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Raymund Wellinger

Professeur associé, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
FMSS Dép. de microbiologie et infectiologie


Sujet de recherche

Cancer Genetics, Cellular Aging

Disciplines de recherche

Biology and Related Sciences


Checkpoints, DNA Replication, DNA Structures, Genomics, Nuclear Organization, RNA metabolism, Telomerase, Telomeres, Yeast

Intérêts de recherche

The research in my lab is all centered on issues relating to telomeres and telomerases. The main project lines that are independently funded are 1) The dynamics of telomeric DNA structure and telomere replication (CIHR 1); and 2) Structure-function studies of the telomerase RNP (CIHR 2).

Centre de recherche

Centre de recherche du CHUS

Recherche clinique


Langues parlées et écrites

Anglais, Français, Allemand


(1994). (Post-doctorate, Research Associate). Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

(1992). (Post-doctorate, Post-Doc). Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

(1986). (Doctorate, Doctor es Sciences). Université de Lausanne.

(1982). (Master's Equivalent, Dipl. Rer. Nat. ETHZ). Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH).

Titres de compétence

(2017) Member of the Medical Advisary Board of the Gairdner Foundation.

(2012) Member of the Board of Directors. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS).

(2004) Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, Organizing Committee for the XXII International Yeast Meeting, Bratislava. Comenius University of Bratislava.

(2002) Chercheur-Senior.

(1998) Chercheur-Boursier Junior 2.

Prix et distinctions

  • (2016) CRC Chair in Telomere Biology. (Distinction).
  • (2012) Senior Researcher Award of the CRC-ELEBEL. Centre Hospitalier Univ. de Sherbrooke. (Prize / Award).
  • (2007) Chercheur National. (Distinction).
  • (1993) Travel Award. (Distinction).


Articles de revue

  • Mersaoui S., Gravel S., Karpov V., Prud’Homme C., Lisby M. and Wellinger R.J. (2015). DNA damage checkpoint-adaptation genes are required for division of cells harbouring eroded telomeres. -Microbial Cell Accepted (Aug. 18), 1-10. (In Press).
  • Emmanuel Bajon, Nancy Laterreur, and Raymund J. Wellinger. (2015). A single templating RNA in the yeast telomerase RNP. - Cell Reports 12 (July 21), 1-8.
  • Lajoie V , Lemieux B , Sawan B , Lichtensztejn D , Lichtensztejn Z , Wellinger R , Mai S , Knecht H (co-PI). (2015). LMP1 mediates multinuclearity through downregulation of shelterin proteins and formation of telomeric aggregates. - Blood 125 (13), 2033-2045.
  • Lemieux B , Blanchette M , Monette A , Mouland AJ , Wellinger RJ , Chabot B (co-PI). (2015). A Function for the hnRNP A1/A2 Proteins in Transcription Elongation. - PLoS ONE 10 (5), e0126654.
  • Wellinger RJ. (2015). Turning telomerase into a Jekyll and Hyde case?. Cancer discovery 5 (1), 19-21. (Published).
  • Wellinger RJ. (2014). In the end, what's the problem?. - Molecular Cell 53 (6), 855-6.
  • Dionne I , Larose S , Dandjinou AT , Abou Elela S , Wellinger RJ. (2013). Cell cycle-dependent transcription factors control the expression of yeast telomerase RNA. - RNA 19 (7), 992-1002.
  • Laterreur N , Eschbach SH , Lafontaine DA , Wellinger RJ. (2013). A new telomerase RNA element that is critical for telomere elongation. - Nucleic Acids Research 41 (16), 7713-7724.
  • Balestrini A , Ristic D , Dionne I , Liu XZ , Wyman C , Wellinger RJ , Petrini JH. (2013). The Ku heterodimer and the metabolism of single-ended DNA double-strand breaks. - Cell Reports 3 (6), 2033-2045.
  • Gallardo F , Laterreur N , Wellinger RJ , Chartrand P. (2012). Telomerase caught in the act: United we stand, divided we fall. RNA biology 9 (9), 1-5.
  • Londoño-Vallejo JA , Wellinger RJ. (2012). Telomeres and telomerase dance to the rhythm of the cell cycle. Trends in Biochemical Sciences 37 (9), 391-399.
  • Wellinger RJ , Zakian VA (co-PI). (2012). Everything you ever wanted to know about Saccharomyces cerevisiae telomeres: beginning to end. - Genetics 191 (4), 1073-1105.
  • Noël JF , Wellinger RJ. (2012). Exposing secrets of telomere-telomerase encounters. Cell 150 (3), 453-454.
  • Noël JF , Larose S , Abou Elela S , Wellinger RJ. (2012). Budding yeast telomerase RNA transcription termination is dictated by the Nrd1/Nab3 non-coding RNA termination pathway. - Nucleic Acids Research 40 (12), 5625-5636.
  • Laterreur N., Welligner R.J., Gallardo F. et Chartrand P. (2012). Télomérase : 3… 2… 1… on tourne!. Bulletin Savoir/Découvrir web-edition 2012 (2), 1-2. (Published).
  • Pelloux J , Tremblay M , Wellinger RJ , Conconi A. (2012). UV-induced DNA damage and DNA repair in ribosomal genes chromatin. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 809 303-320.
  • Gallardo F , Laterreur N , Cusanelli E , Ouenzar F , Querido E , Wellinger RJ , Chartrand P (co-PI). (2011). Live cell imaging of telomerase RNA dynamics reveals cell cycle-dependent clustering of telomerase at elongating telomeres. - Molecular Cell 44 (5), 819-827.
  • Parenteau J , Durand M , Morin G , Gagnon J , Lucier JF , Wellinger RJ , Chabot B , Elela SA (co-PI). (2011). Introns within ribosomal protein genes regulate the production and function of yeast ribosomes. - Cell 147 (2), 320-331.
  • Bah A , Gilson E , Wellinger RJ. (2011). Telomerase is required to protect chromosomes with vertebrate-type T2AG3 3' ends in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. - The Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (31), 27132-27138.
  • Prinos P , Garneau D , Lucier JF , Gendron D , Couture S , Boivin M , Brosseau JP , Lapointe E , Thibault P , Durand M , Tremblay K , Gervais-Bird J , Nwilati H , Klinck R , Chabot B , Perreault JP , Wellinger RJ , Elela SA (co-PI). (2011). Alternative splicing of SYK regulates mitosis and cell survival. - Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 18 (6), 673-679.
  • Noël JF , Wellinger RJ. (2011). Abrupt telomere losses and reduced end-resection can explain accelerated senescence of Smc5/6 mutants lacking telomerase. - DNA Repair 10 (3), 271-282.
  • Noël JF , Wellinger RJ. (2011). The Smc5/6 complex and the difficulties cutting the ties of twin sisters. Aging 3 (3), 186-188.
  • Leduc F , Faucher D , Bikond Nkoma G , Grégoire MC , Arguin M , Wellinger RJ , Boissonneault G. (2011). Genome-wide mapping of DNA strand breaks. - PLoS ONE 6 (2), 1-10.
  • Vodenicharov MD , Laterreur N , Wellinger RJ. (2010). Telomere capping in non-dividing yeast cells requires Yku and Rap1. - The EMBO Journal 29 (17), 3007-3019.
  • Wellinger RJ. (2010). When the caps fall off: responses to telomere uncapping in yeast. - FEBS letters 584 (17), 3734-3740.
  • Faucher D , Wellinger RJ. (2010). Methylated H3K4, a transcription-associated histone modification, is involved in the DNA damage response pathway. - PLoS Genetics 6 (8), 1-10.
  • Toussaint M , Wellinger RJ , Conconi A. (2010). Differential participation of homologous recombination and nucleotide excision repair in yeast survival to ultraviolet light radiation. Mutation research 698 (1-2), 5259.
  • Wellinger RJ. (2009). The CST complex and telomere maintenance: the exception becomes the rule. - Molecular Cell 36 (2), 168-169.
  • Gunisova S , Elboher E , Nosek J , Gorkovoy V , Brown Y , Lucier JF , Laterreur N , Wellinger RJ , Tzfati Y , Tomaska L (co-PI). (2009). Identification and comparative analysis of telomerase RNAs from Candida species reveal conservation of functional elements. - RNA 15 (4), 546-559.
  • Knecht H , Sawan B , Lichtensztejn D , Lemieux B , Wellinger RJ , Mai S (co-PI). (2009). The 3D nuclear organization of telomeres marks the transition from Hodgkin to Reed-Sternberg cells. - Leukemia 23 (3), 565-573.
  • Parenteau J , Durand M , Véronneau S , Lacombe AA , Morin G , Guérin V , Cecez B , Gervais-Bird J , Koh CS , Brunelle D , Wellinger RJ , Chabot B , Abou Elela S. (2008). Deletion of many yeast introns reveals a minority of genes that require splicing for function. - Molecular Biology of the Cell 19 (5), 1932-1941. (Published).
  • Venables JP , Klinck R , Bramard A , Inkel L , Dufresne-Martin G , Koh C , Gervais-Bird J , Lapointe E , Froehlich U , Durand M , Gendron D , Brosseau JP , Thibault P , Lucier JF , Tremblay K , Prinos P , Wellinger RJ , Chabot B , Rancourt C , Elela SA. (2008). Identification of alternative splicing markers for breast cancer. - Cancer Research 68 (22), 9525-9631.
  • Gallardo F , Olivier C , Dandjinou AT, Wellinger RJ , Chartrand P (co-PI). (2008). TLC1 RNA nucleo-cytoplasmic trafficking links telomerase biogenesis to its recruitment to telomeres. - The EMBO Journal 27 (5), 748-757.
  • Klinck R , Bramard A , Inkel L , Dufresne-Martin G , Gervais-Bird J , Madden R , Paquet ER , Koh C , Venables JP , Prinos P , Jilaveanu-Pelmus M , Wellinger R , Rancourt C , Chabot B , Abou Elela S. (2008). Multiple alternative splicing markers for ovarian cancer. Cancer research 68 (3), 657-663.
  • Vodenicharov MD , Wellinger RJ. (2007). The cell division cycle puts up with unprotected telomeres: cell cycle regulated telomere uncapping as a means to achieve telomere homeostasis. Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.) 6 (10), 1161-1167.
  • Larose S , Laterreur N , Ghazal G , Gagnon J , Wellinger RJ , Elela SA. (2007). RNase III-dependent regulation of yeast telomerase. The Journal of biological chemistry 282 (7), 4373-4381.
  • Vodenicharov MD , Wellinger RJ. (2006). DNA degradation at unprotected telomeres in yeast is regulated by the CDK1 (Cdc28/Clb) cell-cycle kinase. - Molecular Cell 24 (1), 127-137.
  • Toussaint M , Levasseur G , Gervais-Bird J , Wellinger RJ , Elela SA , Conconi A. (2006). A high-throughput method to measure the sensitivity of yeast cells to genotoxic agents in liquid cultures. Mutation research 606 (1-2), 92-105.
  • Larrivée M , Wellinger RJ. (2006). Telomerase- and capping-independent yeast survivors with alternate telomere states. - Nature Cell Biology 8 (7), 741-747.
  • Pandita RK , Sharma GG , Laszlo A , Hopkins KM , Davey S , Chakhparonian M , Gupta A , Wellinger RJ , Zhang J , Powell SN , Roti Roti JL , Lieberman HB , Pandita TK. (2006). Mammalian Rad9 plays a role in telomere stability, S- and G2-phase-specific cell survival, and homologous recombinational repair. Molecular and cellular biology 26 (5), 1850-1864.
  • Berthiau AS , Yankulov K , Bah A , Revardel E , Luciano P , Wellinger RJ , Géli V , Gilson E. (2006). Subtelomeric proteins negatively regulate telomere elongation in budding yeast. The EMBO journal 25 (4), 846-856.
  • Chakhparonian M , Faucher D , Wellinger RJ. (2005). A mutation in yeast Tel1p that causes differential effects on the DNA damage checkpoint and telomere maintenance. Current genetics 48 (5), 310-322.
  • Parenteau J , Klinck R , Good L , Langel U , Wellinger RJ , Elela SA. (2005). Free uptake of cell-penetrating peptides by fission yeast. FEBS letters 579 (21), 4873-4878.
  • LeBel C , Wellinger RJ. (2005). Telomeres: what's new at your end?. Journal of cell science 118 (Pt 13),
  • Toussaint M , Dionne I , Wellinger RJ. (2005). Limited TTP supply affects telomere length regulation in a telomerase-independent fashion. Nucleic acids research 33 (2), 703-714.
  • Patry C , Lemieux B , Wellinger RJ , Chabot B. (2004). Targeting heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoparticule A1 and A2 proteins by RNA interference promotes cell death in transformed but not in normal mouse cell lines. Molecular cancer therapeutics 3 (10), 1193-1199.
  • Dandjinou AT , Lévesque N , Larose S , Lucier JF , Abou Elela S , Wellinger RJ. (2004). A phylogenetically based secondary structure for the yeast telomerase RNA. - Current Biology 14 (13), 1148-1158.
  • Larrivée M , LeBel C , Wellinger RJ. (2004). The generation of proper constitutive G-tails on yeast telomeres is dependent on the MRX complex. - Genes & Development 18 (12), 1391-1396.
  • Bah A , Bachand F , Clair E , Autexier C , Wellinger RJ. (2004). Humanized telomeres and an attempt to express a functional human telomerase in yeast. Nucleic acids research 32 (6), 1917-1927.
  • LeBel C. and Wellinger R.J. (2004). Structure terminale des chromosomes : que se passe-t-il sous le capuchon ?. MÉDECINE/SCIENCE 20 207-212. (Published).
  • Sharma GG , Hwang KK , Pandita RK , Gupta A , Dhar S , Parenteau J , Agarwal M , Worman HJ , Wellinger RJ , Pandita TK. (2003). Human heterochromatin protein 1 isoforms HP1(Hsalpha) and HP1(Hsbeta) interfere with hTERT-telomere interactions and correlate with changes in cell growth and response to ionizing radiation. Molecular and cellular biology 23 (22), 8363-8376.
  • Patry C , Bouchard L , Labrecque P , Gendron D , Lemieux B , Toutant J , Lapointe E , Wellinger R , Chabot B. (2003). Small interfering RNA-mediated reduction in heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoparticule A1/A2 proteins induces apoptosis in human cancer cells but not in normal mortal cell lines. - Cancer Research 63 (22), 7679-7688.
  • Chakhparonian M , Wellinger RJ. (2003). Telomere maintenance and DNA replication: how closely are these two connected?. Trends in genetics : TIG 19 (8), 439-446.
  • Conconi A , Wellinger RJ. (2003). A new link for a linker histone. Molecular cell 11 (6),
  • Jean-François N , Frédéric G , Raymund W , Benoit C , Lavigne P. (2003). Improving the thermodynamic stability of the leucine zipper of max increases the stability of its b-HLH-LZ:E-box complex. Journal of molecular biology 326 (5), 1577-1595.
  • Parenteau J , Wellinger RJ. (2002). Differential processing of leading- and lagging-strand ends at Saccharomyces cerevisiae telomeres revealed by the absence of Rad27p nuclease. Genetics 162 (4), 1583-1594.
  • Gravel S , Wellinger RJ. (2002). Maintenance of double-stranded telomeric repeats as the critical determinant for cell viability in yeast cells lacking Ku. - Molecular and Cellular Biology 22 (7), 2182-2193.
  • Dhar S , Squire JA , Hande MP , Wellinger RJ , Pandita TK. (2000). Inactivation of 14-3-3sigma influences telomere behavior and ionizing radiation-induced chromosomal instability. Molecular and cellular biology 20 (20), 7764-7772.
  • Driller L , Wellinger RJ , Larrivee M , Kremmer E , Jaklin S , Feldmann HM. (2000). A short C-terminal domain of Yku70p is essential for telomere maintenance. The Journal of biological chemistry 275 (32), 24921-24927.
  • Adams Martin A, Dionne I, Wellinger RJ, Holm C (co-PI). (2000). The function of DNA polymerase alpha at telomeric G tails is important for telomere homeostasis. - Molecular and Cellular Biology 20 (3), 786-796.
  • Bouffard P , Brière F , Wellinger RJ , Boire G. (1999). Identification of ribonucleoprotein (RNP)-specific protein interactions using a yeast RNP interaction trap assay (RITA). BioTechniques 27 (4), 790-796.
  • Parenteau J , Wellinger RJ. (1999). Accumulation of single-stranded DNA and destabilization of telomeric repeats in yeast mutant strains carrying a deletion of RAD27. Molecular and cellular biology 19 (6), 4143-4152.
  • Dandjinou A.T., Dionne I., Gravel S., LeBel C., Parenteau J. and Wellinger R.J. (1999). Cytological and functional aspects of telomere maintenance. Histology and Histopathology 14 517-524. (Published).
  • Dionne I , Wellinger RJ. (1998). Processing of telomeric DNA ends requires the passage of a replication fork. - Nucleic Acids Research 26 (23), 5365-5371.
  • LaBranche H , Dupuis S , Ben-David Y , Bani MR , Wellinger RJ , Chabot B (co-PI). (1998). Telomere elongation by hnRNP A1 and a derivative that interacts with telomeric repeats and telomerase. - Nature Genetics 19 (2), 199-202.
  • Gravel S , Larrivée M , Labrecque P , Wellinger RJ. (1998). Yeast Ku as a regulator of chromosomal DNA end structure. - Science 280 (5364), 741-744.
  • Wellinger R. (1998). A telocentric view of life, cancer, senescence and death. BioEssays 20 1054-1055. (Published).
  • McElligott R , Wellinger RJ. (1997). The terminal DNA structure of mammalian chromosomes. - The EMBO Journal 16 (12), 3705-3714.
  • Wellinger R.J. and Sen D. (1997). The DNA structures at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes. Eur. J. Cancer 33 (5), 735-749. (Published).
  • Dionne I , Wellinger RJ. (1996). Cell cycle-regulated generation of single-stranded G-rich DNA in the absence of telomerase. - Proc Nat Acad of Sci USA 93 (24), 13902-13907.
  • Yu Y , Jiang YW , Wellinger RJ , Carlson K , Roberts JM , Stillman DJ. (1996). Mutations in the homologous ZDS1 and ZDS2 genes affect cell cycle progression. Molecular and cellular biology 16 (10), 5254-5263.
  • Wellinger RJ , Ethier K , Labrecque P , Zakian VA. (I am Communicating Author). (1996). Evidence for a new step in telomere maintenance. - Cell 85 (3), 423-433.
  • Wellinger RJ , Wolf AJ , Zakian VA. (1993). Origin activation and formation of single-strand TG1-3 tails occur sequentially in late S phase on a yeast linear plasmid. Molecular and cellular biology 13 (7), 4057-4065.
  • Wellinger RJ , Wolf AJ , Zakian VA. (1993). Saccharomyces telomeres acquire single-strand TG1-3 tails late in S phase. - Cell 72 (1), 51-60.
  • Wellinger RJ , Wolf AJ , Zakian VA. (1993). Structural and temporal analysis of telomere replication in yeast. Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology 58
  • Wellinger RJ , Wolf AJ , Zakian VA. (1992). Use of non-denaturing Southern hybridization and two dimensional agarose gels to detect putative intermediates in telomere replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Chromosoma 102 (1 Suppl),
  • Runge KW , Wellinger RJ , Zakian VA. (1991). Effects of excess centromeres and excess telomeres on chromosome loss rates. Molecular and cellular biology 11 (6), 2919-2928.
  • Wellinger RJ , Zakian VA. (1989). Lack of positional requirements for autonomously replicating sequence elements on artificial yeast chromosomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 86 (3), 973-977.
  • Guigoz Y , Werffeli P , Favre D , Juillerat M , Wellinger R , Honegger P. (1987). Aggregate cultures of foetal rat liver cells: development and maintenance of liver gene expression. Biology of the cell / under the auspices of the European Cell Biology Organization 60 (3),
  • Wellinger RJ , Garcia M , Vessaz A , Diggelmann H. (1986). Exogenous mouse mammary tumor virus proviral DNA isolated from a kidney adenocarcinoma cell line contains alterations in the U3 region of the long terminal repeat. Journal of virology 60 (1), 1-11.
  • Wellinger R , Guigoz Y. (1986). The effect of age on the induction of tyrosine aminotransferase and tryptophan oxygenase genes by physiological stress. Mechanisms of ageing and development 34 (2),
  • Garcia M , Wellinger R , Vessaz A , Diggelmann H. (1986). A new site of integration for mouse mammary tumor virus proviral DNA common to BALB/cf(C3H) mammary and kidney adenocarcinomas. The EMBO journal 5 (1), 127-134.

Chapitres de livre

  • Vodenicharov M.D. and Wellinger R.J. (2012). Telomere structure in telomerase regulation. - Telomerases: Chemistry, Biology and Clinical Applications (N.F. Lue and C. Autexier). John Wiley & Sons. (Published).
  • Tremblay M, Pelloux J, Wellinger RJ and Conconi A. (2012). UV induced DNA damage and DNA repair in ribosomal genes chromatin. - Transcriptional Regulation: Methods and Protocols (809, 303-320). Humana press NY. (Published).
  • LeBel C., Larrivée M., Bah A., Laterreur N., Lévesque N. and Wellinger R.J. (2006). Assessing telomeric phenotypes. Yeast Protocols: Methods in Cell and Molecular Biology (2, null-17). The Humana Press; Totowa (USA). (Published).
  • Dandjinou A., Larrivée M., Wellinger R.E. and Wellinger R.J. (2006). Two dimensional agarose gel analysis for DNA replication intermediates. Yeast Protocols: Methods in Cell and Molecular Biology (2nd, 313, 193-208). W Xiao. (Published).
  • Wellinger R.J., Wolf A.J. and Zakian V.A. (1993). The acquisition and association of TG1-3 single-strand tails during replication of Saccharomyces telomeres. Chromosome segregation and Aneuploidy (B. Vig, H 72, 133-141). Springer Verlag. (Published).
  • Zakian V.A., Wang S.-S. and Wellinger R.J. (1991). Telomere replication in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. Regulatory Mechanisms of DNA replication (Springer-Verlag, 139-150). P. Hughes, E. Fanning and M. Kohiyama. (Published).
  • Guigoz Y. and Wellinger R.J. (1984). Tyrosine aminotransferase mRNA and Tryptophan oxygenase mRNA induction by physiological stress or by dexamethasone in adult and senescent rat. Pharmacological, morphological and physiological aspects of liver aging (EURAGE (Rijswijk), 25-31). C.F.A. van Bezooijen. (Published).

Propriétés intellectuelles


  • (2002). Methods for monitoring the binding of A1/UP1 to single-stranded nucleic acid sequences and to measure the effect of this binding on telomere extension and protection. (Completed).
  • (2001). HnRNPA1 and UP1 protect telomeric repeats and modulates telomere replication in vitro. (Completed).
  • (1999). Telomeric function interference by anti-Ku approaches. (Completed).
  • (1997). Telomere Maintenance Assays. (Completed).

Autres contributions

Cours enseignés

  • Experimental Design in Biological Research. MCR 715.
  • Maintaining The Genome: DNA Replication, Recombination and Repair. MCR712.

Gestion d'évènements

  • Co-Organizer. 1st Canadian Symposium on Telomeres and Genome Integrity. (Workshop).
  • Co-Organizer. 2nd Canadian Symposium on Telomeres and Genome Integrity. (Workshop).
  • Co-Organizer. 2nd EMBO Conference on Telomeres and Disease. (Conference).
  • Co-Organizer. 3rd Canadian Symposium on Telomeres and Genome Integrity. (Workshop).
  • Co-Organizer. Canadian Symposium on Telomeres and Telomerases. (Workshop).
  • Co-Organizer. Canadian Symposium on Telomeres and Telomerases. (Workshop).
  • Co-Organizer. Canadian Symposium on Telomeres and Telomerases. (Workshop).
  • Organizer. Canadian Symposium on Telomeres and Telomerases. (Workshop).
  • Co-Organizer. Canadian Symposium on Telomeres and Telomerases. (Workshop).
  • Co-Organizer. Canadian Symposium on Telomeres and Telomerases. (Workshop).
  • Co-Organizer. Canadian Symposium on Telomeres and Telomerases. (Workshop).
  • Co-Organizer. Sherbrooke RiboClub Opening Meeting (Meeting series, every year in Sept.; so far 15 meetings). (Conference).

Activités de collaboration internationale

  • Co-Principal Investigator. Co-Author on important article With A. Londono Vallejo in Paris (TiBS, 2012).
  • Co-Principal Investigator. Co-investiagor on a project on yeast Mre11. See paper in Cell Reports 2013.
  • Co-Principal Investigator. Co-Author with V.A. Zakian (Princeton U) on an important article published in Genetics (2012.
  • Co-Director. Co-direction of Ph.D. student with E. Gilson (ENS Lyon).


  • (2015). Budding yeast telomerase contains a single Tlc1 molecule. CSH Meeting on Telomeres and Telomerase.
  • (2013). News from the budding yeast telomerase RNA. CSH Meeting on Telomeres and Telomerases.
  • (2012). A new essential substructure within the yeast telomerase RNA. EMBO Conference on Telomeres and Telomerases.
  • (2012). The telomerase RNA of budding yeasts: learning many lessons from a big RNA. RiboWest Conference.
  • (2010). Adaptation to telomere uncapping in cdc13∆ yeast cells. EMBO Confenrence on Telomeres and the DNA damage response.
  • (2009). Adaptation to Telomere Uncapping in Yeast. Keystone Symposium on Telomeres and DNA Damage response.
  • (2008). A histone modification cascade involved in the passage through S-phase of cells with damaged DNA. EMBO Conference on Telomeres and DNA Damage.
  • (2007). Studying Dysfunctional Telomeres in Yeast. AACR Special Conference; The role of telomeres and telomerases in cancer.
  • (2007). Telomeric caps in yeast: when are they really needed?. Symposium on Telomeres, Telomerase and Genome Stability.