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Synergizing Healthcare: The Intersection of AI and Human Expertise

Date :
Cet événement est passé.
Type :
Conférences et séminaires
Lieu :
Sur place : local Z5-3001 (3e étage de l'Institut de Pharmacologie de Sherbrooke) 
En ligne : webdiffusion en direct par TEAMS (le lien vous sera transmis par courriel)
Coût :
Gratuit. De la pizza sera servie sur place pour les personnes inscrites.

Description :

Le Bureau de la valorisation et des partenariats (BVP) a le plaisir de vous inviter au séminaire « Synergizing Healthcare: The Intersection of AI and Human Expertise » (anglais) présenté par monsieur Hamid Shirdastian, PhD. 

Today, we are living in what once seemed like a distant dream. That future is here, especially in the realm of healthcare. We've stepped beyond algorithms and into an era where AI enhances medicine, working in synergy with human expertise to revolutionize care.

As we navigate this transformation, it's essential to understand not just the 'what' but the 'how' and 'why' of AI's capabilities. How does AI's pulse beat within the heart of innovation, and how does it advance healthcare?

In our seminar, 'Synergizing Healthcare: The Intersection of AI and Human Expertise,' we'll delve into how AI, from data analysis to diagnosis, is not just an evolution in healthcare—it's a revolution. We'll explore the collaborative care models that AI and human ingenuity together are crafting, reshaping the future of medicine.

Join me as we prepare for this new era, ensuring that as we harness AI's potential, we remain at the forefront of ethical, innovative, and collaborative healthcare.