Bertrand Reulet
Directeur de département, Faculté des sciences
Sujet de recherche
Bases températures et températures élevées, Micro et nanoélectronique, Solides, Supraconducteurs
Disciplines de recherche
hybrid structures, low-noise electronics, microwaves, nano-fabrication, non-Gaussian noise, quantum noise, quantum transport, superconductivity, very low temperature
Langues parlées et écrites
Anglais, Français
(2007). (Habilitation, Habilitation à diriger les recherches). Université de Paris XI (Paris-Sud).
(1994). (Doctorat, Condensed Matter). Université de Paris XI (Paris-Sud).
(1991). (Equivalent à la maîtrise, Magistère). Université de Paris VI (P & M Curie).
(1990). (Maîtrise sans mémoire, DEA). Université de Paris VI (P & M Curie).
(1989). (Baccalauréat, Fundamental Physics). Université de Paris VI (P & M Curie).
(1989). (Diplôme, License). Université de Paris VI (P & M Curie).
(1988). (Diplôme, Elève à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, rue d'Ulm). École Normale Supérieure.
Prix et distinctions
- (2017) Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Quantum Signal Processing. Conseil national de recherches Canada. (Honneur).
Articles de revue
- *Pinsolle E, Rousseau A, Lupien C, Reulet B. (2015). Direct measurement of the electron energyrelaxation dynamics in metallic wires. Physical Review Letters (Article soumis).
- *Virally S, *Simoneau J O, Lupien C, Reulet B. (2015). Discrete photon statistics from continuous microwave measurements. Physical Review Letters (Article soumis).
- Vanevic M,Gabelli J,Belzig W,Reulet B. (2015). Electron and electron-holewave functions in a driven quantum contact. Physical Review Letters (Article soumis).
- *Thibault K, Gabelli J, Lupien C, Reulet B. (2015). Pauli-Heisenberg Oscillations in Electron Quantum Transport. Physical Review Letters 114 (236604), (Article publié).
- Qassemi F, Grimsmo A,Reulet B, Blais A. (2015). Quantum optics theory of electronic noise in coherent conductors. Physical Review Letters (Article soumis).
- Forgues* J-C, Lupien C, Reulet B. (2015). Experimental Violation of Bell-like Inequalities By Electronic Shot Noise. Physical Review Letters 114 (130403), (Article publié).
- Forgues* J-C, Lupien C, Reulet B. (2014). Emission of Microwave Photon Pairs by a Tunnel Junction. Physical Review Letters 113 (043602), (Article publié).
- Forgues* J-C, Sane* F B , Blanchard* S, Lupien C, Reulet B. (2013). Noise Intensity-Intensity Correlations and the Fourth Cumulant of Photo-assisted Shot Noise. Scientific Reports 3 (2869), (Article publié).
- Gabelli J, Spietz L, Aumentado J, Reulet B. (2013). Electron-photon correlations and the third moment of quantum noise. New Journal of Physics 15 (113045), (Article publié).
- Bednorz A, Bruder C, Reulet B, Belzig W. (2013). Nonsymmetrized Correlations in Quantum Noninvasive Measurements. Physical Review Letter 110 (250404), (Article publié).
- Gasse* G, Lupien C, Reulet B. (2013). Observation of Squeezing in the Electron Quantum Shot Noise of a Tunnel Junction. Physical Review Letters 111 (136601), (Article publié).
- Gasse* G, Spietz L, Lupien C, Reulet B. (2013). Observation of quantum oscillations in the photoassisted shot noise of a tunnel junction. Physical Review B 88 (241402(R)), (Article publié).
- Gabelli J, Reulet B. (2013). Shaping a time-dependent excitation to minimize shot noise in a tunnel junction. Physical Review B 87 (075403), (Article publié).
- Santavicca D, Reulet B, Karasic B S, Pereversev S V, Olaya D, Gershenson M E, Frunzio L, Prober D. (2010). Energy Resolution of THz Single-Photon-Sensitive Bolometric Detectors. Applied Physics Letters 96 (083505), (Article publié).
- Chiodi F, Aprili M, Reulet B. (2009). Evidence for two time scales in long SNS junctions. Physical Review Letters 103 (177002), (Article publié).
- Gabelli J, Reulet B. (2009). Full counting statistics of avalanche transport: An experiment. Physical Review B 80 (161203(R)), (Article publié).
- Gabelli J, Reulet B. (2009). High frequency Dynamics and Third Cumulant of Quantum Noise. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (P01049), (Article publié).
Chapitres de livre
- Reulet B, Gabelli J, Spietz L, Prober D E. (2010). The Third Moment of Current Fluctuations in a Tunnel Junction: Experiments in the Classical and Quantum Regimes. Perspectives of mesoscopic physics, dedicated to Yoseph Imry’s 70th birthday (221-222). World Scientific. (Article publié).
Articles de conférence
- Gabelli J, Reulet B. (2011). Measurements of the Third Cumulant in the Quantum Shot Noise at High Frequency. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF2011), 329-331. (Article publié).
- Santavicca D F, Reulet B, Karasik B S, Pereverzev S V, Olaya D, Gershenson M E, Frunzio L, Prober D E. (2009). Characterization of terahertz single-photon-sensitive bolometric detectors using a pulsed microwave technique. AIP Conference Proceedings, 72-75. (Article publié).
Propriétés intellectuelles
- Method for generating random numbers and associated random number generator. 61/990,751. (Demande en cours).
Autres contributions
Gestion d'évènements
- Director. Business meeting of the Institut Transdisciplinaire d'Information Quantique. (Association).
- Director. Business meeting of the Institut Transdisciplinaire d'Information Quantique. (Association).
- Director. Business meeting of the Institut Transdisciplinaire d'Information Quantique. (Association).
- Director. Business meeting of the Institut Transdisciplinaire d'Information Quantique. (Association).
- Director. Business meeting of the Institut Transdisciplinaire d'Information Quantique. (Association).
- Co-organizer. Canadian Summer School on Quantum Information, Orford, Québec, Canada. (Cours).
- Organizer. International doctoral school "Aux frontières de la physique mésoscopique", Jouvence, Québec, Canada. (Cours).
- Organizer. International doctoral school "Aux frontières de la physique mésoscopique", Jouvence, Québec, Canada. (Cours).
- Organizer. Spring 2013 INTRIQ meeting. (Conférence).
Activités de collaboration internationale
- Organizer. Summer school "Aux frontières de la physique mésoscopique" organized with CNRS and Paris XI.
- Organizer. Summer school "Aux frontières de la physique mésoscopique" organized with CNRS and Paris XI.
- (2015). Generation of Entangled Microwave Radiation by Electron Shot Noise. Quantum Photonics Seminar. Ottawa
- (2015). Generation of Entangled Microwave Radiation by Electron Shot Noise. Conference on Quantum Information & Quantum Control. Toronto
- (2015). Pauli-Heisenberg oscillations in quantum electron transport. 2015 International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF 2015). Xi’an
- (2015). Entanglement in Electronic Noise. Workshop: "Entanglement in Strongly-Correlated Matter" at the Physics department, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California. Santa Barbara
- (2015). From electron shot noise to quantum optics. CPM seminars, McGill University. Montréal
- (2014). The quantum light bulb – how to generate quantum electromagnetic fields with a normal conductor. Seminar at the "Académie des sciences de Pologne". Warsaw
- (2014). The quantum light bulb—how to generate quantum electromagnetic fields with a normal conductor. Seminar at the ETH Zürich. Zürich
- (2014). The quantum light bulb—how to generate quantum electromagnetic fields with a normal conductor. Seminar at the Physics department, Universität Konstanz, Switzerland. Konstanz
- (2014). Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Quantum Signal Processing. CERC annual meeting. Québec
- (2013). Electron shot noise is quantum light. Institut Transdisciplinaire d’Information Quantique (INTRIQ; Fall 2013 meeting). Bromont
- (2013). Electron shot noise is quantum light. Graduate seminar at the Department of Physics of Concordia University. Montréal
- (2013). Electron shot noise is quantum light. Institute for Nuclear Theory Workshop Quantum Noise - University of Washington. Seattle
- (2013). Electron shot noise is quantum light. Institute for Quantum Science and Technology (IQST) Colloquia - University of Calgary. Calgary
- (2013). Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Quantum Signal Processing. 3rd CERC annual meeting. Edmonton
- (2013). Electron shot noise is quantum light. Seminar at the Physics and Astronomy department, University of Waterloo. Waterloo
- (2012). Noise minimization, quantum oscillations, and the fourth cumulant of photo-assisted noise. Workshop Quantum Noise and Measurement in Engineered Electronic Systems. Dresden
- (2012). Noise in mesoscopic systems. European Summer Campus 2012 Physics at the Nanoscale. Strasbourg
- (2012). Hidden correlations in the zero-point motion of electrons revealed by non-Gaussian quantum noise. American Physical Society March meeting. Boston
- (2011). Transport and noise at finite frequency in nanostructures. Doctoral training session Frontiers of Condensed Matter. Les Houches
- (2011). Measurements of the third cumulant in quantum shot noise at high frequency. 21th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations. Toronto
- (2011). Current Fluctuations in Conductors: beyond Noise. Seminar at Département de Physique, Université de Montréal. Montréal
- (2010). Current Fluctuations in Conductors: beyond Noise. Seminar at National Research Council Ottawa. Ottawa
- (2010). Exploring non-Gaussian quantum noise. Meeting of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Quantum Information Processing. Toronto
- (2010). Current Fluctuations in Conductors: beyond Noise. CPM seminars, McGill University. Montréal
- (2010). Elastic and inelastic relaxation in long SNS junctions. WE-Heraeus Seminar Quantum Dynamics in Nanoscale Heterostructures. Bad Honnef
- (2010). High frequency third cumulant of current noise : existence of quantum correlations in the zero-point fluctuations of electrons. Institut transdisciplinaire d'informatique quantique (INTRIQ) meeting. Sherbrooke
- (2010). Transport and noise at finite frequency in nanostructures. Doctoral training session Frontiers of Condensed Matter, Les Houches. Les Houches
- (2010). High Frequency Third Cumulant of Quantum Noise. Workshop On the physics of Micro- and Nano-Scale Systems. Ystad
- (2010). Quantum correlations in the zero-point fluctuations of electrons revealed by the high frequency third cumulant of current noise. Conference Time-dependent dynamics and non-equilibrium quantum systems. Budapest
- (2010). Elastic and inelastic relaxation in long SNS junctions. Nanoscience Fundation Workshop Electronic Noise and Relaxation in Nanostructures. Grenoble
- (2009). High frequency third cumulant of noise in a tunnel junction. Mini-workshop Frequency- and time-resolved electron transport in nano-circuits. Marseille
- (2009). Les fluctuations de courant : au-delà du bruit. Seminar at the Physics department of Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke
- (2009). High Frequency Third Cumulant of Quantum Noise. Seminar at the Physics department of Yale University. New Haven
- (2009). Current Fluctuations in Conductors: beyond Noise. Seminar at University of Konstanz. Konstanz