Inclusive and Welcoming Environment
For years, the UdeS has distinguished itself through its inclusive qualities. Surveys have defined our university as people-centred.
Students come from all over; 83% come from outside the city, province, and country. They choose our institution because they feel welcome. We purposefully stress our values of inclusion and advocate community engagement, action, respect for the perspectives of marginalized groups, equity, diversity, and, above all, we put people first. Nearly fifty staff members from all walks of life invest themselves each day to make the UdeS a welcoming environment in which these differences among community members become sources of innovation and excellence.
The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan (2017-2022) is overseen by the university’s senior management and is under the direction of Professor Jean-Pierre Perreault, Vice-President of Research and Graduate Studies.
A large number of official documents have been revised over time with a focus on fairness, diversity, and/or inclusion. This review is carried out on an ongoing basis to support the university’s commitment to becoming an exemplary environment. Documents can be viewed in the section on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.