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DOP820 - Analytical Approaches and Results Management



2e cycle
3 crédits
Faculté ou centre
École de gestion

Cible(s) de formation

Master the concepts of analytical and non-analytical approaches and those surrounding the biomarker of doping. Detect rules violations using science. Ensure the regularity of the procedure followed. Understand results management. Present current and future analytical strategies employed in anti-doping laboratories for the detection of prohibited substances and methods in sport. Notify the athlete, their support personnel, and the public of results and ensure compliance with sanctions.


Biological samples (urine and blood). Identification and quantification of prohibited substances. Screening followed. Compounds detected. Role of accredited laboratories, national, regional, and international anti-doping organizations. Role of sports federations and clubs. Sharing of testing information. Laboratory compliance process. Withdrawal of accreditation. Responsibility of laboratory directors. Interaction with government authorities. Education of the athlete and their entourage.

