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A unique ecosystem

Since its creation, the Université de Sherbrooke has stood out. The research projects conducted emerge from a will to find solutions to current issues; to make a real impact on the community.

Located in one of the most dynamic university cities in the region, it comfortably competes with universities in major centres.

Throughout the years, it has been the source of remarkable advances in research while remaining faithful to and rooted in its values: Sustainable development, equity, diversity, and inclusion; and ongoing collaboration with its community and partners.

Photo top 10 of the Université de Sherbrooke

UdeS 10th in research in Canada

A stream of research benefits have put UdeS in the top 10 of Canada’s Top 50 Research Universities for 2023.

The most generous Scholarships program for student researchers

To encourage promising students to continue their master’s and doctoral studies, the UdeS provides scholarships up to $50,000 for master's level, and up to $105,000 for doctoral level.

Two contests per year

Fall contest: August 1 to September 1 at 11:59 p.m.

Winter contest: February 1 to March 1 at 11:59 pm

Resources and Support

Researcher in front of a microscope

Specialist Directory

Are you looking for a professor to supervise your research project? Do you need the advice of a researcher to start your project in partnership? Do you want to discuss a current topic with the expert in the field?

Researchers in geomatics

Inventory of research projects

Do you want to find a research project for an undergraduate internship, a graduate program or even a postdoctoral fellowship? This directory presents the projects for which the Université de Sherbrooke is actively recruiting.

Photo of the SARIC team

Research, Innovation and Creation Support Services

A service is available so that each professor can concentrate on what he or she does best: research. For administrative and technical aspects, the Research, Innovation and Creation Support Service (SARIC) team is there to help you.