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The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on lifestyle habits


Helen-Maria Vasiliadis, Professeure - Department of Community Health Sciences
Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
Département des sciences de la santé communautaire
2e cycle
3e cycle
Stage postdoctoral

Project Description

Drawing on data from large longitudinal population health surveys, the project will aim to characterize the evolution of healthy lifestyle habits (e.g., physical activity, healthy eating habits, and alcohol consumption) in the pre- and post-pandemic periods, and the associated factors, based on Canadian data.

Profiles sought
- Health sciences, public health or other relevant field. 
- Experience in quantitative analysis

Discipline(s) by sector

Sciences de la santé

Épidémiologie et biostatistique

Funding offered

To be discussed

The last update was on 5 September 2024. The University reserves the right to modify its projects without notice.