatic Brain Cancers: Molecular Pathways and Clinical Challenges. Montréal, Canada
  • Pierre-Olivier Lahaie, Andrew D. Bass, Benoit Paquette, Léon Sanche et Michael A. Huels. (2013). Conception d'une nouvelle méthode expérimentale pour mesurer les dommages à l'ADN par des électrons de basse énergie (<50 eV). 11e. Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée (CIRFA). Montpellier, France
  • H. Belmouaddine, C. Tanguay-Renaud*, R. Meesat, J.-F. Allard, R. Lemay*, W. Chababi*, M. A. Huels, J. R. Wagner, L. Tremblay, M. Lepage, J.-P. Jay-Gerin, B. Paquette, D. Houde (* = PHQ dans mon labora. (2013). Effet d’une puissante impulsion laser femtoseconde au sein de systèmes d’intérêts biologiques : dommages génotoxiques induits suite à la génération de plasmas. 11e Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée (CIRFA). Montpellier, France
  • Gabriel Charest*, David Mathieu, David Fortin, Léon Sanche, Benoit Paquette. (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2013). Importance of the Route of Administration of Platinum Drugs to Optimize the Concomitant Treatment with Radiotherapy for Glioblastoma Implanted in the Rat Brain Fischer. Congrès annuel 2013 de l’Association canadienne de radioprotection (ACRP). Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Gabriel Charest*, Léon Sanche, David Mathieu, David Fortin, Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2013). Importance of the route of administration of platinum drugs to optimize the concomitant treatment with radiotherapy for glioblastoma implanted in the rat brain Fischer. 27th Annual Scientific Meeting of CARO. Montréal, Canada
  • Gina Bouchard*, Hélène Therriault*, Rachel Bujold, Caroline Saucier, Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2013). Migration of triple negative breast cancer cells stimulated by fractionated irradiation. 27th Annual Scientific Meeting of CARO. Montréal, Canada
  • Benoit Paquette, Gina Bouchard*, Hélène Therriault*, Rachel Bujold et Caroline Saucier. (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2013). New avenues of research to improve the efficacy of radiotherapy - Potential role of radiatin in breast cancer progression. Congrès de radio-oncologie de la province de Shandong. Shandong, Chine
  • Benoit Paquette. (2013). Paramètres biologiques pour maximiser l'effet concomitant radiation-chimiothérapie. Université de Lyon. Lyon, France
  • Benoit Paquette, Gina Bouchard*, Hélène Therriault*, Rachel Bujold, Caroline Saucier (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2013). Pre-irradiation of mouse mammary gland stimulates the migration breast cancer cells. Annual Scientific Meeting of Canadian Radiation Protection Association. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Benoit Paquette, Gina Bouchard*, Hélène Therriault*, Rachel Bujold, Caroline Saucier (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2013). Pre-irradiation of mouse mammary gland stimulates the migration of triple negative breast cancer cells and development of lung metastases. The Canadian Cancer Research Conference. Toronto, Canada
  • Gina Bouchard*, Yves Bérubé-Lauzière, Rachel Bujold, Caroline Saucier, Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2013). Prévention de la migration radio-induite des cellules cancéreuses du sein. 11e Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée (CIRFA). Montpellier, France
  • Gabriel Charest*, Léon Sanche, Benoit Paquette, David Fortin, David Mathieu (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2013). Évaluation comparative de différents traitements (5 composés platinés en 3 routes d’administration) combinés ou non avec la radiation ionisante pour améliorer les traitements de glioblastome. Congrès de Neurochirurgie. Québec, Canada
  • D Houde, C Tanguay-Renaud*, H Belmouaddine, R. Meesat, J-F. Allard, R. Lemay*, M. A. Huels, J. R. Wagner, L. Tremblay, M. Lepage, J.-P. Jay-Gerin and B. Paquette. (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2012). A dream beam for cancer radiotherapy based on femtosecond IR laser-filamentation. Photonics North. Montréal, Canada
  • Gabriel Charest*, Benoit Paquette, Léon Sanche et David Fortin. (2012). Comparaison of three routes of administration for 5 different platinum compounds with or without radiotherapy. 58th annual meeting of the Radiation Research Society. Puerto Rico, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Benoit Paquette, Guillaume Desmarais*, David Fortin, David Mathieu (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2012). Irradiation of the brain of Fisher rat promotes migration of glioma cell F98 and decreases the life expectancy of animals. 26th Annual Scientific Meeting of CARO. Ottawa, Canada
  • Benoit Paquette, Guillaume Desmarais*, David Fortin, David Mathieu (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2012). Irradiation of the brain of Fisher rat promotes migration of glioma cell F98 and decreases the life expectancy of animals. 58th annual meeting of the Radiation Research Society. Puerto Rico, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Thititip Tippayamontri*, Rami Kotb, Benoit Paquette, Léon Sanche (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2012). New therapeutic possibilities of combined treatment of radiotherapy with cisplatin, oxaliplatin or their liposomal formulations (Lipoplatin and Lipoxal) in colorectal cancer using nude mouse xenograft. 58th annual meeting of the Radiation Research Society. Puerto Rico, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Thititip Tippayamontri*, Rami Kotb, Benoit Paquette and Léon Sanche. (2012). New therapeutic possibilities of combined treatment of radiotherapy with cisplatin, oxaliplatin or their liposomal formulations (Lipoplatin and Lipoxal) in colorectal cancer using nude mouse xenograft. International Society of Gastrointestinal Oncology. Arlington, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Benoit Paquette, Gabriel Charest*, Maxime Descoteau, David Fortin, Martin Lepage, David Mathieu, Guillaume Desmarais*, Léon Sanche, Kevin Whittingstall (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2012). Optimization of the treatment of radiotherapy for glioblastoma brain tumor in animal model. Qial Hospital of Jinan. Jinan, Chine
  • Gina Bouchard*, Caroline Saucier, Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2012). Pre-irradiation of Balb/c mice mammary gland increases the invasiveness of breast cancer cells and the number of lung metastases. 58th annual meeting of the Radiation Research Society. Puerto Rico, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Benoit Paquette, Gina Bouchard*, Caroline Saucier (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2012). Pre-irradiation of the mammary gland in mice increases the invasiveness of breast cancer cells and lung metastases. Annual Scientific Meeting of CARO. Ottawa, Canada
  • B. Paquette , R. Meesat, JF. Allard, H. Belmouaddine, J.R. Wagner, W. Chababi, JP. Jay-Gerin, M. Lepage, L. Tremblay, C. Tanguay-Renaud*, D. Dorion, M. Belzile and D. Houde. (2012). Radiotherapy by Femtosecond Laser Pulse Filamentation. Integration of New Radiation Technologies in the Multi-modality Treatment Approaches in Cancer Therapy. Montréal, Canada
  • Bruno G. Leclerc*, Chantal Mitterer*, Caroline Saucier and Benoit Paquette. (2012). Réveil des métastases dormantes par des cytokines inflammatoires. Journée Phare, Université de Sherbrooke. Orford, Canada
  • Gabriel Charest, Léon Sanche, Benoit Paquette, David Mathieu, David Fortin. (2012). Évaluation comparative de différents traitements (5 composés platinés en 3 routes d’administration) combinés ou non avec la radiation ionisante pour améliorer les traitements de glioblastome: Études in vivo. Congrès annuel de l’Association de Neurochirurgie du Québec (ANCQ). Québec, Canada
  • Benoit Paquette, Guillaume Desmarais*, Rachel Bujold, David Mathieu, David Fortin (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2011). Characterisation of F98 Glioma Cells Migration Implanted in Irradiated Brain of Fischer Rat. 3B Research Forum: Benchtop to bedside and back. Atlanta, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Catherine Tanguay-Renaud*, Daniel Houde, Mathieu Belzile, Dominique Belzile, Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2011). De la theorie à la pratique, la filamentation par laser femto-seconde dans l'arsenal radio-therapeutique. Journee scientifique du departement de chirurgie. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Ridthee Meesat, Jean-François Allard, Hakim Belmouaddine, Tiberius Brastaviceanu, Luc Tremblay, Benoit Paquette, Jean-Paul Jay-Gerin, J. Richard Wagner, Martin Lepage,Daniel Houde. (2011). Filamentation of femtosecond laser pulses as a source for radiotherapy. Photonics North. Ottawa, Canada
  • Gabriel Charest*, David Fortin, David Mathieu, Léon Sanche, Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2011). Glioblastoma treatment: comparative studies of three routes of administration, platinum formulations and combination or not with radiation. XXVth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function & the Xth International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET. Barcelona, Espagne
  • Benoit Paquette, Guillaume Desmarais*, Richard Wagner, David Mathieu, David Fortin (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2011). Infiltration des cellules cancéreuses gliales dans le cerveau stimulée par les radiations dans le modèle F98 implanté chez le rat Fisher. 10ème Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée. Anglet, France
  • Benoit Paquette, Gina Bouchard*, Rosalie Lemay*, Rachel Bujold*, Hélène Therriault*, Caroline Saucier, Luc Tremblay, Martin Lepage. (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2011). Inflammation induced by radiation enhances breast cancer cell invasion. 16th World Congress on Advances in Oncology and Symposium on Molecular Medicine. Rhodes, Grèce
  • Benoit Paquette. (2011). Invasiveness of breast cancer cell enhanced by radiation. BIT’S 4th Annual World Cancer congress. Dalian, Chine
  • Gina Bouchard, Rachel Bujold, Caroline Saucier, and Benoit Paquette. (2011). Prévention de l'invasion radio-induite des cellules cancéreuses du sein par la chloroquine. Conférence annuelle de la Journée Phare. Orford, Canada
  • Gina Bouchard*, Rachel Bujold, Caroline Saucier, Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2011). Rôle de la MT1-MMP et du TGF-(bêta)1 dans l’augmentation radio-induite de la migration des cellules cancéreuses du sein. 10e Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée. Anglet, France
  • Gabriel Charest*, David Fortin, David Mathieu, Léon Sanche, Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2011). Évaluation comparative de différents traitements (5 composés platinés en 3 routes d’administration) combinés ou non avec la radiation ionisante pour améliorer les traitements de glioblastome. 10ème Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée. Anglet, France
  • Rosalie Lemay*, Luc Tremblay, Melanie Archambault, M’hamed Bentourkia, Benoit Paquette, Martin Lepage (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2010). Cancer invasion monitored by a cluster analysis of T2-weighted and T1-weighted images in tumor-bearing irradiated mice. Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2010. Stockholm, Suède
  • Guillaume Desmarais*, Rachel Bujold, David Fortin, David Mathieu, Benoit Paquette. (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2010). Characterisation of invasiveness caused by radiation on the syngeneic glioma model F98/Fischer. 14th Biennial Canadian Neuro-Oncology Meeting. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada
  • Guillaume Desmarais*, Rachel Bujold, David Fortin, David Mathieu, Benoit Paquette. (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2010). Characterisation of the increase of brain cancer cells migration caused by radiation on the syngeneic glioma model F98/Fischer. 56th annual meeting of the Radiation Research Society. Maui, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Guillaume Desmarais*, Rachel Bujold, David Fortin, David Mathieu, Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2010). Characterisation of the increase of brain cancer cells migration caused by radiation on the syngeneic glioma model F98/Fischer. 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Neuro-Oncology. Montréal, Canada
  • Guillaume Desmarais*, Rachel Bujold, David Fortin, David Mathieu, Benoit Paquette. (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2010). Characterisation of the increase of brain cancer cells migration caused by radiation on the syngeneic glioma model F98/Fischer. Rencontre annuelle 2010 IROC-CORI (Initiative de Recherche en Oncologie Clinique). Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Gabriel Charest*, Benoit Paquette, David Fortin, David Mathieu, Léon Sanche (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2010). Comparative evaluation of liposomal and non-liposomal platinum drugs combined or not with radiation to improve treatment of glioblastoma implanted in rat brain. Rencontre annuelle 2010 IROC-CORI (Initiative de Recherche en Oncologie Clinique). Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Gabriel Charest*, David Fortin, David Mathieu, Léon Sanche, Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2010). Comparative evaluation of liposomal and nonliposomal platinum compounds combined or not with concomitant focal radiation to improve treatment of glioblastoma bearing rat. 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO). Montréal, Canada
  • Gabriel Charest*, David Fortin, David Mathieu, Léon Sanche, Benoit Paquette. (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2010). Comparative evaluation of liposomal and nonliposomal platinum drugs combined or not with concomitant radiation to improve treatment of glioblastoma implanted in rat brain. 56th annual meeting of the Radiation Research Society. Maui, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Thititip Tippayamontri,* Rami Kotb, Léon Sanche, Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2010). Concomitant platinum-based chemotherapy and radiation treatment for colorectal cancer: Studies on toxicity, pharmacokinetics of platinum and synergism. American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting. Chicago, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Benoit Paquette, Gabriel Charest*, David Fortin, David Mathieu, Guillaume Desmarais*, Rosalie Lemay*, Léon Sanche (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2010). For a better treatment of brain tumour by optimizing the concomitance treatment of radiotherapy with liposomal and non liposomal platinum drugs. International Workshop on radiosensitization: From fundamental processes involved in radiosensitization to biological applications. Paris, France
  • Gabriel Charest*, Benoit Paquette, David Fortin, David Mathieu, Léon Sanche (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2010). Glioblastoma treatment: Bypassing the toxicity of platinum compound via liposomal formulation and increasing treatment efficiency with concomitant focal radiotherapy. In vivo experiments. 14th Biennial Canadian Neuro Oncology Meeting. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada
  • Benoit Paquette, Rosalie Lemay*, Hélène Therriault*, Raphaël Royer*, Claude Pépin, Luc Tremblay, Martin Lepage (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2010). Les radiations ionisantes – Un stimulateur de l’invasion des cellules cancéreuses du sein. 2e Congrès International "Radiations Médicales : Recherche et Applications". Marrakech, Maroc
  • Thititip Tippayamontri*, Rami Kotb, Léon Sanche, Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2010). Response of platinum-radiosensitizing agents in human colorectal cancer with true concomitant chemoradiotherapy. 56th annual meeting of the Radiation Research Society. Maui, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Thititip Tippayamontri*, Rami Kotb, Léon Sanche, Benoit Paquette (* = PHQ dans mon laboratoire). (2010). Response of platinum-radiosensitizing agents in human colorectal cancer with true concomitant chemoradiotherapy. Rencontre annuelle 2010 IROC-CORI (Initiative de Recherche en Oncologie Clinique). Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Gabriel Charest, Benoit Paquette, David Fortin, David Mathieu, Léon Sanche. (2009). Amélioration de la radiochimiothérapie pour le traitement du glioblastome chez le rat Fischer en utilisant de nouvelles formulations liposomales de composés platinés. Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée. Annecy, France
  • Gabriel Charest, Benoit Paquette, David Fortin, David Mathieu, Léon Sanche. (2009). Concomitant treatment of F98 glioma with new liposomal platinum compounds and ionizing radiation. 23nd CARO Annual Scientific Meeting. Québec, Canada
  • Thititip Tippayamontri, Rami Kotb, Léon Sanche, Benoit Paquette. (2009). Cytotoxicity and Pharmacokinetics of Four Platinum Salts in Human Colon Carcinoma Cell-Line HCT116. 2009 Gastrointestinal Oncology Conference. Philadelphia, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Thititip Tippayamontri, Rami Kotb, Léon Sanche, Benoit Paquette. (2009). Cytotoxicity and Pharmacokinetics of Four Platinum Salts in Human Colon Carcinoma Cell-Line HCT116. Clinical Oncology Research Initiatieve. Orford, Canada
  • Ridthee Meesat, Jean-François Allard, Richard Wagner, Jean-Paul Jay-Gerin, Luc Tremblay, Martin Lepage, Benoit Paquette, Daniel Houde. (2009). Fricke and polymer gel dosimetry of femtosecond laser pulse filamentation and radiation chemical effects of laser irradiation on thymidine solutions. Radiation Research Society 55th Annual Meeting. Savannah, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Benoit Paquette, Rosalie Lemay, Hélène Therriault, Raphaël Royer, Claude Pépin, Luc Tremblay, Martin Lepage. (2009). Invasion des cellules cancéreuses du sein stimulée par les radiations. 9ème Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée. Annecy, France
  • Benoit Paquette, Rosalie Lemay, Hélène Therriault, Raphaël Royer, Claude Pépin, Luc Tremblay, Martin Lepage. (2009). Invasion des cellules cancéreuses du sein stimulée par les radiations. Clinical Oncology Research Initiative. Orford, Canada
  • Gabriel Charest, Léon Sanche, Benoit Paquette, David Mathieu, David Fortin. (2009). Liposomal platinum compounds to improve the concomitant treatment of F98 glioma cells with ionizing radiation. Meeting of the Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO) and the AANS/CNS. New Orleans, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Gabriel Charest, Léon Sanche, Benoit Paquette, David Mathieu, David Fortin. (2009). Liposomal platinum compounds to improve the concomitant treatment of F98 glioma cells with ionizing radiation. Clinical Oncology Research Initiative. Orford, Canada
  • Gabriel Charest, Benoit Paquette, David Fortin, David Mathieu, Léon Sanche. (2009). New liposomal platinum compounds to improve the concomitant treatment of F98 glioma cells with ionizing radiation. 55th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society. Savannah, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Rosalie Lemay, Hélène Therriault, Martin Lepage, Benoit Paquette. (2009). Prévention par un agent anti-inflammatoire de la dermatite radio-induite. 9ème Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée. Annecy, France
  • Guillaume Desmarais, David Fortin, David Mathieu, Rachel Bujold, Richard Wagner, Benoit Paquette. (2009). Role of radiation to stimulate the proliferation and invasiveness of F98 glioma cells implanted in rat brain. Radiation Research Society 55th Annual Meeting. Savannah, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Guillaume Desmarais, David Fortin, David Mathieu, Rachel Bujold, Richard Wagner, Benoit Paquette. (2009). Role of radiation to stimulate the proliferation and invasiveness of F98 glioma cells implanted in rat brain. Clinical Oncology Research Initiative. Orford, Canada
  • Rosalie Lemay, Mélanie Archambault, Luc Tremblay, Martin Lepage, Benoit Paquette. (2009). The invasiveness of breast cancer cell is enhanced by radiation. Montreal International Symposium on Angiogenesis and Metastasis. Montréal, Canada
  • Total: 172 Énumérer: 2009 à 2022.