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ANG735 - Gender and Representation / Représentations du genre



2e cycle
3 crédits
Faculté ou centre
Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines

Cible(s) de formation

To enhance and deepen knowledge of the socio-cultural constructions and discourses of gender and sexuality and its intersections with Canadian and Québécois literary and cultural production, including women's writing and feminist critique, masculinities, queer and transgender subjectivities, bisexuality, two-sprited identities, patriarchy, and feminist/queer epistemologies.


Foundational works on theories of gender and sexuality will be followed by discussion of Canadian and Québécois authors and critics in both languages. The seminar will examine gendered and queer identities in relation to the body and performativity, language and translation, spatial dimensions of gendered identity, and the intersections between racial, ethnic, and classed identities and sex/gender identities.