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Luis Antonio De Santa-Eulalia

Professeur, École de gestion
École de gestion SIMQG


Sujet de recherche

Logistique, Modélisation et simulation, Optimisation des processus et de la productivité, Systèmes d'information

Disciplines de recherche

Administration des affaires, Génie industriel


Gestion des opérations, Gestion de chaînes logistiques, Systèmes d'information

Intérêts de recherche

Gestion des opérations; Gestion des réseaux de création de valeur; Systèmes d'information; Modélisation et simulation des systèmes; Industrie 4.0 et transformation numérique; Gestion durable;

Langues parlées et écrites

Anglais, Espagnol (castillan), Français, Portuguais


(2009). Agent-based simulations for advanced supply chain planning: a methodological framework for requirements analysis and deployment« » (Doctorat, Doctorat en génie mécanique). Université Laval.

(2001). « Proposition d’un modèle de processus d’affaires pour la gestion de la demande dans les environnements make-to-stock » (Maîtrise avec mémoire, Maîtrise en génie industriel). Universidade de Sao Paulo.

(1998). (Baccalauréat, Baccalauréat en génie industriel).

Titres de compétence

Certifié système ERP de SAP R/3.

Expérience académique

Professeur titulaire/Full professor. (2023-). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Professeur Associé/Adjunct Professor. (2013-). Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Brésil.

Professeur agrégé/Associate Professor. (2016-2023). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Professeur invité / Visiting Professor. (2019-2019).

Prix et distinctions

  • (2023) Prix de la Collaboration en recherche 2022, École de gestion. Université de Sherbrooke. (Prix).
  • (2023) Prix d’excellence en recherche 2022, École de gestion. Université de Sherbrooke. (Prix).
  • (2022) Best Track Chair Award. IEEE ICTMOD 2021. (Prix).
  • (2021) Merits special mention, 10th International Workshop, Advances in Cleaner Production. 10th International Workshop, Advances in Cleaner Production. (Distinction).
  • (2016) Reconnaissance en recherche - École de gestion, Université de Sherbrooke. Université de Sherbrooke. (Distinction).


  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Collaborateur. Manufacturing Systems Science and Engineering 4.0 Leadership Training Program (Industrial Stream). Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Foncer. 1 649 623 $. (2022-2028)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cocandidat. Réaffectation d’infrastructures HFO/IFO chauffantes aux fins d’alimentation de navires et d’équipements de manutention portuaire en biodiésel pour la décarbonation des secteurs maritime et portuaire. RQM - Réseau Québec Maritime. PLAINE. 372 000 $. (2024-2026)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Assessment and acquisition of digital literacy skills for business leaders in the manufacturing sector. Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l'IA et du numérique. Appel à projets innovants. 123 434 $. (2022-2025)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cocandidat. Design of models to support the coordination and management of the forestry value chain for the efficient execution of its activities. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Subventions de recherche et développement coopératives. 516 718 $. (2019-2024)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Collaborateur. Intelligent Cyber Value Chain Network (CĒOS Net). Fondation Canadienne pour l'Innovation (FCI). Fondation Canadienne pour l'Innovation (FCI). 4 552 405 $. (2021-2024)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Collaborateur. NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Intelligent Forest Supply Systems in a Connected Forest Value Chain. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Chaires de recherche industrielle. 1 540 000 $. (2019-2024)
  • Chaire de recherche. (Obtenu). Collaborateur. Chaire de recherche industrielle du CRSNG pour des systèmes d’approvisionnement forestier intelligents, dans une chaine de valeur forestière connectée. Demandeur: Luc LeBel (Université Laval). Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Chaire de recherche industrielle du CRSNG. 1 500 000 $. (2019-2024)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Conception de modèles d’aide à la coordination et à la gestion de la chaîne de valeur forestière pour une exécution efficiente de ses activités; demandeur principal: Nadia Lehoux (Université Laval). Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Alliance. 516 718 $. (2019-2024)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Traceability Systems of the Next Generation: Towards Transparency, Agility and Sustainability in Quebec's Seafood Supply Chain (SSC). Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation. Offensive de transformation numérique. 50 000 $. (2022-2024)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. Integrating artificial intelligence with computer simulation to support decisionmaking in the context of Industry 4.0. Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS). Accéleration. 120 000 $. (2021-2023)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. System integrator's use of optimization tools to improve wood allocation among manufacturers. Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS). Accélération. 45 000 $. (2022-2023)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Collaborateur. Centre of Excellence for the Innovative Manufacturing Enterprise Management (CEGEMI): Living Lab of Industry 4.0.. Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation. Programme d'appui à la création de centres d'excellence. 1 100 000 $. (2018-2023)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Traceability Systems of the Next Generation: Towards Transparency, Agility and Sustainability in Quebec's Seafood Supply Chain (SSC). Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS). Accélération. 100 000 $. (2021-2023)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Collaborateur. CRSNG - FONCER: Enabling Technologies for Collaborative Robotics in Manufacturing (CoRoM). CRSNG & CRSH. FONCER. 1 650 000 $. (2017-2023)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Enterprise social media fostering digital transformation. MITACS. Accélération. 120 000 $. (2018-2023)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. CRSNG-RDC (Subvention de recherche et développement coopérative): Nouvelles approches pour le pilotage d'un atelier d'usinage de pièces métalliques de précision basées sur les données. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). RDC - Subvention de recherche et de?veloppement coope?rative. 143 850 $. (2017-2022)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. La transformation numérique et l'innovation de modèles d'affaires. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Humaines du Canada (CRSH). Partnership Engage Grants. 25 000 $. (2021-2022)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Implementing Industry 4.0: Agent-based simulation as a supporting tool for companies' digital transformation. Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS). Accélération. 60 000 $. (2020-2021)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Collaborateur. L’interdisciplinarité et la collaboration franco-québécoise pour soutenir l’innovation dans la transformation numérique et l’Industrie 4.0. (2020-2021)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Entreprendre et Innover dans l’industrie 4.0. Idex Lyon. JOINT RESEARCH CHAIRS. 24 500 $. (2020-2021)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Adoption of emerging technologies and the impact on Reverse Logistics: comparative analysis between companies from Brazil and Canada. Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) (State of São Paulo Research Foundation). Programme régulier. 31 130 $. (2019-2021)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. Programme d’appui à la création de centres d’excellence (Plan d’action en économie numérique du Québec) - MESI – Québec. Ministère de l'Économie, Sciences et Innovation (MES). Programme d’appui à la création de centres d’excellence (Plan d’action en économie numérique du Québ. 1 080 000 $. (2018-2021)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Subvention d'engagement partenarial individuelles - CRSH. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Humaines du Canada (CRSH). Subvention d'engagement partenarial individuelles. 24 993 $. (2018-2019)
  • Bourse de recherche. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. MITACS Accélération - Évaluation de la valorisation d'un modèle d'affaires dans un processus de servicisation basée sur l'Internet des Objets : Une étude de cas dans une entreprise manufacturière québécoise. MITACS. Accéleration. 15 000 $. (2018-2018)
  • Bourse de recherche. (Terminé). Cocandidat. MITACS Accélération: Les indicateurs de performance de l’Industrie 4.0 : une étude empirique auprès d’entreprises manufacturières québécoises. MITACS. Accéleration. 30 000 $. (2017-2017)


Articles de revue

  • RISSO, L.; GANGA, G.M.D.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; GODINHO FILHO, M.; CHIKHI, T.; MOSCONI, E.; ZHANG, K. (2024). A framework formodeling and simulating blockchain-based supply chain traceability systems. International Journal of Production Economics 278 (109408), DOI. (Article publié).
  • BORGES, T.; GANGA, G.M.D.; GODINHO Fo, M.; DELAI, I.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2024). Cleaner production practices, implementation concerns and measurement: Asystematic literature review. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 31 (3), 2402-2423. DOI. (Article publié).
  • CONTIERI, P.G.; HASSUI, A.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; SIGAHI, T.F.C.A; RAMPASSO, I.S.; MORAES, G.H.S.M.; ANHOLON, R. (2024). Difficulties and challenges in the modernization of a production cell with the introduction ofIndustry 4.0 technologies. Benchmarking: an International Journal DOI. (Article sous presse).
  • JORGE, L. F., MOSCONI, E.; SANTA-EULALIA, L. A. (2024). Enterprise social media to foster digital maturity: : a value creation perspective. Journal of Systems and Information Technology DOI. (Article sous presse).
  • QUEIROZ, G. A., DELAI, I., ALVES FILHO, A. G., SANTA-EULALIA, L. A. DE, & TORKOMIAN, A. L. V. (2024). Lean and Green Manufacturing in operations strategy: cases from theautomotive industry. Operations Management Research 2024 DOI. (Article publié).
  • ASSIS, R.F.; FRIAS, A.; FERREIRA, W.P.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; TOMASSET, V.; OUHIMMOU, M. (2024). Machine Learning in Warehouse Management: A Survey. Procedia Computer Science 232 (2024), 2790-2799. DOI. (Article publié).
  • MORAES, K.K.; GANGA, G.M.D.; GODINHO FILHO, M.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; TORTORELLA, G.L. (2024). OvercomingTechnological Barriers for Blockchain Adoption in Supply Chains: A Diffusion ofInnovation (DOI)-Informed Framework Proposal. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal DOI. (Article accepté).
  • *ASSIS, R.F; DE SANTA-EULALIA, L.A; FERREIRA, W.P; ARMELLINI, F; ANHOLON, R; RAMPASSO, I; GODHINO, M; GERRINI, F.M. (2023). A System Dynamics Approach to unlock the complexity of the S&OP in Virtual Enterprises. Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) DOI. (Article publié).
  • ASSIS, R.F; GUERRINI, F.M; DE SANTA-EULALIA, L.A; FERREIRA, W.P. (2023). An agent-based model for regional market penetration of electric vehiclesin Brazil. Journal of Cleaner Production 421 DOI. (Article publié).
  • LIMA, B.; GANGA, G.M.D.; GODINHO FILHO, M.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2023). Blockchain Capabilities for Supply Chain Management. European Journal of Industrial Engineering 17 (5), 657-695. DOI. (Article publié).
  • NUNES, J.F.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2023). Logistics collaboration in vehicle manufacturing: case studies with atriadic perspective. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 1-37. DOI. (Article publié).
  • CAZERI, G. T.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; FIORAVANTI, A.R.; SERAFIM, M.P.; RAMPASSO, I.S.; ANHOLON, R. (2023). Main Challenges and Best Practices to Be Adopted in Training for Industry 4.0. Kybernetes 52 (12), 5909-5927. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *RISSO, L.; GANGA, G.M.D.; GODINHO FILHO, M.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; *CHIKHI, T.; MOSCONI, E. (2023). Present and future perspectives of Blockchain in Supply Chain Management: a review of reviews and research agenda. Computers & Industrial Engineering 179 (109195), DOI. (Article publié).
  • *OLIVEIRA, M.A; SILVA, M.H.D; BATISTA JR, O.H; MENDES, J.V; DE SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2023). Reverse Logistics Sustainability Performance: from a Systematic Review to an Assessment Framework. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 15 (6), 5296. DOI. (Article publié).
  • QUEIROZ, G. A., DELAI, I., ALVES FILHO, A. G., SANTA-EULALIA, L. A. DE, & TORKOMIAN, A. L. (2023). Synergies and Trade-Offs between Lean-Green Practices from thePerspective of Operations Strategy : A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability 15 (6), 5296. DOI. (Article publié).
  • DOS-SANTOS, S.; FOURNIER, P.-L.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; MORINI, C.; PACAGNELLA Jr., AC. (2022). Critical Success Factors for the Innovativeness of Electronic Industry: An Analysis in Developed and Developing Countries. Creativity and Innovation Management 2022 1-16. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *JORGE, L. F., MOSCONI, E.; SANTA-EULALIA, L. A. (2022). Enterprise Social Media platforms for coping with an accelerated Digital Transformation. Journal of Systems and Information Technology 24 (3), 221-245. DOI. (Article publié).
  • CAZERI, G; DE SANTA-EULALIA, L.A; SERAFIM, M.P; ANHOLON, R. (2022). Training for Industry 4.0: a Systematic Literature Review and Directions for Future Research. Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management 19 (3), e20221355. DOI. (Article publié).
  • CAZERI, G. T.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; SERAFIM, M.P.; RAMPASSO, I.S.; ANHOLON, R. (2022). Training for managers not skilled in Industry 4.0 basis: what is the most suitable content to be covered?. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 1-14. DOI. (Article publié).
  • RAFIEI, R.; NOURELFATH, M.; SANTA-EULALIA, L. A. (2021). A decomposition method for production planning under demand uncertainty in wood remanufacturing. International Journal of Industrial Engineering 28 (6), 594-607. DOI. (Article publié).
  • RAFIEI, R.; NOURELFATH, M.; SANTA-EULALIA, L. A. (2021). A decomposition method for production planning under demand uncertaintyin wood remanufacturing. International Journal of Industrial Engineering 28 (6), 594-607. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *FERREIRA, W.; ARMELLINI, F.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; TOMASSET-LAPIERRE, V. (2021). A framework for identifying and analysing industry 4.0 scenarios. Computers & Industrial Engineering 65 (2022), 192-207. DOI. (Article publié).
  • RAFIEI, R.; NOURELFATH, M.; SANTA-EULALIA, L. A. (2021). Dealing with Stochasticity in Wood Remanufacturing Operations Planning. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences 6 (2), 522-540. DOI. (Article publié).
  • BORGES, T.; GANGA, G.M.D.; GODINHO Fo, M.; DELAI, I.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2021). Development and Validation of a Cleaner Production Measurement Scale. Journal of Cleaner Production 299 (126907), DOI. (Article publié).
  • ARROMBA, P.F.S.; ANHOLON, R.; RAMPASSO, I.S.; SILVA, D.; QUELHAS, O.L.G.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; LEAL-FILHO, W. (2021). Difficulties observed when implementing Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): empirical evidences from the manufacturing sector. Gestão & Produção 28 (3), DOI. (Article publié).
  • PEREIRA, C.; ANHOLON, R.; RAMPASSO, I.S.; QUELHAS, O.; LEAL FILHO, W.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2021). Evaluation of Lean practices in Warehouses: An analysis of Brazilian reality. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 70 (1), 1-20. DOI. (Article publié).
  • SILVA, T.C.G.; ANHOLON, R.; RAMPASSO, I.S.; QUELHAS, O.L.G.; LEAL-FILHO, W.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; LIMA JR, F.R. (2021). Evaluation of the integration level of quality and environmental management systems in a tire manufacturer. The TQM Journal DOI. (Article publié).
  • FERREIRA, W.; ARMELLINI, F.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; TOMASSET-LAPIERRE, V. (2021). Extending the lean value stream mapping to the context of Industry 4.0: an agent-based technology approach. Journal of Manufacturing Systems 63 (2022), 1-14. DOI. (Article publié).
  • PIO, P.C.; RAMPASSO, I.S.; CAZERI, G.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; PAVAN SERAFIM, M.; ANHOLON, R. (2021). Human Resources and Industry 4.0: an exploratory study in the Brazilian business context. Kybernetes DOI. (Article publié).
  • RAMPASSO, I.S.; SIQUEIRA, R.; MARTINS, V.; ANHOLON, R.; QUELHAS, O.L.G.; LEAL FILHO, W.; LANGE SALVIA, A.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2021). Implementing social projects with undergraduate students: an analysis of essential characteristics. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 22 (1), 198-214. DOI. (Article publié).
  • SILTORI, P.F.S.; ANHOLON, R.; RAMPASSO, I.S.; QUELHAS, O.L.G.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; LEAL-FILHO, W. (2021). Industry 4.0 and corporate sustainability: an exploratory analysis of possible impacts in the Brazilian context. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 167 DOI. (Article publié).
  • CONTIERI, G.T.; ANHOLON, R.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2021). Industry 4.0 enabling technologies in manufacturing: implementation priorities and difficulties in an emerging country. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 1-15. DOI. (Article publié).
  • ARROMBA, I.F.; MARTIN, P.S.; COOPER ORDOÑEZ, R.; ANHOLON, R.; RAMPASSO, I.S.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; MARTINS, V.W.B.; QUELHAS, O.L.G. (2021). Industry 4.0 in the product development process: benefits, difficulties and its impact in marketing strategies and operations. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 36 (3), 522-534. DOI. (Article publié).
  • SOUSA, S. R., SOARES, S. R., MOREIRA, N. G., SEVERIS, R. M., & DE SANTA-EULALIA, L. A. (2021). Internal Normalization Procedures for Multiple Attribute Decision Making in the Context of LCA: A Simulation-Based Comparative Analysis. Environmental Modeling & Assessment 26 271–281. DOI. (Article publié).
  • CAZERI, G.T.; ANHOLON, R.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; RAMPASSO, I.S. (2021). Potential COVID-19 impacts on the transition to Industry 4.0 in the Brazilian manufacturing sector. Kybernetes DOI. (Article publié).
  • MENDES, J.V.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; FRANCO, D.; GANGA, G.M.D; YOSHINO, R.T.; REKIK, L.; CAYA, O. (2021). Pressures driving the adoption of green practices. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management 14 (3), 249-270. DOI. (Article publié).
  • ASSIS, R.F., SANTA-EULALIA, L.A., FERREIRA, W.P., ARMELLINI, F., ANHOLON, R., RAMPASSO, I. (2021). Translating Value Stream Maps into System Dynamics Models: a practical framework. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 114 3537–3550. DOI. (Article publié).
  • MORAES, L.F.B; RAMPASSO, I.S.; ANHOLON, R.; LIMA, G.B.A; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; MOSCONI, E.; YPARRAGUIRRE, I.T.R. (2020). Assessing risk management in Brazilian social projects: a path towards sustainable development. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 28 (5), 451-460. DOI. (Article publié).
  • FRANCO, D.; GANGA, G.M.D.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; GODINHO Fo, M. (2020). Consolidated and inconclusive effects of Additive Manufacturing adoption: a systematic literature review. Computers & Industrial Engineering 148 DOI. (Article publié).
  • PEREIRA, C.; ANHOLON, R.; RAMPASSO, I.S.; QUELHAS, O.; LEAL FILHO, W.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2020). Critical analysis of organizational change process: evidences from a steel company. Business Process Management Journal 26 (6), 1525-1540. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *FERREIRA, W.; ARMELLINI, F.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2020). Simulation in industry 4.0: A state-of-the-art review. Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 DOI. (Article publié).
  • ANHOLON, R.; SILVA, D.; COOPER-ODONES, R.E.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A; QUELHAS, O.L.G; LEAL FILHO, W.; GRANADA, L.F. (2019). Analysis of the perception of engineering students regarding sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production 233 461-467. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *BORDELEAU; F.-E.; MOSCONI, E.P.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2019). Business intelligence and analytics value creation in Industry 4.0: a multiple case study in manufacturing medium enterprises. Production Planning & Control 31 (2-3), 173-185. DOI. (Article publié).
  • MORETTI. E.A.; ANHOLON, R.; RAMPASSO, I.S.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; SILVA, D.; IGNACIO, P.S.A. (2019). Main Difficulties during RFID Implementation: An Exploratory Factor Analysis Approach. International Journal of Logistics 31 (8), 1-14. DOI. (Article publié).
  • CARDONA, L.M.T; RAMPASSO, I.S.; ANHOLON, R; SILVA, D.; COOPER ORDOÑEZ, R.E.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2019). Project Management of production line automation: a comparative analysis of projects in Brazil and Colombia. Latin America Business Review 19 (3-4), 1-25. DOI. (Article publié).
  • CARDONA, L.M.T; RAMPASSO, I.S; ANHOLON, R; SILVA, D; COOPER ORDOÑEZ, R.E; DE SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2019). Project Management of production line automation: a comparative analysis of projects in Brazil and Colombia. Latin America Business Review 19 (3-4), 1-25. DOI. (Article publié).
  • LEGAULT, P.; SANTA-EULALIA, L. A.; MOSCONI, E.; *BORDELEAU, F.-É.; FRANCOEUR, C.; CADIEUX, N.; ANHOLON, R.; REKIK, Z. (2019). Servitization trend in the machine-tools market: comparing value from turnkey and specialized IoT-based analytics solutions using TOPSIS. Procedia Manufacturing 31 390-397. DOI. (Article publié).
  • RAMPASSO, I.S; ANHOLON, R; SILVA, D.; COOPER ORDOÑEZ, R.E.; QUELHAS, O.L.G; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2018). An analysis of the difficulties associated withthe inclusion of sustainability in engineering education: Examples from HEIs in Brazil. Journal of Cleaner Production 193 (August 201), 363-371. DOI. (Article publié).
  • CAZERI, G. T. ; ANHOLON, R. ; SILVA, D. ; ORDONEZ, R. E. C. ; QUELHAS, O. L. G. ; LEAL FILHO, W.; SANTA-EULALIA, L. A. (2018). An assessment of the integration between corporate social responsibility practices and management systems in Brazil aiming at sustainability in enterprises. Journal of Cleaner Production 182 (Mai 2018), 746-754. DOI. (Article publié).
  • RAMPASSO, I.S; ANHOLON, R; SILVA, D.; COOPER ORDOÑEZ, R.E.; QUELHAS, O.L.G; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2018). Developing in engineering students a critical analysis about sustainability in productive systems: empirical evidences from an Action Research experience. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 20 (2), 229-244. DOI. (Article publié).
  • MATOS, L. M. ; ANHOLON, R. ; SILVA, D. ; ORDONEZ, R. E. C. ; QUELHAS, O. L. G. ; LEAL FILHO, W.; SILVA, D.; SANTA-EULALIA, L. A. (2018). Implementation of Cleaner Production: a ten-year perspective on benefits and difficulties found. Journal of Cleaner Production 187 (June 2018), 409-420. DOI. (Article publié).
  • TELES, F.; ANHOLON, R; SILVA, D.; COOPER ORDOÑEZ, R.E.; QUELHAS, O.L.G; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2018). Sustainability measurement of a product-servicesystem: Brazilian case studies about electric car sharing. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 25 (8), 722-729. DOI. (Article publié).
  • BORGES, M. L.; ANHOLON, R.; ORDONEZ, R. E. C.; QUELHAS, O. L. G.; SANTA-EULALIA, L. A. (2017). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices developed by Brazilian companies: an exploratory study. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 1 1-19. DOI. (Article publié).
  • *FRANCO, D; GANGA, G.M; DE SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2017). Gestão ambiental decadeias de suprimentos: revisão bibliográfica da literatura. Revista Produção Online 17 (1), 295-324. DOI. (Article publié).
  • FERREIRA, Y; MORINI, C.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2017). Streamlining air import operations by trade facilitation measures. Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management DOI. (Article publié).
  • Rezvan Rafiei, Mustapha Nourelfath, Jonathan Gaudreault, Luis Antonio De Santa-Eulalia, Mathieu Bouchard. (2016). Analysis of uncontrollable supply effects on a co-production demand-driven wood remanufacturing mill with alternative processes. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research 2016 1-28. DOI. (Article publié).
  • GANGA, G.M.D; RODRIGUES, L..R; YOSHINO, R.T.; SANTA-EULALIA, L. A. (2016). Métodos Quantitativos Para Seleção DeFornecedores Sustentáveis: Uma Revisão Sistemática Da Literatura - QuantitativeMethods For Sustainable Supplier Selection: a Systematic Literature Review. Revista Producao Online 16 (4), 1434-1457. (Article publié).
  • VAHID S, LEHOUX N, SANTA-EULALIA L-A, D'AMOURS S, FRAYRET J.M, VENKATADARI U. (2016). Supply Chain Modelling Frameworks for Forest Products Industry: a Systematic Literature Review. INFOR Information Systems and Operations Research 2016 1-24. DOI. (Article publié).
  • MOREIRA, N.G.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. ; AIT-KADI, D.; WOOD-HARPER, T.; WANG, Y. (2015). A conceptual framework to develop green textiles in the aeronautic completion industry: a case study in a large manufacturing company. Journal of Cleaner Production 105 90-99. (Article publié).
  • NTABE E, LEBEL L, MUNSON A, SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2015). A systematic literature review of the Supply Chain Operations Reference model application. International Journal of Production Economics. 169 310-332. (Article publié).
  • Siqueira, C.; Ganga, G.; Santa-Eulalia, L. A. (2015). Collaboration in the automotive supply chain: a case between automaker and key supplie - A visão de um fornecedor-chave sobre a colaboração com a montadora. Gestão & Produção 22 (4), 902-919. (Article publié).
  • SIQUEIRA, C.O.; GANGA, G.M.D; SANTA EULALIA, L. A. (2015). Collaboration in the automotive supply chain: a case between automaker and key supplier - A visão de um fornecedor-chave sobre a colaboração com a montadora. Gestão & Produção 22 (4), 902-919. DOI. (Article publié).
  • TAKAHASHI, A. ; SANTA EULALIA, L. A. ; GANGA, G. M. D. ; ARAUJO, J. B. ; AZEVEDO, R. C. (2015). Design of Agile and Green Supply Chains: an Exploratory Study in a Non-Durable Consumer Company. Prodution DOI. (Article publié).
  • TAKAHASHI, A. ; SANTA EULALIA, L. A. ; GANGA, G. M. D. ; ARAUJO, J. B. ; AZEVEDO, R. C. (2015). Design of agile and green supply chains: an exploratory study in a non-durable consumer company - Design of agile and green supply chains: an exploratory study in a non-durable consumer company. Production 25 (4), 971-987. (Article publié).
  • RAFIEI R, NOURELFATH M, GAUDREAULT J, SANTA EULALIA L-A, BOUCHARD M. (2015). Dynamic safety stock in co-production demand-driven woodremanufacturing mills: A case study. International Journal of Production Economics 165 (2015), 90-99. (Article publié).
  • Morini C, Inacio Jr, Serafim M.P, SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2015). Medição de desempenhona aduana do brasil: do enforcement para uma abordagem equilibrada. Gestão & Produção 22 (3), 508-524. (Article publié).
  • LUPINACCI, D.; MORINI, C.; SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2015). O comércio internacional de serviços de construção civil: uma análise comparativa entre o Brasil e a União Europeia. Revista Administração em Diálogo 17 (2), 81-103. (Article publié).
  • FERREIRA Y, ASSIS R.F, OLIVI A.C, MORINI C, SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2015). O impacto do escaneamento de contêineres nosfluxos de exportação e de importação: estudo de caso num terminal portuáriobrasileiro. Gestão da Produção, Operações e Sistemas – GEPROS 10 (4), 39-54. (Article publié).
  • MALAQUIAS, A.F.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; YOSHINO, R.T.; JORGE, D.C. (2014). Adoção de práticas de gestão verde da cadeia de valor em PMES do setor químico: estudos de caso múltiplos. Revista Gestão Industrial 10 (4), 848-870. (Article publié).
  • RAFIEI R, NOURELFATH M, GAUDREAULT J, BOUCHARD M, SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2014). A reactive planning approach for demand-driven wood remanufacturing industry: a real-scale application. International Journal of Production Research 52 (14), 4198–4215. (Article publié).
  • OLIVEIRA, R.C.; MAURICIO, M.G.; SANTA EULALIA, L.A.; MORETTI, A.C. (2014). Modelo de planejamento de alocação de pessoal em serviços de treinamento em TI. Revista Gestão Industrial 10 (3), 534-547. (Article publié).
  • NEUMANN, D. ; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; KLASEN, J.; YOSHINO, R.T. (2014). Um novo modelo de previsão de demanda para inovações radicais. Production 24 (3), 605-617. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; D’AMOURS, S.; FRAYRET, J.-M. (2012). Agent-Based simulations for advanced supply chain planning: the FAMASS methodological framework for requirements analysis. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 22 (8), 963-980. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; AÏT-KADI, D.; D'AMOURS, S.; FRAYRET, J.-M.; and LEMIEUX, S. (2011). Agent-based experimental investigations about the robustness of tactical planning and control policies in a softwood lumber supply chain. Production Planning & Control 22 (8), 782-799. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; D’AMOURS, S.; and FRAYRET, J.-M. (2011). An Agent-based Strategy for Deploying Analysis Models into Specification and Design for Distributed APS Systems. International Journal of Computer Science Issues 8 (3), 7. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; HALLADJIAN, G.; D’AMOURS, S.; FRAYRET, J.-M. (2011). Integrated methodological frameworks for modelling agent-based advanced supply chain planning systems: a systematic literature review. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 4 (4), 624-668. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; D’AMOURS, S.; and FRAYRET, J.-M. (2011). Presente e futuro dos sistemas APS Parte 2: tendências, oportunidades e a emergência de abordagens distribuídas. Mundo Logística 20 (1), 8-17. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; ARAÚJO, J.B.; FRANCIOLI, L.A.; AZEVEDO, R.C.; BREMER, C.F. (2011). Projeto de Cadeia de Suprimentos e Alinhamento Dinâmico: Proposta de um Quadro Conceitual sobre Potenciais Trade-Offs de Sustentabilidade Ambiental. INGEPRO – Inovacão, Gestão e Producão 3 (9), 14-26. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; MENEGUSSO, C.C.; AZEVEDO, R.S.C.; BREMER, C.F.; D’AMOURS, S. (2010). Presente e futuro dos sistemas APS Parte 1: sistemas disponíveis e estudos de casos. Mundo Logística 19 (1), 8-22. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; D'AMOURS, S.; and FRAYRET, J.-M. (2008). Essay on conceptual modeling, analysis and illustration of agent-based simulations for distributed supply chain planning. INFOR Information Systems and Operations Research 46 (2), 97-116. (Article publié).
  • Junqueira R, Oliveira R.M, SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2005). Estudo comparativo sobre as experiências de implantação da manufatura enxuta em três empresas do setor metal-mecânico brasileiro. Gestão da Produção, Operações e Sistemas – GEPROS 1 (1), (Article publié).
  • JUNQUEIRA, R.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; OLIVEIRA, R.M. (2005). Experiências de manufatura enxuta no setor metalmecânico. Revista Máquinas & Metais 198-215. (Article publié).
  • PIRES, S.R.I.; BREMER, C.F.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; GOULART, C.P. (2001). Supply chain and virtual enterprises: comparisons, migration and a case study. International Journal of Logistics 4 (3), 297-311. (Article publié).

Chapitres de livre

  • FERREIRA, W. P.; PALANIAPPAN, A.; ARMELLINI, F.; SANTA-EULALIA, L. A.; MOSCONI, E.; MARION, G. (2021). Linking Industry 4.0, Learning Factory, and Simulation: testbeds and proof-of-concepts experiments. Dingli, Alexei, Haddod, Foaad, Klüver, Christina (Eds.). Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0: A collection of A collection of innovative research case-studies (928, 57-72). Springer. DOI. (Article publié).
  • FERREIRA, W.P.; ARMELLINI F.; SANTA-EULÁLIA, L.A.; REBOLLEDO, C. (2021). Modelling and Simulation in Industry 4.0. Dingli, Alexei, Haddod, Foaad, Klüver, Christina (Eds.). Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0: A collection of innovative research case-studies (928, 85-96). Springer. DOI. (Article publié).
  • OTTONICAR, S.L.C.; ATAYDE, G.R.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2020). O Big Data no desenvolvimento da Indústria 4.0: novas perspectivas para o empreendedorismo acadêmico (Big Data developing Industry 4.0: new perspectives in the academic entrepreneurship). Martínez-Ávila, Daniel, Edna Alves de Souza, and Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez.. Informação, Conhecimento, Ação Autônoma e Big Data: Continuidade ou Revolução? (185-202). Laboratório Editorial. DOI. (Article publié).
  • MOREIRA, N.; AÏT-KADI, D.; VIEIRA, D.R.; ROMERO, A.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; WANG, Y. (2014). Integrating Eco-design and PLM in the Aviation Completion Industry: A Case Study. Fukuda, S., Bernard, A., Gurumoorthy, B., Bouras, A. (Eds.). Product Lifecycle Management for a Global Market (series IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology) (1, 442, 169-180). Allemagne : Springer. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, D’AMOURS S, FRAYRET J.-M, MENEGUSSO C.C, E AZEVEDO R.C. (2011). Advanced Planning and Scheduling Systems Today and Tomorrow. Supply Chain Management - Pathways for Research and Practice (171-200). Dilek Onkal Editor. (Article publié).
  • NEUMANN, D. ; DE SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. ; ZAHN, E. (2011). Towards a Theory of Collaborative Systems. Camarinha-Matos, Luis M., Pereira-Klen, Alexandra, Afsarmanesh, Hamideh (Eds.). IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (1, 362, 306-313). Allemagne : Springer. (Article publié).

Documents de travail

  • ROSHANI M, VAHID S, LEHOUX N. (2015). Unified framework for modelling the Canadian forest products value chain: An instantiation for the lumber industry. 72 p.
  • NTABE E, LEBEL L, MUNSON A, SANTA EULALIA L. A. (2014). A systematic literature review of the Supply Chain Operations Reference model application.
  • VAHID S, LEHOUX N, SANTA EULALIA L. A, D’AMOURS S, FRAYRET J.-M, VENKATADRI U. (2014). Supply Chain Modelling Frameworks for Forest Products Industry: A Systematic Literature Review.
  • RAFIEI R, NOURELFATH M, GAUDREAULT J, SANTA EULALIA L. A, BOUCHARD M. (2012). A reactive planning approach for demand-driven wood remanufacturing industry: a real-scale application.
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, D’AMOURS S, FRAYRET J.-M. (2011). Agent-Based simulations for advanced supply chain planning: the FAMASS methodological framework for requirements analysis.
  • SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; D’AMOURS, S.; FRAYRET, J.-M. (2011). Integrated methodological frameworks for modelling agent-based advanced supply chain planning systems: a systematic literature review,.
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, AÏT-KADI D, D’AMOURS, S, FRAYRET J.-M, LEMIEUX S. (2009). Agent-based experimental investigations of the robustness of tactical planning and control policies in a softwood lumber supply chain, CIRRELT.
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, ARAÚJO J.B, KETTANI O, FRANCIOSI L.A, AZEVEDO R.C, BREMER C.F. (2009). An Essay on Green Supply Chain Design and Dynamic Alignment.
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, FRAYRET J.-M, D'AMOURS S. (2007). Agent-based simulation for distributed supply chain planning: conceptual modeling, analysis and illustration.

Articles de conférence

  • ROMDHANE, S.F.; ZHANG, K.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2024). Towards Efficient and Fine-Grained Traceability for a Live Lobster Supply Chain using Blockchain Technology. International Conference on Industry 4.0 & Smart Manufacturing 2024 - ISM 2024. . (Article accepté).
  • PECANHA, P.E.R.; LEBEL, L; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2023). A system integrator for better wood supplycoordination: from OR to AI. 55th FORMEC and 7th Forest Engineering Conference (FEC). . (Article publié).
  • ASSIS, R.F.; FRIAS, A.; FERREIRA, W.P.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; TOMASSET, V.; OUHIMMOU, M. (2023). Machine Learning in Warehouse Management: A Survey. 5th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing - ISM 2023. . (Article publié).
  • PECANHA, P.E.R; LEBEL, L. SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2023). Planification collaborative d’un réseau d’approvisionnement forestier multiusine et multiproduit par un intégrateur-système. CIGI QUALITA MOSIM 2023. . (Article publié).
  • *Jorge, LF; Mosconi, E; Santa-Eulalia, LA. (2022). Enterprise Social Media for Digital Maturity: A Systematic Review and Theoretical Framework. Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). . (Article accepté).
  • *CHIKHI, T.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A; MOSCONI, E.; *RISSO, L.A; GODINHO FILHO, M.; GANGA, G.M.D. (2022). Going Beyond Blockchain Adoption's Hype to Improve Supply Chain Sustainability: Evidence From Empirical and Modelling Studies. 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). . (Article accepté).
  • *Chikhi, T; Santa-Eulalia, LA; Mosconi, E. (2022). Roadmap for a Successful Traceability System Based-Blockchain and IoT to Enhance Supply Chain Sustainability. Proceedings of the 29th Annual EurOMA Conference, . (Article publié).
  • LUCIANI, F.; ARMELLINI, F.; FERREIRA, W.P.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2021). An Outlook on Agent-Based Modeling's Contribution for Innovation Ecosystem. ISPIM CONNECTS 2021 - The International Society for Professional Innovation Management. . (Article publié).
  • *JORGE, L. F., MOSCONI, E.; SANTA-EULALIA, L. A. (2021). An enterprise social media maturity model for SMEs. 30th International Conference of the International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT 2020). . (Article publié).
  • *BORDELEAU, F.-E.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; MOSCONI, E. (2021). Digital Transformation Framework: Creating Sensing, Smart, Sustainable and Social (S^4) Organizations. Actes du HICSS 54 (Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences), . (Article publié).
  • MARQUES, R.; FERREIRA, W. P.; NASSIF, G.; ARMELLINI, F.; DUNGEN, J.; SANTA-EULALIA, L. A. (2021). Exploring the Application of IoT in The Service Station Business. Incom-IFAC (17th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing). . (Article publié).
  • NÚÑEZ, J.F.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2021). La co-création de valeurdans la chaîne d'approvisionnements : apprentissages tirés d'un réseaulogistique collaboratif. 88e congrès de l’association canadienne-française pour l’avancement de la science (ACFAS). (Article accepté).
  • Lima, B; Ganga, GMD; Godinho Filho, M; Santa-Eulalia, LA. (2021). Main Resources for Blockchain Adoption in Supply Chain Management. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Technology Management, Operations and Decisions, . (Article accepté).
  • Rampasso, IS; Arromba, I; Anholon, R; Mendes, JV; Quelhas, OLG; Santa-Eulalia, LA; Martins; VWB; Silva, D; Leal Filho, W. (2021). The relevance off gender equality for a more sustainable future: factorsfor career decisions off women in engineering. 10th International Workshop: Advances in Cleaner Production. . (Article publié).
  • *JORGE, L. F., MOSCONI, E.; SANTA-EULALIA, L. A.; MARION, G. (2020). Conducting an Enterprise Social Media Initiative in the Digital Transformation Context. Actes de la 17th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisati, . (Article publié).
  • *JORGE, L. F., MOSCONI, E.; SANTA-EULALIA, L. A. (2020). Enterprise Social Media for Digital Transformation: a Systematic Literature Review. 28th International Conference of the International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT 2020). . (Article publié).
  • *JORGE, L. F., MOSCONI, E.; SANTA-EULALIA, L. A. (2020). Overcoming the barriers of an enterprise social media initiative. Actes de la AMCIS - Association for Information Systems, . (Article publié).
  • FRANCO, D.; GANGA, G.M.D.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A; GODINHO FILHO, M. (2019). (Additive Manufacturing and Business Models: A Systematic Literature Review) Manufatura Aditiva e Modelo de Negócio: Revisão Sistemática da Literatura. Actes du XXXIX Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção, . (Article publié).
  • *MORIN, F.; LEBEL, L.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; DUBEAU, D. (2019). Applying the System Integrator Concept to the Forest Supply Chain. FORMEC 2019 – Exceeding the Vision: Forest Mechanisation of the Future. . (Article publié).
  • *MORIN, F.; LEBEL, L.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; DUBEAU, D. (2019). Apports de l’intégration de systèmes pour l’environnement multiacteur public-privé des chaînes d’approvisionnement forestier du Québec. Actes de la 13th International Conference CIGI QUALITA,, . (Article publié).
  • BÉLIVEAU, M.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; MOSCONI, E.P.; CADIEUX, N. (2019). Digital Business Transformation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Systematic literature Review of Maturity Readiness. Actes du Digital Business Transformation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Systematic literatur, . (Article publié).
  • BERGER-DOUCE, S.; MOSCONI, E.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2019). Human Resources Management and Digital Transformation in SMEs: How to Manage Paradoxes?. Actes du 3rd International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0, . (Article publié).
  • MOSCONI, E.; PACKMOHR, S.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2019). Introduction to the Minitrack on “Making Digital Transformation Real. Actes de la 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, . (Article publié).
  • *FERREIRA, W P, PALANIAPPAN, A. ARMELLINI, F. SANTA-EULALIA, L. A., MOSCONI, E., MARION, G. (2019). Linking Industry 4.0, Learning Factories, and Simulation Modeling: testbeds and proof-of-concepts experiments. Actes du 3rd International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0,, . (Article publié).
  • *FERREIRA, W.P.; ARMELLINI, F.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; REBOLLEDO, C. (2019). Simulation-based approaches in Industry 4.0: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Actes de l' International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Artificial Intelligence Technologies (INAIT, . (Article publié).
  • *BORDELEAU, F. E.; MOSCONI, E.; SANTA-EULALIA, L. A. (2018). Business Intelligence Value Creation: A Multiple Case Study in Manufacturing SMEs. International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS). . (Article publié).
  • BÉLIVEAU, M.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; MOSCONI, E.P.; CADIEUX, N. (2018). How Can SME Embark in a Digital Transformationin the Context of the 4th Industrial Revolution?. 2nd International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0: Digital Transformation in SME (Small and Medium Enterprises). . (Article publié).
  • *PEREIRA, P.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; MOSCONI, E. (2018). Industry 4.0: From Strategic Maturity Models to Lean Six-Sigma Operational Deployment. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference. . (Article publié).
  • ABIDAR, Y; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2018). Internet of Things-Based Product-Service Systems for spare parts in aerospace sensing enterprise: a conceptual framework. 2nd International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0: Digital Transformation in SME (Small and Medium Enterprises). . (Article publié).
  • *BORDELEAU, F. E., MOSCONI, E. et SANTA-EULALIA, L. A. (2018). L'Industrie 4.0 et le soutien de l'intelligence d'affaires pour la création de valeur : une étude empirique dans les manufacturiers québécois. Communication lors du 86e Congrès de l'Acfas. . (Article publié).
  • OTTONICAR, S.L.C.; ATAYDE, G.R.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2018). O Big Data no Desenvolvimento da Indústria 4.0:novas perspectivas para o empreendedorismo acadêmico / The Big Data in theDevelopment of Industry 4.0: new perspectives to academic entrepreneurship. X Encontro Internacional de Informação, Conhecimento e Ação (X EIICA) / X International Meeting on Information, Knowledge and Action. . (Article publié).
  • RAMPASSO, I.S; ANHOLON, R; COOPER ORDOÑEZ, R.E.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; QUELHAS, O.L.G.; LEAL FILHO, W; GRANADA, L.F. (2018). O Uso do PLS-SEM em Pesquisas Relacionadas à Sustentabilidade. 7th International Workshop in Advances in Cleaner Production. . (Article publié).
  • FRANCO, D.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; GANGA, G.M.D. (2017). Additive manufacturing: definitions, applications and consequences in operations. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4), 2017 1st ISSC4. (Article publié).
  • ROCHA, K.E.; MENDES, J.V.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; MORIS, V.A.S. (2017). Adoção de Internet das Coisas em Logística & Cadeia de Suprimentos: uma revisão sistemática da literatura. ENEGEP 2017. (Article publié).
  • *BORDELEAU, F.-E.; MOSCONI, E.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2017). Business Intelligence in Industry 4.0: Research opportunities. 2017 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. (Article publié).
  • ARTESE, L.; JUNIOR, E.I; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; BASSO, L. (2017). Differentiating Eco-innovators from their counterpart, the Non eco-innovators: What they do and what they get. The Seventh International Conference on Strategic Management in Latin America SMLA 2017, (Article publié).
  • MENDES, J.V; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; AWASTHI, A. (2017). Emerging technologies and their impact in reverse logistics. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4), 2017 1st ISSC4. (Article publié).
  • BITTENCOURT, E.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2017). Forestry in an Industry 4.0 perspective. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4), 2017 1st ISSC4. (Article publié).
  • *PEREIRA, P.; MOSCONI, E.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2017). Industry 4.0: An analysis of existing conceptual frameworks. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4), 2017 1st ISSC4. (Article publié).
  • BELIVEAU, M.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; MOSCONI, E. (2017). Innovation and its challenge emerging from the fourth industrial revolution. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4), 2017 1st ISSC4. (Article publié).
  • MENDES, J.V; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; ROCHA, K.E.; MORIS, V.A.S. (2017). Internet of things: Applications in Supply Chain Management. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4), 2017 1st ISSC4. (Article publié).
  • MOREIRA, N; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A; SOUSA, S; WOOD-HARPER, T.W. (2017). Life cycle and project management: dealing with consumers to reach companies. 3e conférence internationale en getion de projet. (Article publié).
  • MENDES, J.V.; FRANCO, D.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; YOSHINO, R.T.; GANGA, G.M.D. (2017). Pressures for Adoption of Green Supply Chain Management Practices: a Qualitative Comparative Analysis. International Joint Conference - ICIEOM-ADINGOR-IISE-AIM-ASEM (IJC 2017). (Article publié).
  • BELIVEAU, M.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; MOSCONI, E. (2017). The impacts of Industry 4.0 on decision making in a supply chain. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4), 2017 1st ISSC4. . (Article publié).
  • RAMPASSO, I.S; ANHOLON, R.; COOPER, R.E; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; IGNACIO, P.S.A. (2017). Theoretical proposition of a model for RFID systems deployment for industry. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4), 2017 1st ISSC4. (Article publié).
  • LIMA, R.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; YOSHINO, R.; AUDY, J. F.; MOSCONI, E. (2017). Understanding 3D printers-oriented supply chains using agent-based modelling: the case of 3D Hubs. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4), 2017 1st ISSC4. (Article publié).
  • *BORDELEAU, F.E.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; MOSCONI, E. (2017). Value creation in Industry 4.0: Data, a precious asset for manufacturing companies. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4), 2017 1st ISSC4. (Article publié).
  • BELIVEAU, M.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; MOSCONI, E. (2017). Why the 4th Industrial Revolution will disrupt pre-existing economic and social structures. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4). (Article publié).
  • CHISTE, C.; INÁCIO JUNIOR, E.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2016). A systematic literature review on price forecast in reverse auctions. 5th World Conference on Production & Operations Management (P&OM). (Article publié).
  • MOREIRA, N; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A; SOUSA, S; WOOD-HARPER, T.W. (2016). Awareness Workshops: Involving The Consumer In The Development Of New Sustainable Apparel Products. Congrès [aveniR] : La pensée cycle de vie, levier du manager visionnaire. (Article publié).
  • MAKYIA, I.; CESAR, F.I.G.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; YOSHINO, R.T.; IGNACIO, P.S.A. (2016). Ensaio Sobre as Demandas Emergentes da Indústria 4.0 Sobre o Perfil de Competências. ENEGEP 2016. (Article publié).
  • FERREIRA, Y; MORINI, C.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2016). Friendly operations: evidences from trade facilitation in the largest South American cargo airport. 5th World Conference on Production & Operations Management (P&OM). (Article publié).
  • FRANCO, D.; GANGA, G.M.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2016). Green Supply Chain Management: Estudo De Casos em Pequenas e Médias Empresas da Indústria Química. ENEGEP 2016. (Article publié).
  • MORIN, F. ; LEBEL, L ; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. ; DUBEAU, D. (2016). Intermédiation et collaboration au sein des organisations impliquées dans l’approvisionnement des usines de transformation du bois : une perspective socio-structurelle. 5èmes journées du GDR sciences du Bois. (Article publié).
  • ASSIS, R.F.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2016). Investigating production planning and control in virtual enterprise: a systematic literature review. The 5th World Conference on Production & Operations Management (P&OM). (Article publié).
  • FERREIRA, L.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2016). Método de Mensuração de Lead Time e Custos para Priorização de Programas de Melhoria Contínua. 2o Encontro de Pós-Graduandos em Engenharia de Produção e de Manufatura. (Article publié).
  • DORNELAS, R.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; AZEVEDO, A.; SILVA, R.N. (2016). Previsão de vendas e gestão da demanda de aeronaves agrícolas: proposta de uma abordagem baseada em redes neurais artificiais. 2o Encontro de Pós-Graduandps em Engenharia de Produção e de Manufatura. (Article publié).
  • ASSIS, R.F.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; GODINHO FILHO, M. (2016). Production planning and control for virtual enterprise: a business process model approach. 5th World Conference on Production & Operations Management (P&OM). (Article publié).
  • RAFIEI, R.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; NOURELFATH, M. (2016). Production planning optimization in the wood remanufacturing mills using multi-stage stochastic programming. International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS 2016). (Article publié).
  • MARÇAL, M.; YOSHINO, R.T.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; KOVALESK, J.L. (2016). Sustainable supply chain management: a first meta-literature review. 5th World Conference on Production & Operations Management (P&OM). (Article publié).
  • ROSHANI, M.; VAHID, S.; LEHOUX, N.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2016). Unified framework for modelling the Canadian lumber value chain. 5th World Conference on Production & Operations Management (P&OM). (Article publié).
  • LOPES, J.G.C.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; SILVA, A.L.; BIANCHI, C.; ASSIS, R.F. (2015). Dynamic-value stream mapping (D-VSM): A proof-of-concept case. EurOMA CONFERENCE 2015. (Article publié).
  • Franco, D., Ganga, G. M. D. et De Santa-Eulalia, L. A. (2015). Green supply chain management: revisão bibliográfica sistemática. Actes du ENEGEP 2015, Brésil, 1-29. (Article publié).
  • DORNELLAS, R.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; MORETTI, A.C. (2015). Proposta preliminar de implementação de um processo de Sales and Operational Planning no setor de Autopeças. XI Congresso Nacional de Excelencia em Gestao 2015. (Article publié).
  • MORIN, F.; LEBEL, L.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; DUBEAU, D. (2015). Évaluation de la performance de la planification forestière: une approche d'intermédiation collaborative. 11e Congrès international de génie industriel – CIGI2015. (Article publié).
  • RAFIEI R, NOURELFATH M, GAUDREAULT J, SANTA-EULALIA L.A, BOUCHARD M. (2014). Advanced production planning in a wood remanufacturing mill with uncontrollable environment. The Canadian Mathematical Society Conference – 2014 CORS Conference. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, D’AMOURS S, FRAYRET J.-M, ROUSSEAU A. (2014). Agent-based distributed simulation platform for evaluating production planning strategies in forest product supply chains. Proceeding of Agent 2004, 717-730. (Article publié).
  • ASSIS R.F, FERREIRA Y.C, MORINI C, SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2014). Analysis of the potential of Argentine and Brazilian rail sectors using system dynamics. 7th International Conference on Productions Research Americas’ 2014 – ICPR2014. (Article publié).
  • FERREIRA L, KOVACS A, FRANCISCATO R, SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2014). Desafios da lei derestrição de jornada de trabalho no transporte rodoviário de cargas: análiseestatísticas de possíveis cenários de custos operacionais. ANPET 2014 - 28ª Congresso Nacional de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transporte da ANPET. (Article publié).
  • NUÑES, J.F, SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2014). Développement d’unplan directeur pour la gestion logistique des fournisseurs d’un constructeurcanadien de véhicules récréatifs. Colloque DBA 2014 – Université de Sherbrooke. (Article publié).
  • CHISTE C, MAURICIO M.P.G, OLIVEIRA R.C, SANTA-EULALIA L.A, MACHA M.E.H.S. (2014). Emprego de simulação para aumento da lucratividade em uma micro-empresa de facas industriais. ENEGEP 2014. (Article publié).
  • MOREIRA N, AÏT-KADI D, VIEIRA D.R, ROMERO A, SANTA-EULALIA L.A, WANG Y. (2014). Integrating Eco-design and PLM in the Aviation Completion Industry: A Case Study. The IFIP WG 5.1 11th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management. (Article publié).
  • REKIK L, EL KAMEL L, SANTA-EULALIA L.A, BERGERON, F. (2014). Le ro?le de l’image écoresponsable dans le processus decisionnel de gestion durable des PME. Proceedings of the 2014, (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2014). Planejamento avançado de cadeias logísticas por meio de APS inteligentes. XXI SIMPEP. (Article publié).
  • OLIVEIRA, R.C. ; GARUTTI, M.P.; SANTA EULALIA, L.A.; MORETTI, A.C. (2014). Proposing a Personnel Scheduling Model: the Case of Motorola Solutions. Actes du ISERC/IIE 2014, (Article publié).
  • ASSIS R.F, CHISTE C, FERREIRA Y.C, MORINI C. (2014). Proposta de Classificac?a?o da Qualidade de Plantas Ornamentais baseada no Me?todo k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN). Proceedings of the EMEPRO 2014. (Article publié).
  • LOPES J.G.C, SANTA-EULALIA L.A, SILVA A.L, BIANCHI C. (2014). Towards a novel graphical framework for dynamic value stream mapping (D-VSM). Proceedings of the 21ST EurOMA CONFERENCE 2014. (Article publié).
  • VAHID S, LEHOUX N, SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2013). Developing a Unified Modelling Framework for Forest Products Supply Chains. FIBRE 2013 – FIBRE Networks Joint Meeting. (Article publié).
  • VAHID S, LEHOUX N, SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2013). Developing a Unified Modelling Framework for Forest Products Supply Chains. The 15th Symposium for Systems Analysis in Forest Resources (SSAFR): Analytics for Sustainable Forest Value Chains. (Article publié).
  • RAFIEI R, NOURELFATH M, GAUDREAULT J, SANTA-EULALIA L.A, BOUCHARD, M. (2013). Planning/re-planning strategies for a demand-driven wood remanufacturing company. Proceedings of The ROADEF - 14ème Conférence de la société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide à la Décision. (Article publié).
  • RAFIEI R, NOURELFATH M, GAUDREAULT J, SANTA-EULALIA L.A, BOUCHARD M. (2013). Planning/re-planning strategy for a demand-driven wood remanufacturing mill. FORAC Expo-Conference 2013. (Article publié).
  • ANDRADE, S.A, SANTA-EULALIA L.A, MORINI C.Ç, ASSIS R.F. (2013). Proposta de um quadro conceitual para mapeamento de riscos em projetos de implantac?a?o de sistemas de informac?a?o: uma experie?ncia na a?rea de ERP. CONBREPRO 2013 – III Congresso Brasilieiro de Engenharia de Produção. (Article publié).
  • RAFIEI R, NOURELFATH M, GAUDREAULT J, SANTA-EULALIA L.A, BOUCHARD M. (2013). Safety stock level for a demand-driven wood remanufacturing mill. VCO Network Summer School 2013. (Article publié).
  • RAFIEI R, NOURELFATH M, GAUDREAULT J, SANTA-EULALIA L.A, BOUCHARD M. (2013). Safety stock level ina co-production demand-driven wood remanufacturing mill. The 15th Symposium for Systems Analysis in Forest Resources (SSAFR): Analytics for Sustainable Forest Value Chains. (Article publié).
  • RAFIEI R, NOURELFATH M, GAUDREAULT J, SANTA-EULALIA L.A, BOUCHARD M. (2013). Safety stock level in a co-production demand-driven wood remanufacturing mill. The 15th Symposium for Systems Analysis in Forest Resources (SSAFR): Analytics for Sustainable Forest Value Chains. (Article publié).
  • MORINI C, HAYASHI P, SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2012). Customs risk management: towards a new paradigm in Brazil. WCO PICARD Conference 2012, World Customs Organization. (Article publié).
  • RAFIEI R, NOURELFATH M, GAUDREAULT J, SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2012). Demand-driven Wood Remanufacturing Industry: Proposing a Planning Model and Evaluating Re-planning Policies in a Real-scale Application. The Value Chain Optimization (VCO) Summer School 2012. (Article publié).
  • RAFIEI, R.; NOURELFATH, M.; GAUDREAULT, J.; SANTA EULALIA, L. A.; BOUCHARD, M. (2012). Demand-driven wood remanufacturing industry: proposing a planning model and evaluatingre-planning policies in a real-scale application. Actes du ILS 2012, (Article publié).
  • TAKAHASHI, A. ; SANTA EULALIA, L. A. ; GANGA, G. M. D. ; ARAUJO, J. B. ; AZEVEDO, R. C. (2012). Designof Agile and Green Supply Chains. Actes du ISERC/IIE 2012, (Article publié).
  • MOREIRA, N.G. ; Ait-Kadi, D. ; SANTA EULALIA, L. A. (2012). Ecodesign of newproducts: a methodological comparison. Actes du ILS 2012, (Article publié).
  • MOREIRA, N.G. ; Ait-Kadi, D. ; SANTA EULALIA, L. A. (2012). Evolutionof green textiles in the aeronautic industry: an exploratory literature review. Actes du MOSIM 2012, (Article publié).
  • MARÇAL M, YOSHINO R.T, KOVALESKI J, SANTA EULALIA L.A. (2012). Green Supply Chain Management: A Literature Review. ICITIS2012 International Conference on Innovation, Technology and Internationalization for Sustainability. (Article publié).
  • RAFIEI R, NOURELFATH M, GAUDREAULT J, SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2012). Planning/re-planning strategy for a demand-driven wood remanufacturing mill. The Canadian Mathematical Society Conference – Winter Meeting – VCO Workshop. (Article publié).
  • RAFIEI R, NOURELFATH M, GAUDREAULT J, SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2012). Reactive planning strategy for a demand-driven wood remanufacturing mill. The Canadian Mathematical Society Conference – Winter Meeting – VCO Workshop. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L. A, NEUMANN D, KLASEN J. (2011). A Simulation-Based Innovation Forecasting Approach Combining the Bass Diffusion Model, the Discrete Choice Model and System Dynamics. Poceedings of the The Third International Conference on Advances in System Simulation - SIMUL 2011. (Article publié).
  • RAFIEI R, NOURELFATH M, GAUDREAULT J, SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2011). A distributed reactive planning approach in the forest supply chain under uncertainty. The Value Chain Optimization (VCO) Summer School 2011. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, REKIK L, BERGERON F, RETAMAL L, NOËL M. (2011). Green Supply Chain Management Practices in SMEs in Québec. 2011 SMEs: Moving Toward Sustainable Development. (Article publié).
  • NEUMANN D, Santa-Eulalia L. A, ZAHN, E. (2011). Towards a Theory of Collaborative Systems. Poceedings of the PRO-VE' 11 - 12th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Special Session on Value Chain for Enhancing Collaborative Networks. (Article publié).
  • MENEGUSSO C, SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2010). APS systems today and tomorrow. Latin America Logistics and Operations Conference CLAOL - Conferencia Latino Americana de Operações e Logística. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, ARAÚJO J.B, KETTANI O, FRANCIOLI L.A, AZEVEDO R.C,BREMER C.F. (2010). An Essay on Green Supply Chain Design and Dynamic Alignment. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain Creating value through green supply chains, ILS 2010. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, LEMIEUX S. (2010). Cadre multiagents pour la création des scénariosde simulation en planification des chaînes logistiques. Expo-Conférence de la Forêt au Client - FORAC Université Laval, 2010. (Article publié).
  • ARAUJO J.B, SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2010). Green Supply Chain Design and Dynamic Alignment. Latin America Logistics and Operations Conference CLAOL - Conferencia Latino Americana de Operações e Logística. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, D'AMOURS S, FRAYRET J.-M. (2010). Modeling Agent-Based Simulations for Supply Chain Planning: the FAMASS Methodological Framework,. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Special Session on Collaborative Manufacturing and Supply Chains. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, NEUMANN D. (2010). Sustainability and Supply Chain Management: Perspectives and Strategies. Programme de maîtrise en Génie Industriel. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2010). Étude sur la variation et son impact financierdans des usines de produits forestiers. Expo-Conférence de la Forêt au Client - FORAC Université Laval, 2010. (Article publié).
  • LEMIEUX S, D’AMOURS S, FRAYRET J.-M, SANTA-EULALIA L.A, GAUDREAULT J. (2009). Agent-Based Simulation of a Lumber Supply Chain. CORS-INFORMS International Meeting Toronto’09, Joint international Meeting Canadian Operations Research Society, Institute for Operations Research & the Management Science. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, D’AMOURS S, FRAYRET J.-M. (2009). Définition optimale des politiques de planification et contrôle tactique pour un réseau de création de valeur du bois d’œuvre avec la simulation multi-agent. Expo-Conférence de la Forêt au Client - FORAC Université Laval 2009. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, AIT-KADI D, D’AMOURS S, FRAYRET J.-M, LEMIEUX S. (2009). Evaluating tactical planning and control policies fora softwood lumber supply chain through agent-based simulations. IESM’2009 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and System Management. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2009). Le Consortium de Recherche FORAC et son impactdans la communauté. Carrefour de l’Amérique Latine, Université Laval 2009. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, D’AMOURS S, FRAYRET J.-M, AZEVEDO R. C. (2009). On Supply Chain Modeling and Simulation Techniques: a Literature Review Taxonomy. XI SIMPEP Industrial Engineering Symposium / Simpósio de Engenharia de Produção. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2009). Production et logistique distribuée: simulation à base d’agents. École Polytechnique de Montréal, Université de Montréal, programme de 2ème cycle. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, D’AMOURS S, FRAYRET J.-M. (2008). A methodological framework for the analysis of agent-based supply chain planning simulations. 2008 Spring Simulation Multiconference (SpringSim'08). (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, D’AMOURS S, FRAYRET J.-M. (2007). Agent-based simulation framework for supply chain planning in the lumber industry. Winter Simulation Conference ’07, Ph.D. Colloquium. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, D’AMOURS S, FRAYRET J.-M. (2007). Agent-basedsimulation framework for supply chain planning in the lumber industry. Winter Simulation Conference ’07, Poster Session. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, D’AMOURS S, FRAYRET J.-M. (2007). Simulation distribuée pour la planificationavancée des opérations. Expo-Conférence de la Forêt au Client - FORAC Université Laval 2007. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, D’AMOURS S, FRAYRET J.-M. (2006). Agent-basedsimulation for distributed supply chain planning: conceptual modeling andillustration. Fourth Annual International Symposium on Supply Chain Management, Jointly sponsored by McMaster eBusiness Research Centre at McMaster University, the Purchasing Management Association of Canada and the Ontario Research Network for Electronic commerce. (Article publié).
  • D’AMOURS S, FRAYRET J.M, LEMIEUX S, ROUSSEAU A, SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2006). Agent-based simulation of a lumber supply chain. The INFORMS Annual Meeting 2006, Celebrate the Renaissance of Operations Research. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, D’AMOURS S, FRAYRET J.-M. (2006). Ajouter de la valeur à travers des simulations. Expo-Conférence de la Forêt au Client - FORAC Université Laval 2006. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, D’AMOURS, S, FRAYRET J.-M. (2005). Simulation multi-agent pour la gestion du réseaude création de valeur. Expo-Conférence de la Forêt au Client - FORAC Université Laval 2005. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L-A, FRAYRET J.-M. (2004). Basics of multi-agent systems. École d’été FORAC, Université Laval. (Article publié).
  • JUNQUEIRA, R.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; OLIVEIRA, R.M. (2004). Estudocomparativo sobre as experiências de implantação da manufatura enxuta em trêsempresas do setor metal-mecânico brasileiro. Actes du SIMPEP 2004, (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, D’AMOURS S, FRAYRET J.-M. (2004). La simulation distribuée pour évaluer laperformance des stratégies de conception et de pilotage dans les réseaux decréation de valeur de l’industrie des produits forestiers. Expo-Conférence de la Forêt au Client - FORAC Université Laval 2004. (Article publié).
  • OLIVEIRA F.A, EISINGER R, HERRERA J.F, SANTA-EULÁLIA L.A, MOREIRA E.S. (2003). Uma Ferramenta para Auxílio ao Processo de Compras Online: Estudo de Caso do Sistema DEEPSIA. Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Multimídias e Web (WebMidia 2003). (Article publié).
  • EISINGER R, MOREIRA E.S, MARTINS JR J, HERRERA J.H, SANTA-EULÁLIA L.A. (2002). Browser para Navegação de Ontologia: Estudo de Caso do Projeto DEEPSIA. 10th International Symposium of Undergraduate Research – SIICUSP (Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica da Universidade de São Paulo). (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2002). Gestão da Demanda eS&OP como processos de negócio estratégicos. IIR Conferences – Evento Gestão dos Processos Industriais. (Article publié).
  • COSTA F. P, SANTA-EULÁLIA L. A, MOREIRA E. S. (2002). Modelo de Desenvolvimento de Interface com Uso de Ontologia. 10th International Symposium of Undergraduate Research – SIICUSP (Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica da Universidade de São Paulo). (Article publié).
  • Santa-Eulalia L-A. (2002). O Processo de Gestãoda Demanda Integrado ao S&OP. Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Engenharia de Produção, Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba – UNIMEP. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A, MOREIRA E.S, CARVALHO A.P.L.F, ROZENFELD H. (2002). Using ontologies forintelligent agent training and information retrieval in a e-commerceapplication case study. eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction A. A., Pays-Bas, 277-284. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L.A. (2002). Uso de Ontologiaspara Descrição de Produtos. ICMC/USP – Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e da Computação. (Article publié).
  • PIRES, S.R.I.; BREMER, C.F.; AZEVEDO, R. C.; NASCIUTTI, A.C.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2001). Demand management reference model: development and a case study of a practical application. Actes du POMS Brazil 2001, (Article publié).
  • GOULART C. P, SANTA EULALIA L. A, BREMER C. F. (2001). Determinação dasatividades de planejamento e controle da produção em empresas virtuais. XX Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção,. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L. A, PIRES S. R. I, BREMER C. F,. (2001). Outsourcing estratégico como uma práticaessencial para uma efetiva Supply Chain Management. XX Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção. (Article publié).
  • MELO H. L, SANTA-EULALIA L. A, BREMER C. F. (2000). Postponement: uma prática de supply chainmanagement para possibilitar a customização em massa. VII Simpósio de Engenharia de Produção Da UNESP Bauru. (Article publié).
  • SOARES F. B, SANTA-EULALIA L. A, BREMER C. F. (2000). Sistematização de uma base de conhecimentos sobre a gestão da cadeia de suprimentos. VIII Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica da Universidade de São Paulo - SIICUSP. (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L. A, PIRES S. R. I, BREMER C. F. (2000). Supply Chain Management e Lean Manufacturing: a eliminação de desperdícios por meio da modelagem da cadeia de suprimentos. VII Simpósio de Engenharia de Produção da UNESP Bauru. (Article publié).
  • PIRES S.R.I, BREMER C.F, SANTA-EULALIA L.A, GOULART C.P. (2000). Supply chain andvirtual enterprises: comparisons, migration and the Brazilian experience ofVIRTEC. Cardif, Lean Enterprise Research Centre, Royaume-Uni, 463-470. (Article publié).
  • PIRES, S.R.I.; BREMER, C.F.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A.; GOULART, C.P. (2000). Supply chain and virtual enterprises: comparisons, migration and the Brazilian experience of VIRTEC. Actes du LNC 2000, (Article publié).
  • SANTA-EULALIA L A, SANTOS A.C. (1998). Engenhariasimultânea: conceitos, requisitos e ambiente. VI Congresso de Iniciação Científica da UFSCa. (Article publié).
  • LIMA F C R, SANTA EULALIA L A, MAFFEI FILHO P A, FERNANDES F C F. (1996). Comparação entre o Microsoft FoxPro 2.5 e o Borland Delphi 1.0: análise teórica e desempenho empírico na solução do problema do caixeiroviajante acíclico. Congresso de Iniciação Científica da UFSCAR, São Carlos-SP, 1996. (Article publié).

Autres contributions


  • Pecanha, P.E.R; Lebel, L; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2023). A system integrator for better wood supply coordination: from OR to AI. 55th FORMEC and 7th Forest Engineering Conference (FEC). Firenze, Italie
  • Pecanha, P.E.R; Lebel, L; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2023). Planification collaborative d’un réseau d’approvisionnement forestier multiusine et multiproduit par un intégrateur-système. CIGI QUALITA MOSIM 2023. Trois-Rivières, Canada
  • Jorge, L.F., Mosconi, E., De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2022). Enterprise Social Media for Digital Maturity: A Systematic Review and Theoretical Framework. Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). Halifax, Canada
  • Chikhi, T; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A, Mosconi, E. (2022). Roadmap for a Successful Traceability System Based-Blockchain and IoT to Enhance Supply Chain Sustainability. 29th International Annual EurOMA Conference. Berlin, Allemagne
  • Luciani, F; Armellini, F; Ferreira, W.P; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2021). An Outlook on Agent-Based Modeling's Contribution for Innovation Ecosystem. ISPIM CONNECTS 2021 - The International Society for Professional Innovation Management. Valencia, Espagne
  • Jorge, L.F.; Mosconi, E. De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Singh, A. (2021). An enterprise social media maturity model for SMEs. 30th International Conference of the International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT 2021). Caire, Égypte
  • Oliveira, M.A; Mendes, J.V; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2021). Avaliação dos impactos da logística reversa no desenvolvimento sustentável. V Workshop do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção. Sorocaba, Brésil
  • Bordeleau, F.E; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Mosconi, E. (2021). Digital Transformation Framework: Creating Sensing, Smart, Sustainable and Social (S^4) Organizations. the HICSS 54 (Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences). Maui, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Marques, R; Ferreira, W.P; Nassif, G; Armellini, F; Dungen, J; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2021). Exploring the Application of IoT in Theservice Station Business. Incom-IFAC (17th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing). Budapest, Hongrie
  • Chikhi, T; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Mosconi, E; Risson, L.A; Godhino Filho, M; Ganga, G.M.D. (2021). Going Beyond Blockchain Adoption's Hype to Improve Supply Chain Sustainability: Evidence From Empirical and Modelling Studies. 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Maui, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Nunez, J.F; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2021). La co-création de valeur dans la chaîne d'approvisionnements : apprentissages tirés d'un réseau logistique collaboratif. 88e congrès de l'Acfas. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Bozutti, D; Esposto, K; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2021). Rediscovering the S&OP Process: highlighting innovative paths for improving companies' competitiveness. EPPGEP 2021 - Online. en ligne, Brésil
  • Rampasso, I.S; Arromba, I; Anholon, R; Mendes, J.V; Quelhas, O.L.G; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2021). The relevance of gender equality for a more sustainable future: factors for career decisions of women in engineering. 10th International Workshop, Advances in Cleaner Production. Ferrara, Italie
  • Jorge, L.F; Mosconi, E; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Marion, G. (2020). Conducting an Enterprise Social Media Initiative in the Digital Transformation Context. 17th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning (ICICKM 2020). Toronto, Canada
  • Jorge, L.F; Mosconi, E; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2020). Enterprise Social Media for Digital Transformation: a Systematic Literature Review. 29th International Conference of the International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT 2020). Cairo, Égypte
  • Jorge, L.F; Mosconi, E; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2020). Overcoming the barriers of an enterprise social media initiative. AMCIS - Association for Information Systems. Online, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Franco, D; Ganga, G.M.D; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Godhino Filho, M. (2019). Additive Manufacturing and Business Models: A Systematic Literature Review. XXXIX Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção. Santos, Brésil
  • Morin, F; Lebel, L; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A, Dubeau, D. (2019). Applying the System Integrator Concept to the Forest Supply Chain. FORMEC 2019 – Exceeding the Vision: Forest Mechanisation of the Future. Sopron, Hongrie
  • Morin, F; Lebel, L; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Dubeau, D. (2019). Apports de l’intégration de systèmes pour l’environnement multiacteur public-privé des chaînes d’approvisionnement forestier du Québec. 13th International Conference CIGI QUALITA. Montreal, Canada
  • Béliveau, M; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Mosconi, E; Cadieux, N. (2019). Digital Business Transformation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Systematic literature Review of Maturity Readiness. 3rd International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0. Indianapolis, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Berger-Douce, S; Mosconi, E; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2019). Human Resources Management and Digital Transformation in SMEs: How to Manage Paradoxes?. 3rd International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0. Indianapolis, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Mosconi, E; Packmohr, S; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2019). Introduction to the Minitrack on “Making Digital Transformation Real”. 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Grand Wailea, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Ferreira, W.P; Palaniappan, A; Armellini, F; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Mosconi, E; Marion, G. (2019). Linking Industry 4.0, Learning Factories, and Simulation Modeling: testbeds and proof-of-concepts experiments. 3rd International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0. Indianapolis, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Ferreira, W.P.; Armellini, F; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A.; Rebolledo, C. (2019). Simulation-based approaches in Industry 4.0: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Artificial Intelligence Technologies (INAIT 2019). Cambridge, Royaume-Uni
  • Bordeleau, F.E; Mosconi, E; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2018). Business Intelligence Value Creation: A Multiple Case Study in Manufacturing SMEs. International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS). Lyon, France
  • Bordeleau, F.E.; Mosconi, E; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2018). Business Intelligence in Industry 4.0: Research opportunities. 2018 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Big Island, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Béliveau, M; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Mosconi, E; Cadieux, N. (2018). How Can SME Embark in a Digital Transformation in the Context of the 4th Industrial Revolution?. 2nd International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0: Digital Transformation in SME (Small and Medium Enterprises). Sao Paulo, Brésil
  • Béliveau, M; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Mosconi, E; Cadieux, N. (2018). How Can SME Embark in a Digital Transformation in the Context of the 4th Industrial Revolution?. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4). Sao Paulo, Brésil
  • Pereira, P; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Mosconi, E. (2018). Industry 4.0: From Strategic Maturity Models to Lean Six-Sigma Operational Deployment. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference. Toronto, Canada
  • Abidar, Y; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2018). Internet of Things-Based Product-Service Systems for spare parts in aerospace sensing enterprise: a conceptual framework. 2nd International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0: Digital Transformation in SME (Small and Medium Enterprises). Sao Paulo, Brésil
  • Abidar, Y; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Mosconi, E. (2018). Internet of Things-Based Product-Service Systems for spare parts in aerospace sensing enterprise: a conceptual framework. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4). Sao Paulo, Brésil
  • Mosconi, E; Packmohr, S; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2018). Introduction to the Minitrack on Making Digital Transformation Real. 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2018). Grand Wailea, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Bordeleau, F.E; Mosconi, E; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2018). L'Industrie 4.0 et le soutien de l'intelligence d'affaires pour la création de valeur : une étude empirique dans les manufacturiers québécois. 86e Congrès de l'Acfas. Chicoutimi, Canada
  • *NÚÑEZ, J.F.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2018). La collaboration dans la chaîne d’approvisionnements: mécanismes de gestion de la performance logistique des constructeurs d’automobiles. Concours de la meilleure affiche scientifique - École de gestion, Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • [g3] *BORDELEAU, F.-E.; MOSCONI, E.P.; SANTA-EULALIA, L.A. (2018). Les PME et l’utilisation de l’intelligence d’affaires: Une question d’équilibre. Concours facultaire de la meilleure affiche scientifique - École de gestion, Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Ottonicar, S.L.C; Atayde, G.R; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2018). O Big Data no Desenvolvimento da Indústria 4.0: novas perspectivas para o empreendedorismo acadêmico / The Big Data in the Development of Industry 4.0: new perspectives to academic entrepreneurship. X Encontro Internacional de Informação, Conhecimento e Ação (X EIICA) / X International Meeting on Information, Knowledge and Action. Unesp, Marilia, Brésil
  • Rampasso, I.S; Anholon, R; Cooper Ordonez, R.E; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Quelhas, O.L.G; Leal Filho, W; Granada, L.F. (2018). O Uso do PLS-SEM em Pesquisas Relacionadas à Sustentabilidade. 7th International Workshop in Advances in Cleaner Production. Barranquilla, Colombie
  • Franco, D; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Ganga, G.M.D. (2017). Additive manufacturing: definitions, applications and consequences in operations. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4). Campinas, Brésil
  • Rocha, K.E; Mendes, J.V; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Moris, V.A.S. (2017). Adoção de Internet das Coisas em Logística & Cadeia de Suprimentos: uma revisão sistemática da literatura. ENEGEP 2017. Joinville, Brésil
  • Artese, L; Junior, E.I; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Basso, L. (2017). Differentiating Eco-innovators from their counterpart, the Non eco-innovators: What they do and what they get. Seventh International Conference on Strategic Management in Latin America SMLA 2017. Santiago, Chili
  • Mendes, J.V; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Awasthi, A. (2017). Emerging technologies and their impact in reverse logistics. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4). Campinas, Brésil
  • Bittencourt, E; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2017). Forestry in an Industry 4.0 perspective. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4). Campinas, Brésil
  • Pereira, R; Mosconi, E; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2017). Industry 4.0: An analysis of existing conceptual frameworks. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4). Campinas, Brésil
  • Béliveau, M. De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Mosconi, E. (2017). Innovation and its challenge emerging from the fourth industrial revolution. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4. Campinas, Brésil
  • Mendes, J.V; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A.; Rocha, K.E; Moris, V.A.S. (2017). Internet of things: Applications in Supply Chain Management. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4. Campinas, Brésil
  • Moreira, N; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Sousa, S; Wood-Harper, T.W. (2017). Life cycle and project management: dealing with consumers to reach companies. 3e Conférence internationale en gestion de projet. Trois-Rivières, Canada
  • Mendes, J.V; Franco, D; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Yoshino, R.T; Ganga, G.M.D. (2017). Pressures for Adoption of Green Supply Chain Management Practices: a Qualitative Comparative Analysis. International Joint Conference - ICIEOM-ADINGOR-IISE-AIM-ASEM (IJC 2017). Valencia, Espagne
  • Béliveau, M; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Mosconi, E. (2017). The impacts of Industry 4.0 on decision making in a supply chain. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4). Campinas, Brésil
  • Rampasso, I.S; Anholon, R; Cooper, R.E; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Ignacio, P.S.A. (2017). Theoretical proposition of a model for RFID systems deployment for industry. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4). Campinas, Brésil
  • Lima, R; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Yoshino, R; Audy, J.F; Mosconi, E. (2017). Understanding 3D printers-oriented supply chains using agent-based modelling: the case of 3D Hubs. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4). Campinas, Brésil
  • Bordeleau, F.E; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Mosconi, E. (2017). Value creation in Industry 4.0: Data, a precious asset for manufacturing companies. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4). Campinas, Brésil
  • Béliveau, M; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Mosconi, E. (2017). Why the 4th Industrial Revolution will disrupt pre-existing economic and social structures. International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 (ISSC4). Campinas, Brésil
  • Chiste, C; Inacio Junior, E; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2016). A systematic literature review on price forecast in reverse auctions. 5th World Conference on Production & Operations Management (P&OM). Havana, Cuba
  • Moreira, N; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Sousa, S.; Wood-Harper, T.W. (2016). Awareness Workshops: Involving The Consumer In The Development Of New Sustainable Apparel Products. Congrès [aveniR] : La pensée cycle de vie, levier du manager visionnaire. Lille, France
  • Makyia, I; Cesar, F.I.G; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Yoshino, R.T; Ignacio, P.S.A. (2016). Ensaio Sobre as Demandas Emergentes da Indústria 4.0 Sobre o Perfil de Competências. ENEGEP 2016. Joao Pessoa, Brésil
  • Ferreira, Y; Morini, C; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2016). Friendly operations: evidences from trade facilitation in the largest South American cargo airport. 5th World Conference on Production & Operations Management (P&OM). Havana, Cuba
  • Franco, D; Ganga, G.M; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2016). Green Supply Chain Management: Estudo De Casos em Pequenas e Médias Empresas da Indústria Química. ENEGEP 2016. Joao Pessoa, Brésil
  • Morin, F; Lebel, L; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Dubeau, D. (2016). Intermédiation et collaboration au sein des organisations impliquées dans l’approvisionnement des usines de transformation du bois : une perspective socio-structurelle. 5èmes journées du GDR sciences du Bois. Bordeaux, France
  • Assis, R.F; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2016). Investigating production planning and control in virtual enterprise: a systematic literature review. 5th World Conference on Production & Operations Management (P&OM). Havana, Cuba
  • Ferreira, L; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2016). Método de Mensuração de Lead Time e Custos para Priorização de Programas de Melhoria Contínua. 2o Encontro de Pós-Graduandos em Engenharia de Produção e de Manufatura. Limeira, Brésil
  • Dornelas, R; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Azevedo, A; Silva, R.N. (2016). Previsão de vendas e gestão da demanda de aeronaves agrícolas: proposta de uma abordagem baseada em redes neurais artificiais. 2o Encontro de Pós-Graduandps em Engenharia de Produção e de Manufatura. Limeira, Brésil
  • Assis, R.F; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Godhino Filho, M. (2016). Production planning and control for virtual enterprise: a business process model approach. 5th World Conference on Production & Operations Management (P&OM). Havana, Cuba
  • Rafiei, R; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Nourelfath, M. (2016). Production planning optimization in the wood remanufacturing mills using multi-stage stochastic programming. International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS 2016). Bordeaux, France
  • Marçal, M; Yoshino, R.T; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A; Kovalesk, J.L. (2016). Sustainable supply chain management: a first meta-literature review. 5th World Conference on Production & Operations Management (P&OM). Havana, Cuba
  • Roshani, M; Vahid, S; Lehoux, N; De Santa-Eulalia, L.A. (2016). Unified framework for modelling the Canadian lumber value chain. 5th World Conference on Production & Operations Management (P&OM). Havana, Cuba